Is Fox News Brainwashing People?

First if all, your post hasn't shown Ms. Maddow to have lied about anything. Secondly, your source is biased AGAINST Ms. Maddow. Lastly, your source is a PROVEN hack site of the far right wing radical fringe.

You've only proven how much of a right wing hack you are.


You are a moron hack.

No one takes you seriously, nor should they.
Sure but you are essentially stating that their shit is okay because there is a counter balance shit in play. The reality is not so balanced though - FOX viewers watch fox and MSNBC viewers watch MSNBC. They do not get balance - just their version of shit.

I'm saying that by considering both perspectives, we have some small chance of discerning the facts.

I quote the Washington Post more often than I do Fox. I consider them equal and opposite to Fox. The NY Times is more akin to World Net Daily. By considering both sources, I have a better chance of gleaning the reality of any given situation.
Actually Fox gives equal time to both sides. Sure, Hannity is a right winger, but the others have as many libs and cons and give equal voice to both

Your problem is that when both sides are heard, you libs always lose.

Fox leans right, there is no question of this. But in a nation where 99% of the media leans left or is flat out propaganda, we desperately need a source that leans right.
The left is susceptible to brainwashing. They're brainwashed themselves, so of course their handlers have convinced them that anyone who thinks for themselves is being brainwashed.
All MSM News is brainwashing. It's an American Government/Corporate Media Complex at this point. The MSM serves the Government, and vice versa. It's one entity now. I laugh when Americans criticize other nations for Propaganda. Most don't even realize that Propaganda is all they're getting from Government/Corporate Media in their own nation. Remember Assad's supposed 'Chemical Weapons Attack?' That was all pre-planned U.S. Government/Corporate Media Propaganda at its worst. They already planned to announce such an attack regardless if it happened or not.

And obviously, the attack never did really happen. In fact, Assad signed the Chemical Weapons Treaty and allows inspectors to monitor. Israel among others, still hasn't signed the treaty. The U.S. Government just wanted war with Syria. So it used its Corporate Media to push a narrative to get support for it. It's all about the narrative. Every event has a conceived Government/Corporate Media narrative. And most Americans never question it. So all MSM is brainwashing. Fox News is hardly alone on that.
Actually Fox gives equal time to both sides. Sure, Hannity is a right winger, but the others have as many libs and cons and give equal voice to both

Your problem is that when both sides are heard, you libs always lose.

Fox leans right, there is no question of this. But in a nation where 99% of the media leans left or is flat out propaganda, we desperately need a source that leans right.

the commentary programs like Hannity do lean right. I do not see any right lean from the news programs. O'Reilly is most likely conservative in his personal views, but he does give liberals equal time to state their views.

When most of the media is controlled by the state, we desperately need outlets that speak openly and allow opinions that deviate from the government dictates.
In my experience, only liberals watch Fox News.


I've known many, MANY, Right Wingers that know Fox News is idiotic and entertainment. You had better believe there are MANY, that actually believe in Fox News. You had better wake up. There are massive amounts of Americans that think Fox News is actually substantial. Even after fact checkers came in and noted they only tell the truth something like 16% of the time.

It takes an active listener to hear all the partisan remarks scripted by the Fox Entertainment Management to understand the half-truths, innuendos and rumors supported by the comment, "some people are saying", and to understand the "some people" are the previous Fox talking head.

Most of those who believe what they hear haven't been brainwashed, their brain only needed a light rinse, daily administered by Hannity, aka Charley McCarthy, reading what he has been given to say.
In my experience, only liberals watch Fox News.


I've known many, MANY, Right Wingers that know Fox News is idiotic and entertainment. You had better believe there are MANY, that actually believe in Fox News. You had better wake up. There are massive amounts of Americans that think Fox News is actually substantial. Even after fact checkers came in and noted they only tell the truth something like 16% of the time.

It takes an active listener to hear all the partisan remarks scripted by the Fox Entertainment Management to understand the half-truths, innuendos and rumors supported by the comment, "some people are saying", and to understand the "some people" are the previous Fox talking head.

Most of those who believe what they hear haven't been brainwashed, their brain only needed a light rinse, daily administered by Hannity, aka Charley McCarthy, reading what he has been given to say.

If Fox bothers you by telling the truth, don't watch them. The truth scares the shit out of you libs doesn't it?
In my experience, only liberals watch Fox News.


I've known many, MANY, Right Wingers that know Fox News is idiotic and entertainment. You had better believe there are MANY, that actually believe in Fox News. You had better wake up. There are massive amounts of Americans that think Fox News is actually substantial. Even after fact checkers came in and noted they only tell the truth something like 16% of the time.

It takes an active listener to hear all the partisan remarks scripted by the Fox Entertainment Management to understand the half-truths, innuendos and rumors supported by the comment, "some people are saying", and to understand the "some people" are the previous Fox talking head.

Most of those who believe what they hear haven't been brainwashed, their brain only needed a light rinse, daily administered by Hannity, aka Charley McCarthy, reading what he has been given to say.

If Fox bothers you by telling the truth, don't watch them. The truth scares the shit out of you libs doesn't it?

