Is Sarah Drunk? (Pailin's Response to Warren)

Palin is so out of touch and stubborn to becoming educated that she makes stupid comments like the one in the OP, not willing to understand that Warren is the smart one. You see, Warren understands that fast food workers are stuck in those jobs for the long term. They are no longer high school kids and people starting out. They haven't been for over a decade. More like a decade and a half. The fast food workers are the people who would have had factory and manufacturing jobs before the jobs got sent to China and overseas long ago. Palin and her followers don't get it. They still live in the delusional world of yesteryear. Sarah Palin, in 2014, still believes fast food workers are kids in or just out of high school starting out at their first job. It is frightening that she is taken serious by anyone.
Warren is the modern thinker who is aware of real world events and realities. It comes from profuse reading and researching all the topics that come before her. It comes from having a scholarly mindset and a willingness to learn. On the other hand, you have a lazy girl who watches TV and listens to talk radio and is happy with knee jerk reactions to just about everything. And now, it appears some drugs are being mixed into the equation.

There are 30 million low wage workers who qualify for federal aid.

Palin and conservatives act like there are 30 million better paying jobs out there waiting for them. When informed there are not, they blame those 30 million workers for being lazy

When my job did not pay enough to make ends meet, I GOT A SECOND JOB. I worked my ass off for years to reach the comfortable retirement that I enjoy today. I never asked for, or received, any government handouts.

No one is blaming them for being poor, but many are poor due to laziness or lack of motivation.

The truly needy should receive our help. The rest should fend for themselves.

Sounds good

Can you point to the statistics showing there are 30 million "second jobs" waiting to be filled?
There are 30 million low wage workers who qualify for federal aid.

Palin and conservatives act like there are 30 million better paying jobs out there waiting for them. When informed there are not, they blame those 30 million workers for being lazy

When my job did not pay enough to make ends meet, I GOT A SECOND JOB. I worked my ass off for years to reach the comfortable retirement that I enjoy today. I never asked for, or received, any government handouts.

No one is blaming them for being poor, but many are poor due to laziness or lack of motivation.

The truly needy should receive our help. The rest should fend for themselves.

Sounds good

Can you point to the statistics showing there are 30 million "second jobs" waiting to be filled?

can you prove that they aren't? Every fast food outlet around here has help wanted signs in their windows. So do Walmart and Sams. Landscapers are always looking for workers. Anyone who claims they cannot find a second job is either lying or not looking.

But I get it, its easier to sit on your ass sipping a bud light than to work up a sweat cutting someone else's grass.
When my job did not pay enough to make ends meet, I GOT A SECOND JOB. I worked my ass off for years to reach the comfortable retirement that I enjoy today. I never asked for, or received, any government handouts.

No one is blaming them for being poor, but many are poor due to laziness or lack of motivation.

The truly needy should receive our help. The rest should fend for themselves.

Sounds good

Can you point to the statistics showing there are 30 million "second jobs" waiting to be filled?

can you prove that they aren't? Every fast food outlet around here has help wanted signs in their windows. So do Walmart and Sams. Landscapers are always looking for workers. Anyone who claims they cannot find a second job is either lying or not looking.

But I get it, its easier to sit on your ass sipping a bud light than to work up a sweat cutting someone else's grass.

Looks like you are around 25 million jobs short
Sounds good

Can you point to the statistics showing there are 30 million "second jobs" waiting to be filled?

can you prove that they aren't? Every fast food outlet around here has help wanted signs in their windows. So do Walmart and Sams. Landscapers are always looking for workers. Anyone who claims they cannot find a second job is either lying or not looking.

But I get it, its easier to sit on your ass sipping a bud light than to work up a sweat cutting someone else's grass.

Looks like you are around 25 million jobs short

so------------less than 1% of the population works in low paying jobs. Explain how that is a problem and why the govt is obligated to GIVE them money.
can you prove that they aren't? Every fast food outlet around here has help wanted signs in their windows. So do Walmart and Sams. Landscapers are always looking for workers. Anyone who claims they cannot find a second job is either lying or not looking.

But I get it, its easier to sit on your ass sipping a bud light than to work up a sweat cutting someone else's grass.

Looks like you are around 25 million jobs short

so------------less than 1% of the population works in low paying jobs. Explain how that is a problem and why the govt is obligated to GIVE them money.

I provided a link

Can you?
here's the Socialist/commie spewing her idiot commandments to her FOLD as they are now called, why not just SHEEP? that's what they


Elizabeth Warren's 11 Commandments of Progressivism
By Emma Roller

July 18, 2014 Watch Elizabeth Warren give a speech to her fold, and you realize she's one of the rare Democrats who can excite her base in the same way Ted Cruz or Dr. Ben Carson can excite their own. As Politico's Katie Glueck wrote on Friday, liberals' minds may be with Hillary Clinton, but their hearts lie with Warren.

