Is Fox News Brainwashing People?

I've known many, MANY, Right Wingers that know Fox News is idiotic and entertainment. You had better believe there are MANY, that actually believe in Fox News. You had better wake up. There are massive amounts of Americans that think Fox News is actually substantial. Even after fact checkers came in and noted they only tell the truth something like 16% of the time.

It takes an active listener to hear all the partisan remarks scripted by the Fox Entertainment Management to understand the half-truths, innuendos and rumors supported by the comment, "some people are saying", and to understand the "some people" are the previous Fox talking head.

Most of those who believe what they hear haven't been brainwashed, their brain only needed a light rinse, daily administered by Hannity, aka Charley McCarthy, reading what he has been given to say.

If Fox bothers you by telling the truth, don't watch them. The truth scares the shit out of you libs doesn't it?

Yep, i sure is. scars me lots that u vot. hahahhahhahha

can you translate that to english?

Why, that's the idiom you might understand.

wha you be talking bout rastus? Ah be goin down to the corna to score some blow, brou.
The point was an effort to convince the reader that Fox was correct and MSNBC was not, or that Fox is honest,and MSNBC is not. Critical thinkers, hey anyone with a brain would ask about the timing of the statements, did MSNBC get earlier statements from a source, and Fox alater statement, maybe from the ME? In other words, the point made was both dull and flaccid without further elucidation.

After claiming there was one a bazillion times over a period of years, did Fox News ever finally admit their Benghazi "stand down order" was complete bullshit?

Once again you have it all wrong. There was a stand down order given to stop any rescue mission from Italy or any US ship in the med. Not giving a go-ahead is that same as saying stand down.

Evidence in context seems to be missing in your post, please provide it, but don't expect anyone to believe the truth is reported by The Daily Caller or the Washington Examiner.

How about the military that was on the ground? Were they all lying too? Benghazi was a massive fuck up by HRC and BHO because they knew that the truth would cost them votes.

You libs and dems need to face reality on this.
The point was an effort to convince the reader that Fox was correct and MSNBC was not, or that Fox is honest,and MSNBC is not. Critical thinkers, hey anyone with a brain would ask about the timing of the statements, did MSNBC get earlier statements from a source, and Fox alater statement, maybe from the ME? In other words, the point made was both dull and flaccid without further elucidation.

After claiming there was one a bazillion times over a period of years, did Fox News ever finally admit their Benghazi "stand down order" was complete bullshit?

Once again you have it all wrong. There was a stand down order given to stop any rescue mission from Italy or any US ship in the med. Not giving a go-ahead is that same as saying stand down.

Evidence in context seems to be missing in your post, please provide it, but don't expect anyone to believe the truth is reported by The Daily Caller or the Washington Examiner.

How about the military that was on the ground? Were they all lying too? Benghazi was a massive fuck up by HRC and BHO because they knew that the truth would cost them votes.

You libs and dems need to face reality on this.

You still haven't posted any evidence, I suspect your simply parroting a source of ill repute.
The point was an effort to convince the reader that Fox was correct and MSNBC was not, or that Fox is honest,and MSNBC is not. Critical thinkers, hey anyone with a brain would ask about the timing of the statements, did MSNBC get earlier statements from a source, and Fox alater statement, maybe from the ME? In other words, the point made was both dull and flaccid without further elucidation.

After claiming there was one a bazillion times over a period of years, did Fox News ever finally admit their Benghazi "stand down order" was complete bullshit?

Once again you have it all wrong. There was a stand down order given to stop any rescue mission from Italy or any US ship in the med. Not giving a go-ahead is that same as saying stand down.

Evidence in context seems to be missing in your post, please provide it, but don't expect anyone to believe the truth is reported by The Daily Caller or the Washington Examiner.

A link is not required since it is a known fact that no rescue attempt was deployed.
The point was an effort to convince the reader that Fox was correct and MSNBC was not, or that Fox is honest,and MSNBC is not. Critical thinkers, hey anyone with a brain would ask about the timing of the statements, did MSNBC get earlier statements from a source, and Fox alater statement, maybe from the ME? In other words, the point made was both dull and flaccid without further elucidation.

