Is increasing population a primary component of Dem platforms..Does that improve the quality of life

for good, real Americans?
Who benefits from population expansion?

(D)s are in favor of mandated health ins coverage for birth control & (R)s are not.

(D)s are in favor of choosing whether to become a parent. (R)s are not.

easy answer.

"easy answer"


Your answer has nothing to do with the question. You'd probably write the same "easy answer" had OP asked "how the sun rays effect the spots on Malayan mosquito?"
for good, real Americans?
Who benefits from population expansion?

I suppose you need to define who are "good, real Americans".

I will offer my opinion on what defines a "good, real American" below:

  • S/He judges people by their character, not their color / ethnicity or sexual orientation
  • S/He respects the laws and the American Tradition of Jurisprudence - no one is above the law and no one should be judged guilty until a trier of facts finds evidence beyond a reasonable doubt.
  • S/He who supports and defends the Constitution in total, including the vision left to us by the framers as outlined in the Preamble
  • S/He support aid and comfort for the needy: the aged, infirm and children
  • S/He who supports Public Schools whether they have students enrolled or not, for they are the future
  • All those who support equal rights and equal opportunities for every citizen
  • None of those who are liars, cheats and violent criminals, those who do not support the traditional values, mores and ethics Americans have always articulated and too many ignore.
It's hilarious that you believe you have described a typical liberal or a "real American."

I'll be more plain: How does any American benefit from immigration?

Of course you miss the irony of that question.

for good, real Americans?
Who benefits from population expansion?

I suppose you need to define who are "good, real Americans".

I will offer my opinion on what defines a "good, real American" below:

  • S/He judges people by their character, not their color / ethnicity or sexual orientation
  • S/He respects the laws and the American Tradition of Jurisprudence - no one is above the law and no one should be judged guilty until a trier of facts finds evidence beyond a reasonable doubt.
  • S/He who supports and defends the Constitution in total, including the vision left to us by the framers as outlined in the Preamble
  • S/He support aid and comfort for the needy: the aged, infirm and children
  • S/He who supports Public Schools whether they have students enrolled or not, for they are the future
  • All those who support equal rights and equal opportunities for every citizen
  • None of those who are liars, cheats and violent criminals, those who do not support the traditional values, mores and ethics Americans have always articulated and too many ignore.
It's hilarious that you believe you have described a typical liberal or a "real American."

I'll be more plain: How does any American benefit from immigration?

Of course you miss the irony of that question.

The irony being that we needed brown thirdworld subhumans 250 years ago so we must need them today?
Oh wait...this nation NEVER needed nor wanted brown thirdworld subhumans did we....Read the Naturalization Act Of 1790
Brown third world sub-humans.

Well, there ya go.

I know you speak for many Trumpsters.
for good, real Americans?
Who benefits from population expansion?

I suppose you need to define who are "good, real Americans".

I will offer my opinion on what defines a "good, real American" below:

  • S/He judges people by their character, not their color / ethnicity or sexual orientation
  • S/He respects the laws and the American Tradition of Jurisprudence - no one is above the law and no one should be judged guilty until a trier of facts finds evidence beyond a reasonable doubt.
  • S/He who supports and defends the Constitution in total, including the vision left to us by the framers as outlined in the Preamble
  • S/He support aid and comfort for the needy: the aged, infirm and children
  • S/He who supports Public Schools whether they have students enrolled or not, for they are the future
  • All those who support equal rights and equal opportunities for every citizen
  • None of those who are liars, cheats and violent criminals, those who do not support the traditional values, mores and ethics Americans have always articulated and too many ignore.
It's hilarious that you believe you have described a typical liberal or a "real American."

I'll be more plain: How does any American benefit from immigration?

It dilutes conservative insanity.
for good, real Americans?
Who benefits from population expansion?

Economic growth. Bigger labor supply. More people to pay for baby boomer’s entitlements.

I'll bet when middle class whitey is sitting in stopped traffic on the 101 freeway in Los Angeles (where it takes him 2.5 hours to travel 45 miles) he's looking around and seeing nothing but illegal wetbacks whom don't pay income taxes in every car around him...I'm sure he is super happy about that "economic growth" and "bigger labor supply" as he is definitely a direct beneficiary.

Only a bitter little loser would look around and imagine that all his problems - including traffic - are the fault of what he guesses about everyone else. That is the definition of a fucking loser.

Only a retarded nutless pussy scared of reality would prefer to pretend shit isn’t what it is and take pride in having their head deep in their ass.
Is increasing population a primary component of Dem platforms

Primary component, yes. The only component, no.

They were always for increasing populations thru immigration, and while publicly they were for secured borders, behind the door they were always (or at least in past 30 years) working against their public policy. Reason for that is simple, votes.

