Is the pressure getting to our President?

And the anti trump news media is desperate to paint the situation as worse than it is for their own partisan political reasons

I have never seen a country shut down because of a health threat
What can be worse than that?
What could be worse for liberals?

seeing trump as the center of attention during a daily 2 hour press conference that will help him politically once the health crisis is over

announcing new drugs, the dispatch of Navy hospital ships, a stimulus package and everything else is making trump look good and that drives liberals crazy
How are journalists making things worse than they are?
We have never had a health crisis that threatens our economy.

The media is reporting on new drugs, Navy hospital ship, the stimulus.
But they are also holding Trump to standards of truth when he misrepresents them.
Trump misrepresented nothing

review the first part of trumps answer to alexander

you know, the part you edited out and tried to conceal

trump gave a very reasonable answer

I agree 100% with what Trump said..........The guy wanted a I gotcha moment.........

FAME...........LOL......Trump CLEARLY talked about the Malaria drug..........and this is HOPEFUL.......

This guy is just trying to spin HOPE.......tell this punk to go play in Traffic.

The lib news media cares only about not giving trump credit for anything

and the fact that an existing drug might be used to help victims of the chinese virus is driving them insane with jealousy
The problem is, we need our President to stop with the fake news
He is the one putting out misinformation and overly optimistic predictions not based on fact.

He is trying to stop the 'fake news' but CNN, MSNBC and the MSM are making too much money on there fake reporting of Trump.

What was fake or nasty about the question?
The problem is, we need our President to stop with the fake news
He is the one putting out misinformation and overly optimistic predictions not based on fact.

He is trying to stop the 'fake news' but CNN, MSNBC and the MSM are making too much money on there fake reporting of Trump.

What was fake or nasty about the question?

Timing......................and a useless question.......They were talking about HOPE. The new Cure that has possibilities...................and how it may be why Germany has a lower death rate.

BTW........My hats off to Germany who has been using this.........WE HOPE..........even though LIBERAL get offended by saying that Word......that this is a Cure that will SAVE LIVES.

Oh.........that is what they were saying when the moron ASKED what to say to Scared people.

Um...........He just answered that before the Moron used the set up question.

What was the set up question?

Why would the president take “people are scared” as a personal attack? A nasty question?

That is the set up question............

Either answer you give they will hit you with a stick...........There IS NO CORRECT ANSWER.......

BS..........He just talked about a HOPEFUL DRUG......and then they take the Ice BUCKET CHALLENGE with that question.
Pence answered the same question with 'be vigilant '. Why couldn'tTrump summon that level of responsibility?
I have never seen a country shut down because of a health threat
What can be worse than that?
What could be worse for liberals?

seeing trump as the center of attention during a daily 2 hour press conference that will help him politically once the health crisis is over

announcing new drugs, the dispatch of Navy hospital ships, a stimulus package and everything else is making trump look good and that drives liberals crazy
How are journalists making things worse than they are?
We have never had a health crisis that threatens our economy.

The media is reporting on new drugs, Navy hospital ship, the stimulus.
But they are also holding Trump to standards of truth when he misrepresents them.
Trump misrepresented nothing

review the first part of trumps answer to alexander

you know, the part you edited out and tried to conceal

trump gave a very reasonable answer

I agree 100% with what Trump said..........The guy wanted a I gotcha moment.........

FAME...........LOL......Trump CLEARLY talked about the Malaria drug..........and this is HOPEFUL.......

This guy is just trying to spin HOPE.......tell this punk to go play in Traffic.

The lib news media cares only about not giving trump credit for anything

and the fact that an existing drug might be used to help victims of the chinese virus is driving them insane with jealousy

Their purpose if it shift the Topic away from Trump and being Hopeful about it.......Quite Frankly so far the death numbers in Germany may very well be lowering the deaths.......haven't checked today.......their deaths were low yesterday.

They aren't the only ones doing is Israel.........This is GOOD NEWS..........the Media doesn't want GOOD NEWS...........they want TRUMP IS THE DEVIL.

