Is Obama the worst ever? You be the judge

I can tell ya who the worst fuckin' House Speaker is:


The dems did not expand anything and over 80% of the govt is still up and running
What the dems did was put a gun to your head
said you buy this product or we will use the force of law take your wealth
Hell all the GOP is doing is trying to take the gun away

your so blind, I feel sorry for you
I agree. This isn't about emotion. This is about the attempt to take over 1/6th of this nations economy, and use it for wealth redistribution.

and its working
My ins went from 19.00 a week to 53.00 a week sense 2010
Imy project I am assigned too has about 200 employees
the ones who have not paid any attention to these events and have no ins (pay cash for everything) went ballistic when they seen the fines and how they would be collected

whom did they vote for and did they vote?

that is the problem
the un informed (educated by the liberal media) is the very reason this country is in the mess it is
The govt creates nothing, but BHO keeps telling us the govt "will provide" or "will pay". could you imagine having to sit down with an IRS agent every week and give him 20-20 dollar bills? (close to my tax burden)
How long would that last?
yes, he IS the worst ever.

Until he starts throwing innocent Americans into concentration camps he'll be stuck in 2nd place.
You have a point here. Plus he did not recognize an evil empire in the year when the latter murdered up to 10 million civilians in an artificial famine, and he did not dump half of the European continent for the prey of the same evil empire.

You are right.

Put him on a second place.

we have +13% UE
we have more debt than all other presidents combined
the country is split more than ever
# 2
Now that is sad
yes, he IS the worst ever.

Until he starts throwing innocent Americans into concentration camps he'll be stuck in 2nd place.
You have a point here. Plus he did not recognize an evil empire in the year when the latter murdered up to 10 million civilians in an artificial famine, and he did not dump half of the European continent for the prey of the same evil empire.

You are right.

Put him on a second place.

we have +13% UE
More people on the the Govt nickle than ever
we have more debt than all other presidents combined
the country is split more than ever
# 2
# 2
Dude it is not about hate
not for me any-way
BHO was not ready to be the pres
we needed to reform our health-care system
not this way

I agree. This isn't about emotion. This is about the attempt to take over 1/6th of this nations economy, and use it for wealth redistribution.

and its working
My ins went from 19.00 a week to 53.00 a week sense 2010
Imy project I am assigned too has about 200 employees
the ones who have not paid any attention to these events and have no ins (pay cash for everything) went ballistic when they seen the fines and how they would be collected

My insurance went up 76% ($168/month) as a result of Obamfailcare

Until he starts throwing innocent Americans into concentration camps he'll be stuck in 2nd place.
You have a point here. Plus he did not recognize an evil empire in the year when the latter murdered up to 10 million civilians in an artificial famine, and he did not dump half of the European continent for the prey of the same evil empire.

You are right.

Put him on a second place.

we have +13% UE
More people on the the Govt nickle than ever
we have more debt than all other presidents combined
the country is split more than ever
# 2
# 2

Really. That scumbag supersedes EVERYONE. This one didn't do as much damage to half of the world as that did.
What have the Republicans done?

Besides filibuster, obstruct, lie and cheat, what have the Republicans done?


Prove I'm qrong.

1. Attacked a country that didn't attack us

2. Added 5.6 trillion to the ND, in one presidency.

3. Gave us the DHS.

4. Gave us The Patriot Act.

5. Warrantless Wiretapping.
Two groups count when judging the presidents, the first are the people, and the people judge through the election process. The people judged Obama the best for those two elections.
The second group that judge presidents are the historians and they will judge how Obama goes into the history books. When judging presidents historians take into consideration the events of the president's time, including the difficulty or ease of the period.
So far, the historians have only judged Obama once and that only two years into his presidency, but they judged Obama 15th best president at that time.
It may be possible that when the Republican efforts to destroy Obama are taken into the judging, Obama may hold on to that 15th. position.

regent the GOP is just stating facts
yes somethimes 1/2 facts
BHO legacy is the ACA
he ignored the economy for 2 years when he close to a super majority and we are still paying for it

The Clinton recession
the Nasdaq bubble
2 million jobs lost from 01-03

GWB fought 2 wars while staying very focused on the economy and created 8 million REAL jobs by 2008
Why America Is Going To Miss The Bush Tax Cuts - Forbes
These Bush tax cuts did not explode the deficit, as Obama and his echo chamber have alleged. By 2007, the deficit was down to $160 billion, less than 15% of Obama’s deficits today. Total federal revenues soared from $793.7 billion in 2003, when the last of the Bush tax cuts were enacted, to $1.16 trillion in 2007, a 47% increase. Capital gains revenues had doubled by 2005, despite the 25% capital gains rate cut adopted in 2003. Federal revenues rose to 18.5% of GDP by 2007, above the long term, postwar, historical average over the prior 60 years. CBO was projecting surpluses to return indefinitely in 2012 through the end of its projection period in 2018.

