Is Obama Really this Stupid?

I just read this, so if there is another thread on the topic, my apologies and would ask the mods to merge it. Also, if this is wrong, and any of the liberals / Dems want to refute it, please do so. Because, frankly, I find it stunning that this is true. I can't believe the Democrat party would do something this stupid. (Of course, the conservatives will replay "Why not?")

With gaffe-a-day-Romney and Barack Oncompetent the two candidates, it could be an interesting battle of two guys dueling to shoot themselves in the head faster than the other guy.]

I couldn't agree with you more. This was a terrible political move by Obama and if he doesn't figure out a way to undo it, it will hurt him with a large group of swing voters.
yes cheap liberal sex happens but we don't want to encourage it as liberals do, for example, in the ghetto, so that love dies and family dies, but drugs, jails, unemployment, crime, and gangs grow. Wasn't the near liberal genocide against blacks enough? Does the loveless liberal want that for all of America? Do you really want to be a liberal all your life?

Riiight... Conservatives don't have cheap sex.

Liberal Genocide????Oh yeah... some bitch almost a century ago.

a century ago?? no idea what you are talking about????

No... don't forget, the old guard Democrats back in those days? Are now... people like you.

again know idea what you are talking about or what your subject is??

Do you really want to be a racist all your life?

If you have evidence of this I'll pay you $10,000 Bet or run away thus admitting to be a liar

I've seen your posts, Soup Nazi. Fitting Avatar... wonder why you abandoned it?

again, if you have evidence I'll pay you 10,000. Bet or run away thus admitting to being a liar
No... you blocked it because Rush Beckibaugh Savage told you to.

Wow. Are you working for the FBI or maybe the secret service? Otherwise, how on earth would you know what GuyP listens to?

Should we be scared? :eek: Are you working for #attackwatch? :lol:


Educated guess...just like MOST of the rest of you... You all talk exactly alike, using the same buzzwords and talking points. Bunch of Kochsuckers, too dumb to realize you're being played.

Well, the 'guess' part, yea... educated... meh, not so much. Since I live outside the US, don't have access to Rush, Beck, Fox and whatever other rw media talking head that offend you... that kind of blows your own theory of 'educated guess' out of the water.

Just saying.
Libs will go out of their way not to offend muslims, see the treatment of UBL's body, they don't mind crapping on Christians when they get the's all because they know muslims will blow things up when pissed off.

So then do you believe this religious protection should follow the exact same course and extend to sharia law / The Koran, when it comes to non-Muslims employed by Islamic schools etc... ?
Yea, we got it. You're a bitter ex-Catholic who despises religion. I don't care. You're welcome to your opinions. It's a pity that you cannot recognize others right to hold differing opinions... but stupidity is blinkered.

Shnoookums, you lost any right to "respect" when your clergy molested your children, and you all went along with it.

Sorry, ran fresh out of "respect" at that point. Have plenty of Contempt, though.

Shit, we knew growing up all the priests were kind of funny that way. You didn't want to be alone in a room with one. And this was back in the 1970's.

But you guys kept putting money in the plates to pay off these kids when they grew up and got lawyers.

You are projecting. You could say the same thing about the Human Race, with the same effect. Your Bigotry does come out loud and clear though. :clap2:

Not projecting at all, guy.

Frankly, here's the setup.

"Wanted- Adult male wanted who has no sexual interest in adult women. Will be spending a lot of time unsupervised with children."

Seriously, how do you go with that setup, which is essentially what a clerical vow of celibacy is, and NOT get pedophiles.
Yea, we got it. You're a bitter ex-Catholic who despises religion. I don't care. You're welcome to your opinions. It's a pity that you cannot recognize others right to hold differing opinions... but stupidity is blinkered.

Shnoookums, you lost any right to "respect" when your clergy molested your children, and you all went along with it.

Sorry, ran fresh out of "respect" at that point. Have plenty of Contempt, though.

Shit, we knew growing up all the priests were kind of funny that way. You didn't want to be alone in a room with one. And this was back in the 1970's.

But you guys kept putting money in the plates to pay off these kids when they grew up and got lawyers.

I dont know if I would use your method of expression, but you have brought up another sound point.

I was warned as a child to never let myself be alone with a priest. That advice came from my grandparents.

And that's the point. They all knew the clergy was like that.

So why put up with it?
So tell us Joe, how do you like the lifestyle that settlement money is providing your bitter, non-virginal ass?

