Is PC responsible for Trump?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
I just made a delightfully brilliant point in another thread, SO delightfully brilliant that it certainly deserves its own thread.


As someone who (a) did not support Trump, but (b) is still virulently anti-PC, it seems pretty clear to me that the one overriding feature of Trump's candidacy that endeared him to his voters was that he is so non-PC.

People had enough of decades of the intellectual dishonesty, cowardice and counter-productive nature of PC, it had built up to a fever pitch, and bing, just the right guy came along at just the right time.

Rather than cower when the PC zealots did their predictable screaming, his voters embraced it, ran with it, and shoved it right back in the PC zealots' face. And now, it will be President Trump.

The PC zealots are largely responsible for this guy.

Trump won because he opposes (allegedly) the trade deals, and that position won him a few thousand swing votes in the Rust Belt which won him the few dozen electoral votes he needed.

enough with the PC nonsense.
I just made a delightfully brilliant point in another thread, SO delightfully brilliant that it certainly deserves its own thread.


As someone who (a) did not support Trump, but (b) is still virulently anti-PC, it seems pretty clear to me that the one overriding feature of Trump's candidacy that endeared him to his voters was that he is so non-PC.

People had enough of decades of the intellectual dishonesty, cowardice and counter-productive nature of PC, it had built up to a fever pitch, and bing, just the right guy came along at just the right time.

Rather than cower when the PC zealots did their predictable screaming, his voters embraced it, ran with it, and shoved it right back in the PC zealots' face. And now, it will be President Trump.

The PC zealots are largely responsible for this guy.

Delightfully brilliant? Jesus Christ, you are one strange fuck. But no, like always your analysis is off. Lack of PC didn't give Trump the win, that's not what he talked about. I've listened to many rallies, you should have listened to at least one so you could form a somewhat informed opinion instead of throwing shit against the wall everyday hoping something will stick.

MOST people don't give a shit about PC, even libs when they are trying to impress other libs. Look at them here, they get mad and call you a fag. People voted for Trump because of what he stands for and think he can get us going in the right direction. Some voted against Hillary. It isn't any more complicated than that.
I just made a delightfully brilliant point in another thread, SO delightfully brilliant that it certainly deserves its own thread.


As someone who (a) did not support Trump, but (b) is still virulently anti-PC, it seems pretty clear to me that the one overriding feature of Trump's candidacy that endeared him to his voters was that he is so non-PC.

People had enough of decades of the intellectual dishonesty, cowardice and counter-productive nature of PC, it had built up to a fever pitch, and bing, just the right guy came along at just the right time.

Rather than cower when the PC zealots did their predictable screaming, his voters embraced it, ran with it, and shoved it right back in the PC zealots' face. And now, it will be President Trump.

The PC zealots are largely responsible for this guy.

Delightfully brilliant? Jesus Christ, you are one strange fuck. But no, like always your analysis is off. Lack of PC didn't give Trump the win, that's not what he talked about. I've listened to many rallies, you should have listened to at least one so you could form a somewhat informed opinion instead of throwing shit against the wall everyday hoping something will stick.

MOST people don't give a shit about PC, even libs when they are trying to impress other libs. Look at them here, they get mad and call you a fag. People voted for Trump because of what he stands for and think he can get us going in the right direction. Some voted against Hillary. It isn't any more complicated than that.
This board is a hoot!
Trump won because he opposes (allegedly) the trade deals, and that position won him a few thousand swing votes in the Rust Belt which won him the few dozen electoral votes he needed.

enough with the PC nonsense.
That's one thing he ran on, gave hour long speeches each time and that's all you heard? LOL
Seriously mac, you didn't listen during the run up to the election and I don't think you will listen now.

Most of us that voted for Trump did so in spite of his language. We cringed when he said some of the things he said.

Hillary was and always will be the clear and present danger. She was and is a war hawk unlike Trump will ever be. She is more of the same from Obama. She represents the past not the future. Anyone would have beaten Hillary, anyone, it is just a matter of what degree.

The Republic was saved on November 8th. The SCOTUS nominations were just too big to give to someone as clueless as the democrats and especially Hillary. The shape of America was changed on November 8th, for the good.

