Is Fox News Brainwashing People?

Is Fox News Brainwashing People?

Before FoxNews was established, brainwashing was exclusively lefties job. Losing monopoly always hurts.
Liberals aren't angry that conservatives watch Fox News. What we are is incredulous that anyone believes what they say.

There is a huge body of verifiable evidence that Fox wouldn't know the truth if it jumped up and slapped them in the face. Fox exists to push a right wing corporate agenda by whatever means necessary.

Preaching against the poor and against social programs is one of the ways they keep Americans at each other's throats. Anyone who doesn't fact check their stories is an idiot but time and time again, the Fox narrative appears unquestioned, on this board as posters parrot the latest Fox lies.

Another one who knows nothing about fox news.
Anyway, honest independent American journalism is dead. Has been for a long time. It died once Government/Corporations merged into one entity. Just look at incidents like Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon Bombing. Not one American MSM Outlet even attempted to ask questions and conduct independent investigations. They simply received their Government narrative scripts and went on with the show. No questioning at all.

American MSM has become exactly what it shouldn't be. It's supposed to always question Government narratives. That's just not happening anymore. I don't think American journalism will ever come back. I think it's quickly becoming a relic of the past. I hope i'm wrong though. Credible Journalism plays a vital role in Society. It would be a real shame if it's lost forever.
Obviously, Communist Globalists don't like Fox News' brand of Propaganda. They prefer NBC and CNN (Communist News Network) Propaganda.

You are far too in love with straw man fallacies, paulitician.

No, it is the reality. It all depends on which brand of Propaganda you prefer. Some prefer 24/7 Communist Globalist Propaganda, and some prefer a more Conservative Propaganda. Those who despise Fox News are bitter Communist Globalists.

They can't stand the fact Fox News broke its monopoly on MSM News. But the People craved it. And that's why it's on top. Communist Globalists are just gonna get over it. Fox News is here to stay.
Obviously, Communist Globalists don't like Fox News' brand of Propaganda. They prefer NBC and CNN (Communist News Network) Propaganda. Both sides are always at War over who's Propaganda can reach the most people. But it's all Propaganda brainwashing. Americans need to understand that.

Fox News has done well because it broke the Communist Globalist lock on the MSM. There was a vast segment of American society that was craving something different. They felt they weren't being represented in Media. Fox News changed the game. And that's the secret of its success. And it's not going away. So Communist Globalists are just gonna have to get over it.
Obviously, Communist Globalists don't like Fox News' brand of Propaganda. They prefer NBC and CNN (Communist News Network) Propaganda.

You are far too in love with straw man fallacies, paulitician.

No, it is the reality. It all depends on which brand of Propaganda you prefer. Some prefer 24/7 Communist Globalist Propaganda, and some prefer a more Conservative Propaganda. Those who despise Fox News are bitter Communist Globalists.
You are working really hard to prove my point. Thanks!
Obviously, Communist Globalists don't like Fox News' brand of Propaganda. They prefer NBC and CNN (Communist News Network) Propaganda. Both sides are always at War over who's Propaganda can reach the most people. But it's all Propaganda brainwashing. Americans need to understand that.

Fox News has done well because it broke the Communist Globalist lock on the MSM. There was a vast segment of American society that was craving something different. They felt they weren't being represented in Media. Fox News changed the game. And that's the secret of its success. And it's not going away. So Communist Globalists are just gonna have to get over it.

It is the very success of Fox News--they pull significantly more audience than all the other cable news channels combined--that gets the left's shorts in a wad. And they can't point to Fox being the ONLY right leaning source as the reason for its success because if you add all the left leaning channels together, they can't combine to pull the same audience in almost any time slot.

It does have to be galling for those who are convinced that the left is the path of all that is righteous and virtuous and good and conservatism sucks. So they invent all manner of theories that only the gullible, ignorant, stupid, and brainwashed could possibly find Fox interesting.

Fox (and all the other cable news programs) does attract political junkies who are more interested in politics than they are probably interested in most other domestic issues. People who don't watch a lot of political news but look to other sources for news probably do have an edge on specific information about many domestic issues.

I'm pretty Fox News watchers would accomplish themselves quite well on any survey restricted to political issues, personalities, events, etc.

Meanwhile, the beat goes on to demonize Fox for no other reason than it continues to be politically incorrect. And it is for that reason that I watch it more than any other.

One of my favorite political cartoons:

Obviously, Communist Globalists don't like Fox News' brand of Propaganda. They prefer NBC and CNN (Communist News Network) Propaganda.

You are far too in love with straw man fallacies, paulitician.