The second most important component of their platform is race relations. Historically they were the worst of the worst towards minorities. Even their policies today are designed to keep minorities under their control thru social programs, unemployment, freebies, because they know, once those minorities realize they can survive without help, they will depart from them. Just as blacks departed from Republican party during FDR's New Deal, because deal was giving them better depression survival chance, they're leaving Democrats today because they cannot offer them anything they couldn't get on their own.

For that reason, for Democrats today, everything is about "race" and exploiting race. Here is an example.

Their own Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform bill, that they pushed with very little Republican support is not good enough anymore. Democrats, primarily blacks, are pushing for revision of Dodd-Frank bill to include "diversity and inclusion component in the rating system". Basically, it's affirmative action all over again, but for banking. Everything with Democrats is about race, and weather bill is good or bad, if you vote against it, you will be labeled as racist.

You can read it here.
for good, real Americans?
Who benefits from population expansion?

I suppose you need to define who are "good, real Americans".

I will offer my opinion on what defines a "good, real American" below:

  • S/He judges people by their character, not their color / ethnicity or sexual orientation
  • S/He respects the laws and the American Tradition of Jurisprudence - no one is above the law and no one should be judged guilty until a trier of facts finds evidence beyond a reasonable doubt.
  • S/He who supports and defends the Constitution in total, including the vision left to us by the framers as outlined in the Preamble
  • S/He support aid and comfort for the needy: the aged, infirm and children
  • S/He who supports Public Schools whether they have students enrolled or not, for they are the future
  • All those who support equal rights and equal opportunities for every citizen
  • None of those who are liars, cheats and violent criminals, those who do not support the traditional values, mores and ethics Americans have always articulated and too many ignore.
It's hilarious that you believe you have described a typical liberal or a "real American."

I'll be more plain: How does any American benefit from immigration?

Of course you miss the irony of that question.
There's no irony except in the minds of dumbasses who believe we owe something to foreigners because our ancestors weren't natives.
I think the applicable term is "hypocrisy" and possibly, on your side, "entitlement".
We are entitled to determine who comes here. That isn't hypocrisy. It's a simple fact. The idea that any foreigner has a right to come here is shear idiocy.
It's hilarious that you believe you have described a typical liberal or a "real American."

I'll be more plain: How does any American benefit from immigration?

Of course you miss the irony of that question.
There's no irony except in the minds of dumbasses who believe we owe something to foreigners because our ancestors weren't natives.

Your stupidity is hilarious.
What "stupidity?"

In other words, you can't name anything.

Thanks for playing, dumbass.
for good, real Americans?
Who benefits from population expansion?

I suppose you need to define who are "good, real Americans".

I will offer my opinion on what defines a "good, real American" below:

  • S/He judges people by their character, not their color / ethnicity or sexual orientation
  • S/He respects the laws and the American Tradition of Jurisprudence - no one is above the law and no one should be judged guilty until a trier of facts finds evidence beyond a reasonable doubt.
  • S/He who supports and defends the Constitution in total, including the vision left to us by the framers as outlined in the Preamble
  • S/He support aid and comfort for the needy: the aged, infirm and children
  • S/He who supports Public Schools whether they have students enrolled or not, for they are the future
  • All those who support equal rights and equal opportunities for every citizen
  • None of those who are liars, cheats and violent criminals, those who do not support the traditional values, mores and ethics Americans have always articulated and too many ignore.
It's hilarious that you believe you have described a typical liberal or a "real American."

I'll be more plain: How does any American benefit from immigration?

Of course you miss the irony of that question.

I suppose you need to define who are "good, real Americans".

I will offer my opinion on what defines a "good, real American" below:

  • S/He judges people by their character, not their color / ethnicity or sexual orientation
  • S/He respects the laws and the American Tradition of Jurisprudence - no one is above the law and no one should be judged guilty until a trier of facts finds evidence beyond a reasonable doubt.
  • S/He who supports and defends the Constitution in total, including the vision left to us by the framers as outlined in the Preamble
  • S/He support aid and comfort for the needy: the aged, infirm and children
  • S/He who supports Public Schools whether they have students enrolled or not, for they are the future
  • All those who support equal rights and equal opportunities for every citizen
  • None of those who are liars, cheats and violent criminals, those who do not support the traditional values, mores and ethics Americans have always articulated and too many ignore.
It's hilarious that you believe you have described a typical liberal or a "real American."

I'll be more plain: How does any American benefit from immigration?

Of course you miss the irony of that question.

The irony being that we needed brown thirdworld subhumans 250 years ago so we must need them today?
Oh wait...this nation NEVER needed nor wanted brown thirdworld subhumans did we....Read the Naturalization Act Of 1790
Brown third world sub-humans.

Well, there ya go.

I know you speak for many Trumpsters.
Brokerloser speaks only for himself. I don't care what color their skin is.
for good, real Americans?
Who benefits from population expansion?

I suppose you need to define who are "good, real Americans".