Speaking on Friday at Netroots Nation, a convention for liberal bloggers and activists, Warren got the crowd more fired up than Vice President Joe Biden was able to do the day before. (To be fair, the crowd was in a solemn mood at the time in reaction to the news of the Malaysian passenger plane crash. :rolleyes:). In her speech, Warren outlined more clearly than other Democrats the social issues that galvanize progressives. Her performance was reminiscent of a certain other young senator in 2008.

"What are our values?" Warren asked the audience, some of whom held up "Run Liz Run" signs. "What does it mean to be a progressive?"

She went on to outline 11 tenets of progressivism:

- "We believe that Wall Street needs stronger rules and tougher enforcement, and we're willing to fight for it."

- "We believe in science, and that means that we have a responsibility to protect this Earth."

- "We believe that the Internet shouldn't be rigged to benefit big corporations, and that means real net neutrality."

- "We believe that no one should work full-time and still live in poverty, and that means raising the minimum wage."

- "We believe that fast-food workers deserve a livable wage, and that means that when they take to the picket line, we are proud to fight alongside them."

- "We believe that students are entitled to get an education without being crushed by debt."

- "We believe that after a lifetime of work, people are entitled to retire with dignity, and that means protecting Social Security, Medicare, and pensions."

- "We believe—I can't believe I have to say this in 2014—we believe in equal pay for equal work."

- "We believe that equal means equal, and that's true in marriage, it's true in the workplace, it's true in all of America."

- "We believe that immigration has made this country strong and vibrant, and that means reform."

- "And we believe that corporations are not people, that women have a right to their bodies. We will overturn Hobby Lobby and we will fight for it. We will fight for it!"

And the main tenet of conservatives' philosophy, according to Warren? "I got mine. The rest of you are on your own. (oooo, and she and the Democrats has their millions and billions and they hang onto it, so I guess you could say the same stupid line about them...I GOT MINE. but what don't say is THEY plan on using your tax monies for all THEIR bright idea pet projects of giving money away for doing nothing, LIKE extending unemployment benefits for 2 years because that just isn't enough time for you to find a job, and for all the nonsense she spewed) dingbat

Elizabeth Warren's 11 Commandments of Progressivism -
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Palins whole schtick, her gimmick, is to hurl crude insults at anyone who disagrees with her. Her audience is comprised of a small minority niche of insecure people who need to feel smarter or better than others. Palin fulfills this roll. She convinces to dopey that the woman who got through life as a college professor teaching bankruptcy law at places like Harvard isn't really smart. Instead they think the one who barely got through her many colleges to earn a single degree and got through life on her looks and knees is somehow a very" smarterer" person than that Harvard Law Professor lady.
omg, you just want to puke at the snobs who are in the Democrat party

Palin is uneducated and warren is smart

warren is a liar, and Palin is like everyday Joe sixpack who doesn't feel the need to act like something she isn't, like Obama, Warren, Hillary, etc etc

You people think someone has to be a snob who talks above everyone with silly lines like, their going to stop seas from rising...that you eat up as intelligence...oh that cracks me up and shows who the real ignorant ones are

For someone accusing others of being ignorant, criticizing a politician for lying makes you the ignorant one. While it may be true everyone lies, politicians are actually defined by it. If your only criticism for Warren is she lies I think you have nothing on her in fact and are just being a partisan fangirl.

Catching them in a lie should matter, which is why Democrats continue to lie. They know you don't care if they lie.

It's harder to be in the GOP than it is to be a Democrat. Get caught lying and you're liable to lose your job, but with the left it's an asset....because liberals don't demand the same standards. That's why they spend so much time trying to expose Republicans as hypocrites.
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omg, you just want to puke at the snobs who are in the Democrat party

Palin is uneducated and warren is smart

warren is a liar, and Palin is like everyday Joe sixpack who doesn't feel the need to act like something she isn't, like Obama, Warren, Hillary, etc etc

You people think someone has to be a snob who talks above everyone with silly lines like, their going to stop seas from rising...that you eat up as intelligence...oh that cracks me up and shows who the real ignorant ones are

For someone accusing others of being ignorant, criticizing a politician for lying makes you the ignorant one. While it may be true everyone lies, politicians are actually defined by it. If your only criticism for Warren is she lies I think you have nothing on her in fact and are just being a partisan fangirl.

ok, so it's fine with you they lie, got it
so all that just for that?
Palins whole schtick, her gimmick, is to hurl crude insults at anyone who disagrees with her. Her audience is comprised of a small minority niche of insecure people who need to feel smarter or better than others. Palin fulfills this roll. She convinces to dopey that the woman who got through life as a college professor teaching bankruptcy law at places like Harvard isn't really smart. Instead they think the one who barely got through her many colleges to earn a single degree and got through life on her looks and knees is somehow a very" smarterer" person than that Harvard Law Professor lady.

