Is killing abortion doctors a moral right?

Simple question:

Why is it the lunatics of the world focus on killing the doctor when it is the woman that is making the choice and not being forced to have the abortion?

Answer to your question:

Most women are coerced into abortion. They're coerced by abusive partners, by their families, by school counselors and clinic employees.

Abortion doctors, without exception, are criminal, incompetent, mentally ill, and unethical monsters who violate and abuse women for their own furtherance. They are murderers.

Women are given options and educated of what to expect and needs to do if she carries the embryo to term. Women are given an educated choice and time to consider what is best for her.

Anyone that gets and abortion is required to take at least a day to rethink her decision. It is not a drive through like a car wash.
A doctor is performing a late term abortion and killing a baby which is an objectively human life, then would an individual have a moral right to kill them in defense of human life? (Just as some may argue that abolitionists had a right to kill slave owners in defense of the lives of slaves?)

(The state is of course a social construct and has no inherent rights but what the people give it, so while it might be illegal to kill an abortion doctor, if it's done in defense of an innocent life, I don't see why someone wouldn't have a right to do it).
You make a logical error when you state the baby in question is objectively human life. You should refer to it as subjectively human life since it is only your opinion you state, an opinion not universally shared, not an objective fact. Recall the slave holder did not consider their slaves to be human beings.

Therefore killing an abortion provider is self defense only in your opinion.


Oh really......

Man charged with manslaughter in Mountain Brook crash that killed unborn baby

Man charged with manslaughter in Mountain Brook crash that killed unborn baby
A doctor is performing a late term abortion and killing a baby which is an objectively human life, then would an individual have a moral right to kill them in defense of human life? (Just as some may argue that abolitionists had a right to kill slave owners in defense of the lives of slaves?)

(The state is of course a social construct and has no inherent rights but what the people give it, so while it might be illegal to kill an abortion doctor, if it's done in defense of an innocent life, I don't see why someone wouldn't have a right to do it).

Don't be a retard.
A doctor is performing a late term abortion and killing a baby which is an objectively human life, then would an individual have a moral right to kill them in defense of human life? (Just as some may argue that abolitionists had a right to kill slave owners in defense of the lives of slaves?)

(The state is of course a social construct and has no inherent rights but what the people give it, so while it might be illegal to kill an abortion doctor, if it's done in defense of an innocent life, I don't see why someone wouldn't have a right to do it).
You make a logical error when you state the baby in question is objectively human life. You should refer to it as subjectively human life since it is only your opinion you state, an opinion not universally shared, not an objective fact. Recall the slave holder did not consider their slaves to be human beings.

Therefore killing an abortion provider is self defense only in your opinion.


Oh really......

Man charged with manslaughter in Mountain Brook crash that killed unborn baby

Man charged with manslaughter in Mountain Brook crash that killed unborn baby

The woman was more than 8 months, the fetus might have had a chance outside the womb. She was not 3 months.

At that point it a life almost ready to be born.

An embryo/fetus is not a ‘baby.’

I realize you are a coward and you lack the intellectual capacity or integrity to go toe to toe with anyone, but exactly WHAT do you think a fetus is? A kangaroo rat?

Abortion is not ‘murder.’

Flipper was not a dolphin.

Now that the irrelevant factoids are dispensed with...

This thread exhibits the reprehensible right’s propensity to lie, their desire to compel a woman to give birth against her will through force of law in violation of the Constitution, and their contempt for the rule of law.

So the right is inseminating women against their will? :eek:

You may be full of shit C_Coward, but at least you lack so much as a hint of integrity. :thup:
A doctor is performing a late term abortion and killing a baby which is an objectively human life, then would an individual have a moral right to kill them in defense of human life? (Just as some may argue that abolitionists had a right to kill slave owners in defense of the lives of slaves?)

(The state is of course a social construct and has no inherent rights but what the people give it, so while it might be illegal to kill an abortion doctor, if it's done in defense of an innocent life, I don't see why someone wouldn't have a right to do it).

Don't be a retard.
Too late.
I'm amazed this thread was allowed to continue so long. If you respect human life, how does taking the life of a doctor reflect that?

The woman has the choice to say yes or no to the abortion and to put all the blame on the doctor is just beyond stupid.


Many young girls are coerced by boy friends and parents to abort.

The Doctor does not force the woman to have the abortion and if one is found to have done it would be dealt with by the law, so please let stop with the silly nonsense.

Generally the abortionist cares about the fee to be collected. To be an abortionist is to have a callous disregard for human life, it would be absurd to imagine that an abortionist cares about the mother.

So if you are unwilling to hold the woman accountable for her action then I will not hold the doctor accountable either because all the Doctor is doing is offering a LEGAL service and until the USSC says otherwise abortion is legal!

One of the features of a civilized society is judicial review, We will not end the life of convicted and sentenced mass murderer without judicial review, a judge understanding the facts and agreeing that a life should be taken. Yet abortion promoters are aghast that the same protection should be afforded to those accused of no crime, much less convicted.
Medicine is used to stop the heart. A miscarriage is induced and a D&C is done to clean the womb of any trace of death tissue.
What is aborted is not a baby.
There are day after, that can be used up to 7 weeks after, and home abortions by mail.

Many women at some point need a D&C. After birth if any tissue remains or during menses not everything is expelled, a D&C might be necessary.

No one tugs the limbs tearing the embryo/fetus apart. What you call limbs are nearly boneless, more like a squid.

It is a woman's choice and her right to control her own body. Nobody outside the office has a right to know what her medical records say.

