Is Obama's Legacy Killing the Democrat Party?

Your facts do not lead to the conlusion that, historically, for the last more than twenty years, the presidential election returns a majority vote for the Democrat five of six times.

HRC will start with more than 230 EC votes, the Pub far behind.
Your facts do not lead to the conlusion that, historically, for the last more than twenty years, the presidential election returns a majority vote for the Democrat five of six times.

HRC will start with more than 230 EC votes, the Pub far behind.

Ah......Jake.....the thread is not about one job....the Presidency. It's about all the other elected jobs. :) The Dems have gotten killed under Obama. That cannot be argued.

Now the last two Presidencies have been split between the Dems and on even that point you fail.
I don't know if it's / he's killing the entire Democratic Party, but it sure as hell sunk the Democrats running for election in 2014!

No Democrat wanted him to campaign for them. This pissed the narcissist off because they were not giving him the credit he thought he was due. since no single Democrat asked him to campaign for him, he stepped into the limelight and declared the entire election - every race - was about HIM and HIS policies.

RESULT? One of the lowest turn-outs and one of the biggest recorded, history-making DNC ass-kicking ever.

Obama has scarred the Democrats for years. Except for a shriveled shrew, they have no one. An entire generation of potential Democrat leaders fell at the polls
WQ and some others are standing in the middle of the RR tracks and saying, "Won't happen to us."
I can't say that Obama has terminally damaged the Democrat Party brand....

But I CAN say, with confidence, that Obama has guaranteed that America will not elect another black president for minimum 150 years.

For that reason it's vitally important that Ben Carson NOT run for President; rather for Vice President. His only chance at being president is to inherit the job. In the classic sense of the word.
I don't know if it's / he's killing the entire Democratic Party, but it sure as hell sunk the Democrats running for election in 2014!

No Democrat wanted him to campaign for them. This pissed the narcissist off because they were not giving him the credit he thought he was due. since no single Democrat asked him to campaign for him,

Yeah, but you know how racist those Democrat politicians are. They just didn't want him around because he's a Mulatto.
Okay, so DumBama won twice, but the Democrats lost in other elections. What does that tell you?

It tells me that the American public likes DumBama on a personal note, but doesn't like his or the liberal policies.

Here in Ohio DumBama won twice as well, but last night, the marijuana legalization lost by almost a 2 to 1 margin.

There is no Obama for next election; nobody even close.

The Marijuana measure in Ohio was a terrible bill. There were a plethora of legalization advocates against it because it would've given a monopoly to 10 wealthy growers.

It played a part--yes. The only reason it played a part is because of the confusion. When people are confused about an issue here in Ohio, they usually vote against it.

However, a near 2 to 1 margin is another story. Had the issue lost by 10% or so, you may have a point.

No, it was a huge turn off. It was almost a monopoly give-a-away to people who were already wealthy. It definitely was not popular with most people in Ohio, I don't think confusion is the right word.

Well let me put it this way:

Non marijuana users could probably care less about any monopoly. Drug users could care less about any monopoly as long as they could legally buy pot.

So who experienced this huge turn-off that you're talking about?

They buy pot now anyway, of course they care about a monopoly. If you want to research the issue a bit you'd see the ballot measure was backed specifically by the interests groups who would've been part of the 10 legal growers in the state. The Drug Policy Alliance and the Marijuana Policy Project declined to support the ballot initiative.

There were multiple polls showing Ohio supports legalization, just not that corporate giveaway that issue 3 was. The Kent State poll shows 56% supporting legalization in Ohio. The ballot measure was horrible policy and not the correct way to implement legalization. Support for legalization nationwide is something 60% nowadays, with most of the opposition made up of old seniors. It's just a matter of time before it's fully legalized everywhere.

That all depends. I think other states are jumping the gun. We should give the states that have it legal now about five or six years before trying to expand it anywhere else to see what the final results are. I've read some good and bad, but nothing I would want to see happen in my state.

I haven't smoked pot in years. I get random drug tests in my line of work. But I do remember when I did, and I think back then, I would have voted for the legalization under any circumstance. I don't think pot smokers are too picky.

Here in Northeast Ohio, kids have a saying "If you can't get into college, get into Kent State." So I don't know if I would rely on their polls. But I do think without issue 3, it would have been much closer, but not enough to legalize pot.
We will find out next year, WQ.

As the article states Jake...we already know. Obama has killed the Democrat Party Nationally. The losses have been stunning under his Presidency. That cannot be argued.
We will find out next year, WQ.

As the article states Jake...we already know. Obama has killed the Democrat Party Nationally. The losses have been stunning under his Presidency. That cannot be argued.
That is the article's opinion, and it is flat wrong. If the GOP does not clean up its fiasco of an election season with its front runners, HRC will take the Presidency, very easily.

The Dems are almost a lock for a four or five seat majority in the Senate.

The GOP will keep a solid hold on the House.

You have to live in reality not your heart's desire, WQ.

Jake.....unlike you, I'm not gazing into a crystal ball and making predictions. :) Just the facts..okay? Since Obama became President in 2008 this is what has occurred.

"Under President Obama, Democrats have lost 900+ state legislature seats, 12 governors, 69 House seats, 13 Senate seats. That's some legacy."

I think he had some help this time. I think Black Lies Matter played a role in this not to mention Baltimore and Ferguson and how badly those police officers were treated. Then we have the goofy Mayor of New York city to consider as well. They've all displayed liberal policies in action and people are not ready for any of that to come to their town.

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