Is Sarah Drunk? (Pailin's Response to Warren)

She's sounds and acts like a damn schizophrenic.

Besides, she opposes abortion - and that is an unforgivable sin to you little Goebbels of the left...

I oppose abortion. I'd prefer that it is never performed. But that would require that nutters like you pony up for:

Sex education.
Affordable and accessible birth control.
Outstanding adoption services.

You want to reduce the number of abortions? Start treating your fellow Americans with a little respect.
True, it's because liberal men are sexist pigs who don't allow women to think for themselves and liberal women are willing to self victimize yourself for the cause of socialism.

:lol: Absolutely! Totally nailed it. :lol:

You're a liberal before you're a woman as Palin shows. You're OK with liberal men, you are not OK with non-liberal women. Without the right to think for themselves, you're not supporting the right of women. You're a knuckle dragger just like Archie Bunker.

Yup, nailed it again! :lol:
I oppose abortion.


And the whopper of the year award goes to..

You are one of the most radical abortion promoters on this site.

I'd prefer that it is never performed. But that would require that nutters like you pony up for:

Sex education.
Affordable and accessible birth control.
Outstanding adoption services.

Ah lying, of course, you are a Khmer Rouge sociopath..

So, the United States has no sex education, huh?

{Most adolescents in the United States receive some form of sex education at school at least once between grades 7 and 12; many schools begin addressing some topics as early as grades 4 or 5.[1] Academic and other proponents of the National Sexuality Education Standards advocate that by the end of the fifth grade, students should be able to "Define sexual orientation as the romantic attraction of an individual to someone of the same gender or a different gender."[2] However, what students learn varies widely, because curriculum decisions are so decentralized. Many states have laws governing what is taught in sex education classes or allowing parents to opt out. Some state laws leave curriculum decisions to individual school districts.[3]}

Sex education in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oops, guess you were lying.

Hey, you're a democrat - it's what you do.

Affordable birth control;

Let me google that for you

Oops, looks like you were lying again..

"Outstanding Adoption" is impossible to define; however.

Latest Adoption Cost and Wait Time Data | Adoption Information from Adoptive Families Magazine: Domestic, International, Foster and Embryo Adoption Resources

Let's give you an honorary Pinocchio for your valid attempt...

You want to reduce the number of abortions? Start treating your fellow Americans with a little respect.

Why? You openly lie about what is already done.
She's sounds and acts like a damn schizophrenic.

Besides, she opposes abortion - and that is an unforgivable sin to you little Goebbels of the left...

I oppose abortion. I'd prefer that it is never performed. But that would require that nutters like you pony up for:

Sex education.
Affordable and accessible birth control.
Outstanding adoption services.

You want to reduce the number of abortions? Start treating your fellow Americans with a little respect.

Everyone opposes abortion, save those who seek to have it 'banned.'
you must be really old if you think Palin is hot ... stay out of the barn.

I'm really old and think she is "so so."

BUT she is a good speaker, has the right position on a host of issues, and causes you leftists to void your bowels every time she says something.

So for THAT, i love her...

She's a good speaker?

I love me some USMB nutters.
She's a good speaker?

I love me some USMB nutters.

I realize that she doesn't stand chanting "OHHH BAAAAHHHHH BAAAAAHHHH MAAAAHHHH" as you are used to from party speakers, but yeah, she is a good speaker, for those with IQ's above room temperature...

All I really wish that some people have a " Come to Jeebus" moment before they take their last breath. If my wish comes will be so incredibly embarrassed that you'll wish you died in early 2008.
It is hard to tell if she is high, because she doesn't make any sense when she is sober, either, but I do think that a reservation at Betty Ford is in order.
Palin's hot. She's hot, but unintelligent. Apparently she's not easily coached, either.

unintelligent. because she speaks on the level of the people in the country? instead of over them with gibberish nonsense?

nobody in the REAL world of joe sixpack would go around saying , I will stop the seas rising and heal the planet..

The republican party needs the loons to get the loon vote. Palin, perry, neal horsley, remember the republican candidate that had sex with farm animals? Here's a clip of neal

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