After claiming there was one a bazillion times over a period of years, did Fox News ever finally admit their Benghazi "stand down order" was complete bullshit?

Once again you have it all wrong. There was a stand down order given to stop any rescue mission from Italy or any US ship in the med. Not giving a go-ahead is that same as saying stand down.

Evidence in context seems to be missing in your post, please provide it, but don't expect anyone to believe the truth is reported by The Daily Caller or the Washington Examiner.

How about the military that was on the ground? Were they all lying too? Benghazi was a massive fuck up by HRC and BHO because they knew that the truth would cost them votes.

You libs and dems need to face reality on this.

You still haven't posted any evidence, I suspect your simply parroting a source of ill repute.

Do you ever get any news from any source except huff puff post and kos? There was no rescue attempt authorized. What more proof do you need?
Apparently they have caused you to be brainwashed.

Jon Stewart has a whole hour of liberal brain washing and his show pretends to be something else.
The point was an effort to convince the reader that Fox was correct and MSNBC was not, or that Fox is honest,and MSNBC is not. Critical thinkers, hey anyone with a brain would ask about the timing of the statements, did MSNBC get earlier statements from a source, and Fox alater statement, maybe from the ME? In other words, the point made was both dull and flaccid without further elucidation.

After claiming there was one a bazillion times over a period of years, did Fox News ever finally admit their Benghazi "stand down order" was complete bullshit?

Once again you have it all wrong. There was a stand down order given to stop any rescue mission from Italy or any US ship in the med. Not giving a go-ahead is that same as saying stand down.

Evidence in context seems to be missing in your post, please provide it, but don't expect anyone to believe the truth is reported by The Daily Caller or the Washington Examiner.

A link is not required since it is a known fact that no rescue attempt was deployed.

The point was an effort to convince the reader that Fox was correct and MSNBC was not, or that Fox is honest,and MSNBC is not. Critical thinkers, hey anyone with a brain would ask about the timing of the statements, did MSNBC get earlier statements from a source, and Fox alater statement, maybe from the ME? In other words, the point made was both dull and flaccid without further elucidation.

After claiming there was one a bazillion times over a period of years, did Fox News ever finally admit their Benghazi "stand down order" was complete bullshit?

Once again you have it all wrong. There was a stand down order given to stop any rescue mission from Italy or any US ship in the med. Not giving a go-ahead is that same as saying stand down.

Evidence in context seems to be missing in your post, please provide it, but don't expect anyone to believe the truth is reported by The Daily Caller or the Washington Examiner.

A link is not required since it is a known fact that no rescue attempt was deployed.


only a fool laughs at the truth. thanks for confirming what we already knew
The point was an effort to convince the reader that Fox was correct and MSNBC was not, or that Fox is honest,and MSNBC is not. Critical thinkers, hey anyone with a brain would ask about the timing of the statements, did MSNBC get earlier statements from a source, and Fox alater statement, maybe from the ME? In other words, the point made was both dull and flaccid without further elucidation.

After claiming there was one a bazillion times over a period of years, did Fox News ever finally admit their Benghazi "stand down order" was complete bullshit?

Once again you have it all wrong. There was a stand down order given to stop any rescue mission from Italy or any US ship in the med. Not giving a go-ahead is that same as saying stand down.

Evidence in context seems to be missing in your post, please provide it, but don't expect anyone to believe the truth is reported by The Daily Caller or the Washington Examiner.

A link is not required since it is a known fact that no rescue attempt was deployed.


The result of no rescue attempt was four dead Americans and the complete destruction of the Consulate. It is rather interesting that you would find that funny.
After claiming there was one a bazillion times over a period of years, did Fox News ever finally admit their Benghazi "stand down order" was complete bullshit?

Once again you have it all wrong. There was a stand down order given to stop any rescue mission from Italy or any US ship in the med. Not giving a go-ahead is that same as saying stand down.

Evidence in context seems to be missing in your post, please provide it, but don't expect anyone to believe the truth is reported by The Daily Caller or the Washington Examiner.

A link is not required since it is a known fact that no rescue attempt was deployed.


