Is it wrong for Christian to preach at people who don't believe what they do?

are you aware of the fact that under CANON LAW------it was ILLEGAL for jews to PREACH JUDAISM to Christians. It was a crime punishable by DEATH ACCORDING TO THE FILTH OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH

Cheer up. That Canon Law was repealed at 2 p.m. today. Jews may now preach Judaism to Christians.
My granddaughter in early college has unfortunately taken up with some fundamentalist group that is running a camp where they teach these very young college students of about age 18 to run around and bend peoples' ears about Jesus and God and on and on at length.

It seems to me the height of arrogance for young people even to think they HAVE something to teach older people. And of course it's boring and incoherent because they aren't old enough to have any clue what they believe.

The worst part is that she knows I don't want to hear that stuff -- I've told her -- but they push her to "witness" to everyone, me included, apparently. It seems wrong to me: unmannerly and just immoral behavior to push one's own religious beliefs aggressively on someone else. Especially an older relative.

Yeah, I know I have to do an assertiveness thing and tell her to stop and mean it and keep saying it till she does, or whatever happens. My responsibility is not to allow bad behavior. But it's too bad these adults running this smarmy outfit are promoting such bad and unfashionable behavior. She'll get nothing but rejection, IMO. They make money off this: I don't know who funded her for this camp, but it wasn't me.

Any opinions on this "witnessing" business, or advice?
I avoid getting preached to by knowing the bible well enough to show them I know it better than them. There are passages you can throw at her to stop this barage. Pick up a bible and you will see what I mean. They hate it when I can quote it better than them and leave me alone.

Go for it.

Mark 16:15
“And He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.'”

Psalms 96:3
“Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples.”

Matthew 28:19-20
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

My granddaughter in early college has unfortunately taken up with some fundamentalist group that is running a camp where they teach these very young college students of about age 18 to run around and bend peoples' ears about Jesus and God and on and on at length.

It seems to me the height of arrogance for young people even to think they HAVE something to teach older people. And of course it's boring and incoherent because they aren't old enough to have any clue what they believe.

The worst part is that she knows I don't want to hear that stuff -- I've told her -- but they push her to "witness" to everyone, me included, apparently. It seems wrong to me: unmannerly and just immoral behavior to push one's own religious beliefs aggressively on someone else. Especially an older relative.

Yeah, I know I have to do an assertiveness thing and tell her to stop and mean it and keep saying it till she does, or whatever happens. My responsibility is not to allow bad behavior. But it's too bad these adults running this smarmy outfit are promoting such bad and unfashionable behavior. She'll get nothing but rejection, IMO. They make money off this: I don't know who funded her for this camp, but it wasn't me.

Any opinions on this "witnessing" business, or advice?

Sometimes I just sit back and wonder, why is faith so bad? God forbid she decides to keep her unborn child instead of murder it. God forbid she lives her life refusing to run around screwing around so that she ether gets an STD or wishes she could have an abortion. Oh, and don't expect her to wind up in a crack house cuz that just not fashionable being a Christian and all. Really, your only concern should be is if some cult like entity who is pretending to represent Christ are actually there to brain wash her in some David Koresh like fashion so that they can abuse her sexually or take all her money. And yes, pretty much all churches I know make money as does everyone else I know in this world, but saying that they are only in it for the money is pretty horrible if not true.

So let's assume worse case scenario. They are in it for the money. How much money does she actually have? Being so young, my guess is next to none. Hopefully, if they are in it for the money she will get enough teaching to realize that the people who started her Christian faith were not in it for the money. In fact, every last one of them gave up their lives for their faith and died dirt poor. Then she will hopefully realize the true message that will continue to stop her from screwing around, doing drugs, or being so consumed with money that she doesn't give a damn about you or anyone else and wishes you would die so she might get an inheritance from you.
People like circe hate it when their children are saved because it is their kids' rejection of them.

And of course, to people like circe, they are the center of the world and so anything which constitutes reproach or rejection will bring undying enmity. Self has replaced God and anybody who doesn't agree is viewed with hatred.
My granddaughter in early college has unfortunately taken up with some fundamentalist group that is running a camp where they teach these very young college students of about age 18 to run around and bend peoples' ears about Jesus and God and on and on at length.

It seems to me the height of arrogance for young people even to think they HAVE something to teach older people. And of course it's boring and incoherent because they aren't old enough to have any clue what they believe.

The worst part is that she knows I don't want to hear that stuff -- I've told her -- but they push her to "witness" to everyone, me included, apparently. It seems wrong to me: unmannerly and just immoral behavior to push one's own religious beliefs aggressively on someone else. Especially an older relative.

Yeah, I know I have to do an assertiveness thing and tell her to stop and mean it and keep saying it till she does, or whatever happens. My responsibility is not to allow bad behavior. But it's too bad these adults running this smarmy outfit are promoting such bad and unfashionable behavior. She'll get nothing but rejection, IMO. They make money off this: I don't know who funded her for this camp, but it wasn't me.

Any opinions on this "witnessing" business, or advice?

