Is the pressure getting to our President?

What would have happened if a journalist had stood up and called Trump a “bad President” and “nasty”??

The answer is.....Journalists have too much integrity to engage in personal attacks

Our president does not.
Trump is asked a legitimate question about what he has to say to Americans who are scared

Trump viciously attacks NBC News reporter in extended rant after being asked for message to Americans worried about coronavirus - CNN

Alexander asked, "What do you say to Americans who are scared?"

Trump, shaking his head, ripped into Alexander in response.
"I say that you are a terrible reporter," Trump replied. "That's what I say."
The President proceeded to launch into an extended rant against Alexander, saying he asked a "nasty question" and assailing NBC and its parent company, Comcast.
"You're doing sensationalism," Trump charged. "And the same with NBC and Comcast. I don't call it Comcast. I call it 'Con-Cast.'"
"Let me just tell you something," Trump added. "That's really bad reporting. And you ought to get back to reporting instead of sensationalism."
That's just his narcissism on display. I think it's too bad if the President can't acknowledge and reassure those of us who ARE anxious, worried and in places where the virus is crawling all over the place, susceptible people ARE scared. But Trump sees that as a criticism because he wants us to be reassured that HE is in control of this.
And the anti trump news media is desperate to paint the situation as worse than it is for their own partisan political reasons

I have never seen a country shut down because of a health threat
What can be worse than that?
What could be worse for liberals?

seeing trump as the center of attention during a daily 2 hour press conference that will help him politically once the health crisis is over

announcing new drugs, the dispatch of Navy hospital ships, a stimulus package and everything else is making trump look good and that drives liberals crazy
How are journalists making things worse than they are?
We have never had a health crisis that threatens our economy.

The media is reporting on new drugs, Navy hospital ship, the stimulus.
But they are also holding Trump to standards of truth when he misrepresents them.
That question was the perfect opportunity for trump to tell the nation all the good things happening now Be POSITIVE
BUT what did he do??? ATTACK the media ?? What an ass you republicans are responsible for
Trump is asked a legitimate question about what he has to say to Americans who are scared

Trump viciously attacks NBC News reporter in extended rant after being asked for message to Americans worried about coronavirus - CNN

Alexander asked, "What do you say to Americans who are scared?"

Trump, shaking his head, ripped into Alexander in response.
"I say that you are a terrible reporter," Trump replied. "That's what I say."
The President proceeded to launch into an extended rant against Alexander, saying he asked a "nasty question" and assailing NBC and its parent company, Comcast.
"You're doing sensationalism," Trump charged. "And the same with NBC and Comcast. I don't call it Comcast. I call it 'Con-Cast.'"
"Let me just tell you something," Trump added. "That's really bad reporting. And you ought to get back to reporting instead of sensationalism."
That's just his narcissism on display. I think it's too bad if the President can't acknowledge and reassure those of us who ARE anxious, worried and in places where the virus is crawling all over the place, susceptible people ARE scared. But Trump sees that as a criticism because he wants us to be reassured that HE is in control of this.
And the anti trump news media is desperate to paint the situation as worse than it is for their own partisan political reasons

I have never seen a country shut down because of a health threat
What can be worse than that?
What could be worse for liberals?

seeing trump as the center of attention during a daily 2 hour press conference that will help him politically once the health crisis is over

announcing new drugs, the dispatch of Navy hospital ships, a stimulus package and everything else is making trump look good and that drives liberals crazy
OK Then WHY didn't the AH answer the newscaster that way instead of attacking the media You think THAT made the moron look good??
Actually, I thought a 73 year old man who had borne the mantle of the American presidency would have matured to the point he would comport himself with maturity, dignity and solemnity rather than acting like a professional wrestler suffering from diaper rash. The president should never punch down. The president should govern.
That he doesn't suffer fools asking idiotic baiting questions is the best thing about the man...The left's sniveling and hand wringing over his refusal to put up with it says more about you than him.
What could you say to Americans who are scared is now an idiotic, baiting question. Another sad, frightening and immature rationalization as a consequence of a cult of personality rather than an informed citizenry.
What is idiotic about the question?

People are afraid of the disease, afraid to lose their jobs, afraid of how they will pay their bills

Why would our President be offended by being asked to respond?
Owning the libs does not measure up to governing during a global pandemic. This ain't professional wrestling anymore. This is the stuff for serious governing by competent grown ups. I wish we had one.
You do
Then, dear God, let them step forth!
Trump is asked a legitimate question about what he has to say to Americans who are scared

Trump viciously attacks NBC News reporter in extended rant after being asked for message to Americans worried about coronavirus - CNN

Alexander asked, "What do you say to Americans who are scared?"