No, it is the reality. It all depends on which brand of Propaganda you prefer. Some prefer 24/7 Communist Globalist Propaganda, and some prefer a more Conservative Propaganda. Those who despise Fox News are bitter Communist Globalists.
You are working really hard to prove my point. Thanks!
paulie is very effective at proving other posters points..
But setting aside personal insults and attacks, has anybody made a case for Fox News brainwashing anybody? Do the leftwing cable news channels brainwash their audiences?

The fact is, Fox News is successful because it provides more programming content that people want to watch than any other news channels do. It attracts audience because people want the information it offers and that is offered in a more intelligent way than what most of us find with the other channels. If you want one side of the story presented you go to MSNBC or CNN. If you want all sides of the story presented, you go to Fox. Does that mean that Fox won't ever get it wrong or make a mistake? Nope. They all do. But I'm pretty sure an impartial analysis would show that Fox has a better track record on accuracy than proably most.

Fox News Channel has been the most watched cable news network for 13 straight years. Fox News was the only cable news network to grow in primetime ratings in 2014 while MSNBC was down 20% and CNN down 8% in overall primetime viewership. While higher ratings translate into better advertising revenues for the cable networks, Fox News' strength is also aiding its subscription growth. Fox News is an immensely popular channel with a loyal audience, which is unlikely to shift to other news networks. Moreover, it is the most trusted news network, according to new polling done by Quinnipiac University. On that note, we discuss below the trends in Fox News' subscription revenues and our estimates and forecast for the coming years.
Read more: Ratings Growth And Cable News Dominance Will Boost Fox News Subscription Revenues -
But setting aside personal insults and attacks, has anybody made a case for Fox News brainwashing anybody? Do the leftwing cable news channels brainwash their audiences?

The fact is, Fox News is successful because it provides more programming content that people want to watch than any other news channels do. It attracts audience because people want the information it offers and that is offered in a more intelligent way than what most of us find with the other channels. If you want one side of the story presented you go to MSNBC or CNN. If you want all sides of the story presented, you go to Fox. Does that mean that Fox won't ever get it wrong or make a mistake? Nope. They all do. But I'm pretty sure an impartial analysis would show that Fox has a better track record on accuracy than proably most.

Fox News Channel has been the most watched cable news network for 13 straight years. Fox News was the only cable news network to grow in primetime ratings in 2014 while MSNBC was down 20% and CNN down 8% in overall primetime viewership. While higher ratings translate into better advertising revenues for the cable networks, Fox News' strength is also aiding its subscription growth. Fox News is an immensely popular channel with a loyal audience, which is unlikely to shift to other news networks. Moreover, it is the most trusted news network, according to new polling done by Quinnipiac University. On that note, we discuss below the trends in Fox News' subscription revenues and our estimates and forecast for the coming years.
Read more: Ratings Growth And Cable News Dominance Will Boost Fox News Subscription Revenues -
so nasdaq is a good judge of journalistic integrity ?
But setting aside personal insults and attacks, has anybody made a case for Fox News brainwashing anybody? Do the leftwing cable news channels brainwash their audiences?

The fact is, Fox News is successful because it provides more programming content that people want to watch than any other news channels do. It attracts audience because people want the information it offers and that is offered in a more intelligent way than what most of us find with the other channels. If you want one side of the story presented you go to MSNBC or CNN. If you want all sides of the story presented, you go to Fox. Does that mean that Fox won't ever get it wrong or make a mistake? Nope. They all do. But I'm pretty sure an impartial analysis would show that Fox has a better track record on accuracy than proably most.

Fox News Channel has been the most watched cable news network for 13 straight years. Fox News was the only cable news network to grow in primetime ratings in 2014 while MSNBC was down 20% and CNN down 8% in overall primetime viewership. While higher ratings translate into better advertising revenues for the cable networks, Fox News' strength is also aiding its subscription growth. Fox News is an immensely popular channel with a loyal audience, which is unlikely to shift to other news networks. Moreover, it is the most trusted news network, according to new polling done by Quinnipiac University. On that note, we discuss below the trends in Fox News' subscription revenues and our estimates and forecast for the coming years.
Read more: Ratings Growth And Cable News Dominance Will Boost Fox News Subscription Revenues -
so nasdaq is a good judge of journalistic integrity ?

It appears to be a good judge of how to read ratings and polling information.
But setting aside personal insults and attacks, has anybody made a case for Fox News brainwashing anybody? Do the leftwing cable news channels brainwash their audiences?

The fact is, Fox News is successful because it provides more programming content that people want to watch than any other news channels do. It attracts audience because people want the information it offers and that is offered in a more intelligent way than what most of us find with the other channels. If you want one side of the story presented you go to MSNBC or CNN. If you want all sides of the story presented, you go to Fox. Does that mean that Fox won't ever get it wrong or make a mistake? Nope. They all do. But I'm pretty sure an impartial analysis would show that Fox has a better track record on accuracy than proably most.