Sometimes I just sit back and wonder, why is faith so bad? God forbid she decides to keep her unborn child instead of murder it. God forbid she lives her life refusing to run around screwing around so that she ether gets an STD or wishes she could have an abortion. Oh, and don't expect her to wind up in a crack house cuz that just not fashionable being a Christian and all. Really, your only concern should be is if some cult like entity who is pretending to represent Christ are actually there to brain wash her in some David Koresh like fashion so that they can abuse her sexually or take all her money. And yes, pretty much all churches I know make money as does everyone else I know in this world, but saying that they are only in it for the money is pretty horrible if not true.

So let's assume worse case scenario. They are in it for the money. How much money does she actually have? Being so young, my guess is next to none. Hopefully, if they are in it for the money she will get enough teaching to realize that the people who started her Christian faith were not in it for the money. In fact, every last one of them gave up their lives for their faith and died dirt poor. Then she will hopefully realize the true message that will continue to stop her from screwing around, doing drugs, or being so consumed with money that she doesn't give a damn about you or anyone else and wishes you would die so she might get an inheritance from you.
Faith is beautiful; just don't feel or express that others who have a different slant on faith are going to burn in some Eternal Lake of Fire for eternity.
Especially when there are billions of people in the last 1,000 years who had no chance in hell of ever getting the warning.
My granddaughter in early college has unfortunately taken up with some fundamentalist group that is running a camp where they teach these very young college students of about age 18 to run around and bend peoples' ears about Jesus and God and on and on at length.

It seems to me the height of arrogance for young people even to think they HAVE something to teach older people. And of course it's boring and incoherent because they aren't old enough to have any clue what they believe.

The worst part is that she knows I don't want to hear that stuff -- I've told her -- but they push her to "witness" to everyone, me included, apparently. It seems wrong to me: unmannerly and just immoral behavior to push one's own religious beliefs aggressively on someone else. Especially an older relative.

Yeah, I know I have to do an assertiveness thing and tell her to stop and mean it and keep saying it till she does, or whatever happens. My responsibility is not to allow bad behavior. But it's too bad these adults running this smarmy outfit are promoting such bad and unfashionable behavior. She'll get nothing but rejection, IMO. They make money off this: I don't know who funded her for this camp, but it wasn't me.

Any opinions on this "witnessing" business, or advice?
The Gospel commands Christians to be obnoxious.

No it doesnt
I guess you haven't read your Gospels.
I do not enjoy hearing about a "New" Law that messes up every reference to MY Torah.

I have. Which is why I know you are wrong
Start a Thread...
But first, do you speak Hebrew?
I didn't think so.

But second, can I force you to only debate entire chapters rather than cherry picked verses?
I didn't think so.
My granddaughter in early college has unfortunately taken up with some fundamentalist group that is running a camp where they teach these very young college students of about age 18 to run around and bend peoples' ears about Jesus and God and on and on at length.

It seems to me the height of arrogance for young people even to think they HAVE something to teach older people. And of course it's boring and incoherent because they aren't old enough to have any clue what they believe.

The worst part is that she knows I don't want to hear that stuff -- I've told her -- but they push her to "witness" to everyone, me included, apparently. It seems wrong to me: unmannerly and just immoral behavior to push one's own religious beliefs aggressively on someone else. Especially an older relative.

Yeah, I know I have to do an assertiveness thing and tell her to stop and mean it and keep saying it till she does, or whatever happens. My responsibility is not to allow bad behavior. But it's too bad these adults running this smarmy outfit are promoting such bad and unfashionable behavior. She'll get nothing but rejection, IMO. They make money off this: I don't know who funded her for this camp, but it wasn't me.

Any opinions on this "witnessing" business, or advice?

Sometimes I just sit back and wonder, why is faith so bad? God forbid she decides to keep her unborn child instead of murder it. God forbid she lives her life refusing to run around screwing around so that she ether gets an STD or wishes she could have an abortion. Oh, and don't expect her to wind up in a crack house cuz that just not fashionable being a Christian and all. Really, your only concern should be is if some cult like entity who is pretending to represent Christ are actually there to brain wash her in some David Koresh like fashion so that they can abuse her sexually or take all her money. And yes, pretty much all churches I know make money as does everyone else I know in this world, but saying that they are only in it for the money is pretty horrible if not true.

So let's assume worse case scenario. They are in it for the money. How much money does she actually have? Being so young, my guess is next to none. Hopefully, if they are in it for the money she will get enough teaching to realize that the people who started her Christian faith were not in it for the money. In fact, every last one of them gave up their lives for their faith and died dirt poor. Then she will hopefully realize the true message that will continue to stop her from screwing around, doing drugs, or being so consumed with money that she doesn't give a damn about you or anyone else and wishes you would die so she might get an inheritance from you.
Faith is beautiful; just don't feel or express that others who have a different slant on faith are going to burn in some Eternal Lake of Fire for eternity.
Especially when there are billions of people in the last 1,000 years who had no chance in hell of ever getting the warning.

all people whoever lives will have a chance to receive Jesus Christ into their lives. Every single one of them
My granddaughter in early college has unfortunately taken up with some fundamentalist group that is running a camp where they teach these very young college students of about age 18 to run around and bend peoples' ears about Jesus and God and on and on at length.

