Is It Wrong to Think Homosexuality is a Sin?

Is adultry a sin? And is it ok to talk against it?

This question is specifically for you Bonzi.

I've been a tad slow in the ol noggin, but it hit me just now. You claim you are a christian, are against gay lifestyle because it is against God's law, are having an affair.

How is this not hypocritical?
Interesting point. I request women have permission from their Man.

If men could get reciprocal permission, I'm sure many would be on board for that
You didn't answer my question.
Are you still married to the first husband? And did you not have an affair before you got divorced, IF you are divorced?
If, the Internet had been as mature twenty years ago as it is now; I would not be the same person I am now.
If men could get reciprocal permission, I'm sure many would be on board for that
You didn't answer my question.
Are you still married to the first husband? And did you not have an affair before you got divorced, IF you are divorced?
Data mining, dear. Better to rephrase that, under strict Evangelistic interpretation of the Bible, all those who divorce and remarry are committing adultery.
True, but their are exceptions like death of a spouse
Like divorce, remarry, former spouse later dies?

well if you want to go "by the book" in the New Testament, here's the only way remarrying is not sinful:

Matthew 19:9
9 I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.”

You can, obviously, also remarry if your spouse dies. But for divorce, sexual immorality is the only acceptable reason according to Jesus.
There was no welfare in those Iron Age times.
If men could get reciprocal permission, I'm sure many would be on board for that
You didn't answer my question.
Are you still married to the first husband? And did you not have an affair before you got divorced, IF you are divorced?
Data mining, dear. Better to rephrase that, under strict Evangelistic interpretation of the Bible, all those who divorce and remarry are committing adultery.
True, but their are exceptions like death of a spouse
Like divorce, remarry, former spouse later dies?

well if you want to go "by the book" in the New Testament, here's the only way remarrying is not sinful:

Matthew 19:9
9 I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.”

You can, obviously, also remarry if your spouse dies. But for divorce, sexual immorality is the only acceptable reason according to Jesus.
1) It's allowing husbands to divorce wives, not vice versa.

2) While I agree death is a given, I'm not sure the Bible addresses it.

3) The Bible, IMO, is man's interpretations of leading a good, just life, but it's also several other things such as a medical/health guide (pork, shellfish), government (slaves, marriage, murder) along with spirituality. Some are outdated, but the spiritual part is timeless. Hence, why we should look at religious texts in total, not just cherry-pick.
What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?
Homosexuality is found throughout nature. So if you think that god created everything...

And Jesus died on the cross for our sins, so that point is moot.
Again, GOD created a perfect universe. When Adam and Eve decided to listen to Satan, they corrupted not only themselves but the entire Creation. Nature groans under the weight of sin. Animals now attack each other, insects carry diseases, plants are poisonous and give rashes, mountains and oceans now separate people. What you are trying to promote is corrupted lies and half-truths. You either never read the Bible or you simply close your eyes and ears to those things that annoy you!
God created everything and everything was perfect. Therefore God created Satan and he was perfect too. When did Satan become imperfect? How does imperfection come from perfection? If God is omniscient, and knows what is to come, why did he create Satan? Why did he create people and then be surprised that they were imperfect and wipe them out except for Noah and his family? Where did the concept of sin come from? If God created everything, did he also create sin? Was sin perfect too? If everything was perfect, why were some animals forbidden to eat? If animals used to live together peacefully, what did carnivores eat?
The answer, of course, is there is no ‘god’ as perceived by theists.
You didn't answer my question.
Are you still married to the first husband? And did you not have an affair before you got divorced, IF you are divorced?
Data mining, dear. Better to rephrase that, under strict Evangelistic interpretation of the Bible, all those who divorce and remarry are committing adultery.
True, but their are exceptions like death of a spouse
Like divorce, remarry, former spouse later dies?

well if you want to go "by the book" in the New Testament, here's the only way remarrying is not sinful:

Matthew 19:9
9 I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.”

You can, obviously, also remarry if your spouse dies. But for divorce, sexual immorality is the only acceptable reason according to Jesus.
1) It's allowing husbands to divorce wives, not vice versa.

