Is It Wrong to Think Homosexuality is a Sin?

Just think of it this way. OIL makes the world go around. Without oil, the world stops going around. Now, you may be disgusted that oil is such an important commodity (more important than gold or diamonds), but it is what it is. We cannot have these nut jobs being in control of such a valuable resource. Whenever they throw a temper tantrum and make the prices of oil rise or cut off supply of oil or whatever they might do, it affects the rest of the world BIGLY. ;)
So, 1) You agree the war was over oil, not anything else and 2) Why aren't we invading Iran?

I don't know. I am NOT the powers the be.
You've advocated support for invading Iraq. Are you now admitting you don't know why? That you just blindly support the PTB?
Is it not a GOOD thing that Saddam was taken out? Sure ISIS filling the empty void is a shameful unintended consequence. However, Saddam was NOT just a menace to his own people. That is why so many wanted to take him out.
A bomb would have taken Saddam out. Was invading Iraq worth the lives of 4,424 Americans and 31,952 American wounded?


They had to find him first. Lol. Did you expect them to just bomb Iraq indiscriminately. Oh, well, we think he might be over there, so drop some bombs. Besides, I think they wanted to get him alive and pump him for information.
The alledged concern about Saddam wasn't Saddam, but "Weapons of Mass Destruction". While it would have taken some effort to hunt him down and kill him, any facilities AKA "palaces" which didn't comply with inspections should have been bombed into oblivion. We didn't do that. Why?
We worked with Pakistan on that issue, but the situation in Pakistan is delicate.

OTOH, the night we "invaded" Pakistan to take down bin Laden, the Paki national defense radar just happened to go down. Coincidence?
We had a double standard of what we tolerated from Afghanistan and what we tolerated from Pakistan
Disagreed. We could work with the pro-Western forces in Pakistan, an element that largely didn't exist in Afghanistan because the Taliban had eliminated them.
The same pro-Western forces that allowed bin Laden to live within their midst?
That area, and several others, isn't pro-Western. If you didn't know this, that explains a lot.

However,you're free to side with the terrorists and claim that what happened on 9/11 was both justice and that the US deserved it.

No...but I don't think invasions costing 7000 American lives is an appropriate solution

I supported Afghanistan at the time and always opposed Iraq
Now, 16 years later, I doubt if either one was worth it
Afghanistan was worth it after 9/11 and we should have finished the job. Not just the takedown, but the rebuild, a mistake which gave rise to the Taliban in the first place. Now we are fighting just to regain on a stronger enemy.

In some ways I see it as the problem with antibiotics. If you only take them until you feel better, there's a risk that the disease will come back stronger and antibiotic resistant. Better to have just done it right in the first place.
i'm kinda for no buttsex

Well that would pretty much rule out homosexuality in men. Unless they just do strictly oral
Not so fast. He only said he was kinda for no buttsex. He didn't rule it out.
So, are you a pitcher or a catcher?
Be nice. I may be your daddy.
I think you're talking with someone at least under 25 and probably under 21.
Is adultry a sin? And is it ok to talk against it?

This question is specifically for you Bonzi.

I've been a tad slow in the ol noggin, but it hit me just now. You claim you are a christian, are against gay lifestyle because it is against God's law, are having an affair.

How is this not hypocritical?
Interesting point. I request women have permission from their Man.

If men could get reciprocal permission, I'm sure many would be on board for that
You didn't answer my question.
Are you still married to the first husband? And did you not have an affair before you got divorced, IF you are divorced?
Data mining, dear. Better to rephrase that, under strict Evangelistic interpretation of the Bible, all those who divorce and remarry are committing adultery.
Your support for the Taliban and their atrocities are noted.

Still, just because the Taliban were abusive assholes committing atrocities against humanity is not a reason to go to war. When they gave safe haven to terrorists who had repeatedly attacked the United States but murdered almost 3000 in one day, then, yeah, that's justification for taking them down.
Then why haven't we invaded all the other countries that have terrorists? Kenya, Sudan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Syria, ...?