Trump, shaking his head, ripped into Alexander in response.
"I say that you are a terrible reporter," Trump replied. "That's what I say."
The President proceeded to launch into an extended rant against Alexander, saying he asked a "nasty question" and assailing NBC and its parent company, Comcast.
"You're doing sensationalism," Trump charged. "And the same with NBC and Comcast. I don't call it Comcast. I call it 'Con-Cast.'"
"Let me just tell you something," Trump added. "That's really bad reporting. And you ought to get back to reporting instead of sensationalism."
That's just his narcissism on display. I think it's too bad if the President can't acknowledge and reassure those of us who ARE anxious, worried and in places where the virus is crawling all over the place, susceptible people ARE scared. But Trump sees that as a criticism because he wants us to be reassured that HE is in control of this.
And the anti trump news media is desperate to paint the situation as worse than it is for their own partisan political reasons

I have never seen a country shut down because of a health threat
What can be worse than that?
What could be worse for liberals?

seeing trump as the center of attention during a daily 2 hour press conference that will help him politically once the health crisis is over

announcing new drugs, the dispatch of Navy hospital ships, a stimulus package and everything else is making trump look good and that drives liberals crazy
How are journalists making things worse than they are?
We have never had a health crisis that threatens our economy.

The media is reporting on new drugs, Navy hospital ship, the stimulus.
But they are also holding Trump to standards of truth when he misrepresents them.
Trump misrepresented nothing

review the first part of trumps answer to alexander

you know, the part you edited out and tried to conceal

trump gave a very reasonable answer

That he doesn't suffer fools asking idiotic baiting questions is the best thing about the man...The left's sniveling and hand wringing over his refusal to put up with it says more about you than him.
What could you say to Americans who are scared is now an idiotic, baiting question. Another sad, frightening and immature rationalization as a consequence of a cult of personality rather than an informed citizenry.
What is idiotic about the question?

People are afraid of the disease, afraid to lose their jobs, afraid of how they will pay their bills

Why would our President be offended by being asked to respond?
Owning the libs does not measure up to governing during a global pandemic. This ain't professional wrestling anymore. This is the stuff for serious governing by competent grown ups. I wish we had one.
You do
Then, dear God, let them step forth!
Trump let most of them go
The problem is, we need our President to stop with the fake news
He is the one putting out misinformation and overly optimistic predictions not based on fact.

He is trying to stop the 'fake news' but CNN, MSNBC and the MSM are making too much money on there fake reporting of Trump.

What was fake or nasty about the question?
The problem is, we need our President to stop with the fake news
He is the one putting out misinformation and overly optimistic predictions not based on fact.

He is trying to stop the 'fake news' but CNN, MSNBC and the MSM are making too much money on there fake reporting of Trump.

What was fake or nasty about the question?

Timing......................and a useless question.......They were talking about HOPE. The new Cure that has possibilities...................and how it may be why Germany has a lower death rate.

BTW........My hats off to Germany who has been using this.........WE HOPE..........even though LIBERAL get offended by saying that Word......that this is a Cure that will SAVE LIVES.

Oh.........that is what they were saying when the moron ASKED what to say to Scared people.

Um...........He just answered that before the Moron used the set up question.

What was the set up question?

Why would the president take “people are scared” as a personal attack? A nasty question?

That is the set up question............

Either answer you give they will hit you with a stick...........There IS NO CORRECT ANSWER.......

BS..........He just talked about a HOPEFUL DRUG......and then they take the Ice BUCKET CHALLENGE with that question.
That's just his narcissism on display. I think it's too bad if the President can't acknowledge and reassure those of us who ARE anxious, worried and in places where the virus is crawling all over the place, susceptible people ARE scared. But Trump sees that as a criticism because he wants us to be reassured that HE is in control of this.
And the anti trump news media is desperate to paint the situation as worse than it is for their own partisan political reasons

I have never seen a country shut down because of a health threat
What can be worse than that?
What could be worse for liberals?

seeing trump as the center of attention during a daily 2 hour press conference that will help him politically once the health crisis is over

announcing new drugs, the dispatch of Navy hospital ships, a stimulus package and everything else is making trump look good and that drives liberals crazy
How are journalists making things worse than they are?
We have never had a health crisis that threatens our economy.

