Is Fox News Brainwashing People?

There seems to be a separation between Fox News Right Wingers and Right Wingers. Brainwashing weak minds isn't that hard, just ask the Easter Bunny.

How in 2015 is Fox News still taken seriously?

Their entire structure is based on ONE MAN, Rupert Murdoch, who isn't even American. He holds morning meetings to tell his "anchors" what to say and they say it. Then the people convinced Fox News is legit repeat it like parrots. Isn't THAT what the Right Wing fears most? One man with too much CONTROL?!

The Fox News political followers are the easiest to debate with but they always think they win. All they do is insult and they think they won a political debate. How and why is that? The brainwash.

One of the very basic steps of making a cult is not to allow outside information. Because if the people learn outside of that structure, they might leave. I've openly heard Fox News discuss the topic "How long have you went without listening to Obama talk". Not that Obama is Leftist, but how is that informing yourself at all? Why was it praised for the person who went 6 months without hearing something Obama said? How does that make you smart? It doesn't, it's just patting the cult brainwashed on the back.
As opposed to Obama telling the MSM what they can say?

Obama hates Fox because he can't tell them what to talk about.

This is the same stuff you come out with day in day out...

Show some actual evidence to back your claims...

That goes to all of you Hard Right boys here....

Global warming is not some Far left Conspiracy, it is backed scientific evidence. There is overwhelming scientific consensus that Global warming is happening and humans are causing it...
Yet they had to change the name from Global Warming to Climate Change....for some strange reason. Nobody can say the climate isn't's just what's causing the change is what is not able to be proved. Democrats specialize in scams intended to make themselves and their donors piles of cash, and they figure changing the names will provide some cover.

Global Warming became Climate Change
Universal Healthcare became Affordable Health Care.....mainly because it's not universal and it's not health care....and soon everyone will figure out it's not affordable. So they'll change the name again.

We'll just call it the largest tax increase in United States history.

mudwhistle I love your post because you are on the tipping edge of knowing what is going on but still blame "government dicatatorship" instead of noticing the funding behind the puppet politicians. Just look at Obama's top 10 donors. ABC, CBS, NBC are in the mix TOP TEN. Is Obama controlling them? Or are they controlling Obama. This is Capitalism and money talks my friend. Sometimes in the wrong area's.

And the new terminology "Global Warming" was changed to "Climate Change" because the small brains were pointing out snow and had no education on the topic other than Title. Funny how many people vote or reply based on title alone instead of educating themselves. The politician bringing a snowball into Congress saying, "the globe isn't warm, we have snow" says a lot. But what says the most is the MASSIVE amounts of funding big corporations like the Koch brother spend on anti-global warming agenda. If it was just a lie, it wouldn't take money to fool the weak minded. OF COURSE we could make more profit if we just didn't care about the environment or the people that live in it. America (or 'Merica) is torn between profit or killing it's people by exposing them to harmful things. It's the first time in our history we have Corporations fighting for the "Freedom" to hide what is in our food. Do you care about what is in our food? Or do you trust Big Gov. This is where both sides unite.
Big Gov. convinced both parties a bail-out was necessary because Big-Gov. was Big-Industry. Big banks. Big corporations.
The Fox News agenda is to fight knowledge. To fight CONTROL on Corporations (not on people). They prey on emotion. They want everyone to be mad and they do not want anyone to research beyond their information.
Just look at the reply/view ratio. Exposing this tactic has a lot of people thinking or just mad. Mad never made anyone smart.
There seems to be a separation between Fox News Right Wingers and Right Wingers. Brainwashing weak minds isn't that hard, just ask the Easter Bunny.

How in 2015 is Fox News still taken seriously?

Their entire structure is based on ONE MAN, Rupert Murdoch, who isn't even American. He holds morning meetings to tell his "anchors" what to say and they say it. Then the people convinced Fox News is legit repeat it like parrots. Isn't THAT what the Right Wing fears most? One man with too much CONTROL?!

The Fox News political followers are the easiest to debate with but they always think they win. All they do is insult and they think they won a political debate. How and why is that? The brainwash.

One of the very basic steps of making a cult is not to allow outside information. Because if the people learn outside of that structure, they might leave. I've openly heard Fox News discuss the topic "How long have you went without listening to Obama talk". Not that Obama is Leftist, but how is that informing yourself at all? Why was it praised for the person who went 6 months without hearing something Obama said? How does that make you smart? It doesn't, it's just patting the cult brainwashed on the back.

