Is it time to get down on our knees and pray for America?

------------------------- 2 wars , where eh ?? Your living off the fat of the land same as most Americans and there is no WAR anywhere in the USA that I am aware of JoeB ,

I seem to remember the BUsh years differently. I remember having to change jobs, lose income and watch my investments go up in smoke..

That I wasn't directly affected by THIS Bush's Warmongering, isn't the point.
All this mockery of God. It doesn't bother me personally, but it makes me feel bad for the mockers.

God will not be mocked, and time is running very, very short.

I really love how the Christians just hope for the end of the world, so they can show all the "Mockers' who was right.

It' kind of reminds me of that scene in "Night of the Living Dead" when they guy is bragging how when the Zombies are going to get in, everyone else will die.. and how he was "right".
------------------------- 2 wars , where eh ?? Your living off the fat of the land same as most Americans and there is no WAR anywhere in the USA that I am aware of JoeB ,

I seem to remember the BUsh years differently. I remember having to change jobs, lose income and watch my investments go up in smoke..

That I wasn't directly affected by THIS Bush's Warmongering, isn't the point.
----------------------------------------- my response is simply that ALL 'bush' familia are scum because of their policies on immigration and the 'reagan - bush' amnesty . And like i say , right now we are all living off the fat of the land and there is no War in the USA JoeB .
----------------------------------------- my response is simply that ALL 'bush' familia are scum because of their policies on immigration and the 'reagan - bush' amnesty . And like i say , right now we are all living off the fat of the land and there is no War in the USA JoeB .

Oh, shut the fuck up, you little robot. Undocumented immigrants aren't hurting you, you racist piece of shit.
----------------------------------------- my response is simply that ALL 'bush' familia are scum because of their policies on immigration and the 'reagan - bush' amnesty . And like i say , right now we are all living off the fat of the land and there is no War in the USA JoeB .

Oh, shut the fuck up, you little robot. Undocumented immigrants aren't hurting you, you racist piece of shit.
------------------------------ mornin JoeB ---- Hey JoeB , imported third worlders help swell USA population from 210 million Census counted in 1970 to a Census counted 310 million in the 2010 Census count and that not even counting the illegal aliens . And it all started under 'repubs reagan and bush familia' . And , there is no WAR in the USA , everyone is eating what they like and no one cares what you think of Christians JoeB .
racism is NO problem unless it is Violent Bode and i read very little info on examples of VIOLENT Racism by Whites on minorities Bode .
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------------------------------ mornin JoeB ---- Hey JoeB , imported third worlders help swell USA population from 210 million Census counted in 1970 to a Census counted 310 million in the 2010 Census count and that not even counting the illegal aliens . And it all started under 'repubs reagan and bush familia' . And , there is no WAR in the USA , everyone is eating what they like and no one cares what you think of Christians JoeB .

Um, dummy... the Census grew from 140 million in 1940 to 210 in 1970.. that's normal population growth.

Immigration is a GOOD thing. Always has been.

Christianity would be a good thing if "Christians" actually did what Jesus said to do.
maybe at an earlier date but now its mostly third world imports that are being imported JoeB . [since about 1965] And many being Dual citizens that will never be Americans as they bring their third world baggage and extended invader familia with them JoeB .
maybe at an earlier date but now its mostly third world imports that are being imported JoeB . [since about 1965] And many being Dual citizens that will never be Americans as they bring their third world baggage and extended invader familia with them JoeB .

I deal with immigrants all the time... most of them are better Americans than you are.
how many Americans have been murdered in these Very RARE Black Swan events this past year Bode , eh Bode ??
Why the pessimism? This new generation of young workers is highly intelligent, hard working, and very productive. Employers can sit back a find good workers beyond easily.

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