This is facts
how could BHO be ahead of W?

The facts are the historians judged Bush to be America's fifth worst president, and in economic catagory, 2nd worst.

Of 415 historians who expressed a view of President Bush’s administration to this point as a success or failure, 338 classified it as a failure and 77 as a success. (Moreover, it seems likely that at least eight of those who said it is a success were being sarcastic, since seven said Bush’s presidency is only the best since Clinton’s and one named Millard Fillmore.) Twelve percent of all the historians who responded rate the current presidency the worst in all of American history, not too far behind the 19 percent who see it at this point as an overall success.

- See more at: History News Network | Historians vs. George W. Bush
regent the GOP is just stating facts
yes somethimes 1/2 facts
BHO legacy is the ACA
he ignored the economy for 2 years when he close to a super majority and we are still paying for it

The Clinton recession
the Nasdaq bubble
2 million jobs lost from 01-03

GWB fought 2 wars while staying very focused on the economy and created 8 million REAL jobs by 2008
Why America Is Going To Miss The Bush Tax Cuts - Forbes
These Bush tax cuts did not explode the deficit, as Obama and his echo chamber have alleged. By 2007, the deficit was down to $160 billion, less than 15% of Obama’s deficits today. Total federal revenues soared from $793.7 billion in 2003, when the last of the Bush tax cuts were enacted, to $1.16 trillion in 2007, a 47% increase. Capital gains revenues had doubled by 2005, despite the 25% capital gains rate cut adopted in 2003. Federal revenues rose to 18.5% of GDP by 2007, above the long term, postwar, historical average over the prior 60 years. CBO was projecting surpluses to return indefinitely in 2012 through the end of its projection period in 2018.

This is facts
how could BHO be ahead of W?

The facts are the historians judged Bush to be America's fifth worst president, and in economic catagory, 2nd worst.

Of 415 historians who expressed a view of President Bush’s administration to this point as a success or failure, 338 classified it as a failure and 77 as a success. (Moreover, it seems likely that at least eight of those who said it is a success were being sarcastic, since seven said Bush’s presidency is only the best since Clinton’s and one named Millard Fillmore.) Twelve percent of all the historians who responded rate the current presidency the worst in all of American history, not too far behind the 19 percent who see it at this point as an overall success.

- See more at: History News Network | Historians vs. George W. Bush

nobody cares what leftwrdly biased historians express.
The facts are the historians judged Bush to be America's fifth worst president, and in economic catagory, 2nd worst.

Of 415 historians who expressed a view of President Bush’s administration to this point as a success or failure, 338 classified it as a failure and 77 as a success. (Moreover, it seems likely that at least eight of those who said it is a success were being sarcastic, since seven said Bush’s presidency is only the best since Clinton’s and one named Millard Fillmore.) Twelve percent of all the historians who responded rate the current presidency the worst in all of American history, not too far behind the 19 percent who see it at this point as an overall success.

- See more at: History News Network | Historians vs. George W. Bush

nobody cares what leftwrdly biased historians express.

Oh how convenient. You know what the politics are of all 338 of them. And readily accusing them all of falsely categorising George Bush.
What have the Republicans done?

Besides filibuster, obstruct, lie and cheat, what have the Republicans done?


Prove I'm qrong.

