Is It Wrong to Think Homosexuality is a Sin?

Is it wrong to think that hating people for whom they choose to love is a sin?

Again, the left is bringing up the word hate. Love who you want, I don't care, however I don't need to approve of the behavior, and I can be tolerant at the same time.

I'm not sure why those on the left can't understand that concept.
Homosexuality is a sin.
Does it make the homosexual evil?
Does making an asshole of one's self in public make one evil?
It just makes one an asshole.

Your sexual inclination is your own business; keep it that way.
Being gay is fine. I mean, really, who cares? It doesnt effect anyone except for that person and who he/she chooses to be with
You can think of it in any way you want. Being wrong or "sinful" is completely subjective.
Voice it if you want!


I believe it goes something like, "judge not, lest ye be judged".

We choose and discipline our own personal behavior. The moment we start exporting that to choosing and controlling other people's behavior, the sinkhole yawns. And there's the pitfall of preachy punitive-style religion.
It also goes like this, 'a spiritual man judges all things'. That is because the 'spiritual human' is aware that people in judgment are subjecting themselves to the ills of the worldly things.

Well so much for "Judge not lest you be judged", which is what Jesus said. Jesus also said "Let those among you who are without sin, cast the first stone".

The Lord told us to love one another and not to judge others. Some people seem to think He wasn't talking about them. They're perfectly free to judge, to discriminate, and to shun.

I try to show kindness and compassion to all. Even those who don't believe as I do.
GOD doesn't want us to apply our own standards to judge people. GOD wants us to use HIS standards as spelled out scripturally. The entire issue concerning homosexual marriage is founded upon governmental/secular values that are contrary to GOD's standards. And now the government is slowly forcing their standards on people who practice God's higher standards in an effort to undermined those religious beliefs.
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Well so much for "Judge not lest you be judged", which is what Jesus said. Jesus also said "Let those among you who are without sin, cast the first stone".

The Lord told us to love one another and not to judge others. Some people seem to think He wasn't talking about them. They're perfectly free to judge, to discriminate, and to shun.

I try to show kindness and compassion to all. Even those who don't believe as I do.
So who is it casting stones? If you subject yourself that is on you. Jesus never said to anyone 'try not to discern good from evil'. Fact is he taught about those who are blinded in their own sins. If you read through the rest of the good book it also warns about not attaching yourself to men and women with evil intent. Yet even so it is left up to each to make those choices on paths that they will go down and what they will let into their abodes.

Feel free to go hug a viper if you like. After all it is your right. Just do not think for one moment that I will freely give you the right to tell me that I must accept and embrace your personal problems or pay the price for your personal choices.
Well so much for "Judge not lest you be judged", which is what Jesus said. Jesus also said "Let those among you who are without sin, cast the first stone".

The Lord told us to love one another and not to judge others. Some people seem to think He wasn't talking about them. They're perfectly free to judge, to discriminate, and to shun.

I try to show kindness and compassion to all. Even those who don't believe as I do.
So who is it casting stones? If you subject yourself that is on you. Jesus never said to anyone 'try not to discern good from evil'. Fact is he taught about those who are blinded in their own sins. If you read through the rest of the good book it also warns about not attaching yourself to men and women with evil intent. Yet even so it is left up to each to make those choices on paths that they will go down and what they will let into their abodes.

Feel free to go hug a viper if you like. After all it is your right. Just do not think for one moment that I will freely give you the right to tell me that I must accept and embrace your personal problems or pay the price for your personal choices.

I have not suggested that anyone embrace evil or let it into their homes. I pay for my own life and my own choices and always have. I have also taken a homeless pregnant woman into my home because she had nowhere else to go, fostered a profoundly abused child, and helped those less fortunate than me, without being asked.

When I was a teenager, I met a man who told me he lived his life for JOY. By JOY, he meant Jesus, Others, Yourself, in that order.

That you choose to put Yourself first, is your choice because it's your life.
Well so much for "Judge not lest you be judged", which is what Jesus said. Jesus also said "Let those among you who are without sin, cast the first stone".

The Lord told us to love one another and not to judge others. Some people seem to think He wasn't talking about them. They're perfectly free to judge, to discriminate, and to shun.

I try to show kindness and compassion to all. Even those who don't believe as I do.
So who is it casting stones? If you subject yourself that is on you. Jesus never said to anyone 'try not to discern good from evil'. Fact is he taught about those who are blinded in their own sins. If you read through the rest of the good book it also warns about not attaching yourself to men and women with evil intent. Yet even so it is left up to each to make those choices on paths that they will go down and what they will let into their abodes.

Feel free to go hug a viper if you like. After all it is your right. Just do not think for one moment that I will freely give you the right to tell me that I must accept and embrace your personal problems or pay the price for your personal choices.