The result of no rescue attempt was four dead Americans and the complete destruction of the Consulate. It is rather interesting that you would find that funny.

I don't find it funny. In fact it pisses me off that assholes like you use the deaths for political purposes. How about the 4,500 young Americans in graves today, because of the Bush Administration's inept war of choice? Do you find that funny?

Neither Obama nor Clinton were reading "my pet goat" when Behghazi was attacked.

So, where is the evidence to prove Obama and Clinton are culpable? Post it now, you must have it, to be so sure.
Once again you have it all wrong. There was a stand down order given to stop any rescue mission from Italy or any US ship in the med. Not giving a go-ahead is that same as saying stand down.

Evidence in context seems to be missing in your post, please provide it, but don't expect anyone to believe the truth is reported by The Daily Caller or the Washington Examiner.

A link is not required since it is a known fact that no rescue attempt was deployed.


The result of no rescue attempt was four dead Americans and the complete destruction of the Consulate. It is rather interesting that you would find that funny.

I don't find it funny. In fact it pisses me off that assholes like you use the deaths for political purposes. How about the 4,500 young Americans in graves today, because of the Bush Administration's inept war of choice? Do you find that funny?

Neither Obama nor Clinton were reading "my pet goat" when Behghazi was attacked.

I guess I did not understand what the LMAO in ROTLFALMAO stood for. You might want to ask Clinton and Kerry and the rest of the US Congress why they supported the invasion of Iraq with their vote and then used the deaths of American servicemen to their political advantage. Did they consider it an inept war of choice when they voted?

We don't know what Obama or Clinton were doing when Benghazi was attacked. They obviously were not doing the job they were elected to do.
Evidence in context seems to be missing in your post, please provide it, but don't expect anyone to believe the truth is reported by The Daily Caller or the Washington Examiner.

A link is not required since it is a known fact that no rescue attempt was deployed.


The result of no rescue attempt was four dead Americans and the complete destruction of the Consulate. It is rather interesting that you would find that funny.

I don't find it funny. In fact it pisses me off that assholes like you use the deaths for political purposes. How about the 4,500 young Americans in graves today, because of the Bush Administration's inept war of choice? Do you find that funny?

Neither Obama nor Clinton were reading "my pet goat" when Behghazi was attacked.

I guess I did not understand what the LMAO in ROTLFALMAO stood for. You might want to ask Clinton and Kerry and the rest of the US Congress why they supported the invasion of Iraq with their vote and then used the deaths of American servicemen to their political advantage. Did they consider it an inept war of choice when they voted?

We don't know what Obama or Clinton were doing when Benghazi was attacked. They obviously were not doing the job they were elected to do.

I don't have the means to ask that question of Clinton or Kerry, what I do know is that after Colin Powell's embarrassing justification before the UN, I didn't support the invasion of Iraq, and I suspect many of the Senate Democrats didn't either. Let's look at the vote in Congress and see which party is most culpable for the world today.

Don't pretend the mess in the middle east is Obama's fault, in fact some of it is 1,500 hundred years in the making - Bush & Co. lighted the fuse.

  • 215 (96.4%) of 223 Republican Representatives voted for the resolution.
  • 82 (39.2%) of 209 Democratic Representatives voted for the resolution.
  • 126 (~60.3%) of 209 Democratic Representatives voted against the resolution.

  • 58% of Democratic senators (29 of 50) voted for the resolution. Those voting for the resolution are:
Sens. Lincoln (D-AR), Feinstein (D-CA), Dodd (D-CT), Lieberman (D-CT), Biden (D-DE), Carper (D-DE), Nelson (D-FL), Cleland (D-GA),Miller (D-GA), Bayh (D-IN), Harkin (D-IA), Breaux (D-LA), Mary Landrieu (D-LA), Kerry (D-MA), Carnahan (D-MO), Baucus (D-MT), Nelson (D-NE), Reid (D-NV), Torricelli (D-NJ), Clinton (D-NY), Schumer (D-NY), Edwards (D-NC), Dorgan (D-ND), Hollings (D-SC), Daschle (D-SD),Johnson (D-SD), Cantwell (D-WA), Rockefeller (D-WV), and Kohl (D-WI).

