Is Sarah Drunk? (Pailin's Response to Warren)

Don't show me a liberal edited clip...let's see the whole thing...

People pay ten bucks for that? :eek:

Some here think good looks* are the crtiteria for governing:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: They never read the Federalist Papers because John Jay was ugly.

*Actually makeup and hair, mostly. I am not going to look for the photos of "hot" Democrats, the Pubbies do that nonsense. "Gee I want a really HOT guy for President":cuckoo:
Again, you're right. Palin is out there advocating in what she believes.....

...herself and making as much money as possible. And you drooling inbreds lap it up.

Oh yeah. The left never raises money or gets wealthy in politics. Are you in high school?

What office is she running for? What has she run for in the last 6 years? Nothing, yet you in-breds will still drool over her everytime she makes an appearance and literally says nothing. But thats ok, because......BOOOBS!

Don't be ashamed, you've all made it clear that's all that matters for you when it comes to women in the public eye. "How hot is she?" Embrace the shallow asshole that you are.

LOL. Poor pitiful jealous thang. I love to see leftist trash froth and fritter. Thanks for the laugh.
I guess you were starting at her boobs and wondering why some mere woman dares to disagree with you rather than listening to the biggest boob in the Senate, Joe Biden

So thats a yes, you did miss their debate. Got it.

Playground retorts are always so effective. Palin is out there advocating what she believes, Biden is gagged by the White House media handlers. And for good reason.

My favorite was how the Taliban forced him down in Afghanistan. Actually, it was snow...

Here is Biden being Biden...

"On April 3, 1987, at a campaign stop in Claremont, New Hampshire, a voter named Frank innocently asked Biden what law school he attended and how he performed there. “I think I have a much higher IQ than you do,” Biden, who went to Syracuse University College of Law, answered. “I went to law school on a full academic scholarship.” He told the astonished man that while he admittedly did not do well his first year because he didn’t want to be in law school, he did much better his second and third years and “ended up in the top half” of his class. I won the international moot-court competition.”

Without being asked, Biden then boasted about his performance in college (at the University of Delaware), telling Frank that he had been named the “outstanding student in the political-science department. . . I graduated with three degrees from college . . . And I’d be delighted to sit back and compare my IQ to yours if you’d like, Frank.”

There were a number of lies in this outburst and it was not long before they too were enumerated:

–Biden got in trouble in 1965, during his first year in law school. He wrote a paper in which he lifted five pages verbatim from the Fordham Law Review. He was given an “F” in the course. He managed to avoid being bounced from law school, retook the course and earned a “B.” (He had to repeat two other law school courses, although not for plagiarizing.)

– He claimed that he was “the only one in my class to have a full academic scholarship.” He didn’t. He did have a half scholarship that was need based.

–He did not graduate from law school in the top half of his class. He graduated 76th out of 85—and he was near the bottom of his class all three years.

–If he won the moot court competition—and he claimed at the time that he actually did–he did not put it on his resume, surprising for a man prone to so egregiously exaggerating his accomplishments.

–He did not win the award for being the outstanding student in the political science department at Delaware, and he graduated with one degree, not three. He had a “C” average and graduated 506th in a class of 688."
Chicago Daily Observer » Blog Archive » Joe Biden is definitely a character?but does he have character?

Compare this to Governor Palin????
Again, you're right. Palin is out there advocating in what she believes.....

...herself and making as much money as possible. And you drooling inbreds lap it up.

You're stupid so I'll address your point and you won't get it. I am talking about your overt sexist hypocrisy and the pathetic self victimization of liberal women. I have not advocated Palin nor anything she says. All I have advocated is her right to say it. Your endless ad hominem attacks rather than being able to address anything she says shows the void in your sexist pants.

Address what she said? Did you listen to that video? She didn't say anything. Yes, words came out of her mouth, but they didn't make an ounce of sense.

A politician who didn't make an articulate point, LOL. Wow, you found something here. Dude, that happens all the time. Yet the one who gets thread after thread on it is a non-liberal woman.