He is trying to stop the 'fake news' but CNN, MSNBC and the MSM are making too much money on there fake reporting of Trump.

What was fake or nasty about the question?
He is trying to stop the 'fake news' but CNN, MSNBC and the MSM are making too much money on there fake reporting of Trump.

What was fake or nasty about the question?

Timing......................and a useless question.......They were talking about HOPE. The new Cure that has possibilities...................and how it may be why Germany has a lower death rate.

BTW........My hats off to Germany who has been using this.........WE HOPE..........even though LIBERAL get offended by saying that Word......that this is a Cure that will SAVE LIVES.

Oh.........that is what they were saying when the moron ASKED what to say to Scared people.

Um...........He just answered that before the Moron used the set up question.

What was the set up question?

Why would the president take “people are scared” as a personal attack? A nasty question?

That is the set up question............

Either answer you give they will hit you with a stick...........There IS NO CORRECT ANSWER.......

BS..........He just talked about a HOPEFUL DRUG......and then they take the Ice BUCKET CHALLENGE with that question.
Pence answered the same question with 'be vigilant '. Why couldn'tTrump summon that level of responsibility?
The only ones irresponsible are the Media.............when they push Panic and Fear over HOPE..........

I wouldn't have been very a matter of fact I would give briefings and no questions anymore.........cut them off............

He is under no obligation to allow questions........They can pound sand.
The president should have used his new campaign slogan, "I accept no responsibility, at all".

Hell that's the story of literally his entire life. Never even so much as held a job until the present one.

That's what drops my jaw to the floor, the idea of taking an entitled asshole who's never taken on any responsibility in his 70 years, and plunk him down into the most responsible job in the world. Why that was a really bad idea is obvious now.

Hopefully America (assuming we survive) has learned her lesson.
We're not that great about learning from our mistakes.

History repeats itself to be sure. But hopefully our memory of this particular FUBAR lasts at least a generation.
What was fake or nasty about the question?
What was fake or nasty about the question?

Timing......................and a useless question.......They were talking about HOPE. The new Cure that has possibilities...................and how it may be why Germany has a lower death rate.

BTW........My hats off to Germany who has been using this.........WE HOPE..........even though LIBERAL get offended by saying that Word......that this is a Cure that will SAVE LIVES.

Oh.........that is what they were saying when the moron ASKED what to say to Scared people.

Um...........He just answered that before the Moron used the set up question.

What was the set up question?

Why would the president take “people are scared” as a personal attack? A nasty question?

That is the set up question............

Either answer you give they will hit you with a stick...........There IS NO CORRECT ANSWER.......

BS..........He just talked about a HOPEFUL DRUG......and then they take the Ice BUCKET CHALLENGE with that question.
Pence answered the same question with 'be vigilant '. Why couldn'tTrump summon that level of responsibility?
The only ones irresponsible are the Media.............when they push Panic and Fear over HOPE..........

I wouldn't have been very a matter of fact I would give briefings and no questions anymore.........cut them off............

He is under no obligation to allow questions........They can pound sand.
He IS obliged to give true information, not hunches and happy talk. Citizens need real information in crisises like this. When the experts are forced to clarify at best, disavow and walk back at worst, Trump is causing more panic than anyone. Do you imagine the media boogeyman is also responsible for the information driving the markets into panic? Accept the fact you support an incompetent buffoon more willing to promote lies (as he has always done) than communicate valid information. This ain't a resort opening, this is the time for the grown ups to govern.
He is trying to stop the 'fake news' but CNN, MSNBC and the MSM are making too much money on there fake reporting of Trump.

What was fake or nasty about the question?
He is trying to stop the 'fake news' but CNN, MSNBC and the MSM are making too much money on there fake reporting of Trump.

What was fake or nasty about the question?

Timing......................and a useless question.......They were talking about HOPE. The new Cure that has possibilities...................and how it may be why Germany has a lower death rate.