- Fox does not hide or coceal its bias yet has more opposing viewpoints on their shows than does the so called "mainstream outlets".

- Fox has yet to have a major lead anchor fabricate to serve a personal or political agenda like Dan Rather (CBS) and Brian Williams (NBC) did.

- Fox does not brainwash. There exists such a bias among the other networks that offer no opposing viewpoints, in the process, create a market for Fox.

- You want to beat Fox, create a genuinely, multiple points of view news and commentary network, that will put a dent into Fox. But, that won't happen. Any such network that genuinely made an attempt to frame itself as a truly unbiased, uncorrupted network would be perceived by the Left as "another Fox".

- All networks from MSNBC to Fox take talking points and are biased. Fox is successful because 1) it allows more time for opposing viewpoints and 2) their is only one Fox whereas MSNBC, NPR, CNN, ABC, CBS, and NBC oversaturate a finite audience with the same propaganda.

- the Market dictates that it wants a divided, diverse media, not a state run media.
There seems to be a separation between Fox News Right Wingers and Right Wingers. Brainwashing weak minds isn't that hard, just ask the Easter Bunny.

How in 2015 is Fox News still taken seriously?

Their entire structure is based on ONE MAN, Rupert Murdoch, who isn't even American. He holds morning meetings to tell his "anchors" what to say and they say it. Then the people convinced Fox News is legit repeat it like parrots. Isn't THAT what the Right Wing fears most? One man with too much CONTROL?!

The Fox News political followers are the easiest to debate with but they always think they win. All they do is insult and they think they won a political debate. How and why is that? The brainwash.

One of the very basic steps of making a cult is not to allow outside information. Because if the people learn outside of that structure, they might leave. I've openly heard Fox News discuss the topic "How long have you went without listening to Obama talk". Not that Obama is Leftist, but how is that informing yourself at all? Why was it praised for the person who went 6 months without hearing something Obama said? How does that make you smart? It doesn't, it's just patting the cult brainwashed on the back.

- Fox does not hide or coceal its bias yet has more opposing viewpoints on their shows than does the so called "mainstream outlets".

- Fox has yet to have a major lead anchor fabricate to serve a personal or political agenda like Dan Rather (CBS) and Brian Williams (NBC) did.

- Fox does not brainwash. There exists such a bias among the other networks that offer no opposing viewpoints, in the process, create a market for Fox.

- You want to beat Fox, create a genuinely, multiple points of view news and commentary network, that will put a dent into Fox. But, that won't happen. Any such network that genuinely made an attempt to frame itself as a truly unbiased, uncorrupted network would be perceived by the Left as "another Fox".

- All networks from MSNBC to Fox take talking points and are biased. Fox is successful because 1) it allows more time for opposing viewpoints and 2) their is only one Fox whereas MSNBC, NPR, CNN, ABC, CBS, and NBC oversaturate a finite audience with the same propaganda.

- the Market dictates that it wants a divided, diverse media, not a state run media.

"Fox has yet to have a major lead anchor fabricate to serve a personal or political agenda"~ You fail to inform yourself on the entire structure of Fox News. The structure is so funny "Anchorman 2" is entirely based on it. It's so funny Comedy Central has programs that are thriving by making fun of it. The people that actually believe it though, is the sad story.

(The leader of Fox News Rupert Merdoch is the person everyone on Fox News repeats. He is Austrailian and hates the Crony Socialism there so he invested in America to stop Socialism. He also owns TONS of news organizations. Yes, ONE person.)

Just like the Koch brothers and Ted Cruz. Children of Crony Socialism and Crony Communism. Just like we are children of Crony Capitalism. The corruption is the same in all area's and has been since "Robin Hood" and before. Money.

Money isn't bad. But the correct ways to obtain it has always been the battle.
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There seems to be a separation between Fox News Right Wingers and Right Wingers. Brainwashing weak minds isn't that hard, just ask the Easter Bunny.

How in 2015 is Fox News still taken seriously?

Their entire structure is based on ONE MAN, Rupert Murdoch, who isn't even American. He holds morning meetings to tell his "anchors" what to say and they say it. Then the people convinced Fox News is legit repeat it like parrots. Isn't THAT what the Right Wing fears most? One man with too much CONTROL?!

The Fox News political followers are the easiest to debate with but they always think they win. All they do is insult and they think they won a political debate. How and why is that? The brainwash.

