Is Fox News Brainwashing People?

A new Gallup poll exposed Fox News for the fraud that it is by finding that instead of being fair and balanced, the cable news leader caters to a viewership that is 94% Republican.

The Gallup poll on where Americans get their news painted the clearest picture yet of why Americans are so under informed, and who is really watching Fox News. Americans still overwhelmingly rely on television for their news. 55% of Americans get their news from television. A majority of those polled didn’t specify one network as their source of news (26%), but Fox News (8%), CNN (7%), and local news (4%) were the top three named sources. (Only 1% of Americans get their news from MSNBC.) The Internet (21%) topped both print media (9%), and radio (6%) to be the second most popular source of news.

Republicans (63%) get more of their news from television than Democrats (54%) because of Fox News. Twenty percent of Republicans listed Fox News as their news source. Democrats divide their loyalties, but CNN not MSNBC is their favored network.

Gallup dug into the demographics to paint a clear picture of who is watching Fox News. Sixty six percent of Fox News viewers are over age 50. Sixty nine percent of them are married. Fox News viewers are more likely than CNN viewers to be white, Protestant, attend church weekly, and earn over $75,000 a year. 66% of core Fox News viewers identified themselves as Republicans, and 94% of Fox viewers identified or leaned Republican.

Fox News’ audience mirrors the Republican Party, because it is the Republican Party.

For years, the mainstream media has been playing along with the lie that Fox News is just like all of the other networks. However, no other media outlet has such a partisan audience profile. An example of how partisan Fox News viewers are can be found in the fact that they gave President Obama a 2% job approval rating in the same Gallup poll.

Fox News has been selling a lie for decades. The network isn’t fair and balanced. Most Americans already knew that Fox was ideologically biased, but FNC has been able to spread its bias because other networks have adopted the Fox News model and talking points. By giving Fox News legitimacy, the rest of the mainstream media legitimized pro-Republican bias in their own reporting.

The media’s willingness to copy what Fox News has done has led to a disconnect between who the media thinks America is, and who America really is. Democrats have won the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections. The reason why Fox News is the cable news ratings leader isn’t because the country is more Republican. It’s because Republicans as a unified group watch Fox News. If Democrats rallied behind a single news network, that network would be larger than FNC.

Fox News made news partisan by pulling off one of the great frauds of all time.

Fox pretended to be a legitimate news operation when they have always been a tool of the Republican Party that was made by Republicans and for Republican viewers.

The numbers don’t lie. There is nothing fair and balanced about Fox News.

Fair and Balanced Fraud Exposed 94 of Fox News Viewers Are Republicans

Oh yeah. We're supposed to accept Politicus USA that bills itself as "Real Liberal Politics" as the authority on the imbalance at Fox News?

Further there is nothing in that Gallup poll to suggest than the demographics it enjoys are 'brainwashed' or influenced in any way by Fox News. There is nothing to suggest that Fox News doesn't attract its audience because of the strength of its content rather than catering to its audience. If I was looking for a place to have all my convictions confirmed for instance, I sure wouldn't go to Fox News for that. I go to Fox News because they will cover news that nobody else will touch lest it somehow make their poster children look not so good and I will almost always get a point of view from both sides.

And maybe Republicans and the older grown ups appreciate Fox News because they are less afraid of having their point of view challenged by anybody.
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because the so-called journalism awards are given out by leftists. The real test is ratings and polls on which network is most trustworthy-----try googling those, you might learn something.

Ahha the ole "it's the leftists blah blah blah" excuse. Why am I not the least bit surprised.

But you think rating and polls are the answer as to who is really getting the most accurate news out there.

And I did google rating and polls. You know what, rating and polls had nothing to do with journalistic integrity.

But then again, what the fuck would you know about integrity.
Another source--not the one who posted this but the organization they are featuring--suggesting Fox News is probably intentionally influencing--a nice way of saying 'brainwashing'--less than most:

These results are from CMPA’s 2008 ElectionNewsWatch Project. They are based on a scientific content analysis of all 481 election news stories (15 hours 40 minutes of airtime) that aired on the flagship evening news shows on ABC, CBS, NBC and FOX (the first 30 minutes of “Special Report with Brit Hume”) from October 1 through December 15, 2007.

Who’s Fair and Balanced?: Fox News Channel’s coverage was more balanced toward both parties than the broadcast networks were. On FOX, evaluations of all Democratic candidates combined were split almost evenly – 51% positive vs. 49% negative, as were all evaluations of GOP candidates – 49% positive vs. 51% negative, producing a perfectly balanced 50-50 split for all candidates of both parties.