What the fuck was that?

It is a known fact the church protected their preists. The point that went over your pin head is it was accepted by the members

I'll tell you what the fuck that was, it was my reply to a fucking asshole who has a personal axe to grind with the Catholic Church. How the fuck can it be "accepted by the members" when the members didn't KNOW about it? You really want to show your ignorance by proclaiming that 70 million Catholics supported priests molesting kids?

You're a fucking LIAR, FA.

You really don't think Most Catholics didn't really know what the hell was going on? Really?

Let me know when the shuttle lands.

The members knew. They just didn't do anything about it because they wanted to make sure they were in good with the Imaginary Sky Friend.
Well except for the little fact that you leave the church, they don't come and say you have to return, nor do you need to contribute jack shit to an institution you fear or hate or both.

Except that if the Church then turns around and hires me to do a secular job for them, they really have no business trying to impose their beliefs on me.

It's a contract between employer and employee. IN this case, the government is regulating the contract.

I mean, how far do you really want to take the Churches doing this.

If my employer is a Jehovah's Witness, does he have the right to insist my insurance won't cover a blood transfusion?

(Someone asked me to be a Jehovah's Witness once, but I told them I didn't see the accident.)

Conversely, if you are a Rastafarian, do you have a right to get insurance that will pay for medical marijuana even thought the federal government (foolishly, IMO) has called that a federal crime.

Why not? You want to impose yours on them, what makes you special?

Nope. Not imposing anything on them. They are free to be as stupid, hypocritical and superstitious as they want.

They just can't use that as an excuse to try to impose their beliefs on others.

They offer health insurance, they should offer health insurance that's valid and gives complete coverage. Period.
You seem to think churches are supposed to follow people and the world. Can you show me that in the Bible?

Um, I don't go to a book that says "happy is he who smashes your babies heads against the stones" (Psalms 137:9) as much of a moral authority.

I'm just talking about the POLITICAL end of it. Most sensible Catholics in the real world know Obama's right on this one. So it doesn't cost him anything to pick this fight. Politically, that is.
I've said that already - this is an attack on our social programs. Our hospitals, schools, etc. Our hospitals will, if Obama gets his way, have to close its doors to non-Catholics. Those non-Catholics are among America's most poor... I think its incredible that so many people are comfortable with that.

Your faith - however - is not. They've sided with the Catholics. Thank you for that. :eusa_angel:

They want the government to control everything.

It does appear that way. Perhaps that's what this is about... the Catholic Church supports more of Americans most poor than any other organization, other than the Government... so clearly we are a 'threat' to the Democrats.

NOt really.

There's an old story about a group of nuns and a group of bishops who wanted to meet with JFK, and JFK agreed to meet with the nuns because the Bishops were all Republicans.

Now, for the crazy wing of the Catholic Church, yeah, they weren't going to vote for Obama anyway.

For the sensible ones that live in the real world, this isn't an issue.
Again with this bullshit? Seriously?

so the priests who have molested kids and the ones who might still be.....are not horrible people?....if the answer is yes they are.....then my previous comment stands.....

Again.... because apparently there are slow kids at the back of the class... these are the facts behind your whining about priests.

There are 400,000 priests in the Catholic Church. According to non-denominational, law enforcement backed, academic research... 0.03% of priest stand accused. For those who struggle with basic math.... that's 120 priests, worldwide. Is that acceptable? No. But... it is significantly less than professions such as teachers, children's entertainers, youth workers, sports coaches... and a whole bunch of others... oh, and a whole lot of other Churches - both Christian and non Christian. The facts do not support your hyperbole.
Cali.....are those Priest who did the Molesting and those who did their best to sweep it under the rug terrible people? (like Cardinal Mahoney here in LA)......i know all Priest do not Molest comment was directed at those that do or did.....thats why i said " so are a lot of Priest"......
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Again with this bullshit? Seriously?

so the priests who have molested kids and the ones who might still be.....are not horrible people?....if the answer is yes they are.....then my previous comment stands.....

Harry, we went through this bullshit several pages back. You must've missed it or ignored it to try and revive that kind of comment. Save your outrage for the thousands of public school employees that molest children.

Let's see.... 120 priests.... over 2,000 teachers... Where's your outrage for them, Harry?
Or is that some of that new-fangled 'selective' outrage?

read the above post
so the priests who have molested kids and the ones who might still be.....are not horrible people?....if the answer is yes they are.....then my previous comment stands.....