Fox News Channel has been the most watched cable news network for 13 straight years. Fox News was the only cable news network to grow in primetime ratings in 2014 while MSNBC was down 20% and CNN down 8% in overall primetime viewership. While higher ratings translate into better advertising revenues for the cable networks, Fox News' strength is also aiding its subscription growth. Fox News is an immensely popular channel with a loyal audience, which is unlikely to shift to other news networks. Moreover, it is the most trusted news network, according to new polling done by Quinnipiac University. On that note, we discuss below the trends in Fox News' subscription revenues and our estimates and forecast for the coming years.
Read more: Ratings Growth And Cable News Dominance Will Boost Fox News Subscription Revenues -
so nasdaq is a good judge of journalistic integrity ?

It appears to be a good judge of how to read ratings and polling information.
ratings = profits not fact.
But setting aside personal insults and attacks, has anybody made a case for Fox News brainwashing anybody? Do the leftwing cable news channels brainwash their audiences?

The fact is, Fox News is successful because it provides more programming content that people want to watch than any other news channels do. It attracts audience because people want the information it offers and that is offered in a more intelligent way than what most of us find with the other channels. If you want one side of the story presented you go to MSNBC or CNN. If you want all sides of the story presented, you go to Fox. Does that mean that Fox won't ever get it wrong or make a mistake? Nope. They all do. But I'm pretty sure an impartial analysis would show that Fox has a better track record on accuracy than proably most.

Fox News Channel has been the most watched cable news network for 13 straight years. Fox News was the only cable news network to grow in primetime ratings in 2014 while MSNBC was down 20% and CNN down 8% in overall primetime viewership. While higher ratings translate into better advertising revenues for the cable networks, Fox News' strength is also aiding its subscription growth. Fox News is an immensely popular channel with a loyal audience, which is unlikely to shift to other news networks. Moreover, it is the most trusted news network, according to new polling done by Quinnipiac University. On that note, we discuss below the trends in Fox News' subscription revenues and our estimates and forecast for the coming years.
Read more: Ratings Growth And Cable News Dominance Will Boost Fox News Subscription Revenues -
so nasdaq is a good judge of journalistic integrity ?

It appears to be a good judge of how to read ratings and polling information.
ratings = profits not fact.

Fox news is most trusted because it is based on debate and thus the least like brainwashing.

MSM and not debate is most like brainwashing: "Walter Cronkite: "and that's the way it is" id the perfect symbol for liberal media.
You can mentally masturbate yourselves in planning how to get fox off the air.
^The Fox News Junkie typical Response.

They don't know politics at all. But they will insult you 100% of the time because they think if you can insult someone, you win a debate.

Two days in a row the comment was made that Walter Scott was shot in the back 8 times on Morning Joe. Fox News said there were 8 shots fired and he was shot in the back 4 times and grazed on his ear once.

Which one is factual and which one is meant to stir up hatred? You decide!
But setting aside personal insults and attacks, has anybody made a case for Fox News brainwashing anybody? Do the leftwing cable news channels brainwash their audiences?

The fact is, Fox News is successful because it provides more programming content that people want to watch than any other news channels do. It attracts audience because people want the information it offers and that is offered in a more intelligent way than what most of us find with the other channels. If you want one side of the story presented you go to MSNBC or CNN. If you want all sides of the story presented, you go to Fox. Does that mean that Fox won't ever get it wrong or make a mistake? Nope. They all do. But I'm pretty sure an impartial analysis would show that Fox has a better track record on accuracy than proably most.

Fox News Channel has been the most watched cable news network for 13 straight years. Fox News was the only cable news network to grow in primetime ratings in 2014 while MSNBC was down 20% and CNN down 8% in overall primetime viewership. While higher ratings translate into better advertising revenues for the cable networks, Fox News' strength is also aiding its subscription growth. Fox News is an immensely popular channel with a loyal audience, which is unlikely to shift to other news networks. Moreover, it is the most trusted news network, according to new polling done by Quinnipiac University. On that note, we discuss below the trends in Fox News' subscription revenues and our estimates and forecast for the coming years.
Read more: Ratings Growth And Cable News Dominance Will Boost Fox News Subscription Revenues -
so nasdaq is a good judge of journalistic integrity ?

It appears to be a good judge of how to read ratings and polling information.
ratings = profits not fact.

Fox news is most trusted because it is based on debate and thus the least like brainwashing.

MSM and not debate is most like brainwashing: "Walter Cronkite: "and that's the way it is" id the perfect symbol for liberal media.
says the perfect one live brain cell fox viewer..
You can mentally masturbate yourselves in planning how to get fox off the air.
^The Fox News Junkie typical Response.