On the three broadcast networks, opinion on Democratic candidates split 47% positive vs. 53% negative, while evaluations of Republicans were more negative – 40% positive vs. 60% negative. For both parties combined, network evaluations were almost 3 to 2 negative in tone, i.e. 41% positive vs. 59% negative.
Brutally Honest Fox News is most balanced according to University study
A careful scrutiny of what happened does not have Megyn Kelly saying that. What she did say is that Fox News was receiving reports of voters printing their ballots at home

Nope. You are wrong. I quoted exactly what she said, so stop manufacturing MORE bullshit.
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"Breaking tonight: With two weeks til the midterm, we are getting warnings that a new law has opened the door to possible voter fraud in a critical Senate race that could decide the balance of power in Congress. It was roughly sixteen months ago when the Democratic governor of Colorado signed a first of its kind new election law — a set of rules that literally allows residents to print ballots from their home computers, then encourages them to turn ballots over to "collectors" in what appears to be an effort to do away with traditional polling places. What could go wrong?"

Megyn Kelly's propaganda piece quitely plainly said THE LAW ALLOWS RESIDENTS TO PRINT BALLOTS on their home computers. And she added some punch with "literally". Painting a visual. This hot babe is a genius.

And then she spent the next 12 minutes with Michelle Malkin making weird harpy noises and the guy who made Citizens United. When you consider the traditional news is 20 minutes, with ten minutes of commercials, layering a full 12 minutes over an outright lie is incredible. Classic propaganda brainwashing. This is what I am talking about when I refer to mountains of manufactured bullshit.

The opening paragraph of the segment which I quoted above is a brilliant work of art. It is packed with trigger words to grab the rubes' attention and hold it.

That "What could go wrong?" bit is especially brilliant, and is a Fox News staple. Spark the imaginations of the rubes so they go mentally wild and do all the heavy lifting. That's why the 12 minute treatment, see. You gotta make sure the cement has enough time to dry so it can't be removed with the jackhammer of truth.

No wonder Fox News is the most watched propaganda channel. They are very, very good at what they do.
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Hey, fans. I'm more man than you'll ever be, and more woman than you'll ever have. And now the news...

Fox babes-----------hot and smart. exactly the kind of women liberals hate.
She is a very smart propagandist. Fox News exploits the fact a dumb guy will agree with any nonsense a good looking woman says.

She earns every penny of her paycheck. She leads the herd whereeeeeeeever she wants them to go.

What? As opposed to that dyke Rachel Maddow? Again - she is a commentator - not a news "reader". Do us (and yourself) a favor and learn the difference between the two, will you fool?

Hey, fans. I'm more man than you'll ever be, and more woman than you'll ever have. And now the news...

Fox babes-----------hot and smart. exactly the kind of women liberals hate.
She is a very smart propagandist. Fox News exploits the fact a dumb guy will agree with any nonsense a good looking woman says.

She earns every penny of her paycheck. She leads the herd whereeeeeeeever she wants them to go.

What? As opposed to that dyke Rachel Maddow? Again - she is a commentator - not a news "reader". Do us (and yourself) a favor and learn the difference between the two, will you fool?

"Dyke". Nice. I see I touched a nerve.

Dear Tu Quoque Brigade,

If you would like to talk about other news channels, go ahead and start a topic on it. Please be sure to bring a list of their lies.

Thank you,

"No wonder Fox News is the most watched propaganda channel."

I said that. Me. It implies there are other propaganda channels.

I enjoy tearing into "that dyke" as much as I do any other liar. Maddow is a master of the lie of omission.
A careful scrutiny of what happened does not have Megyn Kelly saying that. What she did say is that Fox News was receiving reports of voters printing their ballots at home

Nope. You are wrong. I quoted exactly what she said, so stop manufacturing MORE bullshit.

You're going to have to show me a valid source of that quote before I'll believe you a) didn't make it up and/or b) aren't parroting somebody else who made it up.
A careful scrutiny of what happened does not have Megyn Kelly saying that. What she did say is that Fox News was receiving reports of voters printing their ballots at home

Nope. You are wrong. I quoted exactly what she said, so stop manufacturing MORE bullshit.

You're going to have to show me a valid source of that quote before I'll believe you a) didn't make it up and/or b) aren't parroting somebody else who made it up.

You mean the actual video of her saying it which I provided isn't good enough?
A careful scrutiny of what happened does not have Megyn Kelly saying that. What she did say is that Fox News was receiving reports of voters printing their ballots at home

Nope. You are wrong. I quoted exactly what she said, so stop manufacturing MORE bullshit.

You're going to have to show me a valid source of that quote before I'll believe you a) didn't make it up and/or b) aren't parroting somebody else who made it up.
The liar here is you. You said "a careful scrutiny of what happened" blah blah blah.

You didn't scrutinize fuck-all, liar.

Whereas I provided the actual video of what she said, and a transcript.
Hottie Kelly said the Colorado law allows you to print your ballot and the law ENCOURAGES you to hand them to "collectors".

She actually made air quotes. Clearly trying to imply something shady.

What a lying sack of pus.

You mean the actual video of her saying it which I provided isn't good enough?

How could that POSSIBLY be good enough for someone with the integrity of a fox? Hey, could you pick Meagan up and take her over to Foxfyre's house and let Megan tell her exactly what she said?

