Is Home-Schooling a Fundamental Right?

Because I do not obey the commands of message board posters

Do you believe that the earth is not as I described it? If so, document your claim with facts.

It was a question and not a command.

I know you didnt respond because then you would have to give FACTS that show you believe in the factual basis of sceince.

hate sceince

What you wrote was this:

document your claim with facts

Please note the lack of a question mark which normally follows a question... for example:

What are "Rgith wingers "?
anyone who home schools a child should be willing to have the child tested periodically to show the child is NOT being harmed by inability of the teacher or false information being given the child.

To teach a child LIES about the world IS child abuse no matter who does it.

Do you believe it is child abuse if you promote your childs belief in Santa Claus?

pretty sad bit of stupidity there bub.

It is a cultural phenom and as a matter of fact I went along with it too for my child right up until the day he asked me "mom is santa real?" and the typical answer I had given which is "the spirit of santa is real" didnt cut it.

That day my eight year old child was sworn into the SANTA PACK which was something I made up in the spot to make sure he didnt ruin it for other kids who were not ready to give up the myth.

I made him hold up his hand and SWEAR on his honor to never tell a child about the SANTA PACK and how santa was a myth.

You should have seen the PRIDE on his face at being inducted into theis adult world of santa facts.

Then the PRIDE and GRIN he had on his face when we talked to another kid about santa.

My son was awsome.

Truth makes people better people

Because I do not obey the commands of message board posters

Do you believe that the earth is not as I described it? If so, document your claim with facts.

It was a question and not a command.

I know you didnt respond because then you would have to give FACTS that show you believe in the factual basis of sceince.

Rgith wingers hate sceince

Why do you think right wingers hate science?

Personally I've always loved science. I always got A's in it in school and college.

Is the strawman arguement the only card in your deck?
Because I do not obey the commands of message board posters

Do you believe that the earth is not as I described it? If so, document your claim with facts.

It was a question and not a command.

I know you didnt respond because then you would have to give FACTS that show you believe in the factual basis of sceince.

Rgith wingers hate sceince

Why do you think right wingers hate science?

Personally I've always loved science. I always got A's in it in school and college.

Is the strawman arguement the only card in your deck?

your playing stupid now?
yeah sceince is facts huh?

Quantum mechanics theory is that reality is the summation of probability.

Science nerd joke..

Heisenberg was driving on the freeway when he was pulled over by a cop. The cop walks up to the drivers window of Heisenbergs car and asks:

Do you know how fast you were going?

Heisenberg responds:

No, but I know where I am.
This issue has very little to do with home schooling, and a lot to do with foreign affairs. Germany doesn't allow home schooling, they haven't since 1717. So it's nothing new.

The real issue comes with the US granting asylum to the family. We only grant asylum to people who are fleeing from repressive and abusive governments. By granting asylum to them we're slapping germany in the face and telling them "we think you guys are repressive assholes".

The DOJ is considering our relationship with Germany more important than one family's choice to home school. I agree with that.
anyone who home schools a child should be willing to have the child tested periodically to show the child is NOT being harmed by inability of the teacher or false information being given the child.

To teach a child LIES about the world IS child abuse no matter who does it.

Have you conducted a study which indicates at state.....the enumerated powers of the Constitution don't give the federal government any role in not regulate homeschooling?
My state requires periodic reports, and testing as well.
does austerity help restart a failing economy?

No it doesnt and all the facts and history of man shows that (facts).

why does the right persist in ignoring those facts?
It was a question and not a command.

I know you didnt respond because then you would have to give FACTS that show you believe in the factual basis of sceince.

Rgith wingers hate sceince

Why do you think right wingers hate science?

Personally I've always loved science. I always got A's in it in school and college.

Is the strawman arguement the only card in your deck?

your playing stupid now?

No one here has to play stupid.

You've won that trophy.
anyone who home schools a child should be willing to have the child tested periodically to show the child is NOT being harmed by inability of the teacher or false information being given the child.

To teach a child LIES about the world IS child abuse no matter who does it.

Have you conducted a study which indicates at state.....the enumerated powers of the Constitution don't give the federal government any role in not regulate homeschooling?
My state requires periodic reports, and testing as well.

as they should.

so whats your problem with them making sure you are not harming your kids?
does austerity help restart a failing economy?

No it doesnt and all the facts and history of man shows that (facts).

why does the right persist in ignoring those facts?

What does this post have to do with the topic of the thread?

Be specific.
Where does it say in the COTUS, that children should be taught fantasy passed off as "education"?

Or are you all ones that think the earth is 10 thousand years old and that man walked with dinasours?

And you wonder why our childrens education is sucking hind tit. Imagine the up and coming scientist who was taught that the earth is only 10 thousand years old. Gee they sure would command respect and their opinion would be highly thought of. At least by todays Rethugs who believe that ONLY the Bible has the "right" information.

Don't the taliban believe that only the Koran has the right information also.

But what I am really tired of is using Federal tax dollars to make kids more stupid by allowing parents to send their kids to a "religious" schools. You parents that want your kids ignorant and stupid, pay for their supposed education yourselves.

Obviously, your education sucked hind tit. What you believe is your business, and what other people believe is their business. Is that too damn hard for you left wing loons to understand.

Federal tax dollars have no business being in primary and secondary education at all. I pay state and local tax dollars to educate children, not to ensure job security for political indoctrinators. Those dollars should follow the child to the best education possible in the area where he/she lives. If that is a religious school, a secular private school, or a public school, so be it.

I have no problem with the state, or even the federal government, establishing good standards for reading, writing and arithmetic, that are expected of all schools and home schooling. I do not want government teaching any child what to believe about politics or religion. As far as science goes, schools should teach children what science knows, what science does not know, and what scientists believe, Children will make up their own minds about what they think is, or is not, true.
Go to post 1 for the full read.

I feel certain that even our Liberal friends will see this attack on individual liberty is a line that no democracy should cross.

I think liberals should agree with you. I am very sure that we mainstream GOP are in absolute agreement.
if homeschooling is not a BO and his marxist minions want.........then the right of a parent to teach his own individual beliefs to his children is broken....this could include anything from math and reading to moral standards and political and religious beliefs....

in other words....nothing but 'state-approved' teachings would be allowed to touch the minds of our children.....

is it any wonder that progressives keep lowering the age for putting children into government 'schools'....?

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