Is Obama the worst ever? You be the judge

What have the Republicans done?

Besides filibuster, obstruct, lie and cheat, what have the Republicans done?


Prove I'm qrong.

What does "qrong" mean? Is that some new progressive language? :lol::evil:


Prove I'm incorrect.

Prove it.

I dare any of you rw's to post a list of Repub accomplishments.

Seriously, my R senator sends out shitty little spam emails to brag about his "accomplishments". The last thing he bragged about was NAMING A FRIKKEN BRIDGE.

Jobs? Never.
Required insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions

Gave tax credits to those who need help to pay health premiums

Required large employers to contribute to a national health plan

Required children to have health insurance coverage

and your point?
Taking money from me and giving it to anyone else is not a good thing
Offered prizes for advances in consumer technology

Encouraged contests and programs to interest students in science? what

Increased research opportunities for college students? what?

Strengthened the levees in New Orleans, that program had been going on for years and the fact of the matter is state and local govt where the problem

Directed revenues from offshore oil and gas drilling to increased coastal hurricane protection
Explain how taking money from a private investor increases the chance you have of stopping a class 5 hurricane?
What have the Republicans done?

Besides filibuster, obstruct, lie and cheat, what have the Republicans done?


Prove I'm qrong.

What does "qrong" mean? Is that some new progressive language? :lol::evil:


Prove I'm incorrect.

Prove it.

I dare any of you rw's to post a list of Repub accomplishments.

Seriously, my R senator sends out shitty little spam emails to brag about his "accomplishments". The last thing he bragged about was NAMING A FRIKKEN BRIDGE.

Jobs? Never.

They last time they were in power they had less than 5% UE
the last GOP defict was 162 billion
sense 2007 the left has run this country
you cannot do shit when in the minority unless your President is a good one (see no child left behind, Sarbanes Oxly, Iraq war, Tarp, Patriot act, all bi partisan events)
Two groups count when judging the presidents, the first are the people, and the people judge through the election process. The people judged Obama the best for those two elections.
The second group that judge presidents are the historians and they will judge how Obama goes into the history books. When judging presidents historians take into consideration the events of the president's time, including the difficulty or ease of the period.
So far, the historians have only judged Obama once and that only two years into his presidency, but they judged Obama 15th best president at that time.
It may be possible that when the Republican efforts to destroy Obama are taken into the judging, Obama may hold on to that 15th. position.
Two groups count when judging the presidents, the first are the people, and the people judge through the election process. The people judged Obama the best for those two elections.
The second group that judge presidents are the historians and they will judge how Obama goes into the history books. When judging presidents historians take into consideration the events of the president's time, including the difficulty or ease of the period.
So far, the historians have only judged Obama once and that only two years into his presidency, but they judged Obama 15th best president at that time.
It may be possible that when the Republican efforts to destroy Obama are taken into the judging, Obama may hold on to that 15th. position.

regent the GOP is just stating facts
yes somethimes 1/2 facts
BHO legacy is the ACA
he ignored the economy for 2 years when he close to a super majority and we are still paying for it

The Clinton recession
the Nasdaq bubble
2 million jobs lost from 01-03

GWB fought 2 wars while staying very focused on the economy and created 8 million REAL jobs by 2008
Why America Is Going To Miss The Bush Tax Cuts - Forbes
These Bush tax cuts did not explode the deficit, as Obama and his echo chamber have alleged. By 2007, the deficit was down to $160 billion, less than 15% of Obama’s deficits today. Total federal revenues soared from $793.7 billion in 2003, when the last of the Bush tax cuts were enacted, to $1.16 trillion in 2007, a 47% increase. Capital gains revenues had doubled by 2005, despite the 25% capital gains rate cut adopted in 2003. Federal revenues rose to 18.5% of GDP by 2007, above the long term, postwar, historical average over the prior 60 years. CBO was projecting surpluses to return indefinitely in 2012 through the end of its projection period in 2018.

This is facts
how could BHO be ahead of W?
Nixon was the worst until Obama was elected.
Now Barrack takes the top Honors and it is not even close.
Is Obama the worst ever?

Obama is cut from the same bolt as all of these Statist/Collectivist assholes that are just SURE they know what's best for everyone else:

You could probably add Nixon too. All contend for worst ever. All enacted policies that did more harm than good...but with the best of intentions of course!
Two groups count when judging the presidents, the first are the people, and the people judge through the election process. The people judged Obama the best for those two elections.
The second group that judge presidents are the historians and they will judge how Obama goes into the history books. When judging presidents historians take into consideration the events of the president's time, including the difficulty or ease of the period.
So far, the historians have only judged Obama once and that only two years into his presidency, but they judged Obama 15th best president at that time.
It may be possible that when the Republican efforts to destroy Obama are taken into the judging, Obama may hold on to that 15th. position.

regent the GOP is just stating facts
yes somethimes 1/2 facts
BHO legacy is the ACA
he ignored the economy for 2 years when he close to a super majority and we are still paying for it

The Clinton recession
the Nasdaq bubble
2 million jobs lost from 01-03

GWB fought 2 wars while staying very focused on the economy and created 8 million REAL jobs by 2008
Why America Is Going To Miss The Bush Tax Cuts - Forbes
These Bush tax cuts did not explode the deficit, as Obama and his echo chamber have alleged. By 2007, the deficit was down to $160 billion, less than 15% of Obama’s deficits today. Total federal revenues soared from $793.7 billion in 2003, when the last of the Bush tax cuts were enacted, to $1.16 trillion in 2007, a 47% increase. Capital gains revenues had doubled by 2005, despite the 25% capital gains rate cut adopted in 2003. Federal revenues rose to 18.5% of GDP by 2007, above the long term, postwar, historical average over the prior 60 years. CBO was projecting surpluses to return indefinitely in 2012 through the end of its projection period in 2018.