It seems to me the height of arrogance for young people even to think they HAVE something to teach older people. And of course it's boring and incoherent because they aren't old enough to have any clue what they believe.

The worst part is that she knows I don't want to hear that stuff -- I've told her -- but they push her to "witness" to everyone, me included, apparently. It seems wrong to me: unmannerly and just immoral behavior to push one's own religious beliefs aggressively on someone else. Especially an older relative.

Yeah, I know I have to do an assertiveness thing and tell her to stop and mean it and keep saying it till she does, or whatever happens. My responsibility is not to allow bad behavior. But it's too bad these adults running this smarmy outfit are promoting such bad and unfashionable behavior. She'll get nothing but rejection, IMO. They make money off this: I don't know who funded her for this camp, but it wasn't me.

Any opinions on this "witnessing" business, or advice?

Sometimes I just sit back and wonder, why is faith so bad? God forbid she decides to keep her unborn child instead of murder it. God forbid she lives her life refusing to run around screwing around so that she ether gets an STD or wishes she could have an abortion. Oh, and don't expect her to wind up in a crack house cuz that just not fashionable being a Christian and all. Really, your only concern should be is if some cult like entity who is pretending to represent Christ are actually there to brain wash her in some David Koresh like fashion so that they can abuse her sexually or take all her money. And yes, pretty much all churches I know make money as does everyone else I know in this world, but saying that they are only in it for the money is pretty horrible if not true.

So let's assume worse case scenario. They are in it for the money. How much money does she actually have? Being so young, my guess is next to none. Hopefully, if they are in it for the money she will get enough teaching to realize that the people who started her Christian faith were not in it for the money. In fact, every last one of them gave up their lives for their faith and died dirt poor. Then she will hopefully realize the true message that will continue to stop her from screwing around, doing drugs, or being so consumed with money that she doesn't give a damn about you or anyone else and wishes you would die so she might get an inheritance from you.
Faith is beautiful; just don't feel or express that others who have a different slant on faith are going to burn in some Eternal Lake of Fire for eternity.
Especially when there are billions of people in the last 1,000 years who had no chance in hell of ever getting the warning.

"...don't feel or express"???? screw you. Who are you to tell anybody what to feel?
My granddaughter in early college has unfortunately taken up with some fundamentalist group that is running a camp where they teach these very young college students of about age 18 to run around and bend peoples' ears about Jesus and God and on and on at length.

It seems to me the height of arrogance for young people even to think they HAVE something to teach older people. And of course it's boring and incoherent because they aren't old enough to have any clue what they believe.

The worst part is that she knows I don't want to hear that stuff -- I've told her -- but they push her to "witness" to everyone, me included, apparently. It seems wrong to me: unmannerly and just immoral behavior to push one's own religious beliefs aggressively on someone else. Especially an older relative.

Yeah, I know I have to do an assertiveness thing and tell her to stop and mean it and keep saying it till she does, or whatever happens. My responsibility is not to allow bad behavior. But it's too bad these adults running this smarmy outfit are promoting such bad and unfashionable behavior. She'll get nothing but rejection, IMO. They make money off this: I don't know who funded her for this camp, but it wasn't me.

Any opinions on this "witnessing" business, or advice?

Sometimes I just sit back and wonder, why is faith so bad? God forbid she decides to keep her unborn child instead of murder it. God forbid she lives her life refusing to run around screwing around so that she ether gets an STD or wishes she could have an abortion. Oh, and don't expect her to wind up in a crack house cuz that just not fashionable being a Christian and all. Really, your only concern should be is if some cult like entity who is pretending to represent Christ are actually there to brain wash her in some David Koresh like fashion so that they can abuse her sexually or take all her money. And yes, pretty much all churches I know make money as does everyone else I know in this world, but saying that they are only in it for the money is pretty horrible if not true.

So let's assume worse case scenario. They are in it for the money. How much money does she actually have? Being so young, my guess is next to none. Hopefully, if they are in it for the money she will get enough teaching to realize that the people who started her Christian faith were not in it for the money. In fact, every last one of them gave up their lives for their faith and died dirt poor. Then she will hopefully realize the true message that will continue to stop her from screwing around, doing drugs, or being so consumed with money that she doesn't give a damn about you or anyone else and wishes you would die so she might get an inheritance from you.
Faith is beautiful; just don't feel or express that others who have a different slant on faith are going to burn in some Eternal Lake of Fire for eternity.
Especially when there are billions of people in the last 1,000 years who had no chance in hell of ever getting the warning.

all people whoever lives will have a chance to receive Jesus Christ into their lives. Every single one of them
Based on?
All you have is a series of writings fraught with referential errors.
Plus over 1,000 years of illiteracy and slaughter.
I think Christians are as fine a people as any, but I have no need for a God, or a representative of God, that needs to threaten people with eternal hell for not paying attention; especially when the majority of mankind must go to eternal hell because they never had a chance to receive the good word.
Didn't "Paul" know there were billions of people that were incommunicado.
Hardly sounds like like the prolific author knew anything outside of his own region.
He failed Prophecy 1.1...don't say anything that sounds completely stupid.
My granddaughter in early college has unfortunately taken up with some fundamentalist group that is running a camp where they teach these very young college students of about age 18 to run around and bend peoples' ears about Jesus and God and on and on at length.

