Is Sarah Drunk? (Pailin's Response to Warren)

Being funny is hard when you dont have a bunch a fan boys acting as your laugh generator.

Still rooks you the hot women are Republicans, doesn't it?

Are you serious? You think only Republican women are hot? You obviously don't get out much.
If a woman were hot, the only reason she would be a Dem is she were a star of sorts and wanted to appeal to dumbed down fan base.

As to opinions on Palin's intellect, I remember too well what a genius Obama was 7 years ago.
Palin's hot. She's hot, but unintelligent. Apparently she's not easily coached, either.

unintelligent. because she speaks on the level of the people in the country? instead of over them with gibberish nonsense?

nobody in the REAL world of joe sixpack would go around saying , I will stop the seas rising and heal the planet..

Do you realise how sad your statement is?

No...probably not...

I assume by 'gibberish nonsense' you mean 'intelligible English'.
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Intervention is needed. It will not happen. She has become a celebrity cash cow diva. To many people depend on her for income she generates. They, like her fans will stay in denial as her addiction to some kind of prescription medication, perhaps mixed with booze becomes more pronounced and harmful.
Is Sarah Drunk?

Sarah is ignorant, and revels in that ignorance.

As a consequence she represents her followers well.

well since you're the judge and jury of everyone who is ignorant
we expect this ignorant response.... so bravo you didn't get off that one trick pony
giddy up

now I suppose you're going to gush all over Warren and how hot and smart she is?
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You liberals are like cats with your claws out all the time when comes to women

it's ugly degrading and doesn't shine bright


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She's too good looking to be taken seriously by the left I suppose.... the's all about looks.

That must be why the left always makes fun of the way conservatives look or act.

McCain - Old Crippled Bald
Bush - Chimp
Reagan - Old
Dole - Old Crippled
Boehner - Orange
Rush - Fat Bald

don't forget Christy. they had a field day with his weight
they're just shallow people in my book
She does seem to have trouble keeping focused. Maybe she should write "purgatory"on her hand
She had to nerve to run for higher office against Hillary and Obama so she had to be DESTROYED

too bad for them she has more grit in her little finger than any of you, Hillary and Obama and didn't allow you people to shut her up

but, she makes you look like fools 24/7..for that I say, go Sarah

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