Is homosexuality a choice, a mental illness or something simply inherent?

I just have one question for everyone who argues homosexuality is a choice:

When did you decide what turns you on?

Everyone has something (or multiple somethings) that flip their switch, but if there are folks who arrived at their passions through conscious decision, they are few and far between.

We all know what turns us on. Few if any of us know why, and homosexuals are no different from anyone else in that regard.

I know exactly what turns me on, and I remember when I figured it out.

Me too. First time I ran across it, I knew exactly what turned me on. What I didn't do is say "Hey ... think I'll choose THAT to get my motor running."
I just have one question for everyone who argues homosexuality is a choice:

When did you decide what turns you on?

Everyone has something (or multiple somethings) that flip their switch, but if there are folks who arrived at their passions through conscious decision, they are few and far between.

We all know what turns us on. Few if any of us know why, and homosexuals are no different from anyone else in that regard.

I know exactly what turns me on, and I remember when I figured it out.

Me too. First time I ran across it, I knew exactly what turned me on. What I didn't do is say "Hey ... think I'll choose THAT to get my motor running."

It boggles my mind people think its a choice. Its 2014 for cryin out loud. I didnt even know what turned on was but I knew I wanted to get next to the cute little girl in my class.
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Occam's razor doesn't apply because it is only a problem in the mind of fanatics.

Occam applies to ALL scientific questions. Religious nutters ignore science and the scientific method. I don't.


Occam's Razor is simply a method of reaching a conclusion when there isn't any actual evidence to support multiple hypotheses. Simply stated, the position with the fewest assumptions is the one most likely to be right. Funny thing, sometimes the one with the most assumptions turns out to be right when you find actual evidence, which is where science comes in.

But, please keep declaring your superiority over me based on your delusional belief that I don't understand science, even though I actually proved that you were wrong about heritability, it helps me appreciate life.

You have proven nothing other than you don't understand definitions.
You're the only one I have ever seen who claims heritability has nothing to do with genetics. I don't claim to be better than you, I do claim to understand the definitions of what is being discussed.
i just have one question for everyone who argues homosexuality is a choice:

When did you decide what turns you on?

Everyone has something (or multiple somethings) that flip their switch, but if there are folks who arrived at their passions through conscious decision, they are few and far between.

We all know what turns us on. Few if any of us know why, and homosexuals are no different from anyone else in that regard.

i know exactly what turns me on, and i remember when i figured it out.
@quantum windbag
but when did you decide that the "thing that turns you on" would be the "thing that turned you on?

I just have one question for everyone who argues homosexuality is a choice:

When did you decide what turns you on?

Everyone has something (or multiple somethings) that flip their switch, but if there are folks who arrived at their passions through conscious decision, they are few and far between.

We all know what turns us on. Few if any of us know why, and homosexuals are no different from anyone else in that regard.

I know exactly what turns me on, and I remember when I figured it out.

Me too. First time I ran across it, I knew exactly what turned me on. What I didn't do is say "Hey ... think I'll choose THAT to get my motor running."

Maybe you should have paid more attention.
I know exactly what turns me on, and I remember when I figured it out.

Me too. First time I ran across it, I knew exactly what turned me on. What I didn't do is say "Hey ... think I'll choose THAT to get my motor running."

It boggles my mind people think its a choice. Its 2014 for cryin out loud. I didnt even know what turned on was but I knew I wanted to get next to the cute little girl in my class.

Why is everyone who knows they made a choice lying? Is there some sort of conspiracy? Are they delusional? Are you so close minded you cannot admit that you might not know everything?
Me too. First time I ran across it, I knew exactly what turned me on. What I didn't do is say "Hey ... think I'll choose THAT to get my motor running."

It boggles my mind people think its a choice. Its 2014 for cryin out loud. I didnt even know what turned on was but I knew I wanted to get next to the cute little girl in my class.

Why is everyone who knows they made a choice lying? Is there some sort of conspiracy? Are they delusional? Are you so close minded you cannot admit that you might not know everything?
Why would you think there is a conspiracy to cover up a choice that may not actually take place. Why do you insist that it's a choice and everybody else is wrong? Are you so closed minded you cannot admit you don't know everything? How can you accuse somebody else of something you are guilty of?
Occam applies to ALL scientific questions. Religious nutters ignore science and the scientific method. I don't.


Occam's Razor is simply a method of reaching a conclusion when there isn't any actual evidence to support multiple hypotheses. Simply stated, the position with the fewest assumptions is the one most likely to be right. Funny thing, sometimes the one with the most assumptions turns out to be right when you find actual evidence, which is where science comes in.

But, please keep declaring your superiority over me based on your delusional belief that I don't understand science, even though I actually proved that you were wrong about heritability, it helps me appreciate life.

You have proven nothing other than you don't understand definitions.
You're the only one I have ever seen who claims heritability has nothing to do with genetics. I don't claim to be better than you, I do claim to understand the definitions of what is being discussed.

This from the guy that tried to tell me that monozygotic twins can have different genes? Have you come up with an explanation of how twins that come from the same fertilized egg have different genes? Does an extra sperm cell sneak in after the egg splits?

Keep telling yourself, and everyone else, that you actually understand words that you clearly do not. I hope everyone else gets a big a laugh from your posts as I do.
Sexuality isn't determined by having sex.

Did you know you wanted to have sex before ever having sex? If yes, than your sexuality was understood.

Everyone wants to have sex before they have sex.
Precisely why sexuality doesn't really have to do with who you have sex with.

Does that mean you actually believe that everyone understands their sexuality? Or did I just catch you in another slip of the keyboard where you said something you didn't think about first?

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