It seems to me the height of arrogance for young people even to think they HAVE something to teach older people. And of course it's boring and incoherent because they aren't old enough to have any clue what they believe.

The worst part is that she knows I don't want to hear that stuff -- I've told her -- but they push her to "witness" to everyone, me included, apparently. It seems wrong to me: unmannerly and just immoral behavior to push one's own religious beliefs aggressively on someone else. Especially an older relative.

Yeah, I know I have to do an assertiveness thing and tell her to stop and mean it and keep saying it till she does, or whatever happens. My responsibility is not to allow bad behavior. But it's too bad these adults running this smarmy outfit are promoting such bad and unfashionable behavior. She'll get nothing but rejection, IMO. They make money off this: I don't know who funded her for this camp, but it wasn't me.

Any opinions on this "witnessing" business, or advice?

Sometimes I just sit back and wonder, why is faith so bad? God forbid she decides to keep her unborn child instead of murder it. God forbid she lives her life refusing to run around screwing around so that she ether gets an STD or wishes she could have an abortion. Oh, and don't expect her to wind up in a crack house cuz that just not fashionable being a Christian and all. Really, your only concern should be is if some cult like entity who is pretending to represent Christ are actually there to brain wash her in some David Koresh like fashion so that they can abuse her sexually or take all her money. And yes, pretty much all churches I know make money as does everyone else I know in this world, but saying that they are only in it for the money is pretty horrible if not true.

So let's assume worse case scenario. They are in it for the money. How much money does she actually have? Being so young, my guess is next to none. Hopefully, if they are in it for the money she will get enough teaching to realize that the people who started her Christian faith were not in it for the money. In fact, every last one of them gave up their lives for their faith and died dirt poor. Then she will hopefully realize the true message that will continue to stop her from screwing around, doing drugs, or being so consumed with money that she doesn't give a damn about you or anyone else and wishes you would die so she might get an inheritance from you.
Faith is beautiful; just don't feel or express that others who have a different slant on faith are going to burn in some Eternal Lake of Fire for eternity.
Especially when there are billions of people in the last 1,000 years who had no chance in hell of ever getting the warning.

"...don't feel or express"???? screw you. Who are you to tell anybody what to feel?
Since you are commanded to shove your NT down my throat, I think you should as yourself that question.
My granddaughter in early college has unfortunately taken up with some fundamentalist group that is running a camp where they teach these very young college students of about age 18 to run around and bend peoples' ears about Jesus and God and on and on at length.

It seems to me the height of arrogance for young people even to think they HAVE something to teach older people. And of course it's boring and incoherent because they aren't old enough to have any clue what they believe.

The worst part is that she knows I don't want to hear that stuff -- I've told her -- but they push her to "witness" to everyone, me included, apparently. It seems wrong to me: unmannerly and just immoral behavior to push one's own religious beliefs aggressively on someone else. Especially an older relative.

Yeah, I know I have to do an assertiveness thing and tell her to stop and mean it and keep saying it till she does, or whatever happens. My responsibility is not to allow bad behavior. But it's too bad these adults running this smarmy outfit are promoting such bad and unfashionable behavior. She'll get nothing but rejection, IMO. They make money off this: I don't know who funded her for this camp, but it wasn't me.

Any opinions on this "witnessing" business, or advice?

Sometimes I just sit back and wonder, why is faith so bad? God forbid she decides to keep her unborn child instead of murder it. God forbid she lives her life refusing to run around screwing around so that she ether gets an STD or wishes she could have an abortion. Oh, and don't expect her to wind up in a crack house cuz that just not fashionable being a Christian and all. Really, your only concern should be is if some cult like entity who is pretending to represent Christ are actually there to brain wash her in some David Koresh like fashion so that they can abuse her sexually or take all her money. And yes, pretty much all churches I know make money as does everyone else I know in this world, but saying that they are only in it for the money is pretty horrible if not true.

So let's assume worse case scenario. They are in it for the money. How much money does she actually have? Being so young, my guess is next to none. Hopefully, if they are in it for the money she will get enough teaching to realize that the people who started her Christian faith were not in it for the money. In fact, every last one of them gave up their lives for their faith and died dirt poor. Then she will hopefully realize the true message that will continue to stop her from screwing around, doing drugs, or being so consumed with money that she doesn't give a damn about you or anyone else and wishes you would die so she might get an inheritance from you.
Faith is beautiful; just don't feel or express that others who have a different slant on faith are going to burn in some Eternal Lake of Fire for eternity.
Especially when there are billions of people in the last 1,000 years who had no chance in hell of ever getting the warning.

