Is the economy booming?

O... don't ya know, Bush is responsible for any success that there might have been in 2014...! lol, I mean that's how y'all seem to compute failures of Dem Presidents... somehow the successes of Dem presidents escapes this attributional logic though... Wait for it... ... Why yes, of course Trump's successes are all because of Obumer... took the words right off the tip of y'alls tongues... lol (NOT)!
So an economy almost as good as 2014 is a big success to you?
O... don't ya know, Bush is responsible for any success that there might have been in 2014...! lol, I mean that's how y'all seem to compute failures of Dem Presidents... somehow the successes of Dem presidents escapes this attributional logic though... Wait for it... ... Why yes, of course Trump's successes are all because of Obumer... took the words right off the tip of y'alls tongues... lol (NOT)!
So an economy almost as good as 2014 is a big success to you?

The economy is way better than 2014 right now, numbnuts.
O... don't ya know, Bush is responsible for any success that there might have been in 2014...! lol, I mean that's how y'all seem to compute failures of Dem Presidents... somehow the successes of Dem presidents escapes this attributional logic though... Wait for it... ... Why yes, of course Trump's successes are all because of Obumer... took the words right off the tip of y'alls tongues... lol (NOT)!
So an economy almost as good as 2014 is a big success to you?
Never said that BTW.. U missed the whole point... ship has sailed ... don't have time for your petulant stick poking... later dude :)
O... don't ya know, Bush is responsible for any success that there might have been in 2014...! lol, I mean that's how y'all seem to compute failures of Dem Presidents... somehow the successes of Dem presidents escapes this attributional logic though... Wait for it... ... Why yes, of course Trump's successes are all because of Obumer... took the words right off the tip of y'alls tongues... lol (NOT)!
So an economy almost as good as 2014 is a big success to you?

The economy is way better than 2014 right now, numbnuts.
Not according to economic indicators. What do you base that claim on? You seem light on facts...
Then you must have real economic indicators to share.

Here's one thing, domestic steel production:

Has it been invested yet? How many jobs created? There is also lots of negative news like Harley. Do you have real economic indicators or no?

Don't know, but I will watch it. 1500+ jobs created.

Assuming it will work like the last steel tariffs we will lose way more jobs than gain. It puts
manufacturing at a huge disadvantage.

You assumed Hillary would be president. 'Nuff said.

Given tariffs always have the same result it’s a pretty good assumption. Lost jobs.
O... don't ya know, Bush is responsible for any success that there might have been in 2014...! lol, I mean that's how y'all seem to compute failures of Dem Presidents... somehow the successes of Dem presidents escapes this attributional logic though... Wait for it... ... Why yes, of course Trump's successes are all because of Obumer... took the words right off the tip of y'alls tongues... lol (NOT)!
So an economy almost as good as 2014 is a big success to you?
Never said that BTW.. U missed the whole point... ship has sailed ... don't have time for your petulant stick poking... later dude :)
No I challenged you to show me these successes. You came up with nothing.
Here's one thing, domestic steel production:

Has it been invested yet? How many jobs created? There is also lots of negative news like Harley. Do you have real economic indicators or no?

Don't know, but I will watch it. 1500+ jobs created.

Assuming it will work like the last steel tariffs we will lose way more jobs than gain. It puts
manufacturing at a huge disadvantage.

You assumed Hillary would be president. 'Nuff said.

Given tariffs always have the same result it’s a pretty good assumption. Lost jobs.

Not when combined with increased domestic production + some countries cave on tariffs.
Has it been invested yet? How many jobs created? There is also lots of negative news like Harley. Do you have real economic indicators or no?

Don't know, but I will watch it. 1500+ jobs created.
Assuming it will work like the last steel tariffs we will lose way more jobs than gain. It puts
manufacturing at a huge disadvantage.

You assumed Hillary would be president. 'Nuff said.
Given tariffs always have the same result it’s a pretty good assumption. Lost jobs.

Not when combined with increased domestic production + some countries cave on tariffs.
You must have a specific example?
Don't know, but I will watch it. 1500+ jobs created.
Assuming it will work like the last steel tariffs we will lose way more jobs than gain. It puts
manufacturing at a huge disadvantage.

You assumed Hillary would be president. 'Nuff said.
Given tariffs always have the same result it’s a pretty good assumption. Lost jobs.

Not when combined with increased domestic production + some countries cave on tariffs.
You must have a specific example?

I don't intend to suffer your faggotry any longer.

Here's an example of how NOT to do something:

An Obama accomplishment
Assuming it will work like the last steel tariffs we will lose way more jobs than gain. It puts
manufacturing at a huge disadvantage.

You assumed Hillary would be president. 'Nuff said.
Given tariffs always have the same result it’s a pretty good assumption. Lost jobs.

Not when combined with increased domestic production + some countries cave on tariffs.
You must have a specific example?

I don't intend to suffer your faggotry any longer.

Here's an example of how NOT to do something:

An Obama accomplishment
It is difficult for you when I ask for real facts, I’m not surprised.
I keep hearing trumpers claim the economy is booming. When challenged they disappear. So lets look at it.