1. Attacked a country that didn't attack us

2. Added 5.6 trillion to the ND, in one presidency.

3. Gave us the DHS.

4. Gave us The Patriot Act.

5. Warrantless Wiretapping.

1) what country would that be? it is a fact that Al Qaeda was in Iraq before we invade. also the first 9-11 had ties to Iraq as I recall
also the congress approved of the war, it was all nice and legal based on intel from the Clinton years and the UNs speech 1-27-2003 given by Hans Blix
World Trade Center, 1993 Terrorist Attack (don't say it too loudly - Yousef had IRAQI passport)
Conviction—and continuing questions. The trail of investigation would eventually lead to Ramzi Yousef, who authorities believe was in the van that delivered the explosives to the WTC. With him was Eyad Ismoil. Also implicated in the bombing, along with Salemeh and Ayad, were Ahmad Ajaj, Mahmoud Abouhalima, and Abdul Rahman Yasin. On March 4, 1994, a jury found Salemeh, Ajaj, Abouhalima, and Ayad guilty on 38 counts, including murder and conspiracy, and the judge handed down multiple life sentences.
Yousef fled the country, and engaged in other terror plots before he was captured and brought to the United States from Pakistan in February 1995. He was sentenced to life plus 240 years. As of 2003, Yasin had not been captured, and was believed to be in Iraq. In October 1995, Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, a blind Egyptian cleric who taught at mosques in Brooklyn and New Jersey, was sentenced to life imprisonment for masterminding the attack. But some observers wonder whether the roots of the 1993 WTC attack run much deeper.
The fact that Yousef is the nephew of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, a top figure in al-Qaeda, suggests a strong connection between the 1993 conspirators and the group who ultimately brought down the towers eight years later. After the September 2001, attack, it was the opinion of many investigators and analysts inside President George W. Bush's administration, that the perpetrators of that attack had a state sponsor—Iraq. A number of details, including the fact that Yousef was traveling on an Iraqi passport, as well as the date of the 1993 attack—the second anniversary of the U.S. liberation of Kuwait in the Persian Gulf War—furthered suspicions of Iraqi involvement in the 1993 incident.
2)The 5.6?
that is a lie, that would include the intrest from previous debt
GWB added about 2-2.5 trillion
You can use this as an example
U.S. 2007 Budget Deficit Falls to $163 Billion (Update1) - Bloomberg
the defict in 2007 was 163 billion
3) no congress did
4) ditto and still going
5) Still going
regent the GOP is just stating facts
yes somethimes 1/2 facts
BHO legacy is the ACA
he ignored the economy for 2 years when he close to a super majority and we are still paying for it

The Clinton recession
the Nasdaq bubble
2 million jobs lost from 01-03

GWB fought 2 wars while staying very focused on the economy and created 8 million REAL jobs by 2008
Why America Is Going To Miss The Bush Tax Cuts - Forbes
These Bush tax cuts did not explode the deficit, as Obama and his echo chamber have alleged. By 2007, the deficit was down to $160 billion, less than 15% of Obama’s deficits today. Total federal revenues soared from $793.7 billion in 2003, when the last of the Bush tax cuts were enacted, to $1.16 trillion in 2007, a 47% increase. Capital gains revenues had doubled by 2005, despite the 25% capital gains rate cut adopted in 2003. Federal revenues rose to 18.5% of GDP by 2007, above the long term, postwar, historical average over the prior 60 years. CBO was projecting surpluses to return indefinitely in 2012 through the end of its projection period in 2018.

This is facts
how could BHO be ahead of W?

The facts are the historians judged Bush to be America's fifth worst president, and in economic catagory, 2nd worst.

Of 415 historians who expressed a view of President Bush’s administration to this point as a success or failure, 338 classified it as a failure and 77 as a success. (Moreover, it seems likely that at least eight of those who said it is a success were being sarcastic, since seven said Bush’s presidency is only the best since Clinton’s and one named Millard Fillmore.) Twelve percent of all the historians who responded rate the current presidency the worst in all of American history, not too far behind the 19 percent who see it at this point as an overall success.

- See more at: History News Network | Historians vs. George W. Bush

what if we went to private sector places like the heritage to do this poll?
your doing the same asking a liberal professor to judge GWB
I asked your opinion and why

GWB had UE rates below 10% (U6)
BHO is still around 14% with 100 times the stimulus
GWB gave you more of your money back
GWB added Medicare D, a program that is working
GWB added Sarbanes Oxly, Iraq (removal of Saddam), Tarp, no child left begind, All bi partisan events
GWB has the defict down to 163 billion with the last GOP budget in 2007
it has not been below 1 trillion sense BHO has took office

Being hones with yours self or having a liberal professor do your own judging is why this country is in such a mess

Your living in fantasy land. You need to look up the word "Contingencies."

Giving you more of your money back in the situation we were in is the same as telling my children here's $100 to go to the mall instead of paying my rent. Sooner or later I"m out on my ass. Cutting taxes when you need the money should 'NOT' be a Conservative ideal, but somehow it is.
What have the Republicans done?

Besides filibuster, obstruct, lie and cheat, what have the Republicans done?


Prove I'm qrong.