And THAT is the point. You don't care that she is a babbling fool, because as you said "Still rooks you the hot women are Republicans, doesn't it?"

You only care about looks, not what she said. You said it yourself.

Strawman, I didn't say that
You're stupid so I'll address your point and you won't get it. I am talking about your overt sexist hypocrisy and the pathetic self victimization of liberal women. I have not advocated Palin nor anything she says. All I have advocated is her right to say it. Your endless ad hominem attacks rather than being able to address anything she says shows the void in your sexist pants.

I haven't seen the video, I block them here.

I assume this is just typical Khmer Rouge demagoguery and that Palin was articulate and witty as usual?

After all, Palin could define cold fusion and the Khmer Rouge democrats here would bleat "shee sew stew pit" in unison.

Anyone have a link to a transcript, so I can tear these little Goebbels apart?
Which one? They're all liars. They wouldn't be in politics if they told the truth.

That's what the leftist propaganda book says. No, they are not all liars. If they were, you wouldn't have to say it. What has Palin lied about?

You're dumber than I even imagined if you think that there is a prominent politician who hasn't lied.

Maybe they have an inherent flaw; all are human, and err.
So thats a yes, you did miss their debate. Got it.

Playground retorts are always so effective. Palin is out there advocating what she believes, Biden is gagged by the White House media handlers. And for good reason.

My favorite was how the Taliban forced him down in Afghanistan. Actually, it was snow...

Here is Biden being Biden...

"On April 3, 1987, at a campaign stop in Claremont, New Hampshire, a voter named Frank innocently asked Biden what law school he attended and how he performed there. “I think I have a much higher IQ than you do,” Biden, who went to Syracuse University College of Law, answered. “I went to law school on a full academic scholarship.” He told the astonished man that while he admittedly did not do well his first year because he didn’t want to be in law school, he did much better his second and third years and “ended up in the top half” of his class. I won the international moot-court competition.”

Without being asked, Biden then boasted about his performance in college (at the University of Delaware), telling Frank that he had been named the “outstanding student in the political-science department. . . I graduated with three degrees from college . . . And I’d be delighted to sit back and compare my IQ to yours if you’d like, Frank.”

There were a number of lies in this outburst and it was not long before they too were enumerated:

–Biden got in trouble in 1965, during his first year in law school. He wrote a paper in which he lifted five pages verbatim from the Fordham Law Review. He was given an “F” in the course. He managed to avoid being bounced from law school, retook the course and earned a “B.” (He had to repeat two other law school courses, although not for plagiarizing.)

– He claimed that he was “the only one in my class to have a full academic scholarship.” He didn’t. He did have a half scholarship that was need based.

–He did not graduate from law school in the top half of his class. He graduated 76th out of 85—and he was near the bottom of his class all three years.

–If he won the moot court competition—and he claimed at the time that he actually did–he did not put it on his resume, surprising for a man prone to so egregiously exaggerating his accomplishments.

–He did not win the award for being the outstanding student in the political science department at Delaware, and he graduated with one degree, not three. He had a “C” average and graduated 506th in a class of 688."
Chicago Daily Observer » Blog Archive » Joe Biden is definitely a character?but does he have character?

Compare this to Governor Palin????

That's why the left have to keep quoting Tina Fey as if Palin had actually said those things, they don't have enough actual quotes. Another great post, politicalchic.
Oh yeah. The left never raises money or gets wealthy in politics. Are you in high school?

What office is she running for? What has she run for in the last 6 years? Nothing, yet you in-breds will still drool over her everytime she makes an appearance and literally says nothing. But thats ok, because......BOOOBS!

Don't be ashamed, you've all made it clear that's all that matters for you when it comes to women in the public eye. "How hot is she?" Embrace the shallow asshole that you are.

LOL. Poor pitiful jealous thang. I love to see leftist trash froth and fritter. Thanks for the laugh.