This is facts
how could BHO be ahead of W?

The facts are the historians judged Bush to be America's fifth worst president, and in economic catagory, 2nd worst.
Bush was a preventive interventionist that changed nothing other than hanging Saddam and put us in two major wars that we have not wan and nearly wrecked the economy.
Two groups count when judging the presidents, the first are the people, and the people judge through the election process. The people judged Obama the best for those two elections.
The second group that judge presidents are the historians and they will judge how Obama goes into the history books. When judging presidents historians take into consideration the events of the president's time, including the difficulty or ease of the period.
So far, the historians have only judged Obama once and that only two years into his presidency, but they judged Obama 15th best president at that time.
It may be possible that when the Republican efforts to destroy Obama are taken into the judging, Obama may hold on to that 15th. position.

regent the GOP is just stating facts
yes somethimes 1/2 facts
BHO legacy is the ACA
he ignored the economy for 2 years when he close to a super majority and we are still paying for it

The Clinton recession
the Nasdaq bubble
2 million jobs lost from 01-03

GWB fought 2 wars while staying very focused on the economy and created 8 million REAL jobs by 2008
Why America Is Going To Miss The Bush Tax Cuts - Forbes
These Bush tax cuts did not explode the deficit, as Obama and his echo chamber have alleged. By 2007, the deficit was down to $160 billion, less than 15% of Obama’s deficits today. Total federal revenues soared from $793.7 billion in 2003, when the last of the Bush tax cuts were enacted, to $1.16 trillion in 2007, a 47% increase. Capital gains revenues had doubled by 2005, despite the 25% capital gains rate cut adopted in 2003. Federal revenues rose to 18.5% of GDP by 2007, above the long term, postwar, historical average over the prior 60 years. CBO was projecting surpluses to return indefinitely in 2012 through the end of its projection period in 2018.

This is facts
how could BHO be ahead of W?

The facts are the historians judged Bush to be America's fifth worst president, and in economic catagory, 2nd worst.

In what college?
And as far as the economy goes how can GWB be worse than BHO?
That is pure denial there
GWB was handed 9-11, Clintons recession, Nasdaq bubble and alll the little Enrons out there brought us Sarbanes Oxly
Why America Is Going To Miss The Bush Tax Cuts - Forbes
Because so many major media institutions, like the New York Times and the Washington Post, have been so duplicitous and dishonest in discussing the Bush tax cuts, most Americans don’t know much about them, even though they have been living with them for 10 years or more now. Indeed, most of what they think they know is not true. But the American people will understand them better, when they see what life is like without them.

President Bush and his Congressional Republican majorities at the time cut taxes for everyone in the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts. Indeed, they cut more for lower and middle income taxpayers than they did for “the rich,” as Obama calls the nation’s job creators, investors, and successful small businesses. The top tax rate was cut by only 13%, while the lowest rate was cut by one-third, 33%.

According to official IRS data, the top 1% of income earners paid $84 billion more in federal income taxes in 2007 than in 2000 before the Bush tax cuts were passed, 23% more. The share of total federal income taxes paid by the top 1% rose from 37% in 2000, before the Bush tax cuts, to 40% in 2007, after the tax cuts.

In contrast, the bottom half of income earners paid $6 billion less in federal income taxes in 2007 than in 2000, a decline of 16%. The share of federal income taxes paid by the bottom 50% declined from 3.9% in 2000 to 2.9% in 2007.
Bush was a preventive interventionist that changed nothing other than hanging Saddam and put us in two major wars that we have not wan and nearly wrecked the economy.

I always get a chuckle out of liberal progressives making up their own categories in order to confuse the discussion. "Preventive interventionist"? What the hell is that?

Listen, Bush wasn't that hard to understand. He was, IS, an establishment Republican, with socially progressive tendencies. In short, a big Government guy, that was strong when the nation needed that strength post 9-11.

Libs love to try and pin the economic meltdown on Bush, and repubs, yet when it comes to Obama taking any blame for his past 5 years of anemic growth at best, they still cling to 'It's Bush's fault'.... It really is childish.

For the record, Presidents are NOT responsible for the economy, they have no control over it. They can push policy that can ultimately if put in place harm the economy, but they are not sitting in the Oval Office pulling some lever that sends the economy up, or down. In fact I would say that Congress has much more to do with economic results than does the President.

It is in that vein that if you truly take a look at the sub prime meltdown, and what was going on in Congress, over the CRA that Clinton put on steroids, repubs were begging to have some controls put in place for Fannie, and Freddie, while congressional demo's attacked the regulators for reporting the coming catastrophe, and at the same time doing nothing to prevent it...This was a demo controlled congress BTW, and there is your person, or people to place blame for 2008 on.
We see the far right reactionary extremists here blathering.

Good for an early morning chuckle.

There is no way Obama has ever fallen as low as Bush the Younger. And never will.

I realize it's difficult for ones like you that cannot recognize or handle the truth. Poor baby!

Obama does go down low. Just ask Larry Sinclair.:lol:

I realize that a right wing reactionary far far to the edge lives in the hive.

You simply cannot handle the demographic and cultural change.

Bush will always rate lower than Obama.

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