One of the very basic steps of making a cult is not to allow outside information. Because if the people learn outside of that structure, they might leave. I've openly heard Fox News discuss the topic "How long have you went without listening to Obama talk". Not that Obama is Leftist, but how is that informing yourself at all? Why was it praised for the person who went 6 months without hearing something Obama said? How does that make you smart? It doesn't, it's just patting the cult brainwashed on the back.

- Fox does not hide or coceal its bias yet has more opposing viewpoints on their shows than does the so called "mainstream outlets".

- Fox has yet to have a major lead anchor fabricate to serve a personal or political agenda like Dan Rather (CBS) and Brian Williams (NBC) did.

- Fox does not brainwash. There exists such a bias among the other networks that offer no opposing viewpoints, in the process, create a market for Fox.

- You want to beat Fox, create a genuinely, multiple points of view news and commentary network, that will put a dent into Fox. But, that won't happen. Any such network that genuinely made an attempt to frame itself as a truly unbiased, uncorrupted network would be perceived by the Left as "another Fox".

- All networks from MSNBC to Fox take talking points and are biased. Fox is successful because 1) it allows more time for opposing viewpoints and 2) their is only one Fox whereas MSNBC, NPR, CNN, ABC, CBS, and NBC oversaturate a finite audience with the same propaganda.

- the Market dictates that it wants a divided, diverse media, not a state run media.

"Fox has yet to have a major lead anchor fabricate to serve a personal or political agenda"~ You fail to inform yourself on the entire structure of Fox News. The structure is so funny "Anchorman 2" is entirely based on it. It's so funny Comedy Central has programs that are thriving by making fun of it. The people that actually believe it though, is the sad story.

(The leader of Fox News Rupert Merdoch is the person everyone on Fox News repeats. He is Austrailian and hates the Crony Socialism there so he invested in America to stop Socialism. He also owns TONS of news organizations. Yes, ONE person.)

Just like the Koch brothers and Ted Cruz. Children of Crony Socialism and Crony Communism. Just like we are children of Crony Capitalism. The corruption is the same in all area's and has been since "Robin Hood" and before. Money.

Money isn't bad. But the correct ways to obtain it has always been the battle.

You continue to ignore bias and proven corruption at other news organizations and site Anchorman 2 and Comedy Central??? Comedy Central spoofs Presidents and Congress.
There seems to be a separation between Fox News Right Wingers and Right Wingers. Brainwashing weak minds isn't that hard, just ask the Easter Bunny.

How in 2015 is Fox News still taken seriously?

Their entire structure is based on ONE MAN, Rupert Murdoch, who isn't even American. He holds morning meetings to tell his "anchors" what to say and they say it. Then the people convinced Fox News is legit repeat it like parrots. Isn't THAT what the Right Wing fears most? One man with too much CONTROL?!

The Fox News political followers are the easiest to debate with but they always think they win. All they do is insult and they think they won a political debate. How and why is that? The brainwash.

One of the very basic steps of making a cult is not to allow outside information. Because if the people learn outside of that structure, they might leave. I've openly heard Fox News discuss the topic "How long have you went without listening to Obama talk". Not that Obama is Leftist, but how is that informing yourself at all? Why was it praised for the person who went 6 months without hearing something Obama said? How does that make you smart? It doesn't, it's just patting the cult brainwashed on the back.

- Fox does not hide or coceal its bias yet has more opposing viewpoints on their shows than does the so called "mainstream outlets".

- Fox has yet to have a major lead anchor fabricate to serve a personal or political agenda like Dan Rather (CBS) and Brian Williams (NBC) did.

- Fox does not brainwash. There exists such a bias among the other networks that offer no opposing viewpoints, in the process, create a market for Fox.

- You want to beat Fox, create a genuinely, multiple points of view news and commentary network, that will put a dent into Fox. But, that won't happen. Any such network that genuinely made an attempt to frame itself as a truly unbiased, uncorrupted network would be perceived by the Left as "another Fox".

- All networks from MSNBC to Fox take talking points and are biased. Fox is successful because 1) it allows more time for opposing viewpoints and 2) their is only one Fox whereas MSNBC, NPR, CNN, ABC, CBS, and NBC oversaturate a finite audience with the same propaganda.

- the Market dictates that it wants a divided, diverse media, not a state run media.

"Fox has yet to have a major lead anchor fabricate to serve a personal or political agenda"~ You fail to inform yourself on the entire structure of Fox News. The structure is so funny "Anchorman 2" is entirely based on it. It's so funny Comedy Central has programs that are thriving by making fun of it. The people that actually believe it though, is the sad story.

