Zone1 Is Jesus God?

You use insults. Nap time for you, Bozo.


My dearest Wormwood,

It is funny how mortals always picture us as putting things into their minds: in reality our best work is done by keeping things out.

Affectionately yours,

Uncle Bozo.
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You are such a freaking liar. I quoted two sentences of yours. No editing necessary. Dimwit.

I thought you were going away. Well, be gone already.
My post #136. You omitted "I use Scripture". Everyone can see that you're a liar and dishonest.
My post #136. You omitted "I use Scripture". Everyone can see that you're a liar and dishonest.

In my post #137 I quoted "I use scripture" and responded to that. In post #141 I quoted the second part of your post, "You use insults. Nap time for you, Bozo." :auiqs.jpg:and I respond to that.

And then you accused me of editing your post as if that could nullify what I had written. Loser.

Who is the liar?
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The correct translation. The New World Translation is a fraud.
Its the best ever. The fraud bibles removed Gods name in over 7000 places by satans will. Thus a religion using those bibles show whose will they give support to. You see its 100% undeniable fact that God put his name in his bible because he wants it there. Think about that.
Your translation is a lie. You're a Jehovah's Witness.
Jws pass this true mark 100%=1Cor 1:10= Unity of thought( all of Gods 1 truth) no division--the hundreds of different trinity religions with hundreds of different truths fail that true mark 100%.--You aren't looking correctly.
Its the best ever. The fraud bibles removed Gods name in over 7000 places by satans will. Thus a religion using those bibles show whose will they give support to. You see its 100% undeniable fact that God put his name in his bible because he wants it there. Think about that.
You've believed a lie. The word Jehovah is not in the original Greek Scriptures.
Jws pass this true mark 100%=1Cor 1:10= Unity of thought( all of Gods 1 truth) no division--the hundreds of different trinity religions with hundreds of different truths fail that true mark 100%.--You aren't looking correctly.
You're a liar. The Watchtower is a lie.
This is from the King James, which was translated from the original Hebrew and Greek:

Philippians 2:
6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:

Remember, that was the sin that got Lucifer kicked out of heaven.

The King James Bible was published in 1611. When was the version published that you're using that doesn't have that wording, and from what was it translated?
There were no originals in existence when the kjv was translated-Catholicism translating remained of the NT.
You've believed a lie. The word Jehovah is not in the original Greek Scriptures.
Jerome who translated from originals said it belonged in the NT back in the 300,s. The OT is quoted over 200 times where the name belongs in the OT, thus would be in the NT.
Jerome who translated from originals said it belonged in the NT back in the 300,s. The OT is quoted over 200 times where the name belongs in the OT, thus would be in the NT.
Jerome is a liar.
You're a liar. The Watchtower is a lie.
I have studied from both sides since 1961, I as well carefully studied all that Jesus taught-Fact-In every translation on earth, the teachings of Jesus back the JW teachers and not the trinity teachers. Learn them.
I have studied from both sides since 1961, I as well carefully studied all that Jesus taught-Fact-In every translation on earth, the teachings of Jesus back the JW teachers and not the trinity teachers. Learn them.
I've studied the Watchtower for 40 years. It's a lie.
There were no originals in existence when the kjv was translated-Catholicism translating remained of the NT.
We've since verified that the Hebrew scriptures they used were almost perfect copies of the oldest ones we've ever found, the Qumran cave scrolls.
I have studied from both sides since 1961, I as well carefully studied all that Jesus taught-Fact-In every translation on earth, the teachings of Jesus back the JW teachers and not the trinity teachers. Learn them.
False. You had to alter the Bible in order to support your ideology, not the other way around.
We've since verified that the Hebrew scriptures they used were almost perfect copies of the oldest ones we've ever found, the Qumran cave scrolls.
The Hebrew scriptures= the OT. Gods name is in those nearly 6800 spots. Quoted over 200 times in the NT and the name belongs. Doesnt it seem strange to you that since Jesus, in the Lords prayer clearly showed Gods name was the #1 most important thing a mortal could consider, and his will and his kingdom. That wicked men by satans will show the opposite by the removal of Gods name in most translations. Those translations are altered by satans will, thus ones religion is 100% clear whose will they support by the translation they use.
Yes, indeed, that is the question, isn't it? Either Yeshua is as He said He is, God in the flesh, or He was insane and you should pay no attention to Him. There is no middle ground, no, "He was a good teacher", no following Him while denying His nature. Since He claimed to be God incarnate, and those of His time knew explicitly that He did, you either accept it as true or the whole thing is a lie.
When it was written, " The Word became flesh" the subject was never about God becoming a human being. The preexisting metaphor for the Word of God was Manna, bread from heaven, the food of angels, representing Divine instruction. When it says "The Word became flesh" the subject is about bread, becoming a new metaphor, flesh, - the flesh of Jesus -, for Divine instruction. Nothing irrational, superstitious, blasphemous, or impossible to understand about it. Its simple. "I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread (teaching from God) is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.”

Eternal life is the promise for complying with Divine Law... Life is in the blood, in the doing.

"God is not a man so he does not lie; he is not human so he does not change his mind"
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All who can think for self reasonably will answer-NO to the question.
I can't think for myself, then :rolleyes:

Jesus SAID HE is God.

Either He was a liar, which means we can't believe ANYTHING He said

or He was indeed God

"If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father"

"The Father and I are one."

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