BTW........My hats off to Germany who has been using this.........WE HOPE..........even though LIBERAL get offended by saying that Word......that this is a Cure that will SAVE LIVES.

Oh.........that is what they were saying when the moron ASKED what to say to Scared people.

Um...........He just answered that before the Moron used the set up question.

What was the set up question?

Why would the president take “people are scared” as a personal attack? A nasty question?

That is the set up question............

Either answer you give they will hit you with a stick...........There IS NO CORRECT ANSWER.......

BS..........He just talked about a HOPEFUL DRUG......and then they take the Ice BUCKET CHALLENGE with that question.
Pence answered the same question with 'be vigilant '. Why couldn'tTrump summon that level of responsibility?
The topic at hand in the presser was about a possible new drug to save lives......and this reporter purposely went 180 degrees away from it....In Trumps answer he talked ABOUT HOPE........NOT FEAR.

The FUCKING QUESTION WAS ALREADY ANSERED..........That guy needs to go play in Traffic............and I've already stated..............if they did that to me there would be no press in the briefings AT ALL.
Timing......................and a useless question.......They were talking about HOPE. The new Cure that has possibilities...................and how it may be why Germany has a lower death rate.

BTW........My hats off to Germany who has been using this.........WE HOPE..........even though LIBERAL get offended by saying that Word......that this is a Cure that will SAVE LIVES.

Oh.........that is what they were saying when the moron ASKED what to say to Scared people.

Um...........He just answered that before the Moron used the set up question.

What was the set up question?

Why would the president take “people are scared” as a personal attack? A nasty question?

That is the set up question............

Either answer you give they will hit you with a stick...........There IS NO CORRECT ANSWER.......

BS..........He just talked about a HOPEFUL DRUG......and then they take the Ice BUCKET CHALLENGE with that question.
Pence answered the same question with 'be vigilant '. Why couldn'tTrump summon that level of responsibility?
The only ones irresponsible are the Media.............when they push Panic and Fear over HOPE..........

I wouldn't have been very a matter of fact I would give briefings and no questions anymore.........cut them off............

He is under no obligation to allow questions........They can pound sand.
He IS obliged to give true information, not hunches and happy talk. Citizens need real information in crisises like this. When the experts are forced to clarify at best, disavow and walk back at worst, Trump is causing more panic than anyone. Do you imagine the media boogeyman is also responsible for the information driving the markets into panic? Accept the fact you support an incompetent buffoon more willing to promote lies (as he has always done) than communicate valid information. This ain't a resort opening, this is the time for the grown ups to govern.
TDS and nothing more here.........go play in traffic with that are a pair.

Information to the public on this topic...........a possible TREATMENT is very HOPEFUL..........and we believe it is saving lives and could save more lives...........In another note........Please TURN OFF THE MEDIA when they preach FEAR..........

Vaccines are in testing as well.................
The president should have used his new campaign slogan, "I accept no responsibility, at all".

Hell that's the story of literally his entire life. Never even so much as held a job until the present one.

That's what drops my jaw to the floor, the idea of taking an entitled asshole who's never taken on any responsibility in his 70 years, and plunk him down into the most responsible job in the world. Why that was a really bad idea is obvious now.

Hopefully America (assuming we survive) has learned her lesson.
We're not that great about learning from our mistakes.

History repeats itself to be sure. But hopefully our memory of this particular FUBAR lasts at least a generation.
Not positive. Would not be surprised to see the Democrats pick some figurehead of equally little experience, judgement and character withing the next 3 cycles.
'Vicious attacks"....lmao

After three years, you'd think that these media pussies could take a verbal punch.

After 3 years, you would think that Trump the charlatan could answer a harmless verbal question.
'Vicious attacks"....lmao

After three years, you'd think that these media pussies could take a verbal punch.
Actually, I thought a 73 year old man who had borne the mantle of the American presidency would have matured to the point he would comport himself with maturity, dignity and solemnity rather than acting like a professional wrestler suffering from diaper rash. The president should never punch down. The president should govern.
You mean like Joe Biden? You lying dog faced pony soldier. You're full of shit.
The president should have used his new campaign slogan, "I accept no responsibility, at all".