Again.... because apparently there are slow kids at the back of the class... these are the facts behind your whining about priests.

There are 400,000 priests in the Catholic Church. According to non-denominational, law enforcement backed, academic research... 0.03% of priest stand accused. For those who struggle with basic math.... that's 120 priests, worldwide. Is that acceptable? No. But... it is significantly less than professions such as teachers, children's entertainers, youth workers, sports coaches... and a whole bunch of others... oh, and a whole lot of other Churches - both Christian and non Christian. The facts do not support your hyperbole.
Cali.....are those Priest who did the Molesting and those who did their best to sweep it under the rug terrible people? (like Cardinal Mahoney here in LA)......i know all Priest do not Molest comment was directed at those that do or did.....thats why i said " so are SOME Priest"......

I don't know why I keep having to repeat myself on this. I have - several times - condemned those priests - and the Bishops who covered up for them... and the Church itself for ignoring the problem for decades. What I will not tolerate is constant lies about my Church. I deal in facts. Accurate information. Logical thought.

Fact: 400,000 priests.
Fact: 120 accused.... that's the SUM, not SOME... but the actual figure. Worldwide.
Fact: 0.03% (provided by independent academic research, and verified by law enforcement) and publicly available.
Fact: Every year, more teachers, more sports coaches, more youth workers, more children's entertainers - and a variety of other professions - are accused.

I am sick and tired of people lying about my Church.
What the fuck was that?

It is a known fact the church protected their preists. The point that went over your pin head is it was accepted by the members

I'll tell you what the fuck that was, it was my reply to a fucking asshole who has a personal axe to grind with the Catholic Church. How the fuck can it be "accepted by the members" when the members didn't KNOW about it? You really want to show your ignorance by proclaiming that 70 million Catholics supported priests molesting kids?

You're a fucking LIAR, FA.

You really don't think Most Catholics didn't really know what the hell was going on? Really?

Let me know when the shuttle lands.

The members knew. They just didn't do anything about it because they wanted to make sure they were in good with the Imaginary Sky Friend.

400,000 priests, 120 accusations. All the blustering in the WORLD doesn't change the fact that the episodes of priests abusing kids is a VERY rare event. I went to Catholic schools in the 60's & 70's. I can assure you it didn't happen in MY parish, and there were no rumors of it, either.

So yeah, I really think most Catholics had NO IDEA.
Some more facts for those who clearly need to be spoon fed information:

There are 625 Catholic Hospitals in the US. Many are situated in our most deprived areas. These hospitals are funded by government - the total operating costs are around $86 billion per year. Of that, the Catholic Church itself donates $5.7 billion.

Those hospitals treat one in every six Americans. And that shortfall - the $5.7 billion - that comes from people like me. Catholics. We donate that cash for you. It appears that there is a sickness in this country.... sadly, our hospitals cannot cure it.... stupidity has no cure.
I'll tell you what the fuck that was, it was my reply to a fucking asshole who has a personal axe to grind with the Catholic Church. How the fuck can it be "accepted by the members" when the members didn't KNOW about it? You really want to show your ignorance by proclaiming that 70 million Catholics supported priests molesting kids?

You're a fucking LIAR, FA.

You really don't think Most Catholics didn't really know what the hell was going on? Really?

Let me know when the shuttle lands.

The members knew. They just didn't do anything about it because they wanted to make sure they were in good with the Imaginary Sky Friend.

400,000 priests, 120 accusations. All the blustering in the WORLD doesn't change the fact that the episodes of priests abusing kids is a VERY rare event. I went to Catholic schools in the 60's & 70's. I can assure you it didn't happen in MY parish, and there were no rumors of it, either.

So yeah, I really think most Catholics had NO IDEA.

Agreed and same here. Truth is when those stories started breaking, most Catholics were more appalled than the general public. Their angst most certainly showed up in collections, both in individual churches and to Catholic Charities too. Obama seems determined to bring those still angry to the Church, rather than against it.

This is no small feat he's doing either, since many US Catholics have a problem with the Church on birth control, priests marrying, etc. However, this obvious coercion on one of his most supportive groups is truly amazing.

The church isn't looking for those who claim to have 'been raised and terrorized and left the church,' no, the ones that count are those that identify themselves as Catholic, even when they don't worship on Sundays or abide by 'no birth control' or 'no divorce' rules. They are legion.

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