Sorry you keep trying to blame her losing on something other than her being her and the reputation of the Obama administration. Now maybe if she would have been black the democrats could have picked up the votes she needed just by white guilt. But the majority of Americans outside CA elected the polar opposite, for good reasons.
obsessed mac, you already made this thread before, give it a fuckin break
Seriously mac, you didn't listen during the run up to the election and I don't think you will listen now.

Most of us that voted for Trump did so in spite of his language. We cringed when he said some of the things he said.

Hillary was and always will be the clear and present danger. She was and is a war hawk unlike Trump will ever be. She is more of the same from Obama. She represents the past not the future. Anyone would have beaten Hillary, anyone, it is just a matter of what degree.

The Republic was saved on November 8th. The SCOTUS nominations were just too big to give to someone as clueless as the democrats and especially Hillary. The shape of America was changed on November 8th, for the good.

Sorry you keep trying to blame her losing on something other than her being her and the reputation of the Obama administration. Now maybe if she would have been black the democrats could have picked up the votes she needed just by white guilt. But the majority of Americans outside CA elected the polar opposite, for good reasons.
I'm not saying that it was the only reason he won. And I said about a zillion times during the campaign that she was a lousy candidate.

So all the times I saw Trump's supporters celebrating the fact that he's not PC was a lie? That had nothing to do with it?
I just made a delightfully brilliant point in another thread, SO delightfully brilliant that it certainly deserves its own thread.


As someone who (a) did not support Trump, but (b) is still virulently anti-PC, it seems pretty clear to me that the one overriding feature of Trump's candidacy that endeared him to his voters was that he is so non-PC.

People had enough of decades of the intellectual dishonesty, cowardice and counter-productive nature of PC, it had built up to a fever pitch, and bing, just the right guy came along at just the right time.

Rather than cower when the PC zealots did their predictable screaming, his voters embraced it, ran with it, and shoved it right back in the PC zealots' face. And now, it will be President Trump.

The PC zealots are largely responsible for this guy.


Sorry to disappoint, but your idea has been brought up several times on USMB and one even started a thread just for that. But I'll comment the same way.

I agree and disagree. I disagree because I don't think that anybody would vote for a President simply because of the way he talks. I agree because I think his anti-PC related to people who otherwise are confused when it comes to politics. He put politics into simple language anybody can understand.

Trump talks about politics the way we do at the bar, at work, at family doings. I think people who normally don't get involved in politics bonded with his messages. And let's face it, we all know a lot of people like that. Those people get confused (and bored) when politicians dance around what they would really like to say with great concern about offending anybody.

We are political junkies here. We spend much of our lives with politics; I know I do. But we falsely assume that most people are like us when it's just the opposite. We are a very small minority in this country. So Trump found a way to get through to those people (anti-PC) and probably helped him win the presidency.
Seriously mac, you didn't listen during the run up to the election and I don't think you will listen now.

Most of us that voted for Trump did so in spite of his language. We cringed when he said some of the things he said.

Hillary was and always will be the clear and present danger. She was and is a war hawk unlike Trump will ever be. She is more of the same from Obama. She represents the past not the future. Anyone would have beaten Hillary, anyone, it is just a matter of what degree.

The Republic was saved on November 8th. The SCOTUS nominations were just too big to give to someone as clueless as the democrats and especially Hillary. The shape of America was changed on November 8th, for the good.

Sorry you keep trying to blame her losing on something other than her being her and the reputation of the Obama administration. Now maybe if she would have been black the democrats could have picked up the votes she needed just by white guilt. But the majority of Americans outside CA elected the polar opposite, for good reasons.
I'm not saying that it was the only reason he won. And I said about a zillion times during the campaign that she was a lousy candidate.

So all the times I saw Trump's supporters celebrating the fact that he's not PC was a lie? That had nothing to do with it?
Sure, people are sick of PC. It's gotten so bad using the words he or she can get you jacked up. So it's refreshing to hear "incorrect" language from a political leader on occasion but minimizing his accomplishments to that and minimizing those that supporting him is unfair and intellectually dishonest. People are sick and tired of being ridiculed for not marching behind the leftist drumbeat.
I just made a delightfully brilliant point in another thread, SO delightfully brilliant that it certainly deserves its own thread.


