Is Fox News Brainwashing People?

FA_Q2 has made me reconsider my position.

Fox News doesn't brainwash people.

You cannot brainwash someone who wants to be lied to. But you sure as shit can make a damn good living off them.
FA_Q2 has made me reconsider my position.

Fox News doesn't brainwash people.

You cannot brainwash someone who wants to be lied to. But you sure as shit can make a damn good living off them.

Jake, do you HONESTLY think Jon Stewart and Rachel Maddow are giving you "the truth?" :eek:

Aren't the really just playing to your bias?
FA_Q2 has made me reconsider my position.

Fox News doesn't brainwash people.

You cannot brainwash someone who wants to be lied to. But you sure as shit can make a damn good living off them.

Jake, do you HONESTLY think Jon Stewart and Rachel Maddow are giving you "the truth?" :eek:

Aren't the really just playing to your bias?
Jon Stewart and Rachel Maddow are there for the rubes who prefer another flavor of Kool-Aid. Did I not say earlier that Maddow is the master of the lie of omission?

Yes. Yes, I did.

You seem really desperate to prove something, but you aren't succeeding.
Jon Stewart and Rachel Maddow are there for the rubes who prefer another flavor of Kool-Aid. Did I not say earlier that Maddow is the master of the lie of omission?

Yes. Yes, I did.

You seem really desperate to prove something, but you aren't succeeding.

Fox offers a contrast to the party controlled news. This angers you democrats, so you come and chant mantras of hate against Fox, as provided to you by the Soros hate sites.
Jon Stewart and Rachel Maddow are there for the rubes who prefer another flavor of Kool-Aid. Did I not say earlier that Maddow is the master of the lie of omission?

Yes. Yes, I did.

You seem really desperate to prove something, but you aren't succeeding.

Fox offers a contrast to the party controlled news. This angers you democrats, so you come and chant mantras of hate against Fox, as provided to you by the Soros hate sites.
Fox offers a contrast to LEFT party 'controlled' news but is no better in itself as it is simply a right wing twist rather than a left one. Why is that so acceptable to so many when left wing BS is not?

BS is BS - we should not be accepting ANY of it.
This thread is an example of the tactic we can expect from the dem/libs until the next election. Try to attack the messenger rather than the message------------because the message is in sync with a majority of americans.
I'm not sure faux brainwashes exactly. It reports what its demographic base wants to hear. It's hardly alone in doing that, although I think Faux uses a very heavy hand in it's tone of angry and victimized. But if you think Faux's political views are the majority, you've been watching too much faux. (-:

the 2014 elections proved you wrong. You are aligned with the minority----------and obama has destroyed your party. I find it quite funny.
there's that conservative talent for blowing shit out of proportion. the 2014 off year election proved nothing it's still business as usual....
as to Obama that's just straight up hate.

dream on. the country turned away from liberalism in 2014 and will continue to do so in 2016. And, it is not hate to say that obama has destroyed the dem party---------he has. You fools chose him and he has managed to destroy what was once the party of Kennedy and Truman.

Obama has turned the dem party into the party of marxist collectivism.

Crazy how the term "Liberal" means " Lot's of" and Obama hasn't been able to pass anything and the hot topic laws we are all talking about today were made by "Less of" Conservatives.

But again, Fox News was ranting about Obama's lack of change 2 days after he was elected. Literally and easy to prove.
Jon Stewart and Rachel Maddow are there for the rubes who prefer another flavor of Kool-Aid. Did I not say earlier that Maddow is the master of the lie of omission?

Yes. Yes, I did.

You seem really desperate to prove something, but you aren't succeeding.

Fox offers a contrast to the party controlled news. This angers you democrats, so you come and chant mantras of hate against Fox, as provided to you by the Soros hate sites.

Once again. News is News. MSNBC and Fox are not News. Fox "news" used a brainwash angle basically saying "We are the only REAL source of information". It's what cults do. Because if anyone educates themselves outside that cult, the brainwash is gone.
FA_Q2 has made me reconsider my position.

Fox News doesn't brainwash people.

You cannot brainwash someone who wants to be lied to. But you sure as shit can make a damn good living off them.

It's anger driven media.

The "hot heads" in America that are new to politics always find a home in Fox News. Because punching problems is SMART!.
Fox News has helped destroy what was once the party of Reagan.

I like your post.
There seems to be a separation between Fox News Right Wingers and Right Wingers.

And what are you basing this distinction on?

Read the core values of the Right Wing. They are actually good values. The party and most CERTAINLY their major news source is not representing what a Conservative is. It turned into profit over humanity and the followers turned into cavemen/women. "I need fire I punch wood!"

I'm sure they will question ^that. But we all see them use anger to try to resolve issues. We see it every topic every day. They insult and hate instead of THINK.
FA_Q2 has made me reconsider my position.

Fox News doesn't brainwash people.

You cannot brainwash someone who wants to be lied to. But you sure as shit can make a damn good living off them.

Jake, do you HONESTLY think Jon Stewart and Rachel Maddow are giving you "the truth?" :eek:

Aren't the really just playing to your bias?
Can you cite some lies coming from either of them? Please do.
Fox offers a contrast to LEFT party 'controlled' news but is no better in itself as it is simply a right wing twist rather than a left one. Why is that so acceptable to so many when left wing BS is not?

BS is BS - we should not be accepting ANY of it.

Balance is always better. This is why we have a prosecution and a defense in legal matters. The reasonable man knows that the prosecution presents information in the worst possible light for the defendant. He also knows that the defense will present in the best possible light. The reasonable man doesn't take either side uncritically, but contrasts and balances both sides to arrive at the truth.

