Is Sarah Drunk? (Pailin's Response to Warren)

She does seem to have trouble keeping focused. Maybe she should write "purgatory"on her hand

Must be.

Not like journalists are out to get her or anything. You know, publishing sound-bites they feel makes her look foolish.

I wish they'd do the same with every politician.

That would be a hoot.

I don't know if it is an indication that she is on medications or just what Sarah Palin is like without a prepared statement

Either way it is an embarassment
She does seem to have trouble keeping focused. Maybe she should write "purgatory"on her hand

Must be.

Not like journalists are out to get her or anything. You know, publishing sound-bites they feel makes her look foolish.

I wish they'd do the same with every politician.

That would be a hoot.

I don't know if it is an indication that she is on medications or just what Sarah Palin is like without a prepared statement

Either way it is an embarassment

Only if you want to take it that way. I don't think she needs to be embarrassed.

You have no problem with Obama getting caught lying every day, yet this bothers you? Somebody obviously flabbergasted by how ridiculous Elizabeth Warren's statement was. She was making fun of the two-faced nature of her support for fast food workers. I remember liberals protesting one of these joints claiming fast food was making our kids obese.
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Must be.

Not like journalists are out to get her or anything. You know, publishing sound-bites they feel makes her look foolish.

I wish they'd do the same with every politician.

That would be a hoot.

I don't know if it is an indication that she is on medications or just what Sarah Palin is like without a prepared statement

Either way it is an embarassment

Only if you want to take it that way. I don't think she needs to be embarrassed.

You have no problem with Obama getting caught lying every day, yet this bothers you? Somebody obviously flabbergasted by how ridiculous Elizabeth Warren's statement was.

Not really

Minimum wage is ridiculously low and we, the taxpayers, have to make up for low wages

Palins "rebuttal" was confused and oddly phrased

Somethings not right in Palin land
I don't know if it is an indication that she is on medications or just what Sarah Palin is like without a prepared statement

Either way it is an embarassment

Only if you want to take it that way. I don't think she needs to be embarrassed.

You have no problem with Obama getting caught lying every day, yet this bothers you? Somebody obviously flabbergasted by how ridiculous Elizabeth Warren's statement was.

Not really

Minimum wage is ridiculously low and we, the taxpayers, have to make up for low wages

Palins "rebuttal" was confused and oddly phrased

Somethings not right in Palin land

And Obama has a habit of whistling his s's and saying "uuuuuuuuuuuh" a lot.

It's really fucking annoying.
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Palin is so out of touch and stubborn to becoming educated that she makes stupid comments like the one in the OP, not willing to understand that Warren is the smart one. You see, Warren understands that fast food workers are stuck in those jobs for the long term. They are no longer high school kids and people starting out. They haven't been for over a decade. More like a decade and a half. The fast food workers are the people who would have had factory and manufacturing jobs before the jobs got sent to China and overseas long ago. Palin and her followers don't get it. They still live in the delusional world of yesteryear. Sarah Palin, in 2014, still believes fast food workers are kids in or just out of high school starting out at their first job. It is frightening that she is taken serious by anyone.
Warren is the modern thinker who is aware of real world events and realities. It comes from profuse reading and researching all the topics that come before her. It comes from having a scholarly mindset and a willingness to learn. On the other hand, you have a lazy girl who watches TV and listens to talk radio and is happy with knee jerk reactions to just about everything. And now, it appears some drugs are being mixed into the equation.
Being funny is hard when you dont have a bunch a fan boys acting as your laugh generator.

Still rooks you the hot women are Republicans, doesn't it?

Are you serious? You think only Republican women are hot? You obviously don't get out much.

I think the Democrats who attack Republican women with extra venom because they want to send a message to other women what will happen to them deserve to have their chain yanked.
with everything happening in the middle east, Obama dropping bombs on another country, what that make three or four now?

but their most important thing for the loons is what Palin says to what the dingbat Warren spewed

now where's the new person who accused Republicans of being Emotional?

look at any Palin thread and then go check out the rodeo clown thread, that was a REAL emotional hoot
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Palin is so out of touch and stubborn to becoming educated that she makes stupid comments like the one in the OP, not willing to understand that Warren is the smart one. You see, Warren understands that fast food workers are stuck in those jobs for the long term. They are no longer high school kids and people starting out. They haven't been for over a decade. More like a decade and a half. The fast food workers are the people who would have had factory and manufacturing jobs before the jobs got sent to China and overseas long ago. Palin and her followers don't get it. They still live in the delusional world of yesteryear. Sarah Palin, in 2014, still believes fast food workers are kids in or just out of high school starting out at their first job. It is frightening that she is taken serious by anyone.
Warren is the modern thinker who is aware of real world events and realities. It comes from profuse reading and researching all the topics that come before her. It comes from having a scholarly mindset and a willingness to learn. On the other hand, you have a lazy girl who watches TV and listens to talk radio and is happy with knee jerk reactions to just about everything. And now, it appears some drugs are being mixed into the equation.