The media is reporting on new drugs, Navy hospital ship, the stimulus.
But they are also holding Trump to standards of truth when he misrepresents them.
Trump misrepresented nothing

review the first part of trumps answer to alexander

you know, the part you edited out and tried to conceal

trump gave a very reasonable answer

He called the question sensationalism?
The problem is, we need our President to stop with the fake news
He is the one putting out misinformation and overly optimistic predictions not based on fact.

He is trying to stop the 'fake news' but CNN, MSNBC and the MSM are making too much money on there fake reporting of Trump.

What was fake or nasty about the question?
The problem is, we need our President to stop with the fake news
He is the one putting out misinformation and overly optimistic predictions not based on fact.

He is trying to stop the 'fake news' but CNN, MSNBC and the MSM are making too much money on there fake reporting of Trump.

What was fake or nasty about the question?

Timing......................and a useless question.......They were talking about HOPE. The new Cure that has possibilities...................and how it may be why Germany has a lower death rate.

BTW........My hats off to Germany who has been using this.........WE HOPE..........even though LIBERAL get offended by saying that Word......that this is a Cure that will SAVE LIVES.

Oh.........that is what they were saying when the moron ASKED what to say to Scared people.

Um...........He just answered that before the Moron used the set up question.

What was the set up question?

Why would the president take “people are scared” as a personal attack? A nasty question?

That is the set up question............

Either answer you give they will hit you with a stick...........There IS NO CORRECT ANSWER.......

BS..........He just talked about a HOPEFUL DRUG......and then they take the Ice BUCKET CHALLENGE with that question.
Yeah set up to show he can be a REAL president not some attack dog He failed
Rightwinger.... and the media...

That's just his narcissism on display. I think it's too bad if the President can't acknowledge and reassure those of us who ARE anxious, worried and in places where the virus is crawling all over the place, susceptible people ARE scared. But Trump sees that as a criticism because he wants us to be reassured that HE is in control of this.
And the anti trump news media is desperate to paint the situation as worse than it is for their own partisan political reasons

I have never seen a country shut down because of a health threat
What can be worse than that?
What could be worse for liberals?

seeing trump as the center of attention during a daily 2 hour press conference that will help him politically once the health crisis is over

announcing new drugs, the dispatch of Navy hospital ships, a stimulus package and everything else is making trump look good and that drives liberals crazy
How are journalists making things worse than they are?
We have never had a health crisis that threatens our economy.

The media is reporting on new drugs, Navy hospital ship, the stimulus.
But they are also holding Trump to standards of truth when he misrepresents them.
Trump misrepresented nothing

review the first part of trumps answer to alexander

you know, the part you edited out and tried to conceal

trump gave a very reasonable answer

I agree 100% with what Trump said..........The guy wanted a I gotcha moment.........

FAME...........LOL......Trump CLEARLY talked about the Malaria drug..........and this is HOPEFUL.......

This guy is just trying to spin HOPE.......tell this punk to go play in Traffic.
That's just his narcissism on display. I think it's too bad if the President can't acknowledge and reassure those of us who ARE anxious, worried and in places where the virus is crawling all over the place, susceptible people ARE scared. But Trump sees that as a criticism because he wants us to be reassured that HE is in control of this.
And the anti trump news media is desperate to paint the situation as worse than it is for their own partisan political reasons

I have never seen a country shut down because of a health threat
What can be worse than that?
What could be worse for liberals?

seeing trump as the center of attention during a daily 2 hour press conference that will help him politically once the health crisis is over

announcing new drugs, the dispatch of Navy hospital ships, a stimulus package and everything else is making trump look good and that drives liberals crazy
How are journalists making things worse than they are?
We have never had a health crisis that threatens our economy.

The media is reporting on new drugs, Navy hospital ship, the stimulus.
But they are also holding Trump to standards of truth when he misrepresents them.
Trump misrepresented nothing

review the first part of trumps answer to alexander

you know, the part you edited out and tried to conceal

trump gave a very reasonable answer

Two separate questions, both perfectly acceptable.

The media has a Constitutional responsibility to keep Government in check. That includes questioning the validity of a Presidents statements.
And the anti trump news media is desperate to paint the situation as worse than it is for their own partisan political reasons

I have never seen a country shut down because of a health threat
What can be worse than that?
What could be worse for liberals?

seeing trump as the center of attention during a daily 2 hour press conference that will help him politically once the health crisis is over

announcing new drugs, the dispatch of Navy hospital ships, a stimulus package and everything else is making trump look good and that drives liberals crazy
How are journalists making things worse than they are?
We have never had a health crisis that threatens our economy.