  • 42% of Democratic senators (21 of 50) voted against the resolution. Those voting against the resolution are:
Sens. Boxer (D-CA), Graham (D-FL), Akaka (D-HI), Inouye (D-HI), Durbin (D-IL), Mikulski (D-MD), Sarbanes (D-MD), Kennedy (D-MA),Stabenow (D-MI), Levin (D-MI), Dayton (D-MN), Wellstone (D-MN), Corzine (D-NJ), Bingaman (D-NM), Conrad (D-ND), Wyden (D-OR), Reed(D-RI), Leahy (D-VT), Murray (D-WA), Byrd (D-WV), and Feingold (D-WI).

  • 1 (2%) of 49 Republican senators voted against the resolution: Sen. Chafee (R-RI).
  • The only Independent senator voted against the resolution: Sen. Jeffords (I-VT)
Jon Stewart and Rachel Maddow are there for the rubes who prefer another flavor of Kool-Aid. Did I not say earlier that Maddow is the master of the lie of omission?

Yes. Yes, I did.

You seem really desperate to prove something, but you aren't succeeding.

Fox offers a contrast to the party controlled news. This angers you democrats, so you come and chant mantras of hate against Fox, as provided to you by the Soros hate sites.
Fox offers a contrast to LEFT party 'controlled' news but is no better in itself as it is simply a right wing twist rather than a left one. Why is that so acceptable to so many when left wing BS is not?

BS is BS - we should not be accepting ANY of it.

Actually Fox gives equal time to both sides. Sure, Hannity is a right winger, but the others have as many libs and cons and give equal voice to both

Your problem is that when both sides are heard, you libs always lose.
'you libs.'
Is it reflexive that you think anyone you are debating with is automatically a lib?
Actually Fox gives equal time to both sides. Sure, Hannity is a right winger, but the others have as many libs and cons and give equal voice to both

Your problem is that when both sides are heard, you libs always lose.

Fox leans right, there is no question of this. But in a nation where 99% of the media leans left or is flat out propaganda, we desperately need a source that leans right.

the commentary programs like Hannity do lean right. I do not see any right lean from the news programs. O'Reilly is most likely conservative in his personal views, but he does give liberals equal time to state their views.

When most of the media is controlled by the state, we desperately need outlets that speak openly and allow opinions that deviate from the government dictates.
I never disagreed with that sentiment. I just don’t think we should simply accept this as the case though. Biased news does not really cancel each other out. Instead you just end up with a lot of misinformation. You can sift through it and take contrasting points but the vast majority of people don’t even bother and that makes the current situation where people are voting quite dangerous.
Jon Stewart and Rachel Maddow are there for the rubes who prefer another flavor of Kool-Aid. Did I not say earlier that Maddow is the master of the lie of omission?

Yes. Yes, I did.

You seem really desperate to prove something, but you aren't succeeding.

Fox offers a contrast to the party controlled news. This angers you democrats, so you come and chant mantras of hate against Fox, as provided to you by the Soros hate sites.
Fox offers a contrast to LEFT party 'controlled' news but is no better in itself as it is simply a right wing twist rather than a left one. Why is that so acceptable to so many when left wing BS is not?

BS is BS - we should not be accepting ANY of it.

Actually Fox gives equal time to both sides. Sure, Hannity is a right winger, but the others have as many libs and cons and give equal voice to both

Your problem is that when both sides are heard, you libs always lose.
'you libs.'
Is it reflexive that you think anyone you are debating with is automatically a lib?

When you always take the "lib" position on all issues, what else should I think about you?
Actually Fox gives equal time to both sides. Sure, Hannity is a right winger, but the others have as many libs and cons and give equal voice to both

Your problem is that when both sides are heard, you libs always lose.

Fox leans right, there is no question of this. But in a nation where 99% of the media leans left or is flat out propaganda, we desperately need a source that leans right.

the commentary programs like Hannity do lean right. I do not see any right lean from the news programs. O'Reilly is most likely conservative in his personal views, but he does give liberals equal time to state their views.

