Is It Wrong to Think Homosexuality is a Sin?

Is it wrong to think that hating people for whom they choose to love is a sin?

Again, the left is bringing up the word hate. Love who you want, I don't care, however I don't need to approve of the behavior, and I can be tolerant at the same time.

I'm not sure why those on the left can't understand that concept.

I think hate is the correct term. Extreme hate

Hate to the point you don't want them in the military, don't want them teaching your kids, don't want them adopting kids, don't want them to be able to marry
Re; 1.] ...."you don't want them in the military" Not true , they'd make great fodder for the machine guns.

2.] "don't want them teaching your kids," Teachers should be someone to look up to ... a closeted fag or dike would be just fine as a teacher but the minute they come out of the closet - see ya !

3. ] "don't want them adopting kids' ... there's little reason Lesbians shouldn't be able to adopt, they are not the greatest role models but they are certainly better than an orphanage. So far as Gay men are concerned absolutely fkng no way should they ever be permitted to adopt children Gay males are the most prolific child molesters Humanity has ever produced.

4.] "don't want them to be able to marry" .... don't really give a rats ass if they wallow in their own cum infested diseased degeneracy alone or together ..

5.] You seem to be confused or are trying to confuse others ... aren't you the same guy who used to be Norton the sewer guy and then Mugs mahoney ???
Is it wrong to think that hating people for whom they choose to love is a sin?

Again, the left is bringing up the word hate. Love who you want, I don't care, however I don't need to approve of the behavior, and I can be tolerant at the same time.

I'm not sure why those on the left can't understand that concept.

I think hate is the correct term. Extreme hate

Hate to the point you don't want them in the military, don't want them teaching your kids, don't want them adopting kids, don't want them to be able to marry
Re; 1.] ...."you don't want them in the military" Not true , they'd make great fodder for the machine guns.

2.] "don't want them teaching your kids," Teachers should be someone to look up to ... a closeted fag or dike would be just fine as a teacher but the minute they come out of the closet - see ya !

3. ] "don't want them adopting kids' ... there's little reason Lesbians shouldn't be able to adopt, they are not the greatest role models but they are certainly better than an orphanage. So far as Gay men are concerned absolutely fkng no way should they ever be permitted to adopt children Gay males are the most prolific child molesters Humanity has ever produced.

4.] "don't want them to be able to marry" .... don't really give a rats ass if they wallow in their own cum infested diseased degeneracy alone or together ..

5.] You seem to be confused or are trying to confuse others ... aren't you the same guy who used to be Norton the sewer guy and then Mugs mahoney ???
Thanks for proving my point about who the real sinners are
Is it wrong to think that hating people for whom they choose to love is a sin?

Again, the left is bringing up the word hate. Love who you want, I don't care, however I don't need to approve of the behavior, and I can be tolerant at the same time.

I'm not sure why those on the left can't understand that concept.

I think hate is the correct term. Extreme hate

Hate to the point you don't want them in the military, don't want them teaching your kids, don't want them adopting kids, don't want them to be able to marry

To be fair, there are some serious concerns with gays being in the military and raising kids.

I simply think having soldiers together who are attracted to each other adds an unnecessary complication to the task of warfare. Do you really want soldiers bunking with each other whom they want to have sex with? Do you even understand that this can lead to disastrous results in a life and death situation on the battle field?

And it is not just the battle field. In todays army there is an epidemic of women you are sexually assaulted or harassed. Do we even want to continue this problem? If you removed women this problem would go away over night, but because the military is just another social lab for Progs they refuse to even consider removing women, even if it costs the lives of soldiers and possibly those they are trying to protect cuz it's not PC.

As for children, I've personally witnessed homes where children have two mothers. The outcomes were not promising. These children we wild and almost uncontrollable . Is there any unbiased statistical analysis to drive this point home? If there is, it would probably be from sources you reject, that is, if there are any at all who dare to enter the un-PC abyss to die and never get funding again for future research.

