Is Fox News Brainwashing People?

I can't really speak for the journalism schools now--my own primary college major was journalism and I know the trade is very different now than what it was then. It was once a noble profession that prided itself on getting the story right and leaving personal opinion and ideology out of it. It is no longer that way.

IMO, the change began with the cultural revolution of the 1960's and 70's. When those of the Woodstock and the "Hippie" 'drop out, zone out, tune out' generation finally became adults, they brought much of that leftist anti-tradition, anti-culture mentality with them. And, because they were gung ho to change the world, many did go into journalism and education. Such people tend to hire, mentor, and promote people like themselve and, because their point of view is more ideologically than fact driven, they made anybody unlike themselves uncomfortable and unwanted. And the result is that most of journalism and especially higher education is now infused with people left of center who strongly disapprove of and discourage anybody who disagrees with them.

Fox News seeks out and hires people who are able to study and evaluate both sides of an argument and it is that which makes them attractive to people who want all aspects of a news story instead of that favoring only one perspective. And it is pretty much the only major news source in which the rightwing point of view receives a fair hearing. Which explains why its audience is heavily conservative/Republican.

It doesn't brainwash. It really does report and lets the viewer decide.

It's all Propaganda. It's just a matter of which Propaganda flavor you prefer. Some enjoy 24/7 Communist Globalist Propaganda, and some enjoy a more Conservative Propaganda. The only big difference is, the Communist Globalists are constantly trying to silence Media Outlets that don't toe their line. They've been trying to get rid of Fox News for years. While in contrast, i haven't seen Fox News or its viewers, out there trying to silence Communist Globalist Media. They just crush em in ratings instead.

So there is a big difference in approaches. The Communist Globalists should be ashamed of themselves. In this country we value Freedom & Liberty. All voices must be respected and heard. Most Fox viewers absolutely despise Communist outlets like NBC and CNN. But they're not trying to shut em down. So in that regard, Fox News and its viewers should be respected more.

Absolutely. I often go to one or more of the other alphabet channels or networks to get a different perspective when Fox becomes tiresomely repetitious during a media storm over this or that. I would not like for Fox to be the ONLY source of hard news on television any more than I would want conservative talk radio to be the ONLY source of hard news on the radio. But I am sure grateful that that media is there or otherwise the leftwing media could frame the story any way they wanted, and we would have a much tougher time finding out what really happened.
that's presupposing that rightwing media is telling the truth.

At least it gives us an opportunity to evaluate and decide, something that the leftwing media rarely does.
when does fox do that? everything they "report" is a done deal .

This makes absolutely no sense in response to the opinion I expressed. Try again.
It's all Propaganda. It's just a matter of which Propaganda flavor you prefer. Some enjoy 24/7 Communist Globalist Propaganda, and some enjoy a more Conservative Propaganda. The only big difference is, the Communist Globalists are constantly trying to silence Media Outlets that don't toe their line. They've been trying to get rid of Fox News for years. While in contrast, i haven't seen Fox News or its viewers, out there trying to silence Communist Globalist Media. They just crush em in ratings instead.

So there is a big difference in approaches. The Communist Globalists should be ashamed of themselves. In this country we value Freedom & Liberty. All voices must be respected and heard. Most Fox viewers absolutely despise Communist outlets like NBC and CNN. But they're not trying to shut em down. So in that regard, Fox News and its viewers should be respected more.

Absolutely. I often go to one or more of the other alphabet channels or networks to get a different perspective when Fox becomes tiresomely repetitious during a media storm over this or that. I would not like for Fox to be the ONLY source of hard news on television any more than I would want conservative talk radio to be the ONLY source of hard news on the radio. But I am sure grateful that that media is there or otherwise the leftwing media could frame the story any way they wanted, and we would have a much tougher time finding out what really happened.
that's presupposing that rightwing media is telling the truth.

At least it gives us an opportunity to evaluate and decide, something that the leftwing media rarely does.
when does fox do that? everything they "report" is a done deal .

