Is Fox News Brainwashing People?

FOX is excellent at finding the hot button issues for todays right wingers and finding, creating and feeding their right wingers the hot button issues they then demand to "learn" more about.

You hot for Benghazi, you got 24/7 Benghazi.
You hot for gay wedding, they got gay weddings.
You hot for police shootings, they got police shooting.
You hot for government shutdowns, they got it.
You hot for gun running. they got gun running all day.

Complete with a never ending parade of right wing politicians to get the free air time and exposure feeding the wacky right wingers.

What ever today's right wing political grievance is, is what the people at FOX will give to their viewers A steady diet of opinion posing as journalism all for the right wing whacks who love them so.
The best thing about making up a lie is that it only takes a second to utter it.

As you can see, we have gone several hours debunking it thoroughly, and yet some rubes are STILL drinking Kelly's piss.


The liars have all the advantages. It takes no brain wattage to lie, and a lot of energy to stamp out the lie.

This is precisely why Fox News spent 12 minutes layering the lie. So that the cement has time to dry in the rubes minds so that not even the jackhammer of Truth can break through it.

And that was just ONE of countless Fox News lies which have been shown in this topic.

The brainwashing liars know this. They depend on it.
Liberals just don't like having Fox News rub their noses in the rotted festering stench of liberal lies and corruption, eat it libs.
Liberals just don't like having Fox News rub their noses in the rotted festering stench of liberal lies and corruption, eat it libs.

Ah it felt good venting your spleen like that didn't it?

Now I bet you've got a list of examples showing that what you said happens, happens. Especially the "rubbing their noses in the rotted festering stench of liberal lies and corruption". That was great verbiage.

But do you have any visuals you could post? I wanna see the rubbing their noses stuff.
A careful scrutiny of what happened does not have Megyn Kelly saying that. What she did say is that Fox News was receiving reports of voters printing their ballots at home

Nope. You are wrong. I quoted exactly what she said, so stop manufacturing MORE bullshit.

You're going to have to show me a valid source of that quote before I'll believe you a) didn't make it up and/or b) aren't parroting somebody else who made it up.

You mean the actual video of her saying it which I provided isn't good enough?

I watched the unedited video without the leftwing smear commentary to go with it, and I stand by the point I'm making. I also noted that Megyn, some days later, clarified her remarks and noted that they had been interpreted as misleading. . . .and clearly stated that the presumption that the Colorado law allowed that form of voter fraud was incorrect.
Interesting that it is always Fox News that is such a terrible transgressor. None of the other 'news' sources are brought up in the OP...

Fox is no more or less guilty than most of the other major networks in publishing and broadcasting utter shit for news. It is not a Fox problem, it is an audience problem where the audience is almost exclusively interested in bolstering existing worldviews rather than actual news or events. All this butthurt over Fox or MSNBC really is immaterial. It is nothing more than mental masterbation to justify your chose outlet.
There seems to be a separation between Fox News Right Wingers and Right Wingers. Brainwashing weak minds isn't that hard, just ask the Easter Bunny.

How in 2015 is Fox News still taken seriously?

Their entire structure is based on ONE MAN, Rupert Murdoch, who isn't even American. He holds morning meetings to tell his "anchors" what to say and they say it. Then the people convinced Fox News is legit repeat it like parrots. Isn't THAT what the Right Wing fears most? One man with too much CONTROL?!

The Fox News political followers are the easiest to debate with but they always think they win. All they do is insult and they think they won a political debate. How and why is that? The brainwash.

One of the very basic steps of making a cult is not to allow outside information. Because if the people learn outside of that structure, they might leave. I've openly heard Fox News discuss the topic "How long have you went without listening to Obama talk". Not that Obama is Leftist, but how is that informing yourself at all? Why was it praised for the person who went 6 months without hearing something Obama said? How does that make you smart? It doesn't, it's just patting the cult brainwashed on the back.

I would say absolutely not!

One must have a brain for it to be washed. FOX viewers are lacking.
Liberals just don't like having Fox News rub their noses in the rotted festering stench of liberal lies and corruption, eat it libs.

Ah it felt good venting your spleen like that didn't it?

Now I bet you've got a list of examples showing that what you said happens, happens. Especially the "rubbing their noses in the rotted festering stench of liberal lies and corruption". That was great verbiage.

But do you have any visuals you could post? I wanna see the rubbing their noses stuff.

Visuals? Sure :fu:
This thread is an example of the tactic we can expect from the dem/libs until the next election. Try to attack the messenger rather than the message------------because the message is in sync with a majority of americans.
I'm not sure faux brainwashes exactly. It reports what its demographic base wants to hear. It's hardly alone in doing that, although I think Faux uses a very heavy hand in it's tone of angry and victimized. But if you think Faux's political views are the majority, you've been watching too much faux. (-:

the 2014 elections proved you wrong. You are aligned with the minority----------and obama has destroyed your party. I find it quite funny.
there's that conservative talent for blowing shit out of proportion. the 2014 off year election proved nothing it's still business as usual....
as to Obama that's just straight up hate.

dream on. the country turned away from liberalism in 2014 and will continue to do so in 2016. And, it is not hate to say that obama has destroyed the dem party---------he has. You fools chose him and he has managed to destroy what was once the party of Kennedy and Truman.

Obama has turned the dem party into the party of marxist collectivism.
This thread is an example of the tactic we can expect from the dem/libs until the next election. Try to attack the messenger rather than the message------------because the message is in sync with a majority of americans.
one gargantuan flaw in your "logic".
in matters like this the messenger and the message are one in the same.

wrong. Juan Willaims, Bob Beckel, Alan Combs, to name just three liberals who are on Fox every day.

the problem you libs have with Fox is that it does give time to both sides.

are you claiming that liberals do not get their say on Fox? Because if you are, you are lying.
Fox News has helped destroy what was once the party of Reagan.
because the so-called journalism awards are given out by leftists. The real test is ratings and polls on which network is most trustworthy-----try googling those, you might learn something.

Ahha the ole "it's the leftists blah blah blah" excuse. Why am I not the least bit surprised.

But you think rating and polls are the answer as to who is really getting the most accurate news out there.

And I did google rating and polls. You know what, rating and polls had nothing to do with journalistic integrity.

But then again, what the fuck would you know about integrity.

truth is a difficult concept for you isn't it zekey boy? Want bias in network reporting? try MSNBC. Of course no one watches them so their influence is zero.

People watch Fox because both sides are given equal time. Thats what journalism is supposed to be.

You silly libfucks want indoctrination in reporting, not truth.
Fox News has helped destroy what was once the party of Reagan.

FOX gives the viewers what they want. If fox was not there they would get it somewhere else. If they party of Reagan were actually destroyed it has nothing to do with fox and everything to do with the electorate.
Hottie Kelly said the Colorado law allows you to print your ballot and the law ENCOURAGES you to hand them to "collectors".

She actually made air quotes. Clearly trying to imply something shady.

What a lying sack of pus.

Yes Jake, you are a lying sack of pus, and too stupid to watch the video YOU linked. Kelly was commenting on a film that explained HOW you filthy fucks in the DNC plan to turn the red states blue. Dude, YOU posted it....
"No wonder Fox News is the most watched propaganda channel."

I said that. Me. It implies there are other propaganda channels.

I enjoy tearing into "that dyke" as much as I do any other liar. Maddow is a master of the lie of omission.

Without Jon Stewart, where will you get your news, Jake?

Is G a jake sock? he has rightwinger, does he also have G5000? Are there no rules against multiple sock posters?

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