Is Sarah Drunk? (Pailin's Response to Warren)

This thread is smoking gun proof that Conservatives don't give a shit about substance or message.

"Oooooh, look, girl pretty......uuuuuuhhhh" </drool>

Your thoughts and viewpoints have always been and will continue to be based purely skin deep, nothing more.

Palin didn't plagiarize speeches like Biden did. Information is a powerful tool to combat ignorance.

LOL, BOOOBS! Must vote for Boooobs!

Please, you people are as shallow as a puddle.

So attractive women should shut up? I appreciate the demonstration of what sexists liberals are, and the chance to show seawytch isn't interested in objecting to you...
I guess you were starting at her boobs and wondering why some mere woman dares to disagree with you rather than listening to the biggest boob in the Senate, Joe Biden

So thats a yes, you did miss their debate. Got it.

Playground retorts are always so effective. Palin is out there advocating what she believes, Biden is gagged by the White House media handlers. And for good reason.

My favorite was how the Taliban forced him down in Afghanistan. Actually, it was snow...

Again, you're right. Palin is out there advocating in what she believes.....

...herself and making as much money as possible. And you drooling inbreds lap it up.
You shouldve left it at 40 sec....this is just 8 minutes of more stupid


You calling anyone stupid is laughable. Now stupid is anything said by Biden. You just have a stick up your ass that a woman dares to defy you. Women are OK with you, as long as they toe the line. You don't support the right of women to be people if you don't respect their right to disagree with you, and you don't. Neither does barefoot and pregnant Seawytch, she's right there with you in victimizing women.

You not having a defense is what is laughable. You can point to all the stupid people in the world and guess what? It doesnt make Pailin less stupid.

Maybe you want to try out the "look at her she's hot route" to gain some traction:lol:

I don't consider Palin to be a brainiac. She's above average. You and Biden are not. I'm mocking you for picking on someone who's clearly smarter than you on the point of her not being smart. What does that make you? LOL.
So thats a yes, you did miss their debate. Got it.

Playground retorts are always so effective. Palin is out there advocating what she believes, Biden is gagged by the White House media handlers. And for good reason.

My favorite was how the Taliban forced him down in Afghanistan. Actually, it was snow...

Again, you're right. Palin is out there advocating in what she believes.....

...herself and making as much money as possible. And you drooling inbreds lap it up.

Oh yeah. The left never raises money or gets wealthy in politics. Are you in high school?
Palin didn't plagiarize speeches like Biden did. Information is a powerful tool to combat ignorance.

LOL, BOOOBS! Must vote for Boooobs!

Please, you people are as shallow as a puddle.

So attractive women should shut up? I appreciate the demonstration of what sexists liberals are, and the chance to show seawytch isn't interested in objecting to you...

Yup, thats exactly what I said, "attractive women should shut up".

And you people wonder why no one takes your viewpoints seriously. Look at your reasoning ability. It's literally non-existent.
So thats a yes, you did miss their debate. Got it.

Playground retorts are always so effective. Palin is out there advocating what she believes, Biden is gagged by the White House media handlers. And for good reason.

My favorite was how the Taliban forced him down in Afghanistan. Actually, it was snow...

Again, you're right. Palin is out there advocating in what she believes.....

...herself and making as much money as possible. And you drooling inbreds lap it up.

You're stupid so I'll address your point and you won't get it. I am talking about your overt sexist hypocrisy and the pathetic self victimization of liberal women. I have not advocated Palin nor anything she says. All I have advocated is her right to say it. Your endless ad hominem attacks rather than being able to address anything she says shows the void in your sexist pants.
Palin's hot. She's hot, but unintelligent. Apparently she's not easily coached, either.

unintelligent. because she speaks on the level of the people in the country? instead of over them with gibberish nonsense?

nobody in the REAL world of joe sixpack would go around saying , I will stop the seas rising and heal the planet..

Well, the last poll showed that Palin has a 34% approval rating and a 58% disapproval rating. In Alaska, her home state Palin trials Clinton 44-41%.

I'd say that those polls clearly show Palin doesn't speak on the level of most Americans, otherwise those numbers would be reversed.
I don't consider Palin to be a brainiac. She's above average. You and Biden are not.

Palin and Biden are average at best. Obama may be above average. That doesn't make any of those three quality leaders. :cuckoo:
Playground retorts are always so effective. Palin is out there advocating what she believes, Biden is gagged by the White House media handlers. And for good reason.

My favorite was how the Taliban forced him down in Afghanistan. Actually, it was snow...

Again, you're right. Palin is out there advocating in what she believes.....

...herself and making as much money as possible. And you drooling inbreds lap it up.

Oh yeah. The left never raises money or gets wealthy in politics. Are you in high school?

What office is she running for? What has she run for in the last 6 years? Nothing, yet you in-breds will still drool over her everytime she makes an appearance and literally says nothing. But thats ok, because......BOOOBS!

Don't be ashamed, you've all made it clear that's all that matters for you when it comes to women in the public eye. "How hot is she?" Embrace the shallow asshole that you are.
Again, you're right. Palin is out there advocating in what she believes.....

...herself and making as much money as possible. And you drooling inbreds lap it up.

Oh yeah. The left never raises money or gets wealthy in politics. Are you in high school?

What office is she running for? What has she run for in the last 6 years? Nothing, yet you in-breds will still drool over her everytime she makes an appearance and literally says nothing. But thats ok, because......BOOOBS!

Don't be ashamed, you've all made it clear that's all that matters for you when it comes to women in the public eye. "How hot is she?" Embrace the shallow asshole that you are.

Just deflecting the dogs in your party...
Fast food workers - idiots/lazy/unproductive/looking for a handout.
Libberhoids - fast food workers.
Get the connection?
Playground retorts are always so effective. Palin is out there advocating what she believes, Biden is gagged by the White House media handlers. And for good reason.

My favorite was how the Taliban forced him down in Afghanistan. Actually, it was snow...

Again, you're right. Palin is out there advocating in what she believes.....

...herself and making as much money as possible. And you drooling inbreds lap it up.

You're stupid so I'll address your point and you won't get it. I am talking about your overt sexist hypocrisy and the pathetic self victimization of liberal women. I have not advocated Palin nor anything she says. All I have advocated is her right to say it. Your endless ad hominem attacks rather than being able to address anything she says shows the void in your sexist pants.

Address what she said? Did you listen to that video? She didn't say anything. Yes, words came out of her mouth, but they didn't make an ounce of sense.

And THAT is the point. You don't care that she is a babbling fool, because as you said "Still rooks you the hot women are Republicans, doesn't it?"

You only care about looks, not what she said. You said it yourself.

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