Is Home-Schooling a Fundamental Right?

when a parent home schools a child to a pack of lies instead of reality that is child abuse.

some parents care MORE about their own ideas than teaching their child how to think for themselves

My daughter in law is homeschooling her kids...guess what!! She teaches them Reading, writing, arithmetic, English, and whatever else a school will teach! And yes, she teaches her kids right from wrong too.....she doesn't teach them lies.

And thankfully I KNOW she isn't teaching them what YOU would consider right or wrong, because those kids are much smarter than you... :)

Good for your daughter in law. And she has that right as an American. There's no doubt that home schooling, even when done with a regligious angle, can produce fine citizens.

I have known some atheist AND evangelical monsters who could not critically think.
I don't think they've been granted asylum. they may have apllied. it's been awhile since I did anything with immigration, but anyone who is here, regardless of whether they came here legally on a temp visa or something or illegally, may make a claim for asylum.

In this case, their only claim is mean old Germany will expose their children to perhaps the finest education in the world, as well as better social welfare than the US, and they can do religion after school. THE HORROR

no.....the Germans' claim was that they were "threatened with jail, fines and the forcible removal of their children from their home. What was their crime? They were homeschooling!"

socialism in Germany doesn't seem so nice now....does it....?
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when a parent home schools a child to a pack of lies instead of reality that is child abuse.

some parents care MORE about their own ideas than teaching their child how to think for themselves

My daughter in law is homeschooling her kids...guess what!! She teaches them Reading, writing, arithmetic, English, and whatever else a school will teach! And yes, she teaches her kids right from wrong too.....she doesn't teach them lies.

And thankfully I KNOW she isn't teaching them what YOU would consider right or wrong, because those kids are much smarter than you... :)

see what you do?

If your duaghter is teaching her kids facts then I was NOT talking about her huh?

You are so full of hate you cant read straight
I would suppose that it would be reasonable to allow home-schooling, but I do not suppose that it is a "fundamental right." Say for instance that some parent's wanted to raise their kids to be neo-nazi's or islamic terrorists or whatever else we would hate to see any child degraded to.

It is certainly not a reason for asylum. But then, I think our borders should be more open anyway..
Of course it can be, TM. Look at the USSR, Nazi Germany, and today's Alabama.

Interesting that you bring in the USSR...a perfect example of indoctrination in our schools:

1. The federally funded “National History Standards” for elementary schools were released in 1994, cemented a revisionist view of American Communism for schoolteachers, as the guide mentions McCarthy over twenty times, while Edison and the Wright Brothers got no mention. “It …repeatedly condemns McCarthyism as an unmitigated evil…[but] the Hiss-Chambers and Rosenberg cases, the two dominant controversies of the anticommunist era, are described with bland, neutral language crafted to keep from implying guilt while not being quite so foolhardy as to actually assert innocence..’National Standards’…implies that the cases are part and parcel of the McCartyite horror.”
From “In Denial,” by Haynes and Klehr, pg. 151

2. Revisionist views are found, for example, in the work of Ellen Wolf Schrecker, Ph.D., a professor of American history at Yeshiva University, who states “ whatever threat to the United States such espionage [by US citizens working for Soviet intelligence] may have posed, it was gone by the time the main justification for the McCarthy-era purges.” The revisionists claim that the greater sin was not the betrayal of the country by American Communists, but anticommunists using that betrayal as “a rationalization for the most widespread and the longest-lasting episode of political repression in our nation’s history.”

3. The Professor’s view is based on the relatively small number of prosecutions and convictions, but this overlooks the objectives of the FBI, which weighed exposing sources vs. prosecutions. The aim in counterespionage is always to disrupt the cells and prosecutions are secondary. The ongoing decryption of the Venona cables severely damaged and disruptions of Soviet espionage rings (over 300 Soviet agents active in the US Government during WWII and thereafter) in the last half of the ‘40’s and ‘50’s, and, while only a few spies were prosecuted, scores of others were identified, removed from their government posts and neutralized.

Others who functioned as support personnel for Soviet espionage networks (couriers, recruiters, hosts of safe houses, and providers of false identities and sham jobs) were identified, questioned and frightened into inactivity. The Cold War and Korea reduced government and public toleration for Communists and Communist sympathizers. Truman’s legal assault on communism, including the Smith Act, prosecuted leaders and included removing security risks from government. (see “In Denial,” Haynes and Klehr)

This is the nature and method of 'public school' indoctrination.

Let me point out you are indoctrinating here with a reactionary Mises-like interp.

There is no question that right wing and left wing are battling for the public ed. The Texas school book battle is one of the classic examples.

You may certainly "point out" whatsoever you wish, but the point-er would be the operative consideration.

And, as usual, you would be wrong.

You may leave when ever you wish, read what you wish, disagree as you wish....and not have a grade in "USMB."

The same is not true of those enrolled in public school.

I'm not surprised that you fail to recognize the difference.
Ah the international plight of the Home Schoolers. Why apply for politcal assylum? Why not just immigrate here? Personally I have no problem letting these folks in our country unless of course their home schooling include neo-nazi teachings or something like that. jihadism....

it's disgusting how lefties will arrest 10 year olds for playing with a toy gun yet they support madrassas that teach jihadism....

I'm left and I don't support arresting 10 year olds not do I support any religionist.
becuase you choose to misunderstand people at every turn.

YOU chose to see people in a bad light.

Its who you are.

Its why you think most people are BAD and not good
No he would NOT agree with you.

He would infact tear your argument to shreads becuase its a false narrative by a biased site

Double dog dare you to ask him.

Don't be afraid....I've heard lots of folks argue with their kids.


my son would be much less kind to you than I

And don't think for a minute that I don't appreciate you kindness and generosity with your time!

Want me to say a prayer for you?
how is noting that your links are propaganda changing the subject from your propaganda?
Double dog dare you to ask him.

Don't be afraid....I've heard lots of folks argue with their kids.


my son would be much less kind to you than I

And don't think for a minute that I don't appreciate you kindness and generosity with your time!

Want me to say a prayer for you?

You pray any time about anything you want to pray about

You see you mistake me stating what I believe as an attack on your religion.

You get to talk about what you believe and I get to talk about what I believe.

The christains have been able for so many decades to FORCE others to pretend they believe out of bullying they forgot they were the bully.

Freedom of religion means I dont have to pretend to believe in christianity for your comfort.

Ah the international plight of the Home Schoolers. Why apply for politcal assylum? Why not just immigrate here? Personally I have no problem letting these folks in our country unless of course their home schooling include neo-nazi teachings or something like that. jihadism....

it's disgusting how lefties will arrest 10 year olds for playing with a toy gun yet they support madrassas that teach jihadism....

I'm left and I don't support arresting 10 year olds not do I support any religionist.

Uh oh....

"President Obama: ‘I am a Christian By Choice…The Precepts of Jesus Spoke to Me’"
President Obama: ?I am a Christian By Choice?The Precepts of Jesus Spoke to Me? - ABC News

He's gonna be crushed!
how is noting that your links are propaganda changing the subject from your propaganda?


I see your point.

Yesterday I quoted extensively from Glenn Greenwald's “With Liberty and Justice for Some; How the Law Is Used to Destroy Equality and Protect the Powerful”

Dang....he sure is way-Left Liberal.

I'll try not to do it again.
Will you forgive me?
are you going to change your bullying ways and quit accusing anyone who talks about what they believe and happen not to be christian of being ANTI christian?

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