Is Fox News Brainwashing People?


You know I am a natural blonde since I am too stupid to know how to fact check before going on air if an entire state is able to print out their own ballots
I'd fuck her....
So would I.

But it is like I said earlier. Guys will agree with anything a babe says no matter how stupid she is.

Fox News exploits that Thinking With Their Peckers Factor to the max. They will follow this dumb blonde whereeeeeeeever she wants them to go.

Actually O'Reilly is the top rated on Fox. He is a man. And he supports freedom exactly like our Founders did. Why not move to Cuba while it is still communist and dirt poor??.

You know I am a natural blonde since I am too stupid to know how to fact check before going on air if an entire state is able to print out their own ballots
I'd fuck her....
So would I.

But it is like I said earlier. Guys will agree with anything a babe says no matter how stupid she is.

Fox News exploits that Thinking With Their Peckers Factor to the max. They will follow this dumb blonde whereeeeeeeever she wants them to go.

Actually O'Reilly is the top rated on Fox. He is a man. And he supports freedom exactly like our Founders did. Why not move to Cuba while it is still communist and dirt poor??.
"Supports freedom". Jesus, what a total rube you sound like.

O'Reilly the combat vet, right? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA! That lying sack of cowering shit is your idea of a man?

By the way, I was stationed in Cuba, dipshit. I am intimately familiar with the hardships of the Cuban people under a communist regime. So shove your jingoistic bullshit up your ass.
"Supports freedom". Jesus, what a total rube you sound like.

dear, do you have a reason to think supporting freedom makes one a rube?
Are you a Stalinist? See why we say liberals don't belong in America??
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O'Reilly the combat vet, right? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA! That lying sack of cowering shit is your idea of a man?

dear, if i said he was my idea of a man I'll pay you $10,000.Bet? Or, change the subject and hope no one will notice that as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to defend what you assert.
Very poorly. There are broadly three classes of people who watch it: the true believers, the mockers, and those unfortunates whose coworkers of either type keep it on the office tv.
. So shove your jingoistic bullshit up your ass.

jingoistic?? Can you present an example or must you admit once again that you lack the IQ as a typical liberal to defend what you assert. Why not try to change the subject agan?? Don't worry, no one will notice.
It's a truth universally acknowledged that those who obsess over Fox News' influence on the public are they themselves thoroughly programmed by the leftwing MSM.
It's a truth universally acknowledged that those who obsess over Fox News' influence on the public are they themselves thoroughly programmed by the leftwing MSM.

Yes the liberal MSM is their idea of fair and balanced. They would love to go back to the days when there were only 3 liberal networks and uber liberals like Walter Cronkite said: : "and that's the way it is."
. So shove your jingoistic bullshit up your ass.

jingoistic?? Can you present an example or must you admit once again that you lack the IQ as a typical liberal to defend what you assert. Why not try to change the subject agan?? Don't worry, no one will notice.
Just exactly how retarded are you?

You spout jingoistic bullshit like "supports freedom" and then when called on it, ask for an example of your jingoistic bullshit?

It's meaningless drivel from a mindless, brainwashed, parroting idiot.
There seems to be a separation between Fox News Right Wingers and Right Wingers. Brainwashing weak minds isn't that hard, just ask the Easter Bunny.

How in 2015 is Fox News still taken seriously?

Their entire structure is based on ONE MAN, Rupert Murdoch, who isn't even American. He holds morning meetings to tell his "anchors" what to say and they say it. Then the people convinced Fox News is legit repeat it like parrots. Isn't THAT what the Right Wing fears most? One man with too much CONTROL?!

The Fox News political followers are the easiest to debate with but they always think they win. All they do is insult and they think they won a political debate. How and why is that? The brainwash.

One of the very basic steps of making a cult is not to allow outside information. Because if the people learn outside of that structure, they might leave. I've openly heard Fox News discuss the topic "How long have you went without listening to Obama talk". Not that Obama is Leftist, but how is that informing yourself at all? Why was it praised for the person who went 6 months without hearing something Obama said? How does that make you smart? It doesn't, it's just patting the cult brainwashed on the back.
As opposed to Obama telling the MSM what they can say?

Obama hates Fox because he can't tell them what to talk about.

This is the same stuff you come out with day in day out...

Show some actual evidence to back your claims...

That goes to all of you Hard Right boys here....

Global warming is not some Far left Conspiracy, it is backed scientific evidence. There is overwhelming scientific consensus that Global warming is happening and humans are causing it...
. So shove your jingoistic bullshit up your ass.

jingoistic?? Can you present an example or must you admit once again that you lack the IQ as a typical liberal to defend what you assert. Why not try to change the subject agan?? Don't worry, no one will notice.
Just exactly how retarded are you?

