Is Sarah Drunk? (Pailin's Response to Warren)

Still rooks you the hot women are Republicans, doesn't it?

I would agree that the certified "message carriers" in the Conservative Entertainment Complex are hot. They are (after all) auditioned, screened, and supported. This really isn't new news.

I didn't say message carriers, so your quoting them is wrong. Learn how to write. As for your unsubstantiated BS claim, I'll wait until you have a more well formed argument to jump into it.

did you mean to write, "you're" instead of "your?"

Palin's Response to Elizabeth Warren?s Progressive Commandments - YouTube

Being funny is hard when you dont have a bunch a fan boys acting as your laugh generator.

Seriously...what is wrong with her?

she just seemed to lose herself. likely thought she could ad-lib something funny before getting to the standard talking points. she was wrong.

sorta reminded me of this girl
[ame=]Lauren Katlin - Miss South Carolina - Dumb/Stupid Blonde map - YouTube[/ame]
only there's hope that that teen became more eloquent. i have little hope for palin.
It's fascinating to watch useful idiots automatically support the lying fraud and then lie and spew hateful rhetoric at the one who is honest and a Patriot.
Palin's Response to Elizabeth Warren?s Progressive Commandments - YouTube

Being funny is hard when you dont have a bunch a fan boys acting as your laugh generator.

Seriously...what is wrong with her?

She's too good looking to be taken seriously by the left I suppose....

Leftists view women as property - property of the party.

They seethe with hatred at any uppity woman who DARES hold opinions that didn't spring from the vagina of a NOW abortion promoter...
Love how liberals get all got and bothered every time Palin speaks. I never listen to her, liberals hang on her every word.
Palin's Response to Elizabeth Warren?s Progressive Commandments - YouTube

Being funny is hard when you dont have a bunch a fan boys acting as your laugh generator.

This chaotically jumbled stream of consciousness type rambling with the occasional "liberal" or "left" or "Obama" thrown in is fairly typical for her. It reveals an underlying emptiness in her mind's general knowledge store. Most people at a loss for words in a pinch can at least come up with a few cliches to fill in the gaps. Her neural network seems to lack this basic functionality. The verbal collage she produces is rather like an abstract work of art, it's interpretation left up to the audience.
It's fascinating to watch useful idiots automatically support the lying fraud and then lie and spew hateful rhetoric at the one who is honest and a Patriot.

I laugh at these "Palin is sew stew pit" threads coming from Barack 57 States Fulffers

Remember when Libs tried to tell us they were "Intellectuals"


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