Divine answered your question before you asked.

Re-read what he wrote.
He said the Taliban were giving safe haven to terrorists as a reason to invade. So what about all the other countries that harbour terrorists, like Saudi Arabia? Why don't we take THEM down?

If Saudi Arabia is harboring any of the terrorists that attacked us on 9/11- sure I am fine invading them if they wont' turn them over.

Somehow 17 of 19 9-11 terrorists were Saudis as was Bin Laden

But our government never suspected Saudi involvement
Do your really believe our intelligence and military agencies never made that connection? Wow! You should write them a letter or run for office!
Did God creat Adam and Eve ? or did he create Adam and Adam ? or Eve and Eve ?

Who did the children of Adam and Eve marry and have children with?

(by the way the answer to your question is 'no')
A conundrum which points out that Genesis is more apocryphal than true.

Another conundrum is that, dating back using events, the world is only 6000 years old according to the Bible.

Part of the problem is that Moses is said to have written the first five books of the Bible, a timeline of about 4000BC to 1500BC. The 2500 years in between weren't necessarily written and, probably, were passed around the campfires by designated storytellers as customary among many human tribal societies. Like the game of "Telephone", 2500 years is a long time to misconstrue events.
I don't know of secret intelligence gathered. I don't know about "top secret" data the government or global powers may have on this one or that one. Neither do. Neither do any of us peons.

We are a Republic- if the government can't explain why the United States should go to war to we the citizens- then the government should not be allowed to go to war.
Which is what happens. Part of the problem with Iraq was that too many people accepted the fear-mongering of WMDs. Since it was just a few years after 9/11, it wasn't a large jump. Didn't Hillary and John Kerry jump on the band wagon? Wasn't that party of Kerry's campaign problems - "I was for the war before I was against it"?
Is It Wrong to Think Homosexuality is a Sin?

People that made Donald Trump, liar, pu$$y grabber and serial adulterer a role model for their children have no right to judge gays. No right at all.
What gives you the right to judge them?
Why the fuck was I paged here? Like 17x? GFY whoever is responsible for that.
If you can't handle your sexuality, that's your problem, not mine.
Is adultry a sin? And is it ok to talk against it?

This question is specifically for you Bonzi.

I've been a tad slow in the ol noggin, but it hit me just now. You claim you are a christian, are against gay lifestyle because it is against God's law, are having an affair.

How is this not hypocritical?
Interesting point. I request women have permission from their Man.

If men could get reciprocal permission, I'm sure many would be on board for that
You didn't answer my question.
Are you still married to the first husband? And did you not have an affair before you got divorced, IF you are divorced?
Data mining, dear. Better to rephrase that, under strict Evangelistic interpretation of the Bible, all those who divorce and remarry are committing adultery.
True, but their are exceptions like death of a spouse
Is adultry a sin? And is it ok to talk against it?

This question is specifically for you Bonzi.

I've been a tad slow in the ol noggin, but it hit me just now. You claim you are a christian, are against gay lifestyle because it is against God's law, are having an affair.

How is this not hypocritical?
Interesting point. I request women have permission from their Man.

If men could get reciprocal permission, I'm sure many would be on board for that
You didn't answer my question.
Are you still married to the first husband? And did you not have an affair before you got divorced, IF you are divorced?
I don't have to, but I will even though you are being a pushy little biatch....

No, no
i'm kinda for no buttsex

Well that would pretty much rule out homosexuality in men. Unless they just do strictly oral
Not so fast. He only said he was kinda for no buttsex. He didn't rule it out.
So, are you a pitcher or a catcher?
Why? Are you applying for a position?
Yes, I'll pitch one to you.
Dream on Holmes
Is adultry a sin? And is it ok to talk against it?

This question is specifically for you Bonzi.