Hell that's the story of literally his entire life. Never even so much as held a job until the present one.

That's what drops my jaw to the floor, the idea of taking an entitled asshole who's never taken on any responsibility in his 70 years, and plunk him down into the most responsible job in the world. Why that was a really bad idea is obvious now.

Hopefully America (assuming we survive) has learned her lesson.
We're not that great about learning from our mistakes.

History repeats itself to be sure. But hopefully our memory of this particular FUBAR lasts at least a generation.
Not positive. Would not be surprised to see the Democrats pick some figurehead of equally little experience, judgement and character withing the next 3 cycles.

Kathy Griffin, Samantha Bee or Amy Schumer maybe? Doubtful. I have to say however that Tom Hanks might be a pretty decent POTUS assuming he recovers from the Trump Virus. And it looks pretty good! :)

Tom Hanks and his wife, the actor and singer Rita Wilson, are “not great” but “feeling better every day”, according to his sister, Sandra. The couple are in self-isolation after being discharged from a Queensland hospital following almost a week’s stay.

Sandra Hanks Benoiton told People: “Tom and Rita are doing very well and continue to recover. Their recovery is very much on course for healthy adults with this virus. They are feeling better each day.”

Earlier this week, Hanks posted an update saying the symptoms were “much the same … no fever but the blahs. Folding the laundry and doing the dishes leads to a nap on the couch.”
'Vicious attacks"....lmao

After three years, you'd think that these media pussies could take a verbal punch.

After 3 years, you would think that Trump the charlatan could answer a harmless verbal question.
It was someone trump looks at as, of the"other side". Hannity could have asked the question, using the exact same words as a softball question for the pres to do a 10 minute monologue, easily hitting it out of the park in the mind of the cult. trump does not even attempt to communicate with society as a whole. He disdains the majority because they did not vote for him. Blind vindictiveness is a hallmark of the cult.
A: "I'd tell them to stop watching and listening to you worthless fearmongering bottom feeders for a few days, and they'll feel much better."

That's what he should have said.
...while declaring a national emergency.

Yep, that's trumpism.
Trump is asked a legitimate question about what he has to say to Americans who are scared

Trump viciously attacks NBC News reporter in extended rant after being asked for message to Americans worried about coronavirus - CNN

Alexander asked, "What do you say to Americans who are scared?"

Trump, shaking his head, ripped into Alexander in response.
"I say that you are a terrible reporter," Trump replied. "That's what I say."
The President proceeded to launch into an extended rant against Alexander, saying he asked a "nasty question" and assailing NBC and its parent company, Comcast.
"You're doing sensationalism," Trump charged. "And the same with NBC and Comcast. I don't call it Comcast. I call it 'Con-Cast.'"
"Let me just tell you something," Trump added. "That's really bad reporting. And you ought to get back to reporting instead of sensationalism."

What Trump should have said is turn off your news, read the CDC and WHO bulletins and turn on AM radio to the Goverment signal for any emergency updates...
What Trump should have done is use that opportunity to offer assurances to the American people. We are in control. This is going to be very hard, but we will beat this.

It is called leadership
i have to agree with you RW....depending on how trump handles this could make or break him....
Trump is asked a legitimate question about what he has to say to Americans who are scared

Trump viciously attacks NBC News reporter in extended rant after being asked for message to Americans worried about coronavirus - CNN

Alexander asked, "What do you say to Americans who are scared?"