Could it be that there is something to offer from both male and female that is needed to help raise a child? God forbid that a persons sex imposes and substantial differences cuz we all gotta be equal, right?
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Is it wrong to think that hating people for whom they choose to love is a sin?

Again, the left is bringing up the word hate. Love who you want, I don't care, however I don't need to approve of the behavior, and I can be tolerant at the same time.

I'm not sure why those on the left can't understand that concept.

I think hate is the correct term. Extreme hate

Hate to the point you don't want them in the military, don't want them teaching your kids, don't want them adopting kids, don't want them to be able to marry

It is the will of God that man and woman join together eternally as a married couple.

Matthew 19:3-6
3 The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting him, and saying unto him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?
4 And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,
5 And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?
6 Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

1 Corinthians 11:11
11 Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord.

Doctrine and Covenants 132:15-22
15 Therefore, if a man marry him a wife in the world, and he marry her not by me nor by my word, and he covenant with her so long as he is in the world and she with him, their covenant and marriage are not of force when they are dead, and when they are out of the world; therefore, they are not bound by any law when they are out of the world.
16 Therefore, when they are out of the world they neither marry nor are given in marriage; but are appointed angels in heaven, which angels are ministering servants, to minister for those who are worthy of a far more, and an exceeding, and an eternal weight of glory.
17 For these angels did not abide my law; therefore, they cannot be enlarged, but remain separately and singly, without exaltation, in their saved condition, to all eternity; and from henceforth are not gods, but are angels of God forever and ever.
18 And again, verily I say unto you, if a man marry a wife, and make a covenant with her for time and for all eternity, if that covenant is not by me or by my word, which is my law, and is not sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise, through him whom I have anointed and appointed unto this power, then it is not valid neither of force when they are out of the world, because they are not joined by me, saith the Lord, neither by my word; when they are out of the world it cannot be received there, because the angels and the gods are appointed there, by whom they cannot pass; they cannot, therefore, inherit my glory; for my house is a house of order, saith the Lord God.
19 And again, verily I say unto you, if a man marry a wife by my word, which is my law, and by the new and everlasting covenant, and it is sealed unto them by the Holy Spirit of promise, by him who is anointed, unto whom I have appointed this power and the keys of this priesthood; and it shall be said unto them—Ye shall come forth in the first resurrection; and if it be after the first resurrection, in the next resurrection; and shall inherit thrones, kingdoms, principalities, and powers, dominions, all heights and depths—then shall it be written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, that he shall commit no murder whereby to shed innocent blood, and if ye abide in my covenant, and commit no murder whereby to shed innocent blood, it shall be done unto them in all things whatsoever my servant hath put upon them, in time, and through all eternity; and shall be of full force when they are out of the world; and they shall pass by the angels, and the gods, which are set there, to their exaltation and glory in all things, as hath been sealed upon their heads, which glory shall be a fulness and a continuation of the seeds forever and ever.
20 Then shall they be gods, because they have no end; therefore shall they be from everlasting to everlasting, because they continue; then shall they be above all, because all things are subject unto them. Then shall they be gods, because they have all power, and the angels are subject unto them.
21 Verily, verily, I say unto you, except ye abide my law ye cannot attain to this glory.
22 For strait is the gate, and narrow the way that leadeth unto the exaltation and continuation of the lives, and few there be that find it, because ye receive me not in the world neither do ye know me.

The will of God concerning mankind on earth is for them to join together as man and woman eternally. Anything that goes against this eternal plan of God is against his will. For this reason homosexuality, which thwarts the will of God is considered an abomination. God wants his children to marry the opposite sex and to have families and raise them in righteousness. Anything that goes against the will of God is sin. Laws in society that promote the will of God are good. Those that go against the will of God are not good. People who follow the will of God are righteous and those who do not are in need of repentance.