"...don't feel or express"???? screw you. Who are you to tell anybody what to feel?
By the way, that was not a very Christian post you just posted.
My granddaughter in early college has unfortunately taken up with some fundamentalist group that is running a camp where they teach these very young college students of about age 18 to run around and bend peoples' ears about Jesus and God and on and on at length.

It seems to me the height of arrogance for young people even to think they HAVE something to teach older people. And of course it's boring and incoherent because they aren't old enough to have any clue what they believe.

The worst part is that she knows I don't want to hear that stuff -- I've told her -- but they push her to "witness" to everyone, me included, apparently. It seems wrong to me: unmannerly and just immoral behavior to push one's own religious beliefs aggressively on someone else. Especially an older relative.

Yeah, I know I have to do an assertiveness thing and tell her to stop and mean it and keep saying it till she does, or whatever happens. My responsibility is not to allow bad behavior. But it's too bad these adults running this smarmy outfit are promoting such bad and unfashionable behavior. She'll get nothing but rejection, IMO. They make money off this: I don't know who funded her for this camp, but it wasn't me.

Any opinions on this "witnessing" business, or advice?
The Gospel commands Christians to be obnoxious.

No it doesnt
I guess you haven't read your Gospels.
I do not enjoy hearing about a "New" Law that messes up every reference to MY Torah.

I have. Which is why I know you are wrong
Start a Thread...
But first, do you speak Hebrew?
I didn't think so.

But second, can I force you to only debate entire chapters rather than cherry picked verses?
I didn't think so.

You want me to start a thread on your claim that the New Testament commands christians to be obnoxious?

What does knowing Hebrew have to do with the issue? The New Testament is written in Greek.

Can you name a single chapter of the New Testament that even implies that we are commanded to be obnoxious? A single verse?
Based on?
All you have is a series of writings fraught with referential errors.
Plus over 1,000 years of illiteracy and slaughter.
I think Christians are as fine a people as any, but I have no need for a God, or a representative of God, that needs to threaten people with eternal hell for not paying attention; especially when the majority of mankind must go to eternal hell because they never had a chance to receive the good word.
Didn't "Paul" know there were billions of people that were incommunicado.
Hardly sounds like like the prolific author knew anything outside of his own region.
He failed Prophecy 1.1...don't say anything that sounds completely stupid.

Can you tell me where Paul said people were going to hell? (Doesn't sound like something Paul said, so I would like to review the context of the passage to which you are referencing.)
My granddaughter in early college has unfortunately taken up with some fundamentalist group that is running a camp where they teach these very young college students of about age 18 to run around and bend peoples' ears about Jesus and God and on and on at length.

It seems to me the height of arrogance for young people even to think they HAVE something to teach older people. And of course it's boring and incoherent because they aren't old enough to have any clue what they believe.

The worst part is that she knows I don't want to hear that stuff -- I've told her -- but they push her to "witness" to everyone, me included, apparently. It seems wrong to me: unmannerly and just immoral behavior to push one's own religious beliefs aggressively on someone else. Especially an older relative.

Yeah, I know I have to do an assertiveness thing and tell her to stop and mean it and keep saying it till she does, or whatever happens. My responsibility is not to allow bad behavior. But it's too bad these adults running this smarmy outfit are promoting such bad and unfashionable behavior. She'll get nothing but rejection, IMO. They make money off this: I don't know who funded her for this camp, but it wasn't me.

Any opinions on this "witnessing" business, or advice?

Sometimes I just sit back and wonder, why is faith so bad? God forbid she decides to keep her unborn child instead of murder it. God forbid she lives her life refusing to run around screwing around so that she ether gets an STD or wishes she could have an abortion. Oh, and don't expect her to wind up in a crack house cuz that just not fashionable being a Christian and all. Really, your only concern should be is if some cult like entity who is pretending to represent Christ are actually there to brain wash her in some David Koresh like fashion so that they can abuse her sexually or take all her money. And yes, pretty much all churches I know make money as does everyone else I know in this world, but saying that they are only in it for the money is pretty horrible if not true.

So let's assume worse case scenario. They are in it for the money. How much money does she actually have? Being so young, my guess is next to none. Hopefully, if they are in it for the money she will get enough teaching to realize that the people who started her Christian faith were not in it for the money. In fact, every last one of them gave up their lives for their faith and died dirt poor. Then she will hopefully realize the true message that will continue to stop her from screwing around, doing drugs, or being so consumed with money that she doesn't give a damn about you or anyone else and wishes you would die so she might get an inheritance from you.
Faith is beautiful; just don't feel or express that others who have a different slant on faith are going to burn in some Eternal Lake of Fire for eternity.
Especially when there are billions of people in the last 1,000 years who had no chance in hell of ever getting the warning.

"...don't feel or express"???? screw you. Who are you to tell anybody what to feel?
Since you are commanded to shove your NT down my throat, I think you should as yourself that question.

You invited it by saying you knew the bible better than anybody and said you always had apt biblical truths on hand for when people shared the gospel with you.