They don't know politics at all. But they will insult you 100% of the time because they think if you can insult someone, you win a debate.

Two days in a row the comment was made that Walter Scott was shot in the back 8 times on Morning Joe. Fox News said there were 8 shots fired and he was shot in the back 4 times and grazed on his ear once.

Which one is factual and which one is meant to stir up hatred? You decide!

Yes Fox also made of big point that cops shoot white folks more!! Leave that out like the liberals do and you incite the race/class war which is always the liberal intention.
But setting aside personal insults and attacks, has anybody made a case for Fox News brainwashing anybody? Do the leftwing cable news channels brainwash their audiences?

The fact is, Fox News is successful because it provides more programming content that people want to watch than any other news channels do. It attracts audience because people want the information it offers and that is offered in a more intelligent way than what most of us find with the other channels. If you want one side of the story presented you go to MSNBC or CNN. If you want all sides of the story presented, you go to Fox. Does that mean that Fox won't ever get it wrong or make a mistake? Nope. They all do. But I'm pretty sure an impartial analysis would show that Fox has a better track record on accuracy than proably most.

Fox News Channel has been the most watched cable news network for 13 straight years. Fox News was the only cable news network to grow in primetime ratings in 2014 while MSNBC was down 20% and CNN down 8% in overall primetime viewership. While higher ratings translate into better advertising revenues for the cable networks, Fox News' strength is also aiding its subscription growth. Fox News is an immensely popular channel with a loyal audience, which is unlikely to shift to other news networks. Moreover, it is the most trusted news network, according to new polling done by Quinnipiac University. On that note, we discuss below the trends in Fox News' subscription revenues and our estimates and forecast for the coming years.
Read more: Ratings Growth And Cable News Dominance Will Boost Fox News Subscription Revenues -
so nasdaq is a good judge of journalistic integrity ?

It appears to be a good judge of how to read ratings and polling information.
ratings = profits not fact.

Fox news is most trusted because it is based on debate and thus the least like brainwashing.

MSM and not debate is most like brainwashing: "Walter Cronkite: "and that's the way it is" id the perfect symbol for liberal media.
says the perfect one live brain cell fox viewer..
Fox news is most trusted because it is based on debate and thus the least like brainwashing.

MSM and not debate is most like brainwashing: "Walter Cronkite: "and that's the way it is" is the perfect symbol for liberal media.
But setting aside personal insults and attacks, has anybody made a case for Fox News brainwashing anybody? Do the leftwing cable news channels brainwash their audiences?

The fact is, Fox News is successful because it provides more programming content that people want to watch than any other news channels do. It attracts audience because people want the information it offers and that is offered in a more intelligent way than what most of us find with the other channels. If you want one side of the story presented you go to MSNBC or CNN. If you want all sides of the story presented, you go to Fox. Does that mean that Fox won't ever get it wrong or make a mistake? Nope. They all do. But I'm pretty sure an impartial analysis would show that Fox has a better track record on accuracy than proably most.

Fox News Channel has been the most watched cable news network for 13 straight years. Fox News was the only cable news network to grow in primetime ratings in 2014 while MSNBC was down 20% and CNN down 8% in overall primetime viewership. While higher ratings translate into better advertising revenues for the cable networks, Fox News' strength is also aiding its subscription growth. Fox News is an immensely popular channel with a loyal audience, which is unlikely to shift to other news networks. Moreover, it is the most trusted news network, according to new polling done by Quinnipiac University. On that note, we discuss below the trends in Fox News' subscription revenues and our estimates and forecast for the coming years.
Read more: Ratings Growth And Cable News Dominance Will Boost Fox News Subscription Revenues -
so nasdaq is a good judge of journalistic integrity ?

It appears to be a good judge of how to read ratings and polling information.
ratings = profits not fact.

Fox news is most trusted because it is based on debate and thus the least like brainwashing.

MSM and not debate is most like brainwashing: "Walter Cronkite: "and that's the way it is" id the perfect symbol for liberal media.
says the perfect one live brain cell fox viewer..
personal attack from typical liberal without IQ for substance
You can mentally masturbate yourselves in planning how to get fox off the air.
^The Fox News Junkie typical Response.

They don't know politics at all. But they will insult you 100% of the time because they think if you can insult someone, you win a debate.

Two days in a row the comment was made that Walter Scott was shot in the back 8 times on Morning Joe. Fox News said there were 8 shots fired and he was shot in the back 4 times and grazed on his ear once.

Which one is factual and which one is meant to stir up hatred? You decide!
fox has been going nonstop on it since the clip was released ...what's your point?

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