Does this mean that we as Christians should persecute those who chose to go against God? No, we should love and pray for them and hope that they will repent and choose the right. However, if they organize and come against us and seek our utter destruction, then we have an obligation to protect our wives and children from such wickedness. We should always stand for that which is right and true and teach against such behaviors and promote righteousness in our schools and societies. As Christians we should keep the faith by striving to live by every word which proceedeth forth from the mouth of God and continually repent of our short comings. We should love one another and seek to reclaim ourselves and others from sin so we can rejoice together in the resurrection of the just when Christ shall come again upon the earth.
Is it wrong to think that hating people for whom they choose to love is a sin?

Again, the left is bringing up the word hate. Love who you want, I don't care, however I don't need to approve of the behavior, and I can be tolerant at the same time.

I'm not sure why those on the left can't understand that concept.

I think hate is the correct term. Extreme hate

Hate to the point you don't want them in the military, don't want them teaching your kids, don't want them adopting kids, don't want them to be able to marry
You don't seem to be able to recognize the difference between hate and common sense. Hypothetically let's assume you could breed your own human children between you and your same sex partner. Do you want someone with totally different values and precepts teaching your children?

What difference does it make?
Your child's homosexual teacher may be an excellent, caring teacher

Maybe your child will learn that homosexuals are not as bad as you have been telling them

So you can't answer the question. Okay.
What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?

No. It is not "wrong" to believe that. But it is wrong to use that as an excuse to harm them in any way.
Is it wrong to think that hating people for whom they choose to love is a sin?

Again, the left is bringing up the word hate. Love who you want, I don't care, however I don't need to approve of the behavior, and I can be tolerant at the same time.

I'm not sure why those on the left can't understand that concept.

I think hate is the correct term. Extreme hate

Hate to the point you don't want them in the military, don't want them teaching your kids, don't want them adopting kids, don't want them to be able to marry
Re; 1.] ...."you don't want them in the military" Not true , they'd make great fodder for the machine guns.

2.] "don't want them teaching your kids," Teachers should be someone to look up to ... a closeted fag or dike would be just fine as a teacher but the minute they come out of the closet - see ya !

3. ] "don't want them adopting kids' ... there's little reason Lesbians shouldn't be able to adopt, they are not the greatest role models but they are certainly better than an orphanage. So far as Gay men are concerned absolutely fkng no way should they ever be permitted to adopt children Gay males are the most prolific child molesters Humanity has ever produced.

4.] "don't want them to be able to marry" .... don't really give a rats ass if they wallow in their own cum infested diseased degeneracy alone or together ..

5.] You seem to be confused or are trying to confuse others ... aren't you the same guy who used to be Norton the sewer guy and then Mugs mahoney ???
Thanks for proving my point about who the real sinners are

You get the points on this one. What an ignorant idiot green bean is.
Being gay is fine. I mean, really, who cares? It doesnt effect anyone except for that person and who he/she chooses to be with
You can think of it in any way you want. Being wrong or "sinful" is completely subjective.
Voice it if you want!

Gay men in the US account for under 10% of the population, yet they account for well over half off all AIDS and STD cases in the US. This is a fact supported by the CDC.

However, even though the economic costs to society Dims will never see this as a reason to not encourage such behavior as "normal" and "good"..

Christian Conservatives passed laws to imprison gays long before there was AIDs and when the deadly STD of the day was syphillis- which was rampant among straight men.

And of course, you and your fellow travellers would just as happily imprison lesbians- regardless of their levels of AIDs and STDS.

And your point is?

Why did you leave out the Salem witch trials and Crusades?

WTH is wrong with you?

Jesus never advocated about locking anyone up, neither did he condemn anyone except the religious leaders of his day. Neither did he advocate for government to save us all.

As for the Catholic church...............well.

Quit Whimpering or You Will Go Out With a Bang

The Crusades set back Islamic World Conquest 500 years. By the time the jihadis got to the gates of Vienna in 1683, they were corrupt and had lost their religious commitment. They dawdled for weeks; their last chance to save the jihad came on SEPTEMBER ELEVENTH of that year.