Of course you're a liar, I'm not surprised.
Based on?
All you have is a series of writings fraught with referential errors.
Plus over 1,000 years of illiteracy and slaughter.
I think Christians are as fine a people as any, but I have no need for a God, or a representative of God, that needs to threaten people with eternal hell for not paying attention; especially when the majority of mankind must go to eternal hell because they never had a chance to receive the good word.
Didn't "Paul" know there were billions of people that were incommunicado.
Hardly sounds like like the prolific author knew anything outside of his own region.
He failed Prophecy 1.1...don't say anything that sounds completely stupid.

Can you tell me where Paul said people were going to hell? (Doesn't sound like something Paul said, so I would like to review the context of the passage to which you are referencing.)
Just remember..he knows the bible better than we do.
My granddaughter in early college has unfortunately taken up with some fundamentalist group that is running a camp where they teach these very young college students of about age 18 to run around and bend peoples' ears about Jesus and God and on and on at length.

It seems to me the height of arrogance for young people even to think they HAVE something to teach older people. And of course it's boring and incoherent because they aren't old enough to have any clue what they believe.

The worst part is that she knows I don't want to hear that stuff -- I've told her -- but they push her to "witness" to everyone, me included, apparently. It seems wrong to me: unmannerly and just immoral behavior to push one's own religious beliefs aggressively on someone else. Especially an older relative.

Yeah, I know I have to do an assertiveness thing and tell her to stop and mean it and keep saying it till she does, or whatever happens. My responsibility is not to allow bad behavior. But it's too bad these adults running this smarmy outfit are promoting such bad and unfashionable behavior. She'll get nothing but rejection, IMO. They make money off this: I don't know who funded her for this camp, but it wasn't me.

Any opinions on this "witnessing" business, or advice?

Sometimes I just sit back and wonder, why is faith so bad? God forbid she decides to keep her unborn child instead of murder it. God forbid she lives her life refusing to run around screwing around so that she ether gets an STD or wishes she could have an abortion. Oh, and don't expect her to wind up in a crack house cuz that just not fashionable being a Christian and all. Really, your only concern should be is if some cult like entity who is pretending to represent Christ are actually there to brain wash her in some David Koresh like fashion so that they can abuse her sexually or take all her money. And yes, pretty much all churches I know make money as does everyone else I know in this world, but saying that they are only in it for the money is pretty horrible if not true.

So let's assume worse case scenario. They are in it for the money. How much money does she actually have? Being so young, my guess is next to none. Hopefully, if they are in it for the money she will get enough teaching to realize that the people who started her Christian faith were not in it for the money. In fact, every last one of them gave up their lives for their faith and died dirt poor. Then she will hopefully realize the true message that will continue to stop her from screwing around, doing drugs, or being so consumed with money that she doesn't give a damn about you or anyone else and wishes you would die so she might get an inheritance from you.
Faith is beautiful; just don't feel or express that others who have a different slant on faith are going to burn in some Eternal Lake of Fire for eternity.
Especially when there are billions of people in the last 1,000 years who had no chance in hell of ever getting the warning.

"...don't feel or express"???? screw you. Who are you to tell anybody what to feel?
By the way, that was not a very Christian post you just posted.

By the way, you have no authority to judge me.

It means nothing. You're a foul, unsaved, liar.
My granddaughter in early college has unfortunately taken up with some fundamentalist group that is running a camp where they teach these very young college students of about age 18 to run around and bend peoples' ears about Jesus and God and on and on at length.

It seems to me the height of arrogance for young people even to think they HAVE something to teach older people. And of course it's boring and incoherent because they aren't old enough to have any clue what they believe.

The worst part is that she knows I don't want to hear that stuff -- I've told her -- but they push her to "witness" to everyone, me included, apparently. It seems wrong to me: unmannerly and just immoral behavior to push one's own religious beliefs aggressively on someone else. Especially an older relative.

Yeah, I know I have to do an assertiveness thing and tell her to stop and mean it and keep saying it till she does, or whatever happens. My responsibility is not to allow bad behavior. But it's too bad these adults running this smarmy outfit are promoting such bad and unfashionable behavior. She'll get nothing but rejection, IMO. They make money off this: I don't know who funded her for this camp, but it wasn't me.

Any opinions on this "witnessing" business, or advice?

Sometimes I just sit back and wonder, why is faith so bad? God forbid she decides to keep her unborn child instead of murder it. God forbid she lives her life refusing to run around screwing around so that she ether gets an STD or wishes she could have an abortion. Oh, and don't expect her to wind up in a crack house cuz that just not fashionable being a Christian and all. Really, your only concern should be is if some cult like entity who is pretending to represent Christ are actually there to brain wash her in some David Koresh like fashion so that they can abuse her sexually or take all her money. And yes, pretty much all churches I know make money as does everyone else I know in this world, but saying that they are only in it for the money is pretty horrible if not true.