This makes absolutely no sense in response to the opinion I expressed. Try again.
so you're say it's like fox news?
A liberal will hate Fox for presenting the opinion of our Founders, namely, freedom and capitalism are good while big liberal govt is bad. Is it any wonder why liberal spied for Stalin and Hitler and want always bigger govt here??
Absolutely. I often go to one or more of the other alphabet channels or networks to get a different perspective when Fox becomes tiresomely repetitious during a media storm over this or that. I would not like for Fox to be the ONLY source of hard news on television any more than I would want conservative talk radio to be the ONLY source of hard news on the radio. But I am sure grateful that that media is there or otherwise the leftwing media could frame the story any way they wanted, and we would have a much tougher time finding out what really happened.
that's presupposing that rightwing media is telling the truth.

At least it gives us an opportunity to evaluate and decide, something that the leftwing media rarely does.
when does fox do that? everything they "report" is a done deal .

This makes absolutely no sense in response to the opinion I expressed. Try again.
so you're say it's like fox news?

Nope. Fox News capitalizes words that should be capitalized and doesn't say 'say' when they mean 'saying' and stuff like that. Look, if you don't like Fox News fine. Nobody is asking you to. But leave me out of it if you just want to make trolling posts that just bash Fox News and add nothing to the conversation. Thanks for understanding.
that just bash Fox News and add nothing to the conversation. .

Liberals hate Fox because it is based on debate. They don't understand that democracy is debate. For liberals truth is merely a child-like feeling that welfare and regulation are good, and morally superior.
that just bash Fox News and add nothing to the conversation. .

Liberals hate Fox because it is based on debate. They don't understand that democracy is debate. For liberals truth is merely a child-like feeling that welfare and regulation are good, and morally superior.

That's probably part of it, but I think most liberals who hate Fox do so because it expresses a point of view that they think is poltically motivated and dishonestly wrong just as most conservatives see the content of MSNBC and, to some extent, CNN. There are people here at USMB, for instance, that become extremely hostile and/or insulting, or even go ballistic because they so resent my point of view. And my motive or intent will more often be criticized (as well as mischaracterized) as not. Fox News almost certainly gets the same treatment.

But because Fox does provide sources for and allows arguments for both sides of an issue to be aired, the viewer has the ammunition to do some independent research to determine who has the better argument. Frankly at times I have found the 'rightwing' perspective to be weaker than the 'leftwing' argument, but it was only Fox News that gave me the content that I needed to compare.
A link is not required since it is a known fact that no rescue attempt was deployed.


The result of no rescue attempt was four dead Americans and the complete destruction of the Consulate. It is rather interesting that you would find that funny.

I don't find it funny. In fact it pisses me off that assholes like you use the deaths for political purposes. How about the 4,500 young Americans in graves today, because of the Bush Administration's inept war of choice? Do you find that funny?

Neither Obama nor Clinton were reading "my pet goat" when Behghazi was attacked.

I guess I did not understand what the LMAO in ROTLFALMAO stood for. You might want to ask Clinton and Kerry and the rest of the US Congress why they supported the invasion of Iraq with their vote and then used the deaths of American servicemen to their political advantage. Did they consider it an inept war of choice when they voted?

We don't know what Obama or Clinton were doing when Benghazi was attacked. They obviously were not doing the job they were elected to do.

I don't have the means to ask that question of Clinton or Kerry, what I do know is that after Colin Powell's embarrassing justification before the UN, I didn't support the invasion of Iraq, and I suspect many of the Senate Democrats didn't either. Let's look at the vote in Congress and see which party is most culpable for the world today.

Don't pretend the mess in the middle east is Obama's fault, in fact some of it is 1,500 hundred years in the making - Bush & Co. lighted the fuse.