Why do you Dhimmis take it for granted that everybody thinks the Crusaders were evildoers? Eisenhower titled his World War II book "Crusade in Europe." Under a language polluted by New Age sewage, that would imply he fought for the Nazis.

Of course the Crusaders weren't 'evildoers' when they sacked the Christian city of Constantinople- setting up the eventual fall of Constantinople to Islam.

They were just good Christians doing God's work.
Being gay is fine. I mean, really, who cares? It doesnt effect anyone except for that person and who he/she chooses to be with
You can think of it in any way you want. Being wrong or "sinful" is completely subjective.
Voice it if you want!


I believe it goes something like, "judge not, lest ye be judged".

We choose and discipline our own personal behavior. The moment we start exporting that to choosing and controlling other people's behavior, the sinkhole yawns. And there's the pitfall of preachy punitive-style religion.
It also goes like this, 'a spiritual man judges all things'. That is because the 'spiritual human' is aware that people in judgment are subjecting themselves to the ills of the worldly things.

Well so much for "Judge not lest you be judged", which is what Jesus said. Jesus also said "Let those among you who are without sin, cast the first stone".

The Lord told us to love one another and not to judge others. Some people seem to think He wasn't talking about them. They're perfectly free to judge, to discriminate, and to shun.

I try to show kindness and compassion to all. Even those who don't believe as I do.
GOD doesn't want us to apply our own standards to judge people. GOD wants us to use HIS standards as spelled out scripturally. The entire issue concerning homosexual marriage is founded upon governmental/secular values that are contrary to GOD's standards. And now the government is slowly forcing their standards on people who practice God's higher standards in an effort to undermined those religious beliefs.

Still fairly sure no one is going to make you get 'gay married'

You do realize that according to 'God's higher standards'- Donald Trump is just as sinful as any gay man married to another man- right?
Being gay is fine. I mean, really, who cares? It doesnt effect anyone except for that person and who he/she chooses to be with
You can think of it in any way you want. Being wrong or "sinful" is completely subjective.
Voice it if you want!
Do you view it in bad taste to wave a hetero flag?

What does the hetero flag look like?
I think they came out with one for a while... I guess it didn't get too popular....


There may have been a pink and blue version too, not sure...
What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?

No. It is not "wrong" to believe that. But it is wrong to use that as an excuse to harm them in any way.

Any Christian that believes we should intentionally harm anyone for Christian sexual sins are exactly like those that wanted to stone the prostitute. If they read the Bible at all, they know it's wrong.
Is it wrong to think that hating people for whom they choose to love is a sin?

Again, the left is bringing up the word hate. Love who you want, I don't care, however I don't need to approve of the behavior, and I can be tolerant at the same time.

I'm not sure why those on the left can't understand that concept.

I think hate is the correct term. Extreme hate

Hate to the point you don't want them in the military, don't want them teaching your kids, don't want them adopting kids, don't want them to be able to marry

To be fair, there are some serious concerns with gays being in the military and raising kids.

I simply think having soldiers together who are attracted to each other adds an unnecessary complication to the task of warfare. Do you really want soldiers bunking with each other whom they want to have sex with? Do you even understand that this can lead to disastrous results in a life and death situation on the battle field?

And it is not just the battle field. In todays army there is an epidemic of women you are sexually assaulted or harassed. Do we even want to continue this problem? If you removed women this problem would go away over night, but because the military is just another social lab for Progs they refuse to even consider removing women, even if it costs the lives of soldiers and possibly those they are trying to protect cuz it's not PC.

As for children, I've personally witnessed homes where children have two mothers. The outcomes were not promising. These children we wild and almost uncontrollable . Is there any unbiased statistical analysis to drive this point home? If there is, it would probably be from sources you reject, that is, if there are any at all who dare to enter the un-PC abyss to die and never get funding again for future research.

Could it be that there is something to offer from both male and female that is needed to help raise a child? God forbid that a persons sex imposes and substantial differences cuz we all gotta be equal, right?