As someone who (a) did not support Trump, but (b) is still virulently anti-PC, it seems pretty clear to me that the one overriding feature of Trump's candidacy that endeared him to his voters was that he is so non-PC.

People had enough of decades of the intellectual dishonesty, cowardice and counter-productive nature of PC, it had built up to a fever pitch, and bing, just the right guy came along at just the right time.

Rather than cower when the PC zealots did their predictable screaming, his voters embraced it, ran with it, and shoved it right back in the PC zealots' face. And now, it will be President Trump.

The PC zealots are largely responsible for this guy.


Sorry to disappoint, but your idea has been brought up several times on USMB and one even started a thread just for that. But I'll comment the same way.

I agree and disagree. I disagree because I don't think that anybody would vote for a President simply because of the way he talks. I agree because I think his anti-PC related to people who otherwise are confused when it comes to politics. He put politics into simple language anybody can understand.

Trump talks about politics the way we do at the bar, at work, at family doings. I think people who normally don't get involved in politics bonded with his messages. And let's face it, we all know a lot of people like that. Those people get confused (and bored) when politicians dance around what they would really like to say with great concern about offending anybody.

We are political junkies here. We spend much of our lives with politics; I know I do. But we falsely assume that most people are like us when it's just the opposite. We are a very small minority in this country. So Trump found a way to get through to those people (anti-PC) and probably helped him win the presidency.
Thanks, much appreciated.

I think the role that it played was that it intensified opinions. And, theoretically, increased turnout.

No way to know. But I'm VERY pissed that I wasn't FIRST with this!

Trump won because he opposes (allegedly) the trade deals, and that position won him a few thousand swing votes in the Rust Belt which won him the few dozen electoral votes he needed.

enough with the PC nonsense.
That's one thing he ran on, gave hour long speeches each time and that's all you heard? LOL

No. I analyzed the results of the election based on the exit polls.
Seriously mac, you didn't listen during the run up to the election and I don't think you will listen now.

Most of us that voted for Trump did so in spite of his language. We cringed when he said some of the things he said.

Hillary was and always will be the clear and present danger. She was and is a war hawk unlike Trump will ever be. She is more of the same from Obama. She represents the past not the future. Anyone would have beaten Hillary, anyone, it is just a matter of what degree.

The Republic was saved on November 8th. The SCOTUS nominations were just too big to give to someone as clueless as the democrats and especially Hillary. The shape of America was changed on November 8th, for the good.

Sorry you keep trying to blame her losing on something other than her being her and the reputation of the Obama administration. Now maybe if she would have been black the democrats could have picked up the votes she needed just by white guilt. But the majority of Americans outside CA elected the polar opposite, for good reasons.
I'm not saying that it was the only reason he won. And I said about a zillion times during the campaign that she was a lousy candidate.

So all the times I saw Trump's supporters celebrating the fact that he's not PC was a lie? That had nothing to do with it?
Why don't you just cut to the chase and say what you really mean? You want to but because of PC won't say that Trump won because America has become Islamphobic, homophobic, _____phobic and just down right hateful. You have to blame the election of Trump on PC because to blame it on its true reason means you were dead wrong and that is just not allowed. You supported a loser, get over it, she lost, her message isn't what America wanted or needed.
The OP is the most anti-PC fanatic on the planet, claims Hillary lost because of PC,

and yet HE voted for Hillary.

Does anyone else see how that in and of itself demolishes his argument.?
I just made a delightfully brilliant point in another thread, SO delightfully brilliant that it certainly deserves its own thread.


As someone who (a) did not support Trump, but (b) is still virulently anti-PC, it seems pretty clear to me that the one overriding feature of Trump's candidacy that endeared him to his voters was that he is so non-PC.

People had enough of decades of the intellectual dishonesty, cowardice and counter-productive nature of PC, it had built up to a fever pitch, and bing, just the right guy came along at just the right time.

Rather than cower when the PC zealots did their predictable screaming, his voters embraced it, ran with it, and shoved it right back in the PC zealots' face. And now, it will be President Trump.

The PC zealots are largely responsible for this guy.

Yes you are...

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