I've been a tad slow in the ol noggin, but it hit me just now. You claim you are a christian, are against gay lifestyle because it is against God's law, are having an affair.

How is this not hypocritical?
Interesting point. I request women have permission from their Man.

If men could get reciprocal permission, I'm sure many would be on board for that
You didn't answer my question.
Are you still married to the first husband? And did you not have an affair before you got divorced, IF you are divorced?
I don't have to, but I will even though you are being a pushy little biatch....

No, no
I'm just trying to get your many stories straight. When you first got here, you said you were married, but you started threads about how wet you are and how you enjoyed licking butt holes because it was a turn on. You then went on to try to lure some of the male posters here to get all involved in pms with you. You also made fun of April and her situation with her widowhood. I figured you were looking for a new guy any way you could and mostly wrote you off as skankish. Now I hear you are having an affair with a guy here and MIGHT be married to him. So I asked. Cuz if you are married to him, that means you left your husband that you said you were married to ORIGINALLY while on the hunt for a replacement.

I could care less what you do with yourself, but I was curious as to what the fuck happened since I missed it all. I don't call that pushy. I call it nosey.

***I edited this post slightly. Before editing, it was definitely biatchy. Sorry***
Last edited:
AND...I find it just a tad hypocritical that you would claim to be a Christian, even though a backsliding one, while committing adultry. Don't you?
Is adultry a sin? And is it ok to talk against it?

This question is specifically for you Bonzi.

I've been a tad slow in the ol noggin, but it hit me just now. You claim you are a christian, are against gay lifestyle because it is against God's law, are having an affair.

How is this not hypocritical?
Interesting point. I request women have permission from their Man.

If men could get reciprocal permission, I'm sure many would be on board for that
You didn't answer my question.
Are you still married to the first husband? And did you not have an affair before you got divorced, IF you are divorced?
Data mining, dear. Better to rephrase that, under strict Evangelistic interpretation of the Bible, all those who divorce and remarry are committing adultery.
True, but their are exceptions like death of a spouse
Like divorce, remarry, former spouse later dies?
AND...I find it just a tad hypocritical that you would claim to be a Christian, even though a backsliding one, while committing adultry. Don't you?
Now you seem to be harping, Gracie. Is your point to either accept all of the Bible 100%, including Adam and Eve, or none of it? Are you an atheist? Theist but with a different concept?
Why the fuck was I paged here? Like 17x? GFY whoever is responsible for that.
If you can't handle your sexuality, that's your problem, not mine.
Paged would be when someone deliberately tags you with the "@" sign in front of your user name: Marion Morrison. If someone simply quotes someone which includes your quotes, you'll be alerted as being quoted, but not really. It's a glitch or option depending upon whether or not it's a PITA.
Interesting point. I request women have permission from their Man.

If men could get reciprocal permission, I'm sure many would be on board for that
You didn't answer my question.
Are you still married to the first husband? And did you not have an affair before you got divorced, IF you are divorced?
Data mining, dear. Better to rephrase that, under strict Evangelistic interpretation of the Bible, all those who divorce and remarry are committing adultery.
True, but their are exceptions like death of a spouse
Like divorce, remarry, former spouse later dies?

well if you want to go "by the book" in the New Testament, here's the only way remarrying is not sinful:

Matthew 19:9
9 I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.”

You can, obviously, also remarry if your spouse dies. But for divorce, sexual immorality is the only acceptable reason according to Jesus.
Is adultry a sin? And is it ok to talk against it?

This question is specifically for you Bonzi.

I've been a tad slow in the ol noggin, but it hit me just now. You claim you are a christian, are against gay lifestyle because it is against God's law, are having an affair.

How is this not hypocritical?
Interesting point. I request women have permission from their Man.

If men could get reciprocal permission, I'm sure many would be on board for that
Better communication?

In modern times, I watch a lot of porn (for continuing education in "cultural anthropology"); and,. try to port my findings to real life, whenever I have the presence of mind to do so.

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