Yep, i sure is. scars me lots that u vot. hahahhahhahha
Let's face it, if the Government/Corporate Media tells Americans Assad or Putin are 'Hitler', most will not question that narrative. They'll blissfully go along.

Americans and Western Europeans especially, still live the fantasy of believing they have a free & independent Press. Well guess what? It's anything but free & independent. It's Completely Government/Corporate-owned.
The anger expressed towards Fox News comes from bitter Communist Globalists who want Americans to only receive their brand of Propaganda. Fox News is a gargantuan thorn in their side. And that's why they hate it so much. And Fox News sure does kick Communist Media ass. It's not even close. They're on top. It is what it is.
First if all, your post hasn't shown Ms. Maddow to have lied about anything. Secondly, your source is biased AGAINST Ms. Maddow. Lastly, your source is a PROVEN hack site of the far right wing radical fringe.

You've only proven how much of a right wing hack you are.


You are a moron hack.

No one takes you seriously, nor should they.

In fact more will take his post seriously, than anything you post. Please, don't expect anyone to believe you're not one of the Crazy Right Wingers.
Fox & Friends Communist Flag Outrage Story Is Totally Bogus
Posted by Priscilla 155.80pc on April 10, 2015 · Flag
image: https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.n...riginal/1428680259/chines_flag.jpg?1428680259


Fox & Friends a has problem with truthiness. Thus, one wonders if Fox & Friends will add, to its list of official corrections, their latest whopper - a bogus story about how, OMG, the Chinese Communist flag was flying in front of the Washington State House until "patriots" took it down!

Monday, Fox & Friends provided their paranoid and angry audience with more red meat. (Pun intended, as you will see) They reported that tea party "patriots," angry over seeing the evil Chinese Communist flag flying next to Old Glory, saved our flag from this ignominy by single-handily taking down the Chinese flag. As reported on Rachel Maddow's blog and on last night's show (video not available), this just.wasn't.true.

During a Fox & Friends "headlines" segment, it was reported that, at the capitol of the commie state of Washington, the "Chinese Communist flag was flown right next to the American flag" on orders from the Governor (cue the death threats) who was meeting with the Chinese ambassador. It was then noted that "some local patriots were not pleased about that" and, with the help of a capitol official, took down the Chinese flag because flying the Chinese and American flags, at the same height, was disrespectful. The banner for the segment: "Taking Care of Business, Patriots Take Down Chinese Flag at WA capitol."

The Maddow blog provides us with the information that Fox excluded. Whenever a foreign dignitary visits the Washington State Capitol, the flag of their nation is flown during the visit. There was no mention of the fact that when the Chinese president visited Pres. George W Bush, the White House flew the Chinese flag at the same height as the US flag.

But here's the most important omission. This was not a redux of "Red Dawn."The "patriots" had NOTHING TO DO with the lowering of the flag. It was in the process of coming down because the official visit was over. The guy actually lowering the flag is a state worker whose job is raising and lowering State House flags. The state trooper was there to guard the flag guy - not as an escort to the motley militia.

Fox New Insider story reinforced the lie with title, "Patriots Helped Take Down a Communist China Flag at a US State Capitol." The story includes a video from the protesters which, LOL, shows that the patriots didn't "take down" the flag.

We don't know if their crack team of researchers is asleep at the switch or if the hosts of Fox & Friends deliberately lie in service of an agenda. But what we do know is that when they present misinformation, it becomes part of a false narrative used to further divide America. Not for nothing is Fox & Friends, "the morning happy-talk show that Ailes uses as one of his primary vehicles to inject his venom into the media bloodstream."

Funny, Steve Doocy actually claimed that "we here at Fox still do journalism." Really?

Read more at Fox Friends Communist Flag Outrage Story Is Totally Bogus - NewsHounds
Just remember, everything you see & hear in the MSM, is Government-supplied info. Very few if any MSM Media Outlets are doing their own independent investigating anymore. Most of their reporting is just regurgitating Government-supplied info/propaganda. They merely receive their scripts and go on with the show.

That's why we always had separation of Government/Media in the past. But now it's just one entity. So Americans should stop kidding themselves. They don't have a free & independent Press. Those days have been gone for a long time.
The anger expressed towards Fox News comes from bitter Communist Globalists who want Americans to only receive their brand of Propaganda. Fox News is a gargantuan thorn in their side. And that's why they hate it so much. And Fox News sure does kick Communist Media ass. It's not even close. They're on top. It is what it is.

  • Fox is not Fox News
  • Fox is Fox Entertainment
  • Anger? No, humor mostly!
  • "bitter Communist Globalists" (what the hell is that, a made up pejorative like islamo-fascist?).
  • Hate Fox? LMAO. Charley McCarth is a parody of Hannity, both quite funny.
  • "Communist Media" mmm like Tass (yes Virginia, some brains have been washed)
Just remember, everything you see & hear in the MSM, is Government-supplied info. Very few if any MSM Media Outlets are doing their own independent investigating anymore. Most of their reporting is just regurgitating Government-supplied info/propaganda. They merely receive their scripts and go on with the show.