You probably shouldn't have even bothered responding. Or better yet, just posted an image of a white flag. Same thing.
You're stupid so I'll address your point and you won't get it. I am talking about your overt sexist hypocrisy and the pathetic self victimization of liberal women. I have not advocated Palin nor anything she says. All I have advocated is her right to say it. Your endless ad hominem attacks rather than being able to address anything she says shows the void in your sexist pants.

Address what she said? Did you listen to that video? She didn't say anything. Yes, words came out of her mouth, but they didn't make an ounce of sense.

A politician who didn't make an articulate point, LOL. Wow, you found something here. Dude, that happens all the time. Yet the one who gets thread after thread on it is a non-liberal woman.

And THAT is the point. You don't care that she is a babbling fool, because as you said "Still rooks you the hot women are Republicans, doesn't it?"

You only care about looks, not what she said. You said it yourself.

Strawman, I didn't say that

The OP made no mention of her looks. Just the substance (or lack thereof) of what she said, yet you felt the need to ignore what she said and comment on her looks. Why is that?

Because you don't give a shit about substance and only base your opinions based upon appearance. Just like I said. You're as transparent as can possibly be.
Biden is a plagiarist. That's a liar, in case you didn't know. Palin never lied to me.

You were too busy staring at how "hot" she is to notice.

Plus you're an idiot.

I see, so you don't notice when a woman is attractive, you only see her in the beauty of the words she chooses, which you measure in how much she agrees with you, because you're more evolved than the rest of us. You will eventually abandon your physical form entirely and exist as a spirit on the great plane of cosmic socialism.

Biden is a plagiarist. That's a liar, in case you didn't know. Palin never lied to me.

You were too busy staring at how "hot" she is to notice.

Plus you're an idiot.

I see, so you don't notice when a woman is attractive, you only see her in the beauty of the words she chooses, which you measure in how much she agrees with you, because you're more evolved than the rest of us. You will eventually abandon your physical form entirely and exist as a spirit on the great plane of cosmic socialism.


Good one.

Now put down the bottle.
The OP made no mention of her looks. Just the substance (or lack thereof) of what she said, yet you felt the need to ignore what she said and comment on her looks. Why is that?

I'm a heterosexual male. Which one of those are you not?

Because you don't give a shit about substance and only base your opinions based upon appearance. Just like I said. You're as transparent as can possibly be.

So my choices are that I either don't care about appearance or I only care about appearance. You sir, are an idiot. Please return to your village.

Now on the other hand, it's OK with you when liberals attack any woman who doesn't agree with them. Believing that women are equals is not something that can be only extended to those who think what you do. That isn't equal.
You were too busy staring at how "hot" she is to notice.

Plus you're an idiot.

I see, so you don't notice when a woman is attractive, you only see her in the beauty of the words she chooses, which you measure in how much she agrees with you, because you're more evolved than the rest of us. You will eventually abandon your physical form entirely and exist as a spirit on the great plane of cosmic socialism.


Good one.

Now put down the bottle.

Dry as a bone, you should see me when I do drink!
St Sarah putting on the goober to appeal to her base.

Right, liberals don't do that. If you left your party as I left mine, you would realize how truly stupid you look when you say things like that. Politicians are politicians. Seriously, you think it's only Republicans? Wow.
Which one? They're all liars. They wouldn't be in politics if they told the truth.

That's what the leftist propaganda book says. No, they are not all liars. If they were, you wouldn't have to say it. What has Palin lied about?

You're dumber than I even imagined if you think that there is a prominent politician who hasn't lied.

Does out-and-out stupid count?

"And last night, in an interview with “CBS Evening News,” Biden misspoke when he told anchor Katie Couric that today's leaders should take a lesson from the history books and follow former President Franklin D. Roosevelt's response to a previous national financial crisis.

Declared Biden: “When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed. He said, 'Look, here's what happened.'”

What's wrong with that, some might ask?
Well, for starters Republican Herbert Hoover was president when the stock market crashed in October 1929. Second, Roosevelt didn't take office until four years later. And, not to be picky, but there were also no televisions in use at the time. Radio was Roosevelt's favored medium."

Democrats should never......never.....refer to anyone else as 'stupid.'

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