When most of the media is controlled by the state, we desperately need outlets that speak openly and allow opinions that deviate from the government dictates.
I never disagreed with that sentiment. I just don’t think we should simply accept this as the case though. Biased news does not really cancel each other out. Instead you just end up with a lot of misinformation. You can sift through it and take contrasting points but the vast majority of people don’t even bother and that makes the current situation where people are voting quite dangerous.

Which network is most likely to give unbiased news? Polls and studies say Fox, if you have contrary evidence, lets see it.
Actually Fox gives equal time to both sides. Sure, Hannity is a right winger, but the others have as many libs and cons and give equal voice to both

Your problem is that when both sides are heard, you libs always lose.

Fox leans right, there is no question of this. But in a nation where 99% of the media leans left or is flat out propaganda, we desperately need a source that leans right.

the commentary programs like Hannity do lean right. I do not see any right lean from the news programs. O'Reilly is most likely conservative in his personal views, but he does give liberals equal time to state their views.

When most of the media is controlled by the state, we desperately need outlets that speak openly and allow opinions that deviate from the government dictates.
I never disagreed with that sentiment. I just don’t think we should simply accept this as the case though. Biased news does not really cancel each other out. Instead you just end up with a lot of misinformation. You can sift through it and take contrasting points but the vast majority of people don’t even bother and that makes the current situation where people are voting quite dangerous.

Which network is most likely to give unbiased news? Polls and studies say Fox, if you have contrary evidence, lets see it.

Polls and studies huh. Well, I read Time, The Economist, The Christian Science Monitor and watch PBS News Hour, Matthews and Maddow on MSNBC and ABC Nightly News; I also watch Fox & CNN when controversial issues abound, and listen to Limbaugh and Hannity on KSFO, for as long as I can stomach them. As an active listener I know you're full of shit, and you polls are too.,
Obviously, Communist Globalists don't like Fox News' brand of Propaganda. They prefer NBC and CNN (Communist News Network) Propaganda. Both sides are always at War over who's Propaganda can reach the most people. But it's all Propaganda brainwashing. Americans need to understand that.

Fox News has done well because it broke the Communist Globalist lock on the MSM. There was a vast segment of American society that was craving something different. They felt they weren't being represented in Media. Fox News changed the game. And that's the secret of its success. And it's not going away. So Communist Globalists are just gonna have to get over it.

It is the very success of Fox News--they pull significantly more audience than all the other cable news channels combined--that gets the left's shorts in a wad. And they can't point to Fox being the ONLY right leaning source as the reason for its success because if you add all the left leaning channels together, they can't combine to pull the same audience in almost any time slot.

It does have to be galling for those who are convinced that the left is the path of all that is righteous and virtuous and good and conservatism sucks. So they invent all manner of theories that only the gullible, ignorant, stupid, and brainwashed could possibly find Fox interesting.

Fox (and all the other cable news programs) does attract political junkies who are more interested in politics than they are probably interested in most other domestic issues. People who don't watch a lot of political news but look to other sources for news probably do have an edge on specific information about many domestic issues.

I'm pretty Fox News watchers would accomplish themselves quite well on any survey restricted to political issues, personalities, events, etc.

Meanwhile, the beat goes on to demonize Fox for no other reason than it continues to be politically incorrect. And it is for that reason that I watch it more than any other.

One of my favorite political cartoons:


Roger Ailes is brilliant. He's tapped into a vast segment of the population who were being ignored by Communist Globalist-dominated MSM. The MSM has, and still does lean Left/Globalist overall. The indoctrination is very powerful in Journalism Schools especially. Most aspiring journalists start out pretty reasonable and fair-minded. But after their rigid Communist/Globalist training in Journalism Schools, they end up being very biased and bitter towards anything Conservative. And you can see the result of that rigid training in the vast majority of American MSM.

Fox News is unique. It's one of the very few Media Outlets that goes the other way somewhat. And that approach has worked to perfection. It's crushing the competition despite being vastly outnumbered. So like it or not, Fox News works. It's not going away. Communist Globalists can't make it go away. It is what it is.

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