Is The Administration Trying To Piss Us Off With These TSA Searches?

that is one of the most moronic things i've ever seen. they're not invading your body.

i think that's wishful thinking on your part.

You think getting MRSA is wishful thinking? Why don't you call up your doctor and ask him why he changes his gloves and washes his hands every single time he sees a new patient, Then ask him how he feels about the TSA using the same gloves for hours. Remember while you are doing so that they have to examine urostomy and colostomy bags, as well as bandages that people are wearing. After all, terrorists might cut themselves open and stuff a bomb inside like the Joker did to that guy in Batman Begins. You might change your tune about how moronic this post is. I do not worry much about germs and diseases, and I still do not think it is moronic. I do think it is more fear mongering that a real concern, but it is a concern.
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I hope you people don't think that our government would 'test the waters' over and over, year after year,using the TSA this time, to see how much the public will take concerning more control and suppression of, or elimination of our rights. All in the name of Health & Safety,of course, it's what's best for you.

Not OUR government, with all the honest elected representatives, that bound themselves to truth, justice and the American way. Naaaa, they have only OUR interests as a focal point, not their own. :tongue:

that is one of the most moronic things i've ever seen. they're not invading your body.

i think that's wishful thinking on your part.

I have been a nurse for 20 years. You are wrong. Oh yes, did I mention that I have contacted the CDC?

and because you know that penetration leads to the spread of STD's doesn't mean you aren't ignorant about the process of pat downs. so i'm figuring the CDC is going to laugh at you

and if the pat downs trouble you, again, either walk through the scanner or don't fly.

that is one of the most moronic things i've ever seen. they're not invading your body.

i think that's wishful thinking on your part.

You think getting MRSA is wishful thinking? Why don't you call up your doctor and ask him why he changes his gloves and washes his hands every single time he sees a new patient, Then ask him how he feels about the TSA using the same gloves for hours. Remember while you are doing so that they have to examine urostomy and colostomy bags, as well as bandages that people are wearing. After all, terrorists might cut themselves open and stuff a bomb inside like the Joker did to that guy in Batman Begins. You might change your tune about how moronic this post is. I do not worry much about germs and diseases, and I still do not think it is moronic. I do think it is more fear mongering that a real concern, but it is a concern.


I've been seated for HOURS between one guy I'm certain had the Black Plague, and some chick that caughed up pieces of her lung, and you want me to worry about getting MRSA from a 30 second pat down?
that is one of the most moronic things i've ever seen. they're not invading your body.

i think that's wishful thinking on your part.

I have been a nurse for 20 years. You are wrong. Oh yes, did I mention that I have contacted the CDC?

and because you know that penetration leads to the spread of STD's doesn't mean you aren't ignorant about the process of pat downs. so i'm figuring the CDC is going to laugh at you

and if the pat downs trouble you, again, either walk through the scanner or don't fly.

No. No laughing from the CDC. Here is their response:

Thank you for your inquiry to CDC-INFO. Please find below information in response to your concerns about the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) needing to change their gloves more frequently.

Please note that CDC is not a regulatory or enforcement agency for the TSA and cannot make them change or implement policies. If you have concerns about TSA agents not changing their gloves, CDC advises you to request that the agent change their gloves before the pat down begins.

You may also wish to contact the TSA with your concerns by emailing [email protected] or call 1-866-289-9673.

For information about staying healthy while traveling, please visit the CDC website:
Travelers' Health | CDC
I have been a nurse for 20 years. You are wrong. Oh yes, did I mention that I have contacted the CDC?

and because you know that penetration leads to the spread of STD's doesn't mean you aren't ignorant about the process of pat downs. so i'm figuring the CDC is going to laugh at you

and if the pat downs trouble you, again, either walk through the scanner or don't fly.

No. No laughing from the CDC. Here is their response:

Thank you for your inquiry to CDC-INFO. Please find below information in response to your concerns about the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) needing to change their gloves more frequently.

Please note that CDC is not a regulatory or enforcement agency for the TSA and cannot make them change or implement policies. If you have concerns about TSA agents not changing their gloves, CDC advises you to request that the agent change their gloves before the pat down begins.

You may also wish to contact the TSA with your concerns by emailing [email protected] or call 1-866-289-9673.

For information about staying healthy while traveling, please visit the CDC website:
Travelers' Health | CDC

Wow, that's complicated: Ask the TSA agent to change their gloves?

Who would have ever thought of that!!:lol:

that is one of the most moronic things i've ever seen. they're not invading your body.

i think that's wishful thinking on your part.