That's why we always had separation of Government/Media in the past. But now it's just one entity. So Americans should stop kidding themselves. They don't have a free & independent Press. Those days have been gone for a long time.
Sometimes, a flag is just a flag
04/07/15 10:05 AM—Updated 04/07/15 11:11 AM

By Steve Benen
If you have a wacky uncle who consumes conservative media all day, it’s a safe bet you’ll receive an email about this story, if you haven’t already.
The Washington state capitol put up the Chinese flag last week in honor of Gov. Jay Inslee’s (D) trade meeting with Cui Tiankai, China’s ambassador to the United States. But on Saturday morning, a small group of tea party activists went and protested the flag, outraged that it was flying alongside the U.S. and state flags.
As manufactured outrages go, this one is more ridiculous than most.
A Chinese ambassador went to Olympia last week, so officials at the state capital did what they always do when a foreign dignitary visits: they raised the visitor’s flag alongside the U.S. and Washington flags as a goodwill gesture.
A right-wing activist on Facebook complained, and that apparently reached Alex Jones. From there it went to fringe blogs, then WorldNetDaily, and then Fox News, which told its audience that “local patriots” were “not pleased” that a Democratic governor “decided to fly a Communist China flag … right between Old Glory and the state flag.”
Fox’s report added that the “local patriots … said that flying the flag of Communist China at the same height as the stars and stripes was disrespectful.”
So, how should you respond to your angry uncle’s all-caps email? With the truth – which happens to be far more amusing than the far-right’s effort to create a scandal where none exists.
flew “a Communist China flag” at “the same height” as “Old Glory,” too. It wasn’t a big deal. The republic remains intact.
But if there’s no controversy, why did officials in Washington take down the Chinese flag after conservative media raised a fuss? That’s actually the funniest part.
There’s a YouTube video – nearing 100,000 views – of the flag being lowered, which far-right activists pointed to as a “victory” for their cause. Wonkette spoiled their fun:
We suppose it might be rude of us to point this out, but didja notice [in the YouTube video] that not a single one of the “patriot activists” does any actual hauling down of the commie flag? The guy taking down the flag is a state employee, what with the hardhat and the tools to open up the flagpole and crank down the flag. And the poor state trooper who is now going to get called a member of a quasi-paramilitary group is just the poor schlub who drew the honor of guarding the maintenance guy, not an anti-government activist who’s joining the “patriots” in defiance of Communist Gov. Jay Inslee. […]
Again, as we confirmed with a call to Jaime Smith, Director of Media Relations for Gov. Inslee, the Chinese flag had been flying to honor the ambassador’s visit. She noted that it’s common protocol for national flags of visiting diplomatic and trade delegations to fly at the Capitol during official visits, as a routine show of goodwill. When the visit is over, the flag comes down. Totally normal, and the “patriots” had nothing to do with it.
Apparently, a Scottish diplomat arrived in Olympia yesterday for a round of meetings, which means Scotland’s flag is now also waving in front of the Washington capitol building.
Whether conservative media outlets freak out about this, too, remains to be seen.
The MaddowBlog, China, Conservative Media, Conspiracy Theories and Washington
Liberals aren't angry that conservatives watch Fox News. What we are is incredulous that anyone believes what they say.

There is a huge body of verifiable evidence that Fox wouldn't know the truth if it jumped up and slapped them in the face. Fox exists to push a right wing corporate agenda by whatever means necessary.

Preaching against the poor and against social programs is one of the ways they keep Americans at each other's throats. Anyone who doesn't fact check their stories is an idiot but time and time again, the Fox narrative appears unquestioned, on this board as posters parrot the latest Fox lies.
There seems to be a separation between Fox News Right Wingers and Right Wingers. Brainwashing weak minds isn't that hard, just ask the Easter Bunny.

How in 2015 is Fox News still taken seriously?

Their entire structure is based on ONE MAN, Rupert Murdoch, who isn't even American. He holds morning meetings to tell his "anchors" what to say and they say it. Then the people convinced Fox News is legit repeat it like parrots. Isn't THAT what the Right Wing fears most? One man with too much CONTROL?!

The Fox News political followers are the easiest to debate with but they always think they win. All they do is insult and they think they won a political debate. How and why is that? The brainwash.

One of the very basic steps of making a cult is not to allow outside information. Because if the people learn outside of that structure, they might leave. I've openly heard Fox News discuss the topic "How long have you went without listening to Obama talk". Not that Obama is Leftist, but how is that informing yourself at all? Why was it praised for the person who went 6 months without hearing something Obama said? How does that make you smart? It doesn't, it's just patting the cult brainwashed on the back.

You know nothing about fox news, that's obvious by your post.
Obviously, Communist Globalists don't like Fox News' brand of Propaganda. They prefer NBC and CNN (Communist News Network) Propaganda. Both sides are always at War over who's Propaganda can reach the most people. But it's all Propaganda brainwashing. Americans need to understand that.

Fox News has done well because it broke the Communist Globalist lock on the MSM. There was a vast segment of American society that was craving something different. They felt they weren't being represented in Media. Fox News changed the game. And that's the secret of its success. And it's not going away. So Communist Globalists are just gonna have to get over it.

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