I have not suggested that anyone embrace evil or let it into their homes. I pay for my own life and my own choices and always have. I have also taken a homeless pregnant woman into my home because she had nowhere else to go, fostered a profoundly abused child, and helped those less fortunate than me, without being asked.

When I was a teenager, I met a man who told me he lived his life for JOY. By JOY, he meant Jesus, Others, Yourself, in that order.

That you choose to put Yourself first, is your choice because it's your life.
I met the leader of the hells angels when I was a youngster. He asked me to give the community a warning for him not to go into their camp or they would be subject to whatever goes on in that camp. Pretty simple really, just don't go there as if you do you are subject to whatever goes on in their camp.

When it comes to a personal relationship with the spirit and kingdom of God in you that is YOUR choice and obligation. If you choose to put that second in your life that is a personal choice also.
Being gay is fine. I mean, really, who cares? It doesnt effect anyone except for that person and who he/she chooses to be with
You can think of it in any way you want. Being wrong or "sinful" is completely subjective.
Voice it if you want!


I believe it goes something like, "judge not, lest ye be judged".

We choose and discipline our own personal behavior. The moment we start exporting that to choosing and controlling other people's behavior, the sinkhole yawns. And there's the pitfall of preachy punitive-style religion.
It also goes like this, 'a spiritual man judges all things'. That is because the 'spiritual human' is aware that people in judgment are subjecting themselves to the ills of the worldly things.

Well so much for "Judge not lest you be judged", which is what Jesus said. Jesus also said "Let those among you who are without sin, cast the first stone".

The Lord told us to love one another and not to judge others. Some people seem to think He wasn't talking about them. They're perfectly free to judge, to discriminate, and to shun.

I try to show kindness and compassion to all. Even those who don't believe as I do.
GOD doesn't want us to apply our own standards to judge people. GOD wants us to use HIS standards as spelled out scripturally. The entire issue concerning homosexual marriage is founded upon governmental/secular values that are contrary to GOD's standards. And now the government is slowly forcing their standards on people who practice God's higher standards in an effort to undermined those religious beliefs.

God doesn't want US to judge anyone. That's his job. Jesus spent his life among social outcasts, helping leppars, sinners, the poor, the sick and those the priests and the religious leaders cast out or ignored, and urged his followers to do the same.

He also said "Love one another as I have loved you". He didn't put qualifiers on that. He didn't say "Love the righteous", or "Love people who are of your race", or even "Love good people". He said "Love one another".

Most of the people posting here are willing to be tolerant, at best. That's not what Jesus said. He also said "That what did not do for the least of my brothers and sisters, you did not do for me".

Every kindness I have ever done, has come back to me ten or twenty fold. Every unselfish deed has been rewarded even when none was asked for. I can't imagine going through life telling others they're on their own in times of trouble. When I say "If there's anything I can do to help" I genuinely mean it.

Thats the way I was raised and it's how I choose to live my life.

Is it wrong to think that hating people for whom they choose to love is a sin?

Again, the left is bringing up the word hate. Love who you want, I don't care, however I don't need to approve of the behavior, and I can be tolerant at the same time.

I'm not sure why those on the left can't understand that concept.

And yet --- the very next post after yours.....

Oh well. Strawmen are fun while they last huh. Especially the ones that bring their own blankets. SO much easier than breaking a thought sweat.
Is it wrong to think that hating people for whom they choose to love is a sin?

Again, the left is bringing up the word hate. Love who you want, I don't care, however I don't need to approve of the behavior, and I can be tolerant at the same time.

I'm not sure why those on the left can't understand that concept.

I think hate is the correct term. Extreme hate

Hate to the point you don't want them in the military, don't want them teaching your kids, don't want them adopting kids, don't want them to be able to marry
Is it wrong to think that hating people for whom they choose to love is a sin?

Again, the left is bringing up the word hate. Love who you want, I don't care, however I don't need to approve of the behavior, and I can be tolerant at the same time.

I'm not sure why those on the left can't understand that concept.

I think hate is the correct term. Extreme hate

Hate to the point you don't want them in the military, don't want them teaching your kids, don't want them adopting kids, don't want them to be able to marry
You don't seem to be able to recognize the difference between hate and common sense. Hypothetically let's assume you could breed your own human children between you and your same sex partner. Do you want someone with totally different values and precepts teaching your children?
Is it wrong to think that hating people for whom they choose to love is a sin?

Again, the left is bringing up the word hate. Love who you want, I don't care, however I don't need to approve of the behavior, and I can be tolerant at the same time.

I'm not sure why those on the left can't understand that concept.

I think hate is the correct term. Extreme hate

Hate to the point you don't want them in the military, don't want them teaching your kids, don't want them adopting kids, don't want them to be able to marry
You don't seem to be able to recognize the difference between hate and common sense. Hypothetically let's assume you could breed your own human children between you and your same sex partner. Do you want someone with totally different values and precepts teaching your children?