You think getting MRSA is wishful thinking? Why don't you call up your doctor and ask him why he changes his gloves and washes his hands every single time he sees a new patient, Then ask him how he feels about the TSA using the same gloves for hours. Remember while you are doing so that they have to examine urostomy and colostomy bags, as well as bandages that people are wearing. After all, terrorists might cut themselves open and stuff a bomb inside like the Joker did to that guy in Batman Begins. You might change your tune about how moronic this post is. I do not worry much about germs and diseases, and I still do not think it is moronic. I do think it is more fear mongering that a real concern, but it is a concern.

There has already been a urostomy bag spilled with the man having to fly covered in urine. Of course the TSA apologized as the man was so distraught. BUT they did not address the public heath implications implicit in the situation.
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and because you know that penetration leads to the spread of STD's doesn't mean you aren't ignorant about the process of pat downs. so i'm figuring the CDC is going to laugh at you

and if the pat downs trouble you, again, either walk through the scanner or don't fly.

No. No laughing from the CDC. Here is their response:

Thank you for your inquiry to CDC-INFO. Please find below information in response to your concerns about the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) needing to change their gloves more frequently.

Please note that CDC is not a regulatory or enforcement agency for the TSA and cannot make them change or implement policies. If you have concerns about TSA agents not changing their gloves, CDC advises you to request that the agent change their gloves before the pat down begins.

You may also wish to contact the TSA with your concerns by emailing [email protected] or call 1-866-289-9673.

For information about staying healthy while traveling, please visit the CDC website:
Travelers' Health | CDC

Wow, that's complicated: Ask the TSA agent to change their gloves?

Who would have ever thought of that!!:lol:

You seem to ignore the other option which is to contact the TSA. You also seem to be devoid of understanding the monetary implication of TSA agents having to change gloves between every passenger that flies. Also, notice that Sunshine was not called a moron or any of the other descriptors being thrown around on this thread. You also seem to ignore the fact that the only people who will be protected from the spread of disease are the ones who have been in a place as to understand the implications of repeated pat downs with soiled gloves. And here I thought Obama was all about change we can believe in. LOL

Anyone who wants to have their head up the ass of the Obama administration is welcome to do so. However, I have been a medical professional for 20 years, and, unlike those on here who are hooting, have had the necessary courses and clinical practice to understand what a debacle these searches are in terms of public health.

I WILL be emailing the TSA, AND when I go back to work on Monday, I will be contacting the department of health.

If you are cool with being rubbed down with the same gloves that popped a urostomy bag, kudos to you. You have saved me money. :clap2:
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that is one of the most moronic things i've ever seen. they're not invading your body.

i think that's wishful thinking on your part.

You think getting MRSA is wishful thinking? Why don't you call up your doctor and ask him why he changes his gloves and washes his hands every single time he sees a new patient, Then ask him how he feels about the TSA using the same gloves for hours. Remember while you are doing so that they have to examine urostomy and colostomy bags, as well as bandages that people are wearing. After all, terrorists might cut themselves open and stuff a bomb inside like the Joker did to that guy in Batman Begins. You might change your tune about how moronic this post is. I do not worry much about germs and diseases, and I still do not think it is moronic. I do think it is more fear mongering that a real concern, but it is a concern.

There has already been a urostomy bag spilled with the man having to fly covered in urine.

Did he and his fellow passengers survive?

I bet they did.

I've also heard passengers vomit on flights: Hasn't kept everyone on the ground.

You need to get a grip.
No. No laughing from the CDC. Here is their response:

Wow, that's complicated: Ask the TSA agent to change their gloves?

Who would have ever thought of that!!:lol:

You seem to ignore the other option which is to contact the TSA. You also seem to be devoid of understanding the monetary implication of TSA agents having to change gloves between every passenger that flies. Also, notice that Sunshine was not called a moron or any of the other descriptors being thrown around on this thread.

Anyone who wants to have their head up the ass of the Obama administration is welcome to do so. However, I have been a medical professional for 20 years, and, unlike those on here who are hooting, have had the necessary courses and clinical practice to understand what a debacle these searches are in terms of public health.

I WILL be emailing the TSA, AND when I go back to work on Monday, I will be contacting the department of health.

If you are cool with being rubbed down with the same gloves that popped a urostomy bag, kudos to you. You have saved me money. :clap2:

I'm sure they've seen their share of head-cases.....:eusa_whistle:
Wow, that's complicated: Ask the TSA agent to change their gloves?