1. Attacked a country that didn't attack us

2. Added 5.6 trillion to the ND, in one presidency.

3. Gave us the DHS.

4. Gave us The Patriot Act.

5. Warrantless Wiretapping.

1) what country would that be? it is a fact that Al Qaeda was in Iraq before we invade. also the first 9-11 had ties to Iraq as I recall
also the congress approved of the war, it was all nice and legal based on intel from the Clinton years and the UNs speech 1-27-2003 given by Hans Blix
World Trade Center, 1993 Terrorist Attack (don't say it too loudly - Yousef had IRAQI passport)
Conviction—and continuing questions. The trail of investigation would eventually lead to Ramzi Yousef, who authorities believe was in the van that delivered the explosives to the WTC. With him was Eyad Ismoil. Also implicated in the bombing, along with Salemeh and Ayad, were Ahmad Ajaj, Mahmoud Abouhalima, and Abdul Rahman Yasin. On March 4, 1994, a jury found Salemeh, Ajaj, Abouhalima, and Ayad guilty on 38 counts, including murder and conspiracy, and the judge handed down multiple life sentences.
Yousef fled the country, and engaged in other terror plots before he was captured and brought to the United States from Pakistan in February 1995. He was sentenced to life plus 240 years. As of 2003, Yasin had not been captured, and was believed to be in Iraq. In October 1995, Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, a blind Egyptian cleric who taught at mosques in Brooklyn and New Jersey, was sentenced to life imprisonment for masterminding the attack. But some observers wonder whether the roots of the 1993 WTC attack run much deeper.
The fact that Yousef is the nephew of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, a top figure in al-Qaeda, suggests a strong connection between the 1993 conspirators and the group who ultimately brought down the towers eight years later. After the September 2001, attack, it was the opinion of many investigators and analysts inside President George W. Bush's administration, that the perpetrators of that attack had a state sponsor—Iraq. A number of details, including the fact that Yousef was traveling on an Iraqi passport, as well as the date of the 1993 attack—the second anniversary of the U.S. liberation of Kuwait in the Persian Gulf War—furthered suspicions of Iraqi involvement in the 1993 incident.
2)The 5.6?
that is a lie, that would include the intrest from previous debt
GWB added about 2-2.5 trillion
You can use this as an example
U.S. 2007 Budget Deficit Falls to $163 Billion (Update1) - Bloomberg
the defict in 2007 was 163 billion
3) no congress did
4) ditto and still going
5) Still going

1. The only al Qaeda affiliated cell was set up in the Kurdish region and was not there by the invitation of the Iraqi government. That was in one of the US/UK imposed no-fly-zones. So in effect our military was protecting them from Iraq. There was no legal basis for the invasion and occupation. Iraq was not an ongoing threat to the world remaining superpower. SCR1441 which the Bush administration agreed to was progressing unhindered by Iraq. In his final report before being force out by the impending US actions, Blix reported that he expected the job to be finished in a matter of a few months. Also Iraq was not involved in the attacks of 9-11-2001 and did not provide sanctuary to those who did. The military clause in the Joint resolution did not mention the 1993 WTC bombing at all.

Your living in fantasy land. You need to look up the word "Contingencies."

Giving you more of your money back in the situation we were in is the same as telling my children here's $100 to go to the mall instead of paying my rent. Sooner or later I"m out on my ass. Cutting taxes when you need the money should 'NOT' be a Conservative ideal, but somehow it is.

These Bush tax cuts did not explode the deficit, as Obama and his echo chamber have alleged. By 2007, the deficit was down to $160 billion, less than 15% of Obama’s deficits today. Total federal revenues soared from $793.7 billion in 2003, when the last of the Bush tax cuts were enacted, to $1.16 trillion in 2007, a 47% increase. Capital gains revenues had doubled by 2005, despite the 25% capital gains rate cut adopted in 2003. Federal revenues rose to 18.5% of GDP by 2007, above the long term, postwar, historical average over the prior 60 years. CBO was projecting surpluses to return indefinitely in 2012 through the end of its projection period in 2018.

Bush did increase federal spending as a percent of GDP by one-seventh, erasing the federal spending cuts enacted by the Republican Congressional majorities in the 1990s. But even with that, deficits during the Bush years averaged just 2% of GDP, one-third less than the average over the prior 50 years. President Obama’s deficits have averaged 5 times as much, at 9.1% of GDP.
The proof is in the pudding over the Bush tax cuts. They were followed by a record 52 straight months of job creation, producing 8 million new jobs, with the unemployment rate falling to 4.4%. Business investment spending, which had declined for 9 straight quarters, reversed and increased 6.7% per quarter, producing all those new jobs.
Why America Is Going To Miss The Bush Tax Cuts - Forbes

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