2) While I agree death is a given, I'm not sure the Bible addresses it.

3) The Bible, IMO, is man's interpretations of leading a good, just life, but it's also several other things such as a medical/health guide (pork, shellfish), government (slaves, marriage, murder) along with spirituality. Some are outdated, but the spiritual part is timeless. Hence, why we should look at religious texts in total, not just cherry-pick.
I would argue that asking for permission is not adultery.

Adulteration happens Only with deceit.
i'm kinda for no buttsex

Well that would pretty much rule out homosexuality in men. Unless they just do strictly oral
Not so fast. He only said he was kinda for no buttsex. He didn't rule it out.
So, are you a pitcher or a catcher?
Be nice. I may be your daddy.
My dad wasn't a queer. Sorry.
How do you know?
Did God creat Adam and Eve ? or did he create Adam and Adam ? or Eve and Eve ?

Who did the children of Adam and Eve marry and have children with?

(by the way the answer to your question is 'no')
A conundrum which points out that Genesis is more apocryphal than true.

Another conundrum is that, dating back using events, the world is only 6000 years old according to the Bible.

Part of the problem is that Moses is said to have written the first five books of the Bible, a timeline of about 4000BC to 1500BC. The 2500 years in between weren't necessarily written and, probably, were passed around the campfires by designated storytellers as customary among many human tribal societies. Like the game of "Telephone", 2500 years is a long time to misconstrue events.
Ummmm.... no, Genesis is an allegorical account of actual events.
AND...I find it just a tad hypocritical that you would claim to be a Christian, even though a backsliding one, while committing adultry. Don't you?
Now you seem to be harping, Gracie. Is your point to either accept all of the Bible 100%, including Adam and Eve, or none of it? Are you an atheist? Theist but with a different concept?
We've had this conversation before. Divinely inspired, written by men, latitude to put it into their words with the knowledge of concepts they possessed at the time.
I think most guys would give consent, if women were better helpmeets, and became adept at better, "social management" for their Man; and, get their girl friends involved to "keep him busy", and claim you expect a better, "practitioner of the Art of the Husbandman".
Did God creat Adam and Eve ? or did he create Adam and Adam ? or Eve and Eve ?

Who did the children of Adam and Eve marry and have children with?

(by the way the answer to your question is 'no')
A conundrum which points out that Genesis is more apocryphal than true.

Another conundrum is that, dating back using events, the world is only 6000 years old according to the Bible.

Part of the problem is that Moses is said to have written the first five books of the Bible, a timeline of about 4000BC to 1500BC. The 2500 years in between weren't necessarily written and, probably, were passed around the campfires by designated storytellers as customary among many human tribal societies. Like the game of "Telephone", 2500 years is a long time to misconstrue events.
Ummmm.... no, Genesis is an allegorical account of actual events.
So the story of Noah is bullshit, but a worldwide flood did happen? Got proof?
Did God creat Adam and Eve ? or did he create Adam and Adam ? or Eve and Eve ?

Who did the children of Adam and Eve marry and have children with?

(by the way the answer to your question is 'no')
A conundrum which points out that Genesis is more apocryphal than true.

Another conundrum is that, dating back using events, the world is only 6000 years old according to the Bible.

Part of the problem is that Moses is said to have written the first five books of the Bible, a timeline of about 4000BC to 1500BC. The 2500 years in between weren't necessarily written and, probably, were passed around the campfires by designated storytellers as customary among many human tribal societies. Like the game of "Telephone", 2500 years is a long time to misconstrue events.
Ummmm.... no, Genesis is an allegorical account of actual events.
So the story of Noah is bullshit, but a worldwide flood did happen? Got proof?
I'm sure they thought it was world wide. Just exactly when did man know the extent of the world, Einstein?

As for proof, every ancient civilization has an account of a massive flood. Heck, the account of the flood was encoded as symbols in the written Chinese language 4500 years ago, numb nuts.
Taz's favorite destination is de Nile.


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