Is Home-Schooling a Fundamental Right?

Because I do not obey the commands of message board posters

Do you believe that the earth is not as I described it? If so, document your claim with facts.

It was a question and not a command.

I know you didnt respond because then you would have to give FACTS that show you believe in the factual basis of sceince.

hate sceince

What you wrote was this:

document your claim with facts

Please note the lack of a question mark which normally follows a question... for example:

What are "Rgith wingers "?

Technically, there wouldnt be a question mark because what she wrote isnt a question. It's a command. Of course, a period would be appropriate. A Capital letter to start the sentence too. But she hasn't ever cared for grammar formalities. Most of us have weaknesses there, hers are just more frequent and obvious.
if homeschooling is not a BO and his marxist minions want.........then the right of a parent to teach his own individual beliefs to his children is broken....this could include anything from math and reading to moral standards and political and religious beliefs....

in other words....nothing but 'state-approved' teachings would be allowed to touch the minds of our children.....

is it any wonder that progressives keep lowering the age for putting children into government 'schools'....?

Note this completely insane post full of lies and with very little reguard of the facts.

Thank you for proving the right hates facts and sceince
when a parent home schools a child to a pack of lies instead of reality that is child abuse.

some parents care MORE about their own ideas than teaching their child how to think for themselves

I know of no parent who "home schools a child to a pack of lies instead of reality."

Name one, please.

Are you the final arbiter of reality now?

Isn't that a heavy burden on your shoulders?

Because I do not obey the commands of message board posters

Do you believe that the earth is not as I described it? If so, document your claim with facts.

It was a question and not a command.

I know you didnt respond because then you would have to give FACTS that show you believe in the factual basis of sceince.

Rgith wingers hate sceince

Right wingers can spell it. Can you?
public education is not indoctrination you insane right wing nutter

Of course it can be, TM. Look at the USSR, Nazi Germany, and today's Alabama.

It is a fact that the purpose for the Indian Boarding Schools that existed in the USA and Canada until the 1970's was indoctrination. The program in both countries stated that as their purpose, openly.
when a parent home schools a child to a pack of lies instead of reality that is child abuse.

some parents care MORE about their own ideas than teaching their child how to think for themselves

I know of no parent who "home schools a child to a pack of lies instead of reality."

Name one, please.

Are you the final arbiter of reality now?

Isn't that a heavy burden on your shoulders?

The habitually lying twatwaffle has to put forth her assumption as fact in order to make her straw-man arguments and other assumptions seem truthful and/or plausible
if homeschooling is not a BO and his marxist minions want.........then the right of a parent to teach his own individual beliefs to his children is broken....this could include anything from math and reading to moral standards and political and religious beliefs....

in other words....nothing but 'state-approved' teachings would be allowed to touch the minds of our children.....

is it any wonder that progressives keep lowering the age for putting children into government 'schools'....?

Note this completely insane post full of lies and with very little reguard of the facts.

Thank you for proving the right hates facts and sceince

you must be one of those low-information people taught in a public school.....homeschooled children have OUTSTANDING results....

The study included almost 12,000 home-school students from all 50 states who took three well-known standardized achievements tests — the California Achievement Test, the Iowa Test of Basic Skills and the Stanford Achievement Test — for the 2007-08 academic year. The students were drawn from 15 independent testing services, making it the most comprehensive home-school academic study to date.

The results reinforced previous home-school studies conducted over a period of 25 years.

Five areas of academic pursuit were measured. In reading, the average home-schooler scored at the 89th percentile; language, 84th percentile; math, 84th percentile; science, 86th percentile; and social studies, 84th percentile. In the core studies (reading, language and math), the average home-schooler scored at the 88th percentile.

The average public school student taking these standardized tests scored at the 50th percentile in each subject area.

Read more: HOME-SCHOOLING: Outstanding results on national tests - Washington Times
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public education is not indoctrination you insane right wing nutter

You should broaden your horizons.....get out, and read a bit.

Professor Frank Kauffman…”An independent report on the School of Social Work at Missouri State University says officials there bullied students by creating "an atmosphere where the Code of Ethics is used in order to coerce students into certain belief systems," documenting allegations made by a Christian student who was penalized under the system.”

Frank G. Kauffman (Missouri State University)
As WND reported late last year, Missouri State social work professor Frank G. Kauffman was placed on leave as part of a settlement of a lawsuit brought on behalf of student Emily Brooker.
She refused his assignment to lobby for homosexual adoptions because it violated her religious beliefs, and then was brought up on ethics charges within the program's system. Her lawsuit, handled by The Alliance Defense Fund, was settled quickly by the school with the leave of absence as well as monetary damages and a removal from her record of the charges against her.

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