Fox is a vital counter-balance to the DNC controlled media, The NY Times sure the hell does not present the truth, or anything approaching it. We MUST have checks and balances against the raw propaganda that the party media offers.
Once again. News is News. MSNBC and Fox are not News. Fox "news" used a brainwash angle basically saying "We are the only REAL source of information". It's what cults do. Because if anyone educates themselves outside that cult, the brainwash is gone.

Of course, "news" comes from the party ministry of news, and is blessed by Dear Leader.

I understand where you are coming from.
Can you cite some lies coming from either of them? Please do.

In her blockbuster “exclusive” she breathlessly says: “Check out the UNEDITED tape. This is the very end of that visit to the office in San Diego.” She then plays a clip that shows O’Keefe’s arm opening the door to the ACORN office and the video shows he is wearing a pin-stripe dress shirt.

Her narrative here is meant to suggest that by accessing the footage that O’Keefe purposely left out of his videos she is exposing the fraud of the pimp costume which O’Keefe desperately tried to conceal with his severe editing. Only problem is the footage she shows is actually in the edited video! That’s right, the blockbuster unedited video revelation she leads her story with has been released and available for all to see since September.}

In Exposing ACORN Lies Maddow Leaves Truth On the Cutting Room Floor - Breitbart

Madcow lies incessantly. But she is commentary, not news - and I have an IQ greater than 85 (so I'm not a democrat) and grasp the distinction between a hack commentator and actual news.

Stewart calls his lies "satire" and claims that he has a comedy show and only morons take it seriously.

The problem is, democrats ARE morons - by definition.
First if all, your post hasn't shown Ms. Maddow to have lied about anything. Secondly, your source is biased AGAINST Ms. Maddow. Lastly, your source is a PROVEN hack site of the far right wing radical fringe.

You've only proven how much of a right wing hack you are.
First if all, your post hasn't shown Ms. Maddow to have lied about anything. Secondly, your source is biased AGAINST Ms. Maddow. Lastly, your source is a PROVEN hack site of the far right wing radical fringe.

You've only proven how much of a right wing hack you are.
The hack sees everyone else as a hack not even realizing that they are looking into a mirror.
Fox offers a contrast to LEFT party 'controlled' news but is no better in itself as it is simply a right wing twist rather than a left one. Why is that so acceptable to so many when left wing BS is not?

BS is BS - we should not be accepting ANY of it.

Balance is always better. This is why we have a prosecution and a defense in legal matters. The reasonable man knows that the prosecution presents information in the worst possible light for the defendant. He also knows that the defense will present in the best possible light. The reasonable man doesn't take either side uncritically, but contrasts and balances both sides to arrive at the truth.

Fox is a vital counter-balance to the DNC controlled media, The NY Times sure the hell does not present the truth, or anything approaching it. We MUST have checks and balances against the raw propaganda that the party media offers.
Sure but you are essentially stating that their shit is okay because there is a counter balance shit in play. The reality is not so balanced though - FOX viewers watch fox and MSNBC viewers watch MSNBC. They do not get balance - just their version of shit.
Jon Stewart and Rachel Maddow are there for the rubes who prefer another flavor of Kool-Aid. Did I not say earlier that Maddow is the master of the lie of omission?

Yes. Yes, I did.

You seem really desperate to prove something, but you aren't succeeding.

Fox offers a contrast to the party controlled news. This angers you democrats, so you come and chant mantras of hate against Fox, as provided to you by the Soros hate sites.
Fox offers a contrast to LEFT party 'controlled' news but is no better in itself as it is simply a right wing twist rather than a left one. Why is that so acceptable to so many when left wing BS is not?

BS is BS - we should not be accepting ANY of it.

Actually Fox gives equal time to both sides. Sure, Hannity is a right winger, but the others have as many libs and cons and give equal voice to both

Your problem is that when both sides are heard, you libs always lose.
Fox offers a contrast to LEFT party 'controlled' news but is no better in itself as it is simply a right wing twist rather than a left one. Why is that so acceptable to so many when left wing BS is not?

BS is BS - we should not be accepting ANY of it.

Balance is always better. This is why we have a prosecution and a defense in legal matters. The reasonable man knows that the prosecution presents information in the worst possible light for the defendant. He also knows that the defense will present in the best possible light. The reasonable man doesn't take either side uncritically, but contrasts and balances both sides to arrive at the truth.

Fox is a vital counter-balance to the DNC controlled media, The NY Times sure the hell does not present the truth, or anything approaching it. We MUST have checks and balances against the raw propaganda that the party media offers.
Sure but you are essentially stating that their shit is okay because there is a counter balance shit in play. The reality is not so balanced though - FOX viewers watch fox and MSNBC viewers watch MSNBC. They do not get balance - just their version of shit.

The following are on Fox every day, are they conservatives? Juan Williams, Bob Beckel, Kristen Powers, Alan Colmes. Are they not allowed time to give their views?

Now, give me the names of 4 conservatives who appear on MSNBC every day.
Apparently, the OP has never watched MSNBC.

^I watch all news sources. MSNBC is a lot like Fox News but they never attempted to state they are a news channel. I believe in getting political news from all sources. I even watch/listen to Faux News. Left Wing media is smarter on NPR, Comedy Central and TYT. MSNBC is equal and opposite to Fox News, but not as stupid, still hard to watch.

This from there web site and covers a few of the daiky programs. And, you are full of BS.

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