What difference does it make?
Your child's homosexual teacher may be an excellent, caring teacher

Maybe your child will learn that homosexuals are not as bad as you have been telling them
Is it wrong to think that hating people for whom they choose to love is a sin?

Again, the left is bringing up the word hate. Love who you want, I don't care, however I don't need to approve of the behavior, and I can be tolerant at the same time.

I'm not sure why those on the left can't understand that concept.

I think hate is the correct term. Extreme hate

Hate to the point you don't want them in the military, don't want them teaching your kids, don't want them adopting kids, don't want them to be able to marry
You don't seem to be able to recognize the difference between hate and common sense. Hypothetically let's assume you could breed your own human children between you and your same sex partner. Do you want someone with totally different values and precepts teaching your children?

What difference does it make?
Your child's homosexual teacher may be an excellent, caring teacher

Maybe your child will learn that homosexuals are not as bad as you have been telling them
You did not answer the question. Not only that you have no clue as to what I or anyone else has relayed or taught to our children. You do though give a clue to your mindset. If your sexual issues are that important to you, personally I would not want you anywhere near my children but the fact is they are grown now and so are many of my grandchildren so they make their own choices.
Is it wrong to think that hating people for whom they choose to love is a sin?

Again, the left is bringing up the word hate. Love who you want, I don't care, however I don't need to approve of the behavior, and I can be tolerant at the same time.

I'm not sure why those on the left can't understand that concept.

I think hate is the correct term. Extreme hate

Hate to the point you don't want them in the military, don't want them teaching your kids, don't want them adopting kids, don't want them to be able to marry
You don't seem to be able to recognize the difference between hate and common sense. Hypothetically let's assume you could breed your own human children between you and your same sex partner. Do you want someone with totally different values and precepts teaching your children?

What difference does it make?
Your child's homosexual teacher may be an excellent, caring teacher

Maybe your child will learn that homosexuals are not as bad as you have been telling them
You did not answer the question. Not only that you have no clue as to what I or anyone else has relayed or taught to our children. You do though give a clue to your mindset. If your sexual issues are that important to you, personally I would not want you anywhere near my children but the fact is they are grown now and so are many of my grandchildren so they make their own choices.
Actually, you do not have a clue

Your child's teacher wil be teaching Algebra, Chemistry, a language
They will not be teaching sexual techniques

In spite of the hate you have been teaching, your child may actually learn that homosexuals are not so bad
Again, the left is bringing up the word hate. Love who you want, I don't care, however I don't need to approve of the behavior, and I can be tolerant at the same time.

I'm not sure why those on the left can't understand that concept.

I think hate is the correct term. Extreme hate

Hate to the point you don't want them in the military, don't want them teaching your kids, don't want them adopting kids, don't want them to be able to marry
You don't seem to be able to recognize the difference between hate and common sense. Hypothetically let's assume you could breed your own human children between you and your same sex partner. Do you want someone with totally different values and precepts teaching your children?

What difference does it make?
Your child's homosexual teacher may be an excellent, caring teacher

Maybe your child will learn that homosexuals are not as bad as you have been telling them
You did not answer the question. Not only that you have no clue as to what I or anyone else has relayed or taught to our children. You do though give a clue to your mindset. If your sexual issues are that important to you, personally I would not want you anywhere near my children but the fact is they are grown now and so are many of my grandchildren so they make their own choices.
Actually, you do not have a clue

Your child's teacher wil be teaching Algebra, Chemistry, a language
They will not be teaching sexual techniques

In spite of the hate you have been teaching, your child may actually learn that homosexuals are not so bad
Actually mine decided on their own after they were adults that faggots were deviants. One of them told me that they were funny sometimes but never the less deviants that they didn't want to be around. Like I said if your sexual issues are a consideration at all when it comes to teaching children you don't belong around them. Nor would I want an avid porn pusher, pedo, drug addict, alcoholic or any other openly deviant person around children teaching them that life those styles are fine and dandy. Call it "teaching hate" if you wish.
Is it wrong to think that hating people for whom they choose to love is a sin?

Again, the left is bringing up the word hate. Love who you want, I don't care, however I don't need to approve of the behavior, and I can be tolerant at the same time.

I'm not sure why those on the left can't understand that concept.

I think hate is the correct term. Extreme hate

Hate to the point you don't want them in the military, don't want them teaching your kids, don't want them adopting kids, don't want them to be able to marry
You don't seem to be able to recognize the difference between hate and common sense. Hypothetically let's assume you could breed your own human children between you and your same sex partner. Do you want someone with totally different values and precepts teaching your children?

Yes, I do. I want my children to know many people who are different from themselves so they won't grow up fearing or hating those who are different from them. I learn so much from people who aren't like me and I am a better person for having met them.