Mean girl syndrome
Palins whole schtick, her gimmick, is to hurl crude insults at anyone who disagrees with her. Her audience is comprised of a small minority niche of insecure people who need to feel smarter or better than others. Palin fulfills this roll. She convinces to dopey that the woman who got through life as a college professor teaching bankruptcy law at places like Harvard isn't really smart. Instead they think the one who barely got through her many colleges to earn a single degree and got through life on her looks and knees is somehow a very" smarterer" person than that Harvard Law Professor lady.

Yet Bush went to Harvard..... and he's a dope.

The last person I would want as president is a Harvard liberal that believes in pitting the masses against each other. This is someone who doesn't solve problems. They cause them.
She would be better suited to head the Consumer Protection Agency.

If you want to assure a failed presidency put one of these ideological eggheads in there. I can assure you it will be a disaster.
Palins whole schtick, her gimmick, is to hurl crude insults at anyone who disagrees with her. Her audience is comprised of a small minority niche of insecure people who need to feel smarter or better than others. Palin fulfills this roll. She convinces to dopey that the woman who got through life as a college professor teaching bankruptcy law at places like Harvard isn't really smart. Instead they think the one who barely got through her many colleges to earn a single degree and got through life on her looks and knees is somehow a very" smarterer" person than that Harvard Law Professor lady.

Yet Bush went to Harvard..... and he's a dope.

The last person I would want as president is a Harvard liberal that believes in pitting the masses against each other. This is someone who doesn't solve problems. They cause them.

Warren will never be President. She is a scholarly person and IMO that is a requirement for a person to be Presidential, but she lacks other essential requirements. W was the only President in living memory that didn't have scholarly abilities. He was dependent on the people around him to keep him informed. Presidents have to be able to inform themselves on issues on a certain level to know when their staff is attempting to trick them or steer them into troublesome agendas.
She would be better suited to head the Consumer Protection Agency.

If you want to assure a failed presidency put one of these ideological eggheads in there. I can assure you it will be a disaster.

Warren will replace Ruth Bader Ginsberg on the Supreme Court before Obama leaves office
Palins whole schtick, her gimmick, is to hurl crude insults at anyone who disagrees with her. Her audience is comprised of a small minority niche of insecure people who need to feel smarter or better than others. Palin fulfills this roll. She convinces to dopey that the woman who got through life as a college professor teaching bankruptcy law at places like Harvard isn't really smart. Instead they think the one who barely got through her many colleges to earn a single degree and got through life on her looks and knees is somehow a very" smarterer" person than that Harvard Law Professor lady.

Yet Bush went to Harvard..... and he's a dope.

The last person I would want as president is a Harvard liberal that believes in pitting the masses against each other. This is someone who doesn't solve problems. They cause them.

Warren will never be President. She is a scholarly person and IMO that is a requirement for a person to be Presidential, but she lacks other essential requirements. W was the only President in living memory that didn't have scholarly abilities. He was dependent on the people around him to keep him informed. Presidents have to be able to inform themselves on issues on a certain level to know when their staff is attempting to trick them or steer them into troublesome agendas.

Compared to Obama the Bush Administration worked like a well oiled machine. Obama never seems to know what's going on. I think Bush did remarkably well considering the fact he was under attack from the media 24/7 from day one. What did they have on him? Where are those silly WMDs. Before that he supposedly stole the election. Well thank God we didn't end up with that asshole Gore.
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Palin's Response to Elizabeth Warren?s Progressive Commandments - YouTube

Being funny is hard when you dont have a bunch a fan boys acting as your laugh generator.


Palin will always attract the Ozombies.

What they fail to realize is that for some, any publicity is good publicity.

For example, who can tell me the name of Al Gore's 2004 VP running mate ..........


Whoever it was, never made the impression that Palin has made on the Political scene.


Ok I googled "Joe Lieberman."

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She would be better suited to head the Consumer Protection Agency.

If you want to assure a failed presidency put one of these ideological eggheads in there. I can assure you it will be a disaster.

Warren will replace Ruth Bader Ginsberg on the Supreme Court before Obama leaves office

She has no integrity....... which is why that stuttering clusterfuck might pick her.

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