First quarter growth was only 2.2%. I don't call that booming.
U.S. First-Quarter Growth Revised Down to 2.2% on Inventories

Unemployment is really low which is good. 3.8%

But Obama had a really good unemployment rate, but repubs then claimed it was about the labor force participation rate. So how is that doing? 62.7%. What was it in Dec 2016? 62.7%. So still really low. According to Trump that makes the real unemployment rate over 20%.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

How are wages doing? Still really slow.
All the signs are there for higher pay, but the 'mystery of missing wage growth' continues

Stock market? Having an awful year. Did great when we were riding the Obama economy, but has been erratic and dropping as we get more trump policies.
Trade war fears spread to tech and Dow sheds 328 points

With all this tariff talk and more sales tax on internet sales coming I don't see a boom coming.

Economy is still good,but not booming. If you think the economy is booming please share which economic indicators you are using.

And the entire trade war thing hasn't impacted the economy as a whole yet, when it does the bottom of the stock market will drop out as people scatter for cover from the upcoming recession which all economists say is getting close and will be a hurricane.

The one that makes me laugh though is Obama took unemployment from 10.2% which he inherited from Bush to 4.8% which he gifted to orange turd. And in a year and a half it has gone to 3.8%. Cons vomited continuously that the economy was horrendous under Obama but great now that their dear leader is there.

I know human beings have a huge capacity to fool themselves but the level exhibited by conservatives the last year and a half is on a level not seen before. They are batshit cubed.
Assuming it will work like the last steel tariffs we will lose way more jobs than gain. It puts
manufacturing at a huge disadvantage.

You assumed Hillary would be president. 'Nuff said.
Given tariffs always have the same result it’s a pretty good assumption. Lost jobs.

Not when combined with increased domestic production + some countries cave on tariffs.
You must have a specific example?

I don't intend to suffer your faggotry any longer.

Here's an example of how NOT to do something:

An Obama accomplishment

You fly the flag of the losers. That is like Germans flying the flag of the swastika today.
I keep hearing trumpers claim the economy is booming. When challenged they disappear. So lets look at it.

First quarter growth was only 2.2%. I don't call that booming.
U.S. First-Quarter Growth Revised Down to 2.2% on Inventories

Unemployment is really low which is good. 3.8%

But Obama had a really good unemployment rate, but repubs then claimed it was about the labor force participation rate. So how is that doing? 62.7%. What was it in Dec 2016? 62.7%. So still really low. According to Trump that makes the real unemployment rate over 20%.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

How are wages doing? Still really slow.
All the signs are there for higher pay, but the 'mystery of missing wage growth' continues

Stock market? Having an awful year. Did great when we were riding the Obama economy, but has been erratic and dropping as we get more trump policies.
Trade war fears spread to tech and Dow sheds 328 points

With all this tariff talk and more sales tax on internet sales coming I don't see a boom coming.

Economy is still good,but not booming. If you think the economy is booming please share which economic indicators you are using.
Well, I hope you weren't dumb enough to miss out on the 30% stock market gains last year.

Wages are up NICELY, and especially for the bottom two quintiles.

WINNING: Trump Boom Continues: Unemployment Remains at Record Low.


U.S. employers added 145,000 jobs in December 2019, keeping unemployment at the record low of 3.5 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

"Notable job gains occurred in retail trade and health care" BLS reported on Friday.

Black and Hispanic unemployment rates remained near record lows.

These unemployment numbers represent a strong economy, which has enjoyed growth thanks in part to Trump's tax cuts in 2017 and his efforts to curtail federal regulations.

Robert Johnson, founder of Black Entertainment Television (BET) and America's first black billionaire, praised President Donald Trump for the roaring economy, giving him an "A+."

"I think the economy is doing great, and it’s reaching populations that heretofore had very bad problems in terms of jobs and employments and the opportunities that come with employment … so African-American unemployment is at its lowest level," Johnson said last July.​

The labor force participation rate, which measures the total number of workers who are employed or seeking work out of the total civilian working-age population, has hovered around 63 percent since 2014, and it stood at 63.2 percent in December.

This economic growth is strong, but there is still room for even more Trump Boom!
It’s doing good for me I can’t speak for anyone else and I am not a millionaire. People judge the economy based on how things are going for them as an individual not economists double speak.
If you look at it from one side, yes, this economy is in good shape and cruising along very nicely.

Of course, we got here by aggressively cutting taxes, aggressively increasing spending, and by watching the Fed pour hundreds of billions into markets to grease the system.

So if you're looking at the big picture, we're paying for what we're getting with a credit card, and the bill will come due some point. This is Keynesianism on steroids.
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The hyper partisans judge rather the economy is good or bad based on if they support or oppose the current President. It’s this way no matter if the President is Republican or Democrat.
The economy is going batshit bed wetter, regardless of what some loons at CNBS tell people.

Optimism is at an all time high. All the bullshit about fears of a trade war are just more sniveling liberal psychobabble. Just like when bed wetters insisted the tough stance with NK would lead to a nuclear war.

Things are progressing quite well for the first time in 8 years and it has everything to do with Trump rolling back regressive bullshit passed under both GWB and the moonbat messiah.

You pieces of shit can't stand it either.

So all you have is a claim of optimism? I don't see much optimism while the stock market plummets.

What the hell are you idiots watching?

Dow industrials touches 29,000 intraday after Friday’s jobs report

Dow industrials touches 29,000 intraday after Friday’s jobs report

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