I will offer my opinion on what defines a "good, real American" below:

  • S/He judges people by their character, not their color / ethnicity or sexual orientation
  • S/He respects the laws and the American Tradition of Jurisprudence - no one is above the law and no one should be judged guilty until a trier of facts finds evidence beyond a reasonable doubt.
  • S/He who supports and defends the Constitution in total, including the vision left to us by the framers as outlined in the Preamble
  • S/He support aid and comfort for the needy: the aged, infirm and children
  • S/He who supports Public Schools whether they have students enrolled or not, for they are the future
  • All those who support equal rights and equal opportunities for every citizen
  • None of those who are liars, cheats and violent criminals, those who do not support the traditional values, mores and ethics Americans have always articulated and too many ignore.
It's hilarious that you believe you have described a typical liberal or a "real American."

I'll be more plain: How does any American benefit from immigration?

It dilutes conservative insanity.
In other words, it allows Democrat politicians to get elected. I doubt many Americans are concerned about benefiting the scum of the Earth.
for good, real Americans?
Who benefits from population expansion?
I am sorry, I work hard, and it seems like ...the capitalist system is just a a HUGE pyramid/ponzi scheme? Come on. The entire inflation thing. Really?
I suppose you need to define who are "good, real Americans".

I will offer my opinion on what defines a "good, real American" below:

  • S/He judges people by their character, not their color / ethnicity or sexual orientation
  • S/He respects the laws and the American Tradition of Jurisprudence - no one is above the law and no one should be judged guilty until a trier of facts finds evidence beyond a reasonable doubt.
  • S/He who supports and defends the Constitution in total, including the vision left to us by the framers as outlined in the Preamble
  • S/He support aid and comfort for the needy: the aged, infirm and children
  • S/He who supports Public Schools whether they have students enrolled or not, for they are the future
  • All those who support equal rights and equal opportunities for every citizen
  • None of those who are liars, cheats and violent criminals, those who do not support the traditional values, mores and ethics Americans have always articulated and too many ignore.
It's hilarious that you believe you have described a typical liberal or a "real American."

I'll be more plain: How does any American benefit from immigration?

Of course you miss the irony of that question.
There's no irony except in the minds of dumbasses who believe we owe something to foreigners because our ancestors weren't natives.
I think the applicable term is "hypocrisy" and possibly, on your side, "entitlement".
... shear [sic] idiocy.

for good, real Americans?
Who benefits from population expansion?

I suppose you need to define who are "good, real Americans".

I will offer my opinion on what defines a "good, real American" below:

  • S/He judges people by their character, not their color / ethnicity or sexual orientation
  • S/He respects the laws and the American Tradition of Jurisprudence - no one is above the law and no one should be judged guilty until a trier of facts finds evidence beyond a reasonable doubt.
  • S/He who supports and defends the Constitution in total, including the vision left to us by the framers as outlined in the Preamble
  • S/He support aid and comfort for the needy: the aged, infirm and children
  • S/He who supports Public Schools whether they have students enrolled or not, for they are the future
  • All those who support equal rights and equal opportunities for every citizen
  • None of those who are liars, cheats and violent criminals, those who do not support the traditional values, mores and ethics Americans have always articulated and too many ignore.
It's hilarious that you believe you have described a typical liberal or a "real American."

I'll be more plain: How does any American benefit from immigration?

It dilutes conservative insanity.
In other words, it allows Democrat politicians to get elected. I doubt many Americans are concerned about benefiting the scum of the Earth.

Don’t take it personally.
for good, real Americans?
Who benefits from population expansion?

Increasing population?

These people are campaigning for everyone to not have children.

Oh you mean anti-American immigrants? Of course we need those! To defeat the patriarchy...
for good, real Americans?
Who benefits from population expansion?

I suppose you need to define who are "good, real Americans".

I will offer my opinion on what defines a "good, real American" below:

  • S/He judges people by their character, not their color / ethnicity or sexual orientation
  • S/He respects the laws and the American Tradition of Jurisprudence - no one is above the law and no one should be judged guilty until a trier of facts finds evidence beyond a reasonable doubt.
  • S/He who supports and defends the Constitution in total, including the vision left to us by the framers as outlined in the Preamble
  • S/He support aid and comfort for the needy: the aged, infirm and children
  • S/He who supports Public Schools whether they have students enrolled or not, for they are the future
  • All those who support equal rights and equal opportunities for every citizen
  • None of those who are liars, cheats and violent criminals, those who do not support the traditional values, mores and ethics Americans have always articulated and too many ignore.
It's hilarious that you believe you have described a typical liberal or a "real American."

I'll be more plain: How does any American benefit from immigration?

It dilutes conservative insanity.
In other words, it allows Democrat politicians to get elected. I doubt many Americans are concerned about benefiting the scum of the Earth.

As the scum of the earth, your perpetual anger and rage are pretty much givens

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