Pull the other
I think this dumb minimum-wage nonsense is just a scam to stop people from eating fast food, because if they get what they want we won't be able to afford it anymore.

No, it is much deeper. It is about big profitable business having their work force subsidized by government tax dollars. It is about ignoring capitalist free market concepts and rules and replacing them with pro corporatist concepts and writing new rules for how American capitalism works. The government is funding private business. Your tax dollars have to help out the owners of these fast food businesses while the owners make obscene profits.
omg, you just want to puke at the snobs who are in the Democrat party

Palin is uneducated and warren is smart

warren is a liar, and Palin is like everyday Joe sixpack who doesn't feel the need to act like something she isn't, like Obama, Warren, Hillary, etc etc

You people think someone has to be a snob who talks above everyone with silly lines like, their going to stop seas from rising...that you eat up as intelligence...oh that cracks me up and shows who the real ignorant ones are
Palin is so out of touch and stubborn to becoming educated that she makes stupid comments like the one in the OP, not willing to understand that Warren is the smart one. You see, Warren understands that fast food workers are stuck in those jobs for the long term. They are no longer high school kids and people starting out. They haven't been for over a decade. More like a decade and a half. The fast food workers are the people who would have had factory and manufacturing jobs before the jobs got sent to China and overseas long ago. Palin and her followers don't get it. They still live in the delusional world of yesteryear. Sarah Palin, in 2014, still believes fast food workers are kids in or just out of high school starting out at their first job. It is frightening that she is taken serious by anyone.
Warren is the modern thinker who is aware of real world events and realities. It comes from profuse reading and researching all the topics that come before her. It comes from having a scholarly mindset and a willingness to learn. On the other hand, you have a lazy girl who watches TV and listens to talk radio and is happy with knee jerk reactions to just about everything. And now, it appears some drugs are being mixed into the equation.

There are 30 million low wage workers who qualify for federal aid.

Palin and conservatives act like there are 30 million better paying jobs out there waiting for them. When informed there are not, they blame those 30 million workers for being lazy
Palin is so out of touch and stubborn to becoming educated that she makes stupid comments like the one in the OP, not willing to understand that Warren is the smart one. You see, Warren understands that fast food workers are stuck in those jobs for the long term. They are no longer high school kids and people starting out. They haven't been for over a decade. More like a decade and a half. The fast food workers are the people who would have had factory and manufacturing jobs before the jobs got sent to China and overseas long ago. Palin and her followers don't get it. They still live in the delusional world of yesteryear. Sarah Palin, in 2014, still believes fast food workers are kids in or just out of high school starting out at their first job. It is frightening that she is taken serious by anyone.
Warren is the modern thinker who is aware of real world events and realities. It comes from profuse reading and researching all the topics that come before her. It comes from having a scholarly mindset and a willingness to learn. On the other hand, you have a lazy girl who watches TV and listens to talk radio and is happy with knee jerk reactions to just about everything. And now, it appears some drugs are being mixed into the equation.

There are 30 million low wage workers who qualify for federal aid.

Palin and conservatives act like there are 30 million better paying jobs out there waiting for them. When informed there are not, they blame those 30 million workers for being lazy

When my job did not pay enough to make ends meet, I GOT A SECOND JOB. I worked my ass off for years to reach the comfortable retirement that I enjoy today. I never asked for, or received, any government handouts.

No one is blaming them for being poor, but many are poor due to laziness or lack of motivation.

The truly needy should receive our help. The rest should fend for themselves.
She does seem to have trouble keeping focused. Maybe she should write "purgatory"on her hand

Must be.

Not like journalists are out to get her or anything. You know, publishing sound-bites they feel makes her look foolish.

I wish they'd do the same with every politician.

That would be a hoot.

I don't know if it is an indication that she is on medications or just what Sarah Palin is like without a prepared statement

Either way it is an embarassment

Why are you lefties obsessed with Palin? She holds no office, isn't running for anything, and represents no one but herself.

But I'm sure she thanks you, you idiots have made her a multimillionaire.
[ame=]Obama Without His Teleprompter! You ALL Must Watch This!!! - YouTube[/ame]
omg, you just want to puke at the snobs who are in the Democrat party

Palin is uneducated and warren is smart

warren is a liar, and Palin is like everyday Joe sixpack who doesn't feel the need to act like something she isn't, like Obama, Warren, Hillary, etc etc

You people think someone has to be a snob who talks above everyone with silly lines like, their going to stop seas from rising...that you eat up as intelligence...oh that cracks me up and shows who the real ignorant ones are

For someone accusing others of being ignorant, criticizing a politician for lying makes you the ignorant one. While it may be true everyone lies, politicians are actually defined by it. If your only criticism for Warren is she lies I think you have nothing on her in fact and are just being a partisan fangirl.

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