So let's assume worse case scenario. They are in it for the money. How much money does she actually have? Being so young, my guess is next to none. Hopefully, if they are in it for the money she will get enough teaching to realize that the people who started her Christian faith were not in it for the money. In fact, every last one of them gave up their lives for their faith and died dirt poor. Then she will hopefully realize the true message that will continue to stop her from screwing around, doing drugs, or being so consumed with money that she doesn't give a damn about you or anyone else and wishes you would die so she might get an inheritance from you.
Faith is beautiful; just don't feel or express that others who have a different slant on faith are going to burn in some Eternal Lake of Fire for eternity.
Especially when there are billions of people in the last 1,000 years who had no chance in hell of ever getting the warning.

"...don't feel or express"???? screw you. Who are you to tell anybody what to feel?
Since you are commanded to shove your NT down my throat, I think you should as yourself that question.

You invited it by saying you knew the bible better than anybody and said you always had apt biblical truths on hand for when people shared the gospel with you.

Of course you're a liar, I'm not surprised.
I do know the Torah way better than you.
I also read the NT 6 times and not a page goes by referencing Tanach without an error.
It's embarrassing.
My granddaughter in early college has unfortunately taken up with some fundamentalist group that is running a camp where they teach these very young college students of about age 18 to run around and bend peoples' ears about Jesus and God and on and on at length.

It seems to me the height of arrogance for young people even to think they HAVE something to teach older people. And of course it's boring and incoherent because they aren't old enough to have any clue what they believe.

The worst part is that she knows I don't want to hear that stuff -- I've told her -- but they push her to "witness" to everyone, me included, apparently. It seems wrong to me: unmannerly and just immoral behavior to push one's own religious beliefs aggressively on someone else. Especially an older relative.

Yeah, I know I have to do an assertiveness thing and tell her to stop and mean it and keep saying it till she does, or whatever happens. My responsibility is not to allow bad behavior. But it's too bad these adults running this smarmy outfit are promoting such bad and unfashionable behavior. She'll get nothing but rejection, IMO. They make money off this: I don't know who funded her for this camp, but it wasn't me.

Any opinions on this "witnessing" business, or advice?

Sometimes I just sit back and wonder, why is faith so bad? God forbid she decides to keep her unborn child instead of murder it. God forbid she lives her life refusing to run around screwing around so that she ether gets an STD or wishes she could have an abortion. Oh, and don't expect her to wind up in a crack house cuz that just not fashionable being a Christian and all. Really, your only concern should be is if some cult like entity who is pretending to represent Christ are actually there to brain wash her in some David Koresh like fashion so that they can abuse her sexually or take all her money. And yes, pretty much all churches I know make money as does everyone else I know in this world, but saying that they are only in it for the money is pretty horrible if not true.

So let's assume worse case scenario. They are in it for the money. How much money does she actually have? Being so young, my guess is next to none. Hopefully, if they are in it for the money she will get enough teaching to realize that the people who started her Christian faith were not in it for the money. In fact, every last one of them gave up their lives for their faith and died dirt poor. Then she will hopefully realize the true message that will continue to stop her from screwing around, doing drugs, or being so consumed with money that she doesn't give a damn about you or anyone else and wishes you would die so she might get an inheritance from you.
Faith is beautiful; just don't feel or express that others who have a different slant on faith are going to burn in some Eternal Lake of Fire for eternity.
Especially when there are billions of people in the last 1,000 years who had no chance in hell of ever getting the warning.

all people whoever lives will have a chance to receive Jesus Christ into their lives. Every single one of them
Based on?
All you have is a series of writings fraught with referential errors.
Plus over 1,000 years of illiteracy and slaughter.
I think Christians are as fine a people as any, but I have no need for a God, or a representative of God, that needs to threaten people with eternal hell for not paying attention; especially when the majority of mankind must go to eternal hell because they never had a chance to receive the good word.
Didn't "Paul" know there were billions of people that were incommunicado.
Hardly sounds like like the prolific author knew anything outside of his own region.
He failed Prophecy 1.1...don't say anything that sounds completely stupid.

Christ preached to the dead. He organized the spirits of the righteous to preach to those who died without a knowledge of the truth. He declared liberty to the captive. As we speak the work to redeem the dead and provide them with the blessings of the gospel moves forward at an unprecedented wait.

When the morning of the first resurrection begins you will find many who did not accept Christ or even hear of Him in this life rise in righteousness because they know their Savior
My granddaughter in early college has unfortunately taken up with some fundamentalist group that is running a camp where they teach these very young college students of about age 18 to run around and bend peoples' ears about Jesus and God and on and on at length.

It seems to me the height of arrogance for young people even to think they HAVE something to teach older people. And of course it's boring and incoherent because they aren't old enough to have any clue what they believe.

The worst part is that she knows I don't want to hear that stuff -- I've told her -- but they push her to "witness" to everyone, me included, apparently. It seems wrong to me: unmannerly and just immoral behavior to push one's own religious beliefs aggressively on someone else. Especially an older relative.

Yeah, I know I have to do an assertiveness thing and tell her to stop and mean it and keep saying it till she does, or whatever happens. My responsibility is not to allow bad behavior. But it's too bad these adults running this smarmy outfit are promoting such bad and unfashionable behavior. She'll get nothing but rejection, IMO. They make money off this: I don't know who funded her for this camp, but it wasn't me.