(The leader of Fox News Rupert Merdoch is the person everyone on Fox News repeats. He is Austrailian and hates the Crony Socialism there so he invested in America to stop Socialism. He also owns TONS of news organizations. Yes, ONE person.)

Just like the Koch brothers and Ted Cruz. Children of Crony Socialism and Crony Communism. Just like we are children of Crony Capitalism. The corruption is the same in all area's and has been since "Robin Hood" and before. Money.

Money isn't bad. But the correct ways to obtain it has always been the battle.

You continue to ignore bias and proven corruption at other news organizations and site Anchorman 2 and Comedy Central??? Comedy Central spoofs Presidents and Congress.

Egypt uses law against comedians who spoof Presidents and Congress. Funny how primitive Countries remind me of primitive minds in America.

Or perhaps you can tell me that our Congress and Presidents have been more than a joke lately?
I already posted this. 3 of Obama's top 10 donors were the CORPORATIONS ABC, CBS, and NBC. Is Obama controlling the donors?............or are the donors controlling him? Other donors were wind energy and gay rights groups and Healthcare and Colleges. Have you seen a drive for gay rights, wind energy and education lately?

Obama has so much control over those donors and they ask for nothing in return (R)ight?
It's a truth universally acknowledged that those who obsess over Fox News' influence on the public are they themselves thoroughly programmed by the leftwing MSM.

Evidence, please....

It's a truth universally acknowledged that people who say wild facts without supporting evidence are usually watching or presenting Fox News...

You see anyone can do that... I think you have to be trained to understand evidence backed statements and just straight opinion.
There seems to be a separation between Fox News Right Wingers and Right Wingers. Brainwashing weak minds isn't that hard, just ask the Easter Bunny.

How in 2015 is Fox News still taken seriously?

Their entire structure is based on ONE MAN, Rupert Murdoch, who isn't even American. He holds morning meetings to tell his "anchors" what to say and they say it. Then the people convinced Fox News is legit repeat it like parrots. Isn't THAT what the Right Wing fears most? One man with too much CONTROL?!

The Fox News political followers are the easiest to debate with but they always think they win. All they do is insult and they think they won a political debate. How and why is that? The brainwash.

One of the very basic steps of making a cult is not to allow outside information. Because if the people learn outside of that structure, they might leave. I've openly heard Fox News discuss the topic "How long have you went without listening to Obama talk". Not that Obama is Leftist, but how is that informing yourself at all? Why was it praised for the person who went 6 months without hearing something Obama said? How does that make you smart? It doesn't, it's just patting the cult brainwashed on the back.
As opposed to Obama telling the MSM what they can say?

Obama hates Fox because he can't tell them what to talk about.

This is the same stuff you come out with day in day out...

Show some actual evidence to back your claims...

That goes to all of you Hard Right boys here....

Global warming is not some Far left Conspiracy, it is backed scientific evidence. There is overwhelming scientific consensus that Global warming is happening and humans are causing it...
Yet they had to change the name from Global Warming to Climate Change....for some strange reason. Nobody can say the climate isn't's just what's causing the change is what is not able to be proved. Democrats specialize in scams intended to make themselves and their donors piles of cash, and they figure changing the names will provide some cover.

Global Warming became Climate Change
Universal Healthcare became Affordable Health Care.....mainly because it's not universal and it's not health care....and soon everyone will figure out it's not affordable. So they'll change the name again.

We'll just call it the largest tax increase in United States history.

mudwhistle I love your post because you are on the tipping edge of knowing what is going on but still blame "government dicatatorship" instead of noticing the funding behind the puppet politicians. Just look at Obama's top 10 donors. ABC, CBS, NBC are in the mix TOP TEN. Is Obama controlling them? Or are they controlling Obama. This is Capitalism and money talks my friend. Sometimes in the wrong area's.

And the new terminology "Global Warming" was changed to "Climate Change" because the small brains were pointing out snow and had no education on the topic other than Title. Funny how many people vote or reply based on title alone instead of educating themselves. The politician bringing a snowball into Congress saying, "the globe isn't warm, we have snow" says a lot. But what says the most is the MASSIVE amounts of funding big corporations like the Koch brother spend on anti-global warming agenda. If it was just a lie, it wouldn't take money to fool the weak minded. OF COURSE we could make more profit if we just didn't care about the environment or the people that live in it. America (or 'Merica) is torn between profit or killing it's people by exposing them to harmful things. It's the first time in our history we have Corporations fighting for the "Freedom" to hide what is in our food. Do you care about what is in our food? Or do you trust Big Gov. This is where both sides unite.
I'm with this post.
There seems to be a separation between Fox News Right Wingers and Right Wingers. Brainwashing weak minds isn't that hard, just ask the Easter Bunny.