The media is reporting on new drugs, Navy hospital ship, the stimulus.
But they are also holding Trump to standards of truth when he misrepresents them.
Trump misrepresented nothing

review the first part of trumps answer to alexander

you know, the part you edited out and tried to conceal

trump gave a very reasonable answer

I agree 100% with what Trump said..........The guy wanted a I gotcha moment.........

FAME...........LOL......Trump CLEARLY talked about the Malaria drug..........and this is HOPEFUL.......

This guy is just trying to spin HOPE.......tell this punk to go play in Traffic.

People are scared is an “I gotcha”???
And the anti trump news media is desperate to paint the situation as worse than it is for their own partisan political reasons

I have never seen a country shut down because of a health threat
What can be worse than that?
What could be worse for liberals?

seeing trump as the center of attention during a daily 2 hour press conference that will help him politically once the health crisis is over

announcing new drugs, the dispatch of Navy hospital ships, a stimulus package and everything else is making trump look good and that drives liberals crazy
How are journalists making things worse than they are?
We have never had a health crisis that threatens our economy.

The media is reporting on new drugs, Navy hospital ship, the stimulus.
But they are also holding Trump to standards of truth when he misrepresents them.
Trump misrepresented nothing

review the first part of trumps answer to alexander

you know, the part you edited out and tried to conceal

trump gave a very reasonable answer

He called the question sensationalism?

I would call the question badgering

trump just gave the American people hope for the future but the lib reporter ignored it for reasons of partisan anti trumpism

I was getting tired of alexander too
Here is what Rightwinger wanted to happen....

President Trump: "We are looking into this Malaria medicine, in some cases it seems to help fight off the virus, we are studying this and hopefully there is promise here".
Reporter: Are you giving people false hopes about this medicine? Are you just putting a positive spin on it?
President Trump: "Well your right, I apologize to the American people. There is no hope for this medicine, it probably won't work, and it is all probably a waste of time and people will die, and more will die after them"
Reporter: What do you say to the millions of Americans in fear? People are afraid...what do you say to them?"
President Trump: "They should be, people are dying and getting sick. I shouldn't be giving people hope, I should be like you guys and keep only talking about the worse case scenarios, like maybe 100,000's of dead all over the country"
Why is it that Dr Fauci is able to put things in the proper perspective while our President can’t seem to get it straight
My Fellow Americans..............we found a new drug...........and doubt it will work..........but we have NOTHING ELSE TO SAY.........So go to your home and DIE LIKE AMERICANS..........YOU HAVE NO HOPE.............HOPE DIED when Mr. HOPE AND CHANGE left office.

Hell when he was in office 7 days after he declared an emergency........the H1N1 VIRUS .......WAS SOOOOOO SCARED............That the virus ran away and he had a Halloween party at the White House with 2000 children.

My GOD PEOPLE........That man was pure magic..

anyways...........kiss your butts goodbye......Capt Trips is going to kill you all........I'm going fishing.
The president should have used his new campaign slogan, "I accept no responsibility, at all".

Hell that's the story of literally his entire life. Never even so much as held a job until the present one.

That's what drops my jaw to the floor, the idea of taking an entitled asshole who's never taken on any responsibility in his 70 years, and plunk him down into the most responsible job in the world. Why that was a really bad idea is obvious now.

Hopefully America (assuming we survive) has learned her lesson.
We're not that great about learning from our mistakes.
I have never seen a country shut down because of a health threat
What can be worse than that?
What could be worse for liberals?

seeing trump as the center of attention during a daily 2 hour press conference that will help him politically once the health crisis is over

announcing new drugs, the dispatch of Navy hospital ships, a stimulus package and everything else is making trump look good and that drives liberals crazy
How are journalists making things worse than they are?
We have never had a health crisis that threatens our economy.

The media is reporting on new drugs, Navy hospital ship, the stimulus.
But they are also holding Trump to standards of truth when he misrepresents them.
Trump misrepresented nothing

review the first part of trumps answer to alexander

you know, the part you edited out and tried to conceal

trump gave a very reasonable answer

I agree 100% with what Trump said..........The guy wanted a I gotcha moment.........

FAME...........LOL......Trump CLEARLY talked about the Malaria drug..........and this is HOPEFUL.......

This guy is just trying to spin HOPE.......tell this punk to go play in Traffic.

People are scared is an “I gotcha”???

Yup.............Damn skippy it is...........if you say HOPE........they say hype........

If you say be scared........they say he spreads Fear.............Either way they spin this against's what they do.

Now that it's explained..................THERE IS A CURE that MIGHT STFU and let the adults try to save overpaid reporter.......

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