Any opinions on this "witnessing" business, or advice?

Sometimes I just sit back and wonder, why is faith so bad? God forbid she decides to keep her unborn child instead of murder it. God forbid she lives her life refusing to run around screwing around so that she ether gets an STD or wishes she could have an abortion. Oh, and don't expect her to wind up in a crack house cuz that just not fashionable being a Christian and all. Really, your only concern should be is if some cult like entity who is pretending to represent Christ are actually there to brain wash her in some David Koresh like fashion so that they can abuse her sexually or take all her money. And yes, pretty much all churches I know make money as does everyone else I know in this world, but saying that they are only in it for the money is pretty horrible if not true.

So let's assume worse case scenario. They are in it for the money. How much money does she actually have? Being so young, my guess is next to none. Hopefully, if they are in it for the money she will get enough teaching to realize that the people who started her Christian faith were not in it for the money. In fact, every last one of them gave up their lives for their faith and died dirt poor. Then she will hopefully realize the true message that will continue to stop her from screwing around, doing drugs, or being so consumed with money that she doesn't give a damn about you or anyone else and wishes you would die so she might get an inheritance from you.
Faith is beautiful; just don't feel or express that others who have a different slant on faith are going to burn in some Eternal Lake of Fire for eternity.
Especially when there are billions of people in the last 1,000 years who had no chance in hell of ever getting the warning.

"...don't feel or express"???? screw you. Who are you to tell anybody what to feel?
By the way, that was not a very Christian post you just posted.

By the way, you have no authority to judge me.

It means nothing. You're a foul, unsaved, liar.
And in your opinion I'm going to burn for all eternity.
So who's the better person?
You! Right?
My granddaughter in early college has unfortunately taken up with some fundamentalist group that is running a camp where they teach these very young college students of about age 18 to run around and bend peoples' ears about Jesus and God and on and on at length.

It seems to me the height of arrogance for young people even to think they HAVE something to teach older people. And of course it's boring and incoherent because they aren't old enough to have any clue what they believe.

The worst part is that she knows I don't want to hear that stuff -- I've told her -- but they push her to "witness" to everyone, me included, apparently. It seems wrong to me: unmannerly and just immoral behavior to push one's own religious beliefs aggressively on someone else. Especially an older relative.

Yeah, I know I have to do an assertiveness thing and tell her to stop and mean it and keep saying it till she does, or whatever happens. My responsibility is not to allow bad behavior. But it's too bad these adults running this smarmy outfit are promoting such bad and unfashionable behavior. She'll get nothing but rejection, IMO. They make money off this: I don't know who funded her for this camp, but it wasn't me.

Any opinions on this "witnessing" business, or advice?

Sometimes I just sit back and wonder, why is faith so bad? God forbid she decides to keep her unborn child instead of murder it. God forbid she lives her life refusing to run around screwing around so that she ether gets an STD or wishes she could have an abortion. Oh, and don't expect her to wind up in a crack house cuz that just not fashionable being a Christian and all. Really, your only concern should be is if some cult like entity who is pretending to represent Christ are actually there to brain wash her in some David Koresh like fashion so that they can abuse her sexually or take all her money. And yes, pretty much all churches I know make money as does everyone else I know in this world, but saying that they are only in it for the money is pretty horrible if not true.

So let's assume worse case scenario. They are in it for the money. How much money does she actually have? Being so young, my guess is next to none. Hopefully, if they are in it for the money she will get enough teaching to realize that the people who started her Christian faith were not in it for the money. In fact, every last one of them gave up their lives for their faith and died dirt poor. Then she will hopefully realize the true message that will continue to stop her from screwing around, doing drugs, or being so consumed with money that she doesn't give a damn about you or anyone else and wishes you would die so she might get an inheritance from you.
Faith is beautiful; just don't feel or express that others who have a different slant on faith are going to burn in some Eternal Lake of Fire for eternity.
Especially when there are billions of people in the last 1,000 years who had no chance in hell of ever getting the warning.

all people whoever lives will have a chance to receive Jesus Christ into their lives. Every single one of them
Based on?
All you have is a series of writings fraught with referential errors.
Plus over 1,000 years of illiteracy and slaughter.
I think Christians are as fine a people as any, but I have no need for a God, or a representative of God, that needs to threaten people with eternal hell for not paying attention; especially when the majority of mankind must go to eternal hell because they never had a chance to receive the good word.
Didn't "Paul" know there were billions of people that were incommunicado.
Hardly sounds like like the prolific author knew anything outside of his own region.
He failed Prophecy 1.1...don't say anything that sounds completely stupid.

Christ preached to the dead. He organized the spirits of the righteous to preach to those who died without a knowledge of the truth. He declared liberty to the captive. As we speak the work to redeem the dead and provide them with the blessings of the gospel moves forward at an unprecedented wait.

When the morning of the first resurrection begins you will find many who did not accept Christ or even hear of Him in this life rise in righteousness because they know their Savior
Ambien works better.

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