How in 2015 is Fox News still taken seriously?

Their entire structure is based on ONE MAN, Rupert Murdoch, who isn't even American. He holds morning meetings to tell his "anchors" what to say and they say it. Then the people convinced Fox News is legit repeat it like parrots. Isn't THAT what the Right Wing fears most? One man with too much CONTROL?!

The Fox News political followers are the easiest to debate with but they always think they win. All they do is insult and they think they won a political debate. How and why is that? The brainwash.

One of the very basic steps of making a cult is not to allow outside information. Because if the people learn outside of that structure, they might leave. I've openly heard Fox News discuss the topic "How long have you went without listening to Obama talk". Not that Obama is Leftist, but how is that informing yourself at all? Why was it praised for the person who went 6 months without hearing something Obama said? How does that make you smart? It doesn't, it's just patting the cult brainwashed on the back.
As opposed to Obama telling the MSM what they can say?

Obama hates Fox because he can't tell them what to talk about.

This is the same stuff you come out with day in day out...

Show some actual evidence to back your claims...

That goes to all of you Hard Right boys here....

Global warming is not some Far left Conspiracy, it is backed scientific evidence. There is overwhelming scientific consensus that Global warming is happening and humans are causing it...

so how much has it warmed?? if you don't know it means you're a worthless liberal parrot.

About .08 degree celsius in the last 70 years...

There is ample evidence that Earth is warming...

Show us your evidence.
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There seems to be a separation between Fox News Right Wingers and Right Wingers. Brainwashing weak minds isn't that hard, just ask the Easter Bunny.

How in 2015 is Fox News still taken seriously?

Their entire structure is based on ONE MAN, Rupert Murdoch, who isn't even American. He holds morning meetings to tell his "anchors" what to say and they say it. Then the people convinced Fox News is legit repeat it like parrots. Isn't THAT what the Right Wing fears most? One man with too much CONTROL?!

The Fox News political followers are the easiest to debate with but they always think they win. All they do is insult and they think they won a political debate. How and why is that? The brainwash.

One of the very basic steps of making a cult is not to allow outside information. Because if the people learn outside of that structure, they might leave. I've openly heard Fox News discuss the topic "How long have you went without listening to Obama talk". Not that Obama is Leftist, but how is that informing yourself at all? Why was it praised for the person who went 6 months without hearing something Obama said? How does that make you smart? It doesn't, it's just patting the cult brainwashed on the back.
As opposed to Obama telling the MSM what they can say?

Obama hates Fox because he can't tell them what to talk about.

This is the same stuff you come out with day in day out...

Show some actual evidence to back your claims...

That goes to all of you Hard Right boys here....

Global warming is not some Far left Conspiracy, it is backed scientific evidence. There is overwhelming scientific consensus that Global warming is happening and humans are causing it...
Yet they had to change the name from Global Warming to Climate Change....for some strange reason. Nobody can say the climate isn't's just what's causing the change is what is not able to be proved. Democrats specialize in scams intended to make themselves and their donors piles of cash, and they figure changing the names will provide some cover.

Global Warming became Climate Change
Universal Healthcare became Affordable Health Care.....mainly because it's not universal and it's not health care....and soon everyone will figure out it's not affordable. So they'll change the name again.

We'll just call it the largest tax increase in United States history.

Are you claiming that the Earth is not warming...

P.S. ACA is not universal healthcare. Who is saying it is?
There seems to be a separation between Fox News Right Wingers and Right Wingers. Brainwashing weak minds isn't that hard, just ask the Easter Bunny.

How in 2015 is Fox News still taken seriously?

Their entire structure is based on ONE MAN, Rupert Murdoch, who isn't even American. He holds morning meetings to tell his "anchors" what to say and they say it. Then the people convinced Fox News is legit repeat it like parrots. Isn't THAT what the Right Wing fears most? One man with too much CONTROL?!

The Fox News political followers are the easiest to debate with but they always think they win. All they do is insult and they think they won a political debate. How and why is that? The brainwash.

