Is it time to get down on our knees and pray for America?

I think so. On 9/11, I went to church to pray for America and I think it would be appropriate to do that now, with all the bad things happening to our country.

There is nothing bad happening to our country that ending racial divisiveness and progressiveness tomorrow wouldn't fix! ;)
I thought Barry said his being elected President would put an end to racism in the US...


And I thought electing trump would fix our problems but there getting worse. Why? Because republicans are no good unless you are rich
No one ever said his election would fix everything....Barry said his election would lead to the elimination of racism...
All this mockery of God. It doesn't bother me personally, but it makes me feel bad for the mockers.

God will not be mocked, and time is running very, very short.
I think so. On 9/11, I went to church to pray for America and I think it would be appropriate to do that now, with all the bad things happening to our country.

You have made it abundantly clear that your prayers are only for a portion of America.
I think so. On 9/11, I went to church to pray for America and I think it would be appropriate to do that now, with all the bad things happening to our country.

There is nothing bad happening to our country that ending racial divisiveness and progressiveness tomorrow wouldn't fix! ;)
I thought Barry said his being elected President would put an end to racism in the US...


And I thought electing trump would fix our problems but there getting worse. Why? Because republicans are no good unless you are rich
---------------------------- in my opinion TRUMP just needs more time and cooperation but things are fine and dandy as far as I am concerned . So hopefully he'll just keep working for the next 6 or so years . And Trump is much better that 'mrobama' , jebito bush or 'hilary' 'Sealy .
I think so. On 9/11, I went to church to pray for America and I think it would be appropriate to do that now, with all the bad things happening to our country.

There is nothing bad happening to our country that ending racial divisiveness and progressiveness tomorrow wouldn't fix! ;)
I thought Barry said his being elected President would put an end to racism in the US...


And I thought electing trump would fix our problems but there getting worse. Why? Because republicans are no good unless you are rich

He know so because he thunk so. Yep. You just heard it from another one of them there highly edumacated democrats!
I think so. On 9/11, I went to church to pray for America and I think it would be appropriate to do that now, with all the bad things happening to our country.

We should not only be praying for America, but for ourselves too. Christianity is the most positive force for change the world has known. It's message of love for your fellow man, and sinner, combined with the message of redemption, and adherence to a code of ethical and moral conduct does change lives and communities., and has indeed changed history.
I think so. On 9/11, I went to church to pray for America and I think it would be appropriate to do that now, with all the bad things happening to our country.
They are not happening”to”. You and yours chose these things
I think so. On 9/11, I went to church to pray for America and I think it would be appropriate to do that now, with all the bad things happening to our country.

There is nothing bad happening to our country that ending racial divisiveness and progressiveness tomorrow wouldn't fix! ;)
I thought Barry said his being elected President would put an end to racism in the US...


And I thought electing trump would fix our problems but there getting worse. Why? Because republicans are no good unless you are rich
No one ever said his election would fix everything....Barry said his election would lead to the elimination of racism...

Back when the shootings were happening on Obama's watch Trump said he would be the law and order president. In other words shit like that wouldn't be happening on his watch. Now we see the numbers are worse.

Trump asked what do we have to lose? How about more lives? More murders because of his rhetoric. Get this fucker out of the White House now!
I think so. On 9/11, I went to church to pray for America and I think it would be appropriate to do that now, with all the bad things happening to our country.

There is nothing bad happening to our country that ending racial divisiveness and progressiveness tomorrow wouldn't fix! ;)
I thought Barry said his being elected President would put an end to racism in the US...


And I thought electing trump would fix our problems but there getting worse. Why? Because republicans are no good unless you are rich

He know so because he thunk so. Yep. You just heard it from another one of them there highly edumacated democrats!
And more successful than you. So your theory about us wanting handouts is complete bs?
I think so. On 9/11, I went to church to pray for America and I think it would be appropriate to do that now, with all the bad things happening to our country.
Take a good look at what’s happening.
Democrats are doing everything they can to make things bad for anyone who doesn’t vote for them.
Is this the Democrats who had control of no branches of government from 2017 to 2019 and now only have one half of one branch of government, with a Republican keeping all their legislature from going to the Senate for a vote?
Is this where we compare the number of idiots on each side?
Actually, more about which side had the actual power to affect change.
I think so. On 9/11, I went to church to pray for America and I think it would be appropriate to do that now, with all the bad things happening to our country.

There is nothing bad happening to our country that ending racial divisiveness and progressiveness tomorrow wouldn't fix! ;)
I thought Barry said his being elected President would put an end to racism in the US...


When did he say that? Link that quote for us, please.
I think so. On 9/11, I went to church to pray for America and I think it would be appropriate to do that now, with all the bad things happening to our country.

There is nothing bad happening to our country that ending racial divisiveness and progressiveness tomorrow wouldn't fix! ;)
I thought Barry said his being elected President would put an end to racism in the US...


And I thought electing trump would fix our problems but there getting worse. Why? Because republicans are no good unless you are rich
No one ever said his election would fix everything....Barry said his election would lead to the elimination of racism... where he said that, please.
More murders because of his rhetoric. Get this fucker out of the White House now!

Riiight, Rufus! If you think crime will go down or you'll get less rhetoric with the next democratic president, you're an even bigger idiot than I thought! Is it just me, but I seem to recall several major American cities in RIOT while Obama was in office!

I guess you have forgotten about the Oakland riots in 2009, the Pittsburgh G-20 riots in 2009, the Akron Ohio riots in 2009, the Springfest riot, the Santa Cruz riot, Oakland riots, LA riots, Occupy Wall Street, Anaheim, Brooklyn, Ferguson, Chicago riots, Baltimore riots, on and on the list of racial divide stoked under the auspices of our supreme leader – Obama. Apparently, there were over 25 major riots in the US during the Obama administration, compared to seven in the 80’s and 12 from 2000 to 2009. The number of the nation's police officers murdered in the line of duty doubled during President Obama's tenure.
I think so. On 9/11, I went to church to pray for America and I think it would be appropriate to do that now, with all the bad things happening to our country.

There is nothing bad happening to our country that ending racial divisiveness and progressiveness tomorrow wouldn't fix! ;)
I thought Barry said his being elected President would put an end to racism in the US...


Why can't you link where Obama said that?
I think so. On 9/11, I went to church to pray for America and I think it would be appropriate to do that now, with all the bad things happening to our country.

Can you imagine Hillary's America?

SCOTUS decides there's no individual right to bear arms
Southern border thrown open, Illegals directed to TX and FL where they are given drivers license and allowed to vote
Big Internet companies ban all Conservatives from "their" platforms
Has Elizabeth Warren Denounced Her Satan Worshipping Antifa Murdering Supporter?

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