Would that be good enough Fox?

g500, you know you doctored that video. Or some leftist you know doctored that video. Has to be.
Funny shit from a fox and a fish.
"Breaking tonight: With two weeks til the midterm, we are getting warnings that a new law has opened the door to possible voter fraud in a critical Senate race that could decide the balance of power in Congress. It was roughly sixteen months ago when the Democratic governor of Colorado signed a first of its kind new election law — a set of rules that literally allows residents to print ballots from their home computers, then encourages them to turn ballots over to "collectors" in what appears to be an effort to do away with traditional polling places. What could go wrong?"

Megyn Kelly's propaganda piece quitely plainly said THE LAW ALLOWS RESIDENTS TO PRINT BALLOTS on their home computers. And she added some punch with "literally". Painting a visual. This hot babe is a genius.

And then she spent the next 12 minutes with Michelle Malkin making weird harpy noises and the guy who made Citizens United. When you consider the traditional news is 20 minutes, with ten minutes of commercials, layering a full 12 minutes over an outright lie is incredible. Classic propaganda brainwashing. This is what I am talking about when I refer to mountains of manufactured bullshit.

The opening paragraph of the segment which I quoted above is a brilliant work of art. It is packed with trigger words to grab the rubes' attention and hold it.

That "What could go wrong?" bit is especially brilliant, and is a Fox News staple. Spark the imaginations of the rubes so they go mentally wild and do all the heavy lifting. That's why the 12 minute treatment, see. You gotta make sure the cement has enough time to dry so it can't be removed with the jackhammer of truth.

No wonder Fox News is the most watched propaganda channel. They are very, very good at what they do.

No it didn't. It said that Fox News has been getting warnings of. . .

At no place did she or anybody else on staff at Fox News state they had verified as fact what the warnings were about. She did describe and allow Michelle Malkin to talk about the documentary that she hosted and its content--one that the left forced into the public eye by trying to get it shut down and banned. They had to go all the way to the Supreme Court to defend against that kind of suppression of free speech.

You earlier left out the qualifier of "warnings of. . .' in an intentional attempt to make Megyn's statement something different than it was.
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FOX News, fair and balanced.
They will tell you two sides of the same lie and let you decide which one to believe.
But they do politics as entertainment better than anybody.
And they are big on their own opinions.
Thank god they don't call them selves "journalists". Oh wait...
"Breaking tonight: With two weeks til the midterm, we are getting warnings that a new law has opened the door to possible voter fraud in a critical Senate race that could decide the balance of power in Congress. It was roughly sixteen months ago when the Democratic governor of Colorado signed a first of its kind new election law — a set of rules that literally allows residents to print ballots from their home computers, then encourages them to turn ballots over to "collectors" in what appears to be an effort to do away with traditional polling places. What could go wrong?"

Megyn Kelly's propaganda piece quitely plainly said THE LAW ALLOWS RESIDENTS TO PRINT BALLOTS on their home computers. And she added some punch with "literally". Painting a visual. This hot babe is a genius.

And then she spent the next 12 minutes with Michelle Malkin making weird harpy noises and the guy who made Citizens United. When you consider the traditional news is 20 minutes, with ten minutes of commercials, layering a full 12 minutes over an outright lie is incredible. Classic propaganda brainwashing. This is what I am talking about when I refer to mountains of manufactured bullshit.

The opening paragraph of the segment which I quoted above is a brilliant work of art. It is packed with trigger words to grab the rubes' attention and hold it.

That "What could go wrong?" bit is especially brilliant, and is a Fox News staple. Spark the imaginations of the rubes so they go mentally wild and do all the heavy lifting. That's why the 12 minute treatment, see. You gotta make sure the cement has enough time to dry so it can't be removed with the jackhammer of truth.

No wonder Fox News is the most watched propaganda channel. They are very, very good at what they do.

No it didn't. It said that Fox News has been getting warnings of. . .

At no place did she or anybody else on staff at Fox News state they had verified as fact what the warnings were about. She did describe and allow Michelle Malkin to talk about the documentary that she hosted and its content--one that the left forced into the public eye by trying to get it shut down and banned. They had to go all the way to the Supreme Court to defend against that kind of suppression of free speech.

You left out the qualifier of "warnings of. . .' in an intentional attempt to make Megyn's statement something different than it was.
The warning was that someone could commit fraud. Then she stated the reason they would be able to commit fraud is because the law "literally allows residents to print ballots from their home computers". She stated that as a fact. I highlighted it in bright red letters for you.

She certainly did not say what you claimed. You made that up. You lied.

Then, to bring the rubes in on the fun, she asked, "What could go wrong?" See how that works? She sets off a warning bell. Then tells you that voters can print ballots at home and give them to "collectors" (air quotes). Then she juices up your imagination. "What could go wrong?"

And off they go. The tards shit their pants.

No wonder you rubes are so easily misled. This is exactly why I call it such a brilliant piece of propaganda. It has you all mixed up. You can't tell up from down.
Theres always Maher, Oliver, Colbert and Stewart for adolescent, occutard, stoners seeking political "enlightenment."

Hope & Change, Yes You Can !!! Lol

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