Is Obama the worst POTUS in Aerican history ?

He's not even out of office and HISTORIANS are rating him already

that would be like getting a peace prize medal before he even did jack shit

good grief some will fall for anything
He's not even out of office and HISTORIANS are rating him already

that would be like getting a peace prize medal before he even did jack shit

good grief some will fall for anything

When the historians rated the presidents in 2010 they gave us a freebie, and rated Obama on his first two years in office. At that time the 238 noted historians and presidential experts rated Obama as America's 15th best president. That rating was based on 20 presidential characteristics. All of the ratings could change in the next go-around, and certainly Obama's ratings have the greatest chance of changing. I predict Obama will end up 18th best. By the way in that last rating Bush was 39th best or fifth worst. But those are historians rating not posters.
Obama announced his intentions a few days before the November, 2008 election. He vowed to "Fundamentally transform the United States of America!"

That's exactly what he's done. He grew up in Indonesia where he saw the USA as a world bully. His intentions from the start was to take us down a few pegs and make the USA just another country like France or Japan. We are no longer the leader of the free world, as there now is none. We will soon be passed by China as the biggest economy, and that will relegate us to second tier status.

Obama accomplished his transformation in only 6 years with the help of the useful idiots Reid and Pelosi.
He'll be remembered as a top 25% President. Had to crack the top 10 but easily top quarter.

only a fucked up liarberal could say that with a straight face.., Arizona libertards are some of the worst !

without a doubt, from a hard core Conservative like myself, Hussein Obumma IS the worst president of this countries history, i personally would love to see him impeached and tried on charges of "HIGH CRIMES AND TREASON" :up:

Historians are like Supreme Court justices; they often measure the climate and not the temperature. After inheriting a 700B bailout caused by the hands off policies of the Bush administration, the economy is coming back slowly. History records that the 'grand bargain' was rejected by the GOP--the same folks whose candidates for Presidents all agreed that they would not take $1 in tax increased for $10 in spending cuts. History records that Obama succeeded where many Presidents have failed in passing the first version of universal healthcare shifting the costs of healthcare from the public sector to the individual. Yet the so-called party of "personal responsibility" decries such a move as marxism.

I could go on and on about what is going to make Obama a top 25% President but obviously you're immune from reason and facts.

Rest easy.
Is Obama the worst POTUS in American history?


Barack Obama is corrupt, incompetent, a failure, a liar, and fraud, and not to mention but a piece-of-shit as well.
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is obama the worst potus in american history?

Hell yes!

Barack obama is corrupt, incompetent, a failure, a liar, and fraud, and not to mention but a piece-of-shit as well.
the man is incapable of taking responsibility for any of his screw ups .

He doesn't have to when he has all the lamestream media in his back pocket and his cult followers who goes around sniffing out his excuses for him
Benghazi, IRS targeting, Fast and Furious, Terror groups taking over Iraq, The Taliban on the rise again, Putin rebuilding the soviet union, Iraq will soon be a nuclear power and a threat to the world, several countries in the Middle east being taken over by extremist groups, high energy and food costs, a sluggish economy, thousands loosing coverage because of Obama care ...... and so on and so on . The man is not qualified to lead this country . Is Obama the worst POTUS in Aerican history ?
Is Miley Cyrus the sleaziest whore in America would be a more legitimate question in the real world. If you play chess you should know that all pawns are equal.
I never cared for these worst President in history questions mainly because people only look at the current and last two or three we have our 44th right now and there have been some pretty bad ones some before us or our parents were born. I can't say Obama is the worst ever but his stock is dropping.
He's come from a long line of anti-American POTUS like Wilson, FDR and LBJ; he's the latest evil
Bush II will be in the bottom 10, most likely, Obama, in the middle. Reagan was the worst of my lifetime....until Bush II. I was very young, see now he inspired some, not my parents by any means, and my mother had been a Republican, until Reagan. Nixon, probably the best, in hindsight. Historians rank Buchanan, and Pierce as the worst, usually. A little thing called the Civil War hurt them. Carter was fairly good actually, the Reagan grin makes many forget those 21% interest rates were during his first term, and the deficit went through the roof, courtesy of Reagan. But he did act folksy while Nancy spent hundreds of thousands a year on designer clothes. Reagan talked of being an "old cavalry man", avoided WWII by making training films.:D He wasn't real bright, but even a Z grade actor*, can pose well enough in the TV age.

*My father's term for Reagan. He despised him, remembered movie magazines dropped on his ship during WWII, Reagan relaxing at Delmonico's, while teenagers like my father fought the war.

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