  • 215 (96.4%) of 223 Republican Representatives voted for the resolution.
  • 82 (39.2%) of 209 Democratic Representatives voted for the resolution.
  • 126 (~60.3%) of 209 Democratic Representatives voted against the resolution.
  • 58% of Democratic senators (29 of 50) voted for the resolution. Those voting for the resolution are:
Sens. Lincoln (D-AR), Feinstein (D-CA), Dodd (D-CT), Lieberman (D-CT), Biden (D-DE), Carper (D-DE), Nelson (D-FL), Cleland (D-GA),Miller (D-GA), Bayh (D-IN), Harkin (D-IA), Breaux (D-LA), Mary Landrieu (D-LA), Kerry (D-MA), Carnahan (D-MO), Baucus (D-MT), Nelson (D-NE), Reid (D-NV), Torricelli (D-NJ), Clinton (D-NY), Schumer (D-NY), Edwards (D-NC), Dorgan (D-ND), Hollings (D-SC), Daschle (D-SD),Johnson (D-SD), Cantwell (D-WA), Rockefeller (D-WV), and Kohl (D-WI).

  • 42% of Democratic senators (21 of 50) voted against the resolution. Those voting against the resolution are:
Sens. Boxer (D-CA), Graham (D-FL), Akaka (D-HI), Inouye (D-HI), Durbin (D-IL), Mikulski (D-MD), Sarbanes (D-MD), Kennedy (D-MA),Stabenow (D-MI), Levin (D-MI), Dayton (D-MN), Wellstone (D-MN), Corzine (D-NJ), Bingaman (D-NM), Conrad (D-ND), Wyden (D-OR), Reed(D-RI), Leahy (D-VT), Murray (D-WA), Byrd (D-WV), and Feingold (D-WI).

  • 1 (2%) of 49 Republican senators voted against the resolution: Sen. Chafee (R-RI).
  • The only Independent senator voted against the resolution: Sen. Jeffords (I-VT)

It is apparent that the 21 Senators voting against the resolution thought that Kerry and Clinton were not very smart.

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 | Source

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 | Source
It is the very success of Fox News--they pull significantly more audience than all the other cable news channels combined--that gets the left's shorts in a wad. And they can't point to Fox being the ONLY right leaning source as the reason for its success because if you add all the left leaning channels together, they can't combine to pull the same audience in almost any time slot.

It does have to be galling for those who are convinced that the left is the path of all that is righteous and virtuous and good and conservatism sucks. So they invent all manner of theories that only the gullible, ignorant, stupid, and brainwashed could possibly find Fox interesting.

Fox (and all the other cable news programs) does attract political junkies who are more interested in politics than they are probably interested in most other domestic issues. People who don't watch a lot of political news but look to other sources for news probably do have an edge on specific information about many domestic issues.

I'm pretty Fox News watchers would accomplish themselves quite well on any survey restricted to political issues, personalities, events, etc.

Meanwhile, the beat goes on to demonize Fox for no other reason than it continues to be politically incorrect. And it is for that reason that I watch it more than any other.

One of my favorite political cartoons:


Roger Ailes is brilliant. He's tapped into a vast segment of the population who were being ignored by Communist Globalist-dominated MSM. The MSM has, and still does lean Left/Globalist overall. The indoctrination is very powerful in Journalism Schools especially. Most aspiring journalists start out pretty reasonable and fair-minded. But after their rigid Communist/Globalist training in Journalism Schools, they end up being very biased and bitter towards anything Conservative. And you can see the result of that rigid training in the vast majority of American MSM.

Fox News is unique. It's one of the very few Media Outlets that goes the other way somewhat. And that approach has worked to perfection. It's crushing the competition despite being vastly outnumbered. So like it or not, Fox News works. It's not going away. Communist Globalists can't make it go away. It is what it is.

I can't really speak for the journalism schools now--my own primary college major was journalism and I know the trade is very different now than what it was then. It was once a noble profession that prided itself on getting the story right and leaving personal opinion and ideology out of it. It is no longer that way.

