Is Sarah Drunk? (Pailin's Response to Warren)

Well, of course I do.

You backed and promoted the biggest disaster in history. obama defines "clusterfuck."

He's done a good job given the hand he was dealt and the other players sitting at the table.

Are you on drugs? He's done a shitty job regardless of excuses. Obama is a foreign policy nightmare. Chamberlain was a more decisive leader.

You do understand that not backing Obama in 2008 would have helped the subject of this thread to be America's #2. Given can anyone who voted for Obama in that election ever feel even a tinge of embarrassment?

How could anyone not? Even if Palin were on top of the ticket she would be light years ahead of this moron that is fucking the nation under.

Further, Obama picked BIDEN, so again there is no opportunity to talk about #2. The only rational reason to pick Biden was as insurance against assassination- Biden is that bad.

You said that Sarah Palin is a good speaker. You actually said that.

A whale of a lot better than the stuttering clusterfuck.

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A person just said that Sarah Palin is a more effective speaker than Barack Obama.

Should anything this person ever says be taken seriously?


Palin did energize the segment of the gop that became known as the TPM. However, the McCain Obama election energized a lot of people. And, we now know that Palin, and the extreme right of the gop, actually energizes the dem, and may actually push some indeps away.

The OP is evidence of that. Palen's schitick is to be polarizing. That's all she knows. Obama doesn't necessarily mean to be polarizing, but I think its safe to say he hasn't really reached out with comments like "Elections have consequences, Eric."
Besides, she opposes abortion - and that is an unforgivable sin to you little Goebbels of the left...

I oppose abortion. I'd prefer that it is never performed. But that would require that nutters like you pony up for:

Sex education.
Affordable and accessible birth control.
Outstanding adoption services.

You want to reduce the number of abortions? Start treating your fellow Americans with a little respect.

Their objections to abortion have nothing to do with "life."

It's all about controlling women. Nothing else.

If it was about preventing abortions then they wouldn't work so hard to close planned parenthood clinics. They know that only 3% of planned parenthood's business is abortions. That 97% of it is to prevent abortions and provide medical services to those who can't afford it.

If the conservatives actually wanted to prevent abortions then they would make sure that contraceptives were available to everyone who wanted it and it would be free or nearly free. Yet the do the exact opposite.

If conservatives actually cared about life then they wouldn't do all they can to deny low income women access to food, health care and housing.

As you can see on this thread conservative men only see value in women who they think are pretty. All others are dismissed by them. So they believe that women are here for their enjoyment, pleasure and to serve men.

The last thing conservatives want is a strong and independent woman.

oh brother..You got the talking points down pat...a few baby killing offices closed and it's the END OF WORLD....AND anyone in this country is able to get food, (wic, food stamps, food banks at churches, etc) and health care (welfare medicare) also health clinic where you pay what you can or what you make in your paychecks- and housing (hud)..We PAY taxes to give those things to women so stop with the lies

you people should be able to CONTROL yourselves and not get pregnant if your NOT READY for a child. but then you can't blame everyone else for you all being, Irresponsible

It's Democrats like you who acts like all women are just helpless human beings the way you speak of them and the more they are dependent on government the better for the Democrat party for VOTES..gimmie gimmie gimmie..they all have blacks on their dependent plantation...bravo you the Democrat party actually hate all people..they just see you all as tools in their games
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Palins whole schtick, her gimmick, is to hurl crude insults at anyone who disagrees with her. Her audience is comprised of a small minority niche of insecure people who need to feel smarter or better than others. Palin fulfills this roll. She convinces to dopey that the woman who got through life as a college professor teaching bankruptcy law at places like Harvard isn't really smart. Instead they think the one who barely got through her many colleges to earn a single degree and got through life on her looks and knees is somehow a very" smarterer" person than that Harvard Law Professor lady.

She really scares you libs, doesn't she? If she is such a worthless boob, why are you guys constantly starting threads about her?
Palins whole schtick, her gimmick, is to hurl crude insults at anyone who disagrees with her. Her audience is comprised of a small minority niche of insecure people who need to feel smarter or better than others. Palin fulfills this roll. She convinces to dopey that the woman who got through life as a college professor teaching bankruptcy law at places like Harvard isn't really smart. Instead they think the one who barely got through her many colleges to earn a single degree and got through life on her looks and knees is somehow a very" smarterer" person than that Harvard Law Professor lady.

She really scares you libs, doesn't she? If she is such a worthless boob, why are you guys constantly starting threads about her?