Go find a tree to save.

Is it a rabbit?

Perhaps a snake?

We have this amazing new tool, DNA which can determine what it is that an abortionist kills. Perhaps we should test one of the victims to confirm that your claims are truthful?
A doctor is performing a late term abortion and killing a baby which is an objectively human life, then would an individual have a moral right to kill them in defense of human life? (Just as some may argue that abolitionists had a right to kill slave owners in defense of the lives of slaves?)

(The state is of course a social construct and has no inherent rights but what the people give it, so while it might be illegal to kill an abortion doctor, if it's done in defense of an innocent life, I don't see why someone wouldn't have a right to do it).

An embryo/fetus is not a ‘baby.’

Abortion is not ‘murder.’

This thread exhibits the reprehensible right’s propensity to lie, their desire to compel a woman to give birth against her will through force of law in violation of the Constitution, and their contempt for the rule of law.

You simply have to get over this misguided notion of embryo/fetus. Because along with embryos and fetuses, this is what is being aborted:


^ This is, on a daily basis, literally being ripped limb from limb. Heads put in a vice like instrument and squeezed until they explode, poison injected into the hearts, necks slit, spinal cords severed. And not a drop of anesthesia.

I had an ancient Viking grandmother that was captured on the battlefield and drawn and quartered. I thought about the agony of slowly being split in half. How incredibly barbaric.
Do you think the pain of having that infants legs ripped off of it's torso is somehow less painful than if it were you having your legs ripped off of your body?
Clay, look at those two pictures. Would you have any compunction if I asked you to slit their necks?

Medicine is used to stop the heart. A miscarriage is induced and a D&C is done to clean the womb of any trace of death tissue.
What is aborted is not a baby.
There are day after, that can be used up to 7 weeks after, and home abortions by mail.

Many women at some point need a D&C. After birth if any tissue remains or during menses not everything is expelled, a D&C might be necessary.

No one tugs the limbs tearing the embryo/fetus apart. What you call limbs are nearly boneless, more like a squid.

It is a woman's choice and her right to control her own body. Nobody outside the office has a right to know what her medical records say.

Go find a tree to save.

I would be happy to show you the pictures of what is done to these infants, but they are too hard for some here to stomach. There is a reason for that. They could probably handle squid deconstruction, but squid isn't the case, and they absolutely do dismember the child. Bones are full formed in a 37 week old. You don't know what you are talking about.
A woman can partially birth a child and ask the doctor to slit it's neck if she doesn't like it's hair color. You are under the impression that a little saline, a little suction and the cells are removed by d&c. You have been mislead. Educate yourself. Google pictures of saline survivors. Listen to the nurses. Read their testimony to Congress for the truth. The practice of slitting the neck and throwing the baby into the trash, the nurses picking the infants up and holding them sometimes for hours before the babies succumb.

Educate yourself. Your tidy d&c isn't always the course. Crushed heads, slit necks, are also the norm. Hug that. Better yet google a nurse holding your little d&c and begging it to stop breathing to end it's pain.
A woman has many rights. She can keep her legs together. She can take a pill before, she can take a pill after. When a new life is created due to her actions, her rights should end there, for 9 whole months, and the rights of the other life should prevail.
Medicine is used to stop the heart. A miscarriage is induced and a D&C is done to clean the womb of any trace of death tissue.
What is aborted is not a baby.
There are day after, that can be used up to 7 weeks after, and home abortions by mail.

Many women at some point need a D&C. After birth if any tissue remains or during menses not everything is expelled, a D&C might be necessary.

No one tugs the limbs tearing the embryo/fetus apart. What you call limbs are nearly boneless, more like a squid.

It is a woman's choice and her right to control her own body. Nobody outside the office has a right to know what her medical records say.

Go find a tree to save.

Is it a rabbit?

Perhaps a snake?

We have this amazing new tool, DNA which can determine what it is that an abortionist kills. Perhaps we should test one of the victims to confirm that your claims are truthful?

Absolutely. The life that is taken is not an extension of the mother's life. It is an entirely different human with it's own DNA, different from it's mother's and father's. One's rights should not exclude the rights of the other.
Absolutely. The life that is taken is not an extension of the mother's life. It is an entirely different human with it's own DNA, different from it's mother's and father's. One's rights should not exclude the rights of the other.

Even abortion promoters know this, they are just lacking something, what was it again?

I'm amazed this thread was allowed to continue so long. If you respect human life, how does taking the life of a doctor reflect that?

Well there is a difference between exploiting women and taking the lives of innocents, and killing somebody who actually engages in that.

Aside from that, I haven't seen anybody except the OP suggest that killing abortionists in the street is a good thing to do.

Meanwhile, here's a prayer attributed to Billy Graham. I don't know if it really was penned by him, but it's worthwhile anyway:

'Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those who call evil good,' but that is exactly what we have done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values. We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery. We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare. We have killed our unborn and called it choice. We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable... We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem. We have abused power and called it politics. We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition. We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression. We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment. Search us, Oh God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from sin and Set us free. In Jesus' Name, Amen!'

With the Lord's help, may this prayer sweep over our nation and wholeheartedly become our desire so that we once again can be called 'One nation under God!'
Man charged with manslaughter in Mountain Brook crash that killed unborn baby
A very weak argument. Girls were tried and convicted of witchcraft in Massachusetts but that didn't make them witches.

A weak argument?

What the hell does witch's have anything to do with it unless you suggest they don't be charged with manslaughter....


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