Is Obama the worst POTUS in Aerican history ?

He can't even get our marine out of that Mexican prison....yeah I am watching Greta....

the Marine doesn't want out. He's afraid of republicans sending him back without a trial
Not one poster yet that knows US history before the 1970s! Buchanan, Pierce, Harding, Johnson (A.), and Harrison (B.) usually make up the bottom five. George W. Bush is going to give them competition. People who think Carter was so bad bought Reagan's grin, nap, and grin campaign. Those 21% interest rates were in RR's years. Out of control spending? Reagan again. Reagan was bad; yet he inspired some Americans at a time when we did not want to dwell on the downside of the Nixon years. The first plastic/pre-packaged President. I though Obama might be another, but he is aging in office, Bush II left the white House looking younger, and refreshed........
Really? Bush looked younger, refreshed?


2000 vs 2008
Obama, for my belief in smaller gov., his foreign policy, his attempt at dividing the nation further, hislack of accountability of actions for those within his administration, his hands off style of leadership all put him near the bottom in my book.
obama's gunning for the #2 spot, but he'll never get the chance to bump that scumbag fool FDR from the top slot.
Without going back before 2000:

Study: Bush, aides made 935 false statements in run-up to war -

Study: Bush, aides made 935 false statements in run-up to war

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush and his top aides publicly made 935 false statements about the security risk posed by Iraq in the two years following September 11, 2001, according to a study released Tuesday by two nonprofit journalism groups.

"In short, the Bush administration led the nation to war on the basis of erroneous information that it methodically propagated and that culminated in military action against Iraq on March 19, 2003," reads an overview of the examination, conducted by the Center for Public Integrity and its affiliated group, the Fund for Independence in Journalism.

According to the study, Bush and seven top officials -- including Vice President Dick Cheney, former Secretary of State Colin Powell and then-National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice -- made 935 false statements about Iraq during those two years.

The study was based on a searchable database compiled of primary sources, such as official government transcripts and speeches, and secondary sources -- mainly quotes from major media organizations. See CNN viewers' reactions to the study »

The study says Bush made 232 false statements about Iraq and former leader Saddam Hussein's possessing weapons of mass destruction, and 28 false statements about Iraq's links to al Qaeda.

Bush has consistently asserted that at the time he and other officials made the statements, the intelligence community of the U.S. and several other nations, including Britain, believed Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

Responding to the study Wednesday, White House spokesman Scott Stanzel did not speak directly to the "false claims" characterization.

But he said the United States was part of a broad coalition of nations that took part in the Iraq invasion and that the invasion was based on intelligence from multiple countries.

He called Hussein a threat to international security and a sponsor of terrorism, and said the world is better off without him. White House press secretary Dana Perino called the study "flawed."

"They only looked at members of the administration, rather than looking at members of Congress or people around the world," she said. "Because as you'll remember, we were part of a broad coalition of countries that deposed a dictator based on a collective understanding of the intelligence."

"And the other thing that that study fails to do is to say that after realizing that there was no WMD, as we thought as a collective body that there was, that this White House, the President set about to make reforms in the intelligence community to make sure that it doesn't happen again."

Bush has repeatedly said that despite the intelligence flaws, removing Hussein from power was the right thing to do.

The study, released Tuesday, says Powell had the second-highest number of false statements, with 244 about weapons and 10 about Iraq and al Qaeda.

Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and Press Secretary Ari Fleischer each made 109 false statements, it says. Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz made 85, Rice made 56, Cheney made 48 and Scott McLellan, also a press secretary, made 14, the study says.

"It is now beyond dispute that Iraq did not possess any weapons of mass destruction or have meaningful ties to al Qaeda," the report reads, citing multiple government reports, including those by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, the 9/11 Commission and the multinational Iraq Survey Group, which reported that Hussein had suspended Iraq's nuclear program in 1991 and made little effort to revive it.

The overview of the study also calls the media to task, saying most media outlets didn't do enough to investigate the claims.""

And before that his Daddy stood up and said, "REad my lips, no new taxes", which fucked him up so badly he lost to Bill Clinton.

Before that Reagan said he wouldn't raise taxes and then proceeded to raise them 17 times as well as the debt ceiling 18 times.

Gotta' love rightwingnuts and their foreshortened stubby little view of the world.

Obama says Reagan raised debt ceiling 18 times; George W. Bush seven times
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Definitely the worst in my lifetime. Carter was incompetent. Obama is not only incompetent, but lacks any integrity or courage.
Not one poster yet that knows US history before the 1970s! Buchanan, Pierce, Harding, Johnson (A.), and Harrison (B.) usually make up the bottom five. George W. Bush is going to give them competition. People who think Carter was so bad bought Reagan's grin, nap, and grin campaign. Those 21% interest rates were in RR's years. Out of control spending? Reagan again. Reagan was bad; yet he inspired some Americans at a time when we did not want to dwell on the downside of the Nixon years. The first plastic/pre-packaged President. I though Obama might be another, but he is aging in office, Bush II left the white House looking younger, and refreshed........
Really? Bush looked younger, refreshed?


2000 vs 2008

Try unretouched photos. His official portrait isn't one. :lol:
Obama's thinks Canada has a president and Austrians speak Austrian. That's pretty stupid. But, hey, he's the first Black President and that's the important thing, huh.
He also believes if we just play nice, everyone will leave us alone. He can't fathom the concept of real evil existing or others with hidden agendas, even though he, himself has had one since the day he agreed to run for the senate.
Not one poster yet that knows US history before the 1970s! Buchanan, Pierce, Harding, Johnson (A.), and Harrison (B.) usually make up the bottom five. George W. Bush is going to give them competition. People who think Carter was so bad bought Reagan's grin, nap, and grin campaign. Those 21% interest rates were in RR's years. Out of control spending? Reagan again. Reagan was bad; yet he inspired some Americans at a time when we did not want to dwell on the downside of the Nixon years. The first plastic/pre-packaged President. I though Obama might be another, but he is aging in office, Bush II left the white House looking younger, and refreshed........
Really? Bush looked younger, refreshed?


2000 vs 2008

Try unretouched photos. His official portrait isn't one. :lol:
So are you saying the second photo is how he looked in 2008?
Here is someones personal photo from 2000.
Benghazi, IRS targeting, Fast and Furious, Terror groups taking over Iraq, The Taliban on the rise again, Putin rebuilding the soviet union, Iraq will soon be a nuclear power and a threat to the world, several countries in the Middle east being taken over by extremist groups, high energy and food costs, a sluggish economy, thousands loosing coverage because of Obama care ...... and so on and so on . The man is not qualified to lead this country .

he isn't even the worst president in my lifetime, yidiot
Aerican history ???

I'll go out on a limb and give Obama enough credit and say he is at least capable of spelling America.

Maybe Obama is capable of spelling the word America, but he does have trouble spelling a simple word like R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

[ame=]RS..PECT? President Obama Can't Spell Respect - YouTube[/ame]
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