Trump, shaking his head, ripped into Alexander in response.
"I say that you are a terrible reporter," Trump replied. "That's what I say."
The President proceeded to launch into an extended rant against Alexander, saying he asked a "nasty question" and assailing NBC and its parent company, Comcast.
"You're doing sensationalism," Trump charged. "And the same with NBC and Comcast. I don't call it Comcast. I call it 'Con-Cast.'"
"Let me just tell you something," Trump added. "That's really bad reporting. And you ought to get back to reporting instead of sensationalism."
So, a fearmongering CNN reporter is using this pandemic to rack up 'points' against our President. You are no better.
Can you be serious here?

Do you really think giving a President an opportunity to address the American people who are scared is “nasty”?

The reporter asked a softball question designed to make the president look good. trump could have taken and run with it but no, he totally blew it.

He could have taken that opportunity to be presidential, to calm people, to reassure people but no, trump doesn't have that capability.

He only thinks of himself.

So he attacked the reporter.

He could have said, it's ok. We're all in this together. We're Americans and we can do anything. Keep your family and friends around you We will get through this together.

A real leader inspires people, they help people. They lead. They don't attack and only think of themselves.
Trump is asked a legitimate question about what he has to say to Americans who are scared

Trump viciously attacks NBC News reporter in extended rant after being asked for message to Americans worried about coronavirus - CNN

Alexander asked, "What do you say to Americans who are scared?"

Trump, shaking his head, ripped into Alexander in response.
"I say that you are a terrible reporter," Trump replied. "That's what I say."
The President proceeded to launch into an extended rant against Alexander, saying he asked a "nasty question" and assailing NBC and its parent company, Comcast.
"You're doing sensationalism," Trump charged. "And the same with NBC and Comcast. I don't call it Comcast. I call it 'Con-Cast.'"
"Let me just tell you something," Trump added. "That's really bad reporting. And you ought to get back to reporting instead of sensationalism."
So, a fearmongering CNN reporter is using this pandemic to rack up 'points' against our President. You are no better.
Can you be serious here?

Do you really think giving a President an opportunity to address the American people who are scared is “nasty”?

The reporter asked a softball question designed to make the president look good. trump could have taken and run with it but no, he totally blew it.

He could have taken that opportunity to be presidential, to calm people, to reassure people but no, trump doesn't have that capability.

He only thinks of himself.

So he attacked the reporter.

He could have said, it's ok. We're all in this together. We're Americans and we can do anything. Keep your family and friends around you We will get through this together.

A real leader inspires people, they help people. They lead. They don't attack and only think of themselves.
Trump is somewhere right now asking, "Why is all this happening to ME???"
Hell that's the story of literally his entire life. Never even so much as held a job until the present one.

That's what drops my jaw to the floor, the idea of taking an entitled asshole who's never taken on any responsibility in his 70 years, and plunk him down into the most responsible job in the world. Why that was a really bad idea is obvious now.

Hopefully America (assuming we survive) has learned her lesson.
We're not that great about learning from our mistakes.

History repeats itself to be sure. But hopefully our memory of this particular FUBAR lasts at least a generation.
Not positive. Would not be surprised to see the Democrats pick some figurehead of equally little experience, judgement and character withing the next 3 cycles.

Kathy Griffin, Samantha Bee or Amy Schumer maybe? Doubtful. I have to say however that Tom Hanks might be a pretty decent POTUS assuming he recovers from the Trump Virus. And it looks pretty good! :)

Tom Hanks and his wife, the actor and singer Rita Wilson, are “not great” but “feeling better every day”, according to his sister, Sandra. The couple are in self-isolation after being discharged from a Queensland hospital following almost a week’s stay.

Sandra Hanks Benoiton told People: “Tom and Rita are doing very well and continue to recover. Their recovery is very much on course for healthy adults with this virus. They are feeling better each day.”

Earlier this week, Hanks posted an update saying the symptoms were “much the same … no fever but the blahs. Folding the laundry and doing the dishes leads to a nap on the couch.”
Hanks is a generally nice guy and I wish them the best, but the job actually does call for some experience in government, and time and history answering to an electorate. More likely and equally disastrous would be somebody like Oprah. Scared the $hit out of me, when I heard her floated by the more nearsighted left fringe.

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