You spout jingoistic bullshit like "supports freedom" and then when called on it, ask for an example of your jingoistic bullshit?

changing the subject rather than admitting to be an idiot liberal??? I asked for an example and you run like the lilttle child you are
The blonde bimbo was caught in a lie. The rubes attempt to divert to something else. Brainwashing at its best, ladies and gentlemen.
There seems to be a separation between Fox News Right Wingers and Right Wingers. Brainwashing weak minds isn't that hard, just ask the Easter Bunny.

How in 2015 is Fox News still taken seriously?

Their entire structure is based on ONE MAN, Rupert Murdoch, who isn't even American. He holds morning meetings to tell his "anchors" what to say and they say it. Then the people convinced Fox News is legit repeat it like parrots. Isn't THAT what the Right Wing fears most? One man with too much CONTROL?!

The Fox News political followers are the easiest to debate with but they always think they win. All they do is insult and they think they won a political debate. How and why is that? The brainwash.

One of the very basic steps of making a cult is not to allow outside information. Because if the people learn outside of that structure, they might leave. I've openly heard Fox News discuss the topic "How long have you went without listening to Obama talk". Not that Obama is Leftist, but how is that informing yourself at all? Why was it praised for the person who went 6 months without hearing something Obama said? How does that make you smart? It doesn't, it's just patting the cult brainwashed on the back.
As opposed to Obama telling the MSM what they can say?

Obama hates Fox because he can't tell them what to talk about.

This is the same stuff you come out with day in day out...

Show some actual evidence to back your claims...

That goes to all of you Hard Right boys here....

Global warming is not some Far left Conspiracy, it is backed scientific evidence. There is overwhelming scientific consensus that Global warming is happening and humans are causing it...

so how much has it warmed?? if you don't know it means you're a worthless liberal parrot.
The blonde bimbo was caught in a lie. The rubes attempt to divert to something else. Brainwashing at its best, ladies and gentlemen.
changing the subject rather than admitting to be an idiot liberal??? I asked for an example and you run like the lilttle child you are
As I said days ago in this topic, any shitbird can toss out a claim. It only takes two seconds to manufacture bullshit and put it out for the parrots to consume and regurgitate.

It takes intelligence and effort to then debunk the bullshit. Then the tards just toss out another turd lie.

Here we are, days later and the morons are still defending and throwing up red herrings to protect just one of many lies. All because a blond bimbo could not figure out how to fact check a claim that is preposterous on the face of it, which strongly suggests she knew it was bullshit and titillated the tards anyway.

That's some serious hardcore brainwashing.
There seems to be a separation between Fox News Right Wingers and Right Wingers. Brainwashing weak minds isn't that hard, just ask the Easter Bunny.

How in 2015 is Fox News still taken seriously?

Their entire structure is based on ONE MAN, Rupert Murdoch, who isn't even American. He holds morning meetings to tell his "anchors" what to say and they say it. Then the people convinced Fox News is legit repeat it like parrots. Isn't THAT what the Right Wing fears most? One man with too much CONTROL?!

The Fox News political followers are the easiest to debate with but they always think they win. All they do is insult and they think they won a political debate. How and why is that? The brainwash.

One of the very basic steps of making a cult is not to allow outside information. Because if the people learn outside of that structure, they might leave. I've openly heard Fox News discuss the topic "How long have you went without listening to Obama talk". Not that Obama is Leftist, but how is that informing yourself at all? Why was it praised for the person who went 6 months without hearing something Obama said? How does that make you smart? It doesn't, it's just patting the cult brainwashed on the back.
As opposed to Obama telling the MSM what they can say?

Obama hates Fox because he can't tell them what to talk about.

This is the same stuff you come out with day in day out...

Show some actual evidence to back your claims...

That goes to all of you Hard Right boys here....

Global warming is not some Far left Conspiracy, it is backed scientific evidence. There is overwhelming scientific consensus that Global warming is happening and humans are causing it...
Yet they had to change the name from Global Warming to Climate Change....for some strange reason. Nobody can say the climate isn't's just what's causing the change is what is not able to be proved. Democrats specialize in scams intended to make themselves and their donors piles of cash, and they figure changing the names will provide some cover.

Global Warming became Climate Change
Universal Healthcare became Affordable Health Care.....mainly because it's not universal and it's not health care....and soon everyone will figure out it's not affordable. So they'll change the name again.

We'll just call it the largest tax increase in United States history.

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