Is killing abortion doctors a moral right?

Man charged with manslaughter in Mountain Brook crash that killed unborn baby
A very weak argument. Girls were tried and convicted of witchcraft in Massachusetts but that didn't make them witches.

A weak argument?

What the hell does witch's have anything to do with it unless you suggest they don't be charged with manslaughter....

The original claim was that the unborn fetus was objectively a human being. I pointed out that it is subjective and the fact that you can be charged with manslaughter of an unborn fetus in some states but not in others only shows how subjective it is.

Personally I think they should fry the guy and that is really the purpose of these laws.
Man charged with manslaughter in Mountain Brook crash that killed unborn baby
A very weak argument. Girls were tried and convicted of witchcraft in Massachusetts but that didn't make them witches.

A weak argument?

What the hell does witch's have anything to do with it unless you suggest they don't be charged with manslaughter....

The original claim was that the unborn fetus was objectively a human being. I pointed out that it is subjective and the fact that you can be charged with manslaughter of an unborn fetus in some states but not in others only shows how subjective it is.

Personally I think they should fry the guy and that is really the purpose of these laws.

One's understanding does not dictate reality. A fetus isn't just "subjectively" a human being. They are, in fact, a developing human being, just as a 3 month old infant is, just as an adolescent is, just as an adult is.
The original claim was that the unborn fetus was objectively a human being. I pointed out that it is subjective and the fact that you can be charged with manslaughter of an unborn fetus in some states but not in others only shows how subjective it is.

Personally I think they should fry the guy and that is really the purpose of these laws.

Oh? If we we test the DNA we will find that the fetus is not human?

Dayum, you should teach biology, Sploogy..
Man charged with manslaughter in Mountain Brook crash that killed unborn baby
A very weak argument. Girls were tried and convicted of witchcraft in Massachusetts but that didn't make them witches.

Witchcraft convictions albeit absurd, have nothing relating to the issue of abortion. The reason for the discrepancy that was pointed out, is that the mother wasn't the one that made the decision to let live or kill the baby.
Nevertheless, It can't be a fetus at the whim of the mother and a life at the whim of a prosecutor. They need to pick a lane.
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What prevents determined anti-choice activists from doing what they profess to be necessary?

Very easy: Death is not a choice. An Extraterrestrian could say to the problem: "A species which kills the own breed hurts all laws of life and is not able to exist." I would say the moral laws allow to kill killers on reasons of defense and people who abort human beings are killers - but to kill [some of] them will not solve the problem abortion. The problem abortion is in a spiritual way only solvebale with enlightenment. It's important to understand that life is holy, that life is a value on its own reasons. To kill someone is counterproductive in this context and process. In a materialistic view on this problem I don't see any solution ... except a brain transplantation maybe or maybe the people can learn to think in a better quality. But the most people seem to think only in empty phrases.

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One's understanding does not dictate reality. A fetus isn't just "subjectively" a human being. They are, in fact, a developing human being, just as a 3 month old infant is, just as an adolescent is, just as an adult is.

This one I fear is ignorant beyond the point of bothering with.

They all are. They're brainwashed, death cult sycophants.

But I believe we're supposed to go through the motions. No, they won't change their minds. But we're still supposed to point out their evil.
sang is talking in the same breath that life is holy and killing people.

If abortion is wrong, then murder is wrong.

If abortion is right, then murder is wrong.
So why not to allow everyone to kill whomever he likes to kill? Why only the exception to allow to kill human beings in the most innocent and most helpless situation of their life?
What's up old man, you still yearning for the days of nazi Germany?

Okay: You never will learn anything. I have to accept this fact.
You want to know why we don't allow murder since we allow abortion. The last government to allow that are your Nazis.

no comment, Nazi.
Because you have no comeback to the truth.

Nazi - I don't know why you think I have only a little to do with you, only because Nazis killed my family. Go and speak with Blacks or other people of your own culture and fight with them against your racism, if they like to help you to become sane. Best greetings from Jesse Owens and Lutz Long.


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One's understanding does not dictate reality. A fetus isn't just "subjectively" a human being. They are, in fact, a developing human being, just as a 3 month old infant is, just as an adolescent is, just as an adult is.
Just as a fertilized egg is?
One's understanding does not dictate reality. A fetus isn't just "subjectively" a human being. They are, in fact, a developing human being, just as a 3 month old infant is, just as an adolescent is, just as an adult is.
Just as a fertilized egg is?

I don't know. I would prefer to err on the side of caution, though. I don't want to kill "fertilized eggs" so much that I'm willing to perhaps mistakenly kill a person for it.

And you, and most other brain dead progressives, cannot grasp the other side to this coin...those babies are INSIDE a woman, and abortion is an invasive and potentially deadly procedure.

Given those two things, I'm not interested in the scraping of uteruses for anything except for the sake of saving somebody's life.
sang is talking in the same breath that life is holy and killing people.

If abortion is wrong, then murder is wrong.

If abortion is right, then murder is wrong.

In general it's very diffcult to separate "willfull killing" and "murder". As far as I can see abortion fullfills in the german laws all criterias for murder, because the killed human being is in a total relationship of dependence and has absolutelly no chance to defend oneselve. I heard we translate the english word "murder" often with "willfull killing" (absichtlicher Tötung). So your logic could be:
- If murder is wrong then murder is wrong.
- If murder is not wrong then murder is wrong.

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What's up old man, you still yearning for the days of nazi Germany?

Okay: You never will learn anything. I have to accept this fact.
You want to know why we don't allow murder since we allow abortion. The last government to allow that are your Nazis.

no comment, Nazi.
Because you have no comeback to the truth.

Nazi - I don't know why you think I have only a little to do with you, only because Nazis killed my family. Go and speak with Blacks or other people of your own culture and fight with them against your racism, if they like to help you to become sane. Best greetings from Jesse Owens and Lutz Long.

You should put down the Schnapp's and go have a nap.

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