Because she deserves it. She comes out and insults all kinds of people with hateful rhetoric that gets her base all excited. So she gets the same in return and her base goes whaaaa whaaa whaaaa why are you picking on Sarah. That makes it funny and entertaining. Anyone who tells one group of Americans they are not worthy of being considered her definition of "real Americans" or "true Americans" deserved to get slapped around as much as possible. If she and her supporters don't want to be viewed as dumb azz's and hateful low class trash she should shut the cluck up and her supporters should be happy with their well earned persona until she does.
I didn't start the thread boner brain.
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Sarah's deterioration is starting to take on a sad hue. Nevertheless, I confess that I am guilty of secretly enjoying it. I know that I should not feel this way, because she is no longer a threat of any kind. She will never again be elected to any public office.

Oh, well. I have also been known to find humor in some slap stick comedy acts.
Palins whole schtick, her gimmick, is to hurl crude insults at anyone who disagrees with her. Her audience is comprised of a small minority niche of insecure people who need to feel smarter or better than others. Palin fulfills this roll. She convinces to dopey that the woman who got through life as a college professor teaching bankruptcy law at places like Harvard isn't really smart. Instead they think the one who barely got through her many colleges to earn a single degree and got through life on her looks and knees is somehow a very" smarterer" person than that Harvard Law Professor lady.

She really scares you libs, doesn't she? If she is such a worthless boob, why are you guys constantly starting threads about her?

Does starting threads about someone indicate fear?
Because she deserves it.

Of course she does, she's an infidel and doesn't know her place. The hate you spew at her here is due to her failure to bow and kiss the ring of party overlords.

This is not a land of free speech, and those who question or criticize the party will be dealt with harshly - you only wish that you could go all the way in the treatment of the hated enemies of the party - you work toward that day.

She comes out and insults all kinds of people with hateful rhetoric that gets her base all excited.

Kind of like the way you little Goebbels do in your attacks on her?

So she gets the same in return and her base goes whaaaa whaaa whaaaa why are you picking on Sarah. That makes it funny and entertaining. Anyone who tells one group of Americans they are not worthy of being considered her definition of "real Americans" or "true Americans" deserved to get slapped around as much as possible. If she and her supporters don't want to be viewed as dumb azz's and hateful low class trash she should shut the cluck up and her supporters should be happy with their well earned persona until she does.
I didn't start the thread boner brain.

So, Palin has advocated the rape of your children? After all - leftist hero David Letterman called for her 14 year old daughter to be raped by Arod.. Oh how you laughed about that, eh Comrade?
Does starting threads about someone indicate fear?

20,000 + threads?

Yes - not by you, but by your masters who program you to spew your hatred.

I see. Do "my masters" begun threads here? I've never started a thread about the dummy, by the way. You seem to be failing.

How much is Hillary feared?

Nobody on "the left" fears Sarah Palin. We are making fun of her. She is a living, breathing GOP joke.
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Because she deserves it.

Of course she does, she's an infidel and doesn't know her place. The hate you spew at her here is due to her failure to bow and kiss the ring of party overlords.

This is not a land of free speech, and those who question or criticize the party will be dealt with harshly - you only wish that you could go all the way in the treatment of the hated enemies of the party - you work toward that day.

She comes out and insults all kinds of people with hateful rhetoric that gets her base all excited.

Kind of like the way you little Goebbels do in your attacks on her?

So she gets the same in return and her base goes whaaaa whaaa whaaaa why are you picking on Sarah. That makes it funny and entertaining. Anyone who tells one group of Americans they are not worthy of being considered her definition of "real Americans" or "true Americans" deserved to get slapped around as much as possible. If she and her supporters don't want to be viewed as dumb azz's and hateful low class trash she should shut the cluck up and her supporters should be happy with their well earned persona until she does.
I didn't start the thread boner brain.

So, Palin has advocated the rape of your children? After all - leftist hero David Letterman called for her 14 year old daughter to be raped by Arod.. Oh how you laughed about that, eh Comrade?

Thanks for the bump and translation from English into retard.

I see. Do "my masters" begun threads here?

No, they secrete pheromones that excite you and the other leftist drones to certain behavior.

I've never started a thread about the dummy, by the way. You seem to be failing.

The dog in my Avie is a dingo, she is the perfect dog, calm, smart, loyal. We got a new puppy 8 months back, half-Aussie and half-Greyhound. If a cat walks by or a bird lands, she comes unglued and loses all sense.

That's how you Obamunists are with Palin, just say the name and you start drooling and yapping, with no self-control at all. You can't help it, you've been conditioned by the hive to react to enemies of the party.

How much is Hillary feared?

Some Republicans are ridiculous about Hillary, but nowhere near the extent that you Obamunists are about Palin. Plus Hillary is an actual threat, there is a slim chance she could run for president. Palin isn't running for office, she just humiliates the party overlords.

Nobody on "the left" fears Sarah Palin. We are making fun of her. She is a living, breathing GOP joke.

That must be why you go insane every time her name appears. :thup:

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