The military has always faced the challenge of soldiers who do not get along or soldiers who victimize another soldier. In the past, it was because of race, ethnicity or gender. The solution was to discipline the soldier who is victimizing other soldiers not removing potential victims
What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?
I think its a childish view of the world, and born of stubborn knowitall...ness.
I think if you treat people the way you want to be treated there would be a whole lot less trouble in the world...But that was another pipe dream in the Bible...
Is it wrong to think that hating people for whom they choose to love is a sin?

Again, the left is bringing up the word hate. Love who you want, I don't care, however I don't need to approve of the behavior, and I can be tolerant at the same time.

I'm not sure why those on the left can't understand that concept.

I think hate is the correct term. Extreme hate

Hate to the point you don't want them in the military, don't want them teaching your kids, don't want them adopting kids, don't want them to be able to marry

To be fair, there are some serious concerns with gays being in the military and raising kids.

I simply think having soldiers together who are attracted to each other adds an unnecessary complication to the task of warfare. Do you really want soldiers bunking with each other whom they want to have sex with? Do you even understand that this can lead to disastrous results in a life and death situation on the battle field?

And it is not just the battle field. In todays army there is an epidemic of women you are sexually assaulted or harassed. Do we even want to continue this problem? If you removed women this problem would go away over night, but because the military is just another social lab for Progs they refuse to even consider removing women, even if it costs the lives of soldiers and possibly those they are trying to protect cuz it's not PC.

As for children, I've personally witnessed homes where children have two mothers. The outcomes were not promising. These children we wild and almost uncontrollable . Is there any unbiased statistical analysis to drive this point home? If there is, it would probably be from sources you reject, that is, if there are any at all who dare to enter the un-PC abyss to die and never get funding again for future research.

Could it be that there is something to offer from both male and female that is needed to help raise a child? God forbid that a persons sex imposes and substantial differences cuz we all gotta be equal, right?

The military has always faced the challenge of soldiers who do not get along or soldiers who victimize another soldier. In the past, it was because of race, ethnicity or gender. The solution was to discipline the soldier who is victimizing other soldiers not removing potential victims

My point is why add to the conflicts knowing that natural attraction will be a problem?

As for racism, etc., that is an unforeseeable issue to deal with.
I think if you treat people the way you want to be treated there would be a whole lot less trouble in the world...But that was another pipe dream in the Bible...

Treat others the way you wish to be treated?

Crucify him!!!!!!!!!!
Being gay is fine. I mean, really, who cares? It doesnt effect anyone except for that person and who he/she chooses to be with
You can think of it in any way you want. Being wrong or "sinful" is completely subjective.
Voice it if you want!


I believe it goes something like, "judge not, lest ye be judged".

We choose and discipline our own personal behavior. The moment we start exporting that to choosing and controlling other people's behavior, the sinkhole yawns. And there's the pitfall of preachy punitive-style religion.
It also goes like this, 'a spiritual man judges all things'. That is because the 'spiritual human' is aware that people in judgment are subjecting themselves to the ills of the worldly things.

Well so much for "Judge not lest you be judged", which is what Jesus said. Jesus also said "Let those among you who are without sin, cast the first stone".

The Lord told us to love one another and not to judge others. Some people seem to think He wasn't talking about them. They're perfectly free to judge, to discriminate, and to shun.

I try to show kindness and compassion to all. Even those who don't believe as I do.
GOD doesn't want us to apply our own standards to judge people. GOD wants us to use HIS standards as spelled out scripturally. The entire issue concerning homosexual marriage is founded upon governmental/secular values that are contrary to GOD's standards. And now the government is slowly forcing their standards on people who practice God's higher standards in an effort to undermined those religious beliefs.
From experience, instinct, and wisdom, the Hebrew patriarchs knew that tolerance of homosexuality would destroy society. They made it a religious issue in order to make doubly sure their flock would expel it.

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