Is the GOP base as mean spirited as their leadership?



The GOP trying to push through legislation that would cut funding for daycare. They want to cut food stamps for veterans and children. No jobs programs. Cut healthcare.

The list of meanness is endless. Does the GOP base mirror the policies that come from their leaders?
projecting again

have you been in a cave for the last seven year and NOT SEEN that thug President you all put on the rest of us this country? and then you have, Dirty harry Reid, Pelosi, Wasserman, Hillary and omg, I'd be here all day listing all the nasty people you people from the Democrat party Worships
remember when you left-wing losers cried when "mean-spirited" Republicans said unemployment didnt need to be at 99 WEEKS, ALMOST TWO YEARS????

remember how you losers predicted children and veterans were going to starve in the streets?

yea moron. did that actually happen???
Here's one mean snake for you:
these people took an OATH TO PROTECT us from all enemies foreign and domestic. So detaining and Deporting an illegal invader who had murdered people.
Harry thinks it's a WASTE of their time. that's not only mean that is SICK and he should be removed from our government. he doesn't follow his Oath he needs to go along with the rest of them

Harry Reid: 'Republicans Are Wasting the American People's Time' With Attempt to Detain Criminal Illegal Aliens

all of it here
Harry Reid: 'Republicans Are Wasting the American People's Time' With Attempt to Detain Criminal Illegal Aliens
The GOP trying to push through legislation that would cut funding for daycare. They want to cut food stamps for veterans and children. No jobs programs. Cut healthcare.

The list of meanness is endless. Does the GOP base mirror the policies that come from their leaders?

How is it mean to tell someone no? Do you think anytime someone asks for the government to do for them the answer should be yes?

If anyone is mean, to use your words, it's those of you who say one person deserves another person's money then you don't write a personal check to them.
The GOP trying to push through legislation that would cut funding for daycare. They want to cut food stamps for veterans and children. No jobs programs. Cut healthcare.

The list of meanness is endless. Does the GOP base mirror the policies that come from their leaders?

More sophistry and lies. Not surprising.
The GOP trying to push through legislation that would cut funding for daycare. They want to cut food stamps for veterans and children. No jobs programs. Cut healthcare.
Yeah, yeah the GOP talks a good game when it comes to cutting federal spending, unfortunately they rarely ever actually do much of it. :rolleyes:
Mean = middle class desperate for decent paying jobs working on the keystone pipeline, Obama and the Dem's throw the middle class under the bus in favor of liberal ideology.

Mean = Obama and the Dem's war on coal, throwing middle class jobs under the bus in favor of liberal ideology.

Mean = Obama and the Dem's tax on middle class union 'Cadillac' healthcare plans.

Mean = Obama and the Dem's allowing millions of illegals to flood across our borders to compete with the poor for the few jobs available.

Mean = Obama and the Dem's tax and regulatory policies that cost the poor and middle class millions of jobs.

IF we had a free press in this country that was doing its job vs the liberal propaganda brigade Dem's wouldn't get away with this shit. Instead Dem's destroy the country and the liberal press blame the Republicans.

If there's a bit of good news its that Dem's have lost over 1,200 seats nationally and both houses of congress, the people are waking up to what these assholes have been doing. The Republican establishment who are not much better are also under increasing pressure. Issues neither side want's discussed are being discussed and the people are getting pissed off.
We are no longer a nation of law, and both sides are equally worthless with the exception of a handful still willing to honor their oaths of office.

If there is not significant improvement in this matter, and soon, you may find out what "mean" really means.

Just an observation.
Mean = middle class desperate for decent paying jobs working on the keystone pipeline, Obama and the Dem's throw the middle class under the bus in favor of liberal ideology.

Mean = Obama and the Dem's war on coal, throwing middle class jobs under the bus in favor of liberal ideology.

Mean = Obama and the Dem's tax on middle class union 'Cadillac' healthcare plans.

Mean = Obama and the Dem's allowing millions of illegals to flood across our borders to compete with the poor for the few jobs available.

Mean = Obama and the Dem's tax and regulatory policies that cost the poor and middle class millions of jobs.

IF we had a free press in this country that was doing its job vs the liberal propaganda brigade Dem's wouldn't get away with this shit. Instead Dem's destroy the country and the liberal press blame the Republicans.

If there's a bit of good news its that Dem's have lost over 1,200 seats nationally and both houses of congress, the people are waking up to what these assholes have been doing. The Republican establishment who are not much better are also under increasing pressure. Issues neither side want's discussed are being discussed and the people are getting pissed off.

the truth. we know who the party of mean is. when they care more about an Illegal immigrant who kills one of us every day so vote down a bill that COULD PROTECT us from it, they don't care they (illegal immigrants) are flooding us and taking our jobs, . when they don't care about the killing of an unborn human being and openly supports abortions. and we could go on but we would need days
The GOP trying to push through legislation that would cut funding for daycare. They want to cut food stamps for veterans and children. No jobs programs. Cut healthcare.

The list of meanness is endless. Does the GOP base mirror the policies that come from their leaders?
Why don't we remove pension's and healthcare from congress who only have to work 1 term in office.
Interesting that this is not mentioned while they want to cut money from our vet's mouth's, health care, and mental health.

The GOP trying to push through legislation that would cut funding for daycare. They want to cut food stamps for veterans and children. No jobs programs. Cut healthcare.

The list of meanness is endless. Does the GOP base mirror the policies that come from their leaders?
Cut throat government. My favorite show.
The GOP trying to push through legislation that would cut funding for daycare. They want to cut food stamps for veterans and children. No jobs programs. Cut healthcare.

The list of meanness is endless. Does the GOP base mirror the policies that come from their leaders?

How is it mean to tell someone no? Do you think anytime someone asks for the government to do for them the answer should be yes?

If anyone is mean, to use your words, it's those of you who say one person deserves another person's money then you don't write a personal check to them.
Thank you!!!!
projecting again

have you been in a cave for the last seven year and NOT SEEN that thug President you all put on the rest of us this country? and then you have, Dirty harry Reid, Pelosi, Wasserman, Hillary and omg, I'd be here all day listing all the nasty people you people from the Democrat party Worships
I've seen the country improve from what Republicans handed Obama. I can list examples. Can you?

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