Who would have ever thought of that!!:lol:

You seem to ignore the other option which is to contact the TSA. You also seem to be devoid of understanding the monetary implication of TSA agents having to change gloves between every passenger that flies. Also, notice that Sunshine was not called a moron or any of the other descriptors being thrown around on this thread.

Anyone who wants to have their head up the ass of the Obama administration is welcome to do so. However, I have been a medical professional for 20 years, and, unlike those on here who are hooting, have had the necessary courses and clinical practice to understand what a debacle these searches are in terms of public health.

I WILL be emailing the TSA, AND when I go back to work on Monday, I will be contacting the department of health.

If you are cool with being rubbed down with the same gloves that popped a urostomy bag, kudos to you. You have saved me money. :clap2:

I'm sure they've seen their share of head-cases.....:eusa_whistle:

That's OK, there were many people who didn't believe germ theory, or that the earth is round, or that it is possible for man to fly. Carry on.
I'd like to see evidence that these TSA measures have any impact on the risk of terrorism. I seriously doubt their efficacy, particularly given how we have far more vulnerable, and dangerous, targets than aircraft. You know, targets like nuclear power plants.


The obvious answer is to fly less. Unless your job requires you to travel via air, why spend thousands to experience Minority Report?
You seem to ignore the other option which is to contact the TSA. You also seem to be devoid of understanding the monetary implication of TSA agents having to change gloves between every passenger that flies. Also, notice that Sunshine was not called a moron or any of the other descriptors being thrown around on this thread.

Anyone who wants to have their head up the ass of the Obama administration is welcome to do so. However, I have been a medical professional for 20 years, and, unlike those on here who are hooting, have had the necessary courses and clinical practice to understand what a debacle these searches are in terms of public health.

I WILL be emailing the TSA, AND when I go back to work on Monday, I will be contacting the department of health.

If you are cool with being rubbed down with the same gloves that popped a urostomy bag, kudos to you. You have saved me money. :clap2:

I'm sure they've seen their share of head-cases.....:eusa_whistle:

That's OK, there were many people who didn't believe germ theory, or that the earth is round, or that it is possible for man to fly. Carry on.

There are also people who are paranoid.

I cannot conceive of a better definition of Psychotic Germaphobe than someone that is worried about a 30 second pat-down before they are sealed in an aluminium tube with 100+ sneezing, coughing, vomiting, shitting and pissing themselves strangers.

that is one of the most moronic things i've ever seen. they're not invading your body.

i think that's wishful thinking on your part.

Interesting idea though. Should the airport screener be required to change gloves on each pat down to stop the spread of various viruses or diseases that can be spread due to contact? Maybe wear a face shield and air mask.:eusa_whistle:
There are also people who are paranoid.

I cannot conceive of a better definition of Psychotic Germaphobe than someone that is worried about a 30 second pat-down before they are sealed in an aluminium tube with 100+ sneezing, coughing, vomiting, shitting and pissing themselves strangers.
Aircraft are already known vectors for potentially-pandemic airborne pathogens...why add potentially-incurable skin infections to the mix?

Are you suggesting we shouldn't demand the TSA follow obvious sanitary practices?
I'd like to see evidence that these TSA measures have any impact on the risk of terrorism.

I agree,

Let's give the TSA a week off during Christmas, and fly you and your family around the country.

If all of you survive, then you'll have your evidence.
I'd like to see evidence that these TSA measures have any impact on the risk of terrorism.

I agree,

Let's give the TSA a week off during Christmas, and fly you and your family around the country.

If all of you survive, then you'll have your evidence.
And you're calling Sunshine here paranoid?

I'll trust private airline security far more than the TSA, any day. Deal.
There are also people who are paranoid.

I cannot conceive of a better definition of Psychotic Germaphobe than someone that is worried about a 30 second pat-down before they are sealed in an aluminium tube with 100+ sneezing, coughing, vomiting, shitting and pissing themselves strangers.
Aircraft are already known vectors for potentially-pandemic airborne pathogens...why add potentially-incurable skin infections to the mix?

Are you suggesting we shouldn't demand the TSA follow obvious sanitary practices?

No, they wear gloves, and, if you want them to change their gloves, that's fine.

But if you think that this silly preventive measure will make any serious difference as you board an aircraft, sit with strangers, and then deplane with them, then you're pretty naive.
I'd like to see evidence that these TSA measures have any impact on the risk of terrorism.

I agree,

Let's give the TSA a week off during Christmas, and fly you and your family around the country.

If all of you survive, then you'll have your evidence.
And you're calling Sunshine here paranoid?

I'll trust private airline security far more than the TSA, any day. Deal.

Hey, you wanna pay for it, then go ahead.

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