Over the years my children have had gay teachers, Muslim teachers, and atheist teachers, black teachers.

One of the best teachers I know is a gay man and a devout Christian. One of his grade 4 students died a couple of years ago. She had a sudden illness and passed away. He was so upset by this loss you would have thought this was his own child, but he pulled himself together and helped his entire class deal with this trauma. It was touching.

The best thing we can do for our children is to expose them to ideas, cultures and good people who can broaden their experiences, their ideas and their respect for others.
I think hate is the correct term. Extreme hate

Hate to the point you don't want them in the military, don't want them teaching your kids, don't want them adopting kids, don't want them to be able to marry
You don't seem to be able to recognize the difference between hate and common sense. Hypothetically let's assume you could breed your own human children between you and your same sex partner. Do you want someone with totally different values and precepts teaching your children?

What difference does it make?
Your child's homosexual teacher may be an excellent, caring teacher

Maybe your child will learn that homosexuals are not as bad as you have been telling them
You did not answer the question. Not only that you have no clue as to what I or anyone else has relayed or taught to our children. You do though give a clue to your mindset. If your sexual issues are that important to you, personally I would not want you anywhere near my children but the fact is they are grown now and so are many of my grandchildren so they make their own choices.
Actually, you do not have a clue

Your child's teacher wil be teaching Algebra, Chemistry, a language
They will not be teaching sexual techniques

In spite of the hate you have been teaching, your child may actually learn that homosexuals are not so bad
Actually mine decided on their own after they were adults that faggots were deviants. One of them told me that they were funny sometimes but never the less deviants that they didn't want to be around. Like I said if your sexual issues are a consideration at all when it comes to teaching children you don't belong around them. Nor would I want an avid porn pusher, pedo, drug addict, alcoholic or any other openly deviant person around children teaching them that life those styles are fine and dandy. Call it "teaching hate" if you wish.
The Apple does not fall far from the tree

Hate can span generations
Is it wrong to think that hating people for whom they choose to love is a sin?

Again, the left is bringing up the word hate. Love who you want, I don't care, however I don't need to approve of the behavior, and I can be tolerant at the same time.

I'm not sure why those on the left can't understand that concept.

I think hate is the correct term. Extreme hate

Hate to the point you don't want them in the military, don't want them teaching your kids, don't want them adopting kids, don't want them to be able to marry
You don't seem to be able to recognize the difference between hate and common sense. Hypothetically let's assume you could breed your own human children between you and your same sex partner. Do you want someone with totally different values and precepts teaching your children?

Yes, I do. I want my children to know many people who are different from themselves so they won't grow up fearing or hating those who are different from them. I learn so much from people who aren't like me and I am a better person for having met them.

Over the years my children have had gay teachers, Muslim teachers, and atheist teachers, black teachers.

One of the best teachers I know is a gay man and a devout Christian. One of his grade 4 students died a couple of years ago. She had a sudden illness and passed away. He was so upset by this loss you would have thought this was his own child, but he pulled himself together and helped his entire class deal with this trauma. It was touching.

The best thing we can do for our children is to expose them to ideas, cultures and good people who can broaden their experiences, their ideas and their respect for others.
Sorry my children didn't need to get to know or be intimate with Lester the molester down the road, Jenny the crackhead, Jug-head the street prostitute or father Dickhead or Mohammedan the pedophile and I sure as hell wouldn't have been of a mind to introduce them to them on purpose and tell the children its all good honey just explore away.
You don't seem to be able to recognize the difference between hate and common sense. Hypothetically let's assume you could breed your own human children between you and your same sex partner. Do you want someone with totally different values and precepts teaching your children?

What difference does it make?
Your child's homosexual teacher may be an excellent, caring teacher

Maybe your child will learn that homosexuals are not as bad as you have been telling them
You did not answer the question. Not only that you have no clue as to what I or anyone else has relayed or taught to our children. You do though give a clue to your mindset. If your sexual issues are that important to you, personally I would not want you anywhere near my children but the fact is they are grown now and so are many of my grandchildren so they make their own choices.
Actually, you do not have a clue

Your child's teacher wil be teaching Algebra, Chemistry, a language
They will not be teaching sexual techniques

In spite of the hate you have been teaching, your child may actually learn that homosexuals are not so bad
Actually mine decided on their own after they were adults that faggots were deviants. One of them told me that they were funny sometimes but never the less deviants that they didn't want to be around. Like I said if your sexual issues are a consideration at all when it comes to teaching children you don't belong around them. Nor would I want an avid porn pusher, pedo, drug addict, alcoholic or any other openly deviant person around children teaching them that life those styles are fine and dandy. Call it "teaching hate" if you wish.
The Apple does not fall far from the tree

Hate can span generations
So can demonic spirits :cheeky-smiley-018: and generational curses :fu:

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