One of the very basic steps of making a cult is not to allow outside information. Because if the people learn outside of that structure, they might leave. I've openly heard Fox News discuss the topic "How long have you went without listening to Obama talk". Not that Obama is Leftist, but how is that informing yourself at all? Why was it praised for the person who went 6 months without hearing something Obama said? How does that make you smart? It doesn't, it's just patting the cult brainwashed on the back.

- Fox does not hide or coceal its bias yet has more opposing viewpoints on their shows than does the so called "mainstream outlets".

- Fox has yet to have a major lead anchor fabricate to serve a personal or political agenda like Dan Rather (CBS) and Brian Williams (NBC) did.

- Fox does not brainwash. There exists such a bias among the other networks that offer no opposing viewpoints, in the process, create a market for Fox.

- You want to beat Fox, create a genuinely, multiple points of view news and commentary network, that will put a dent into Fox. But, that won't happen. Any such network that genuinely made an attempt to frame itself as a truly unbiased, uncorrupted network would be perceived by the Left as "another Fox".

- All networks from MSNBC to Fox take talking points and are biased. Fox is successful because 1) it allows more time for opposing viewpoints and 2) their is only one Fox whereas MSNBC, NPR, CNN, ABC, CBS, and NBC oversaturate a finite audience with the same propaganda.

- the Market dictates that it wants a divided, diverse media, not a state run media.

Seriously... Fox News Sued for the Right to Lie

They sued so they could lie to the American people... Fox News is not a News Organisation....

They fail to tell the truth, we showed that earlier using politifact....

The other thing is that can't just blame other US News Orgs, you have to blame every other news org in the world... Your claim is that all the other news orgs are in one big conspiracy and do this without a single shred of evidence.
You are taking you information from a organisation which has been proven subverted foreign government using their media power(UK). They accessed dead childrens phones and ran surveillance of the police. And you trust that man...

And to help you the second biggest shareholder of Fox is a muslim... This must really hurt. This guy previously had ties to terrorists and donates millions to palestine. He also funds centers of Islamic studies in Western universities. How does that sit with your Fox News view of the world, money going from you watching Fox News is going into Palestinians hands who are fighting the Jews in Israel...

But hey if Fox is so 'fair and balanced'(which they admitted on air they are not) then why are they so opposed to the fairness doctrine.
It's a truth universally acknowledged that those who obsess over Fox News' influence on the public are they themselves thoroughly programmed by the leftwing MSM.

Evidence, please....

It's a truth universally acknowledged that people who say wild facts without supporting evidence are usually watching or presenting Fox News...

You see anyone can do that... I think you have to be trained to understand evidence backed statements and just straight opinion.

*sigh* Where to even begin.

Have you even a remote awareness of how the MSM have circled the wagons to protect Obama and how they constantly promote the Progressive agenda?

One small example: Cindy Crowley's handling of the 2012 debate.

I doubt you grok this as you are a total Prog Thrall.
I'll never get over the fact that Fox news viewers scored lower on a current events test than people who watch no news at all.

Too funny.
I'll never get over the fact that Fox news viewers scored lower on a current events test than people who watch no news at all.

Too funny.
The dumbing down of the herd.

"Help me, Margaret. I can't find Merka on a map."

How in 2015 is Fox News still taken seriously?


totally stupid question. Its taken seriously because it represents the opinion of our Founders or ,you might say, the opinion on which America is based, i.e., freedom from big liberal govt. Liberals are opposed to those basic ideas which explains why they spied for Hitler and Stalin. have no clue of what the founders views were.
what you spew is propaganda

Plain folks propaganda is an attempt by the propagandist to convince the gullible that his views reflect those of the common person and that they are also working for the benefit of the common person. The propagandist will often attempt to use the accent of a specific audience as well as using specific idioms or jokes. Also, the propagandist, may attempt to increase the illusion through imperfect pronunciation, stuttering, and a more limited vocabulary. Errors such as these help add to the impression of sincerity and spontaneity. - See more at:

You know I am a natural blonde since I am too stupid to know how to fact check before going on air if an entire state is able to print out their own ballots
I'd fuck her....
So would I.

But it is like I said earlier. Guys will agree with anything a babe says no matter how stupid she is.

Fox News exploits that Thinking With Their Peckers Factor to the max. They will follow this dumb blonde whereeeeeeeever she wants them to go.

Actually O'Reilly is the top rated on Fox. He is a man. And he supports freedom exactly like our Founders did. Why not move to Cuba while it is still communist and dirt poor??.
O whiner's rattings mean only one thing ...he attracts assholes like you.
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