IMO, the change began with the cultural revolution of the 1960's and 70's. When those of the Woodstock and the "Hippie" 'drop out, zone out, tune out' generation finally became adults, they brought much of that leftist anti-tradition, anti-culture mentality with them. And, because they were gung ho to change the world, many did go into journalism and education. Such people tend to hire, mentor, and promote people like themselve and, because their point of view is more ideologically than fact driven, they made anybody unlike themselves uncomfortable and unwanted. And the result is that most of journalism and especially higher education is now infused with people left of center who strongly disapprove of and discourage anybody who disagrees with them.

Fox News seeks out and hires people who are able to study and evaluate both sides of an argument and it is that which makes them attractive to people who want all aspects of a news story instead of that favoring only one perspective. And it is pretty much the only major news source in which the rightwing point of view receives a fair hearing. Which explains why its audience is heavily conservative/Republican.

It doesn't brainwash. It really does report and lets the viewer decide.

It's all Propaganda. It's just a matter of which Propaganda flavor you prefer. Some enjoy 24/7 Communist Globalist Propaganda, and some enjoy a more Conservative Propaganda. The only big difference is, the Communist Globalists are constantly trying to silence Media Outlets that don't toe their line. They've been trying to get rid of Fox News for years. While in contrast, i haven't seen Fox News or its viewers, out there trying to silence Communist Globalist Media. They just crush em in ratings instead.

So there is a big difference in approaches. The Communist Globalists should be ashamed of themselves. In this country we value Freedom & Liberty. All voices must be respected and heard. Most Fox viewers absolutely despise Communist outlets like NBC and CNN. But they're not trying to shut em down. So in that regard, Fox News and its viewers should be respected more.

Absolutely. I often go to one or more of the other alphabet channels or networks to get a different perspective when Fox becomes tiresomely repetitious during a media storm over this or that. I would not like for Fox to be the ONLY source of hard news on television any more than I would want conservative talk radio to be the ONLY source of hard news on the radio. But I am sure grateful that that media is there or otherwise the leftwing media could frame the story any way they wanted, and we would have a much tougher time finding out what really happened.
that's presupposing that rightwing media is telling the truth.

You're sure as hell less likely to get the truth if you only listen to or read or watch media who doesn't give you the whole story about something but only gives you the part that makes their side look good or the other side look bad.
Fox brainwashing people is impossible. The people who watch Fox don't have a brain or they wouldn't be watching Fox.

Lame. Get some fresh material.

you would know the difference how? from Fox?

Ha, coming from wankers who get their 'News Information' from 'The Daily Show' and 'The View,' i assure you i'm not offended. Lay off inhaling Whoopi Goldberg's nasty ass fumes, and get informed.

Absolutely. I often go to one or more of the other alphabet channels or networks to get a different perspective when Fox becomes tiresomely repetitious during a media storm over this or that. I would not like for Fox to be the ONLY source of hard news on television any more than I would want conservative talk radio to be the ONLY source of hard news on the radio. But I am sure grateful that that media is there or otherwise the leftwing media could frame the story any way they wanted, and we would have a much tougher time finding out what really happened.
that's presupposing that rightwing media is telling the truth.

At least it gives us an opportunity to evaluate and decide, something that the leftwing media rarely does.
when does fox do that? everything they "report" is a done deal .

This makes absolutely no sense in response to the opinion I expressed. Try again.
so you're say it's like fox news?

Don't you have some coloring to do or some cartoons to watch? Time to run along now. The adults are talkin. Bye bye.
Communist/Progressive wankers are very funny. They truly believe they're smarter because they prefer Communist Globalist propaganda outlets like NBC, CNN, NY Times, and so on. They're uninformed wingnuts who blame everything on DA BOOOOSH, 'Global Warming', and of course Fox News. They're not nearly as smart as they think they are. In reality, they're just predictable programmed bots.
Yeah, let's be real. If Fox News screeched about hating DA BOOOSH, Hating Christians, praising the 'Global Warming' God, and Race-Baiting 24/7, the Communists/Progressives would absolutely adore it. But it doesn't, so they don't.

Communists/Progressives do not possess the superior intellect they believe they do. They're just predictable uniformed bots. It is what it is.

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