Is the pressure getting to our President?

'Vicious attacks"....lmao

After three years, you'd think that these media pussies could take a verbal punch.
Actually, I thought a 73 year old man who had borne the mantle of the American presidency would have matured to the point he would comport himself with maturity, dignity and solemnity rather than acting like a professional wrestler suffering from diaper rash. The president should never punch down. The president should govern.
You mean like Joe Biden? You lying dog faced pony soldier. You're full of shit.
You must accept this basic fact: not all Americans are as susceptible to low brow time share condo salesman bullshit as you are. Some of us look at things through the lens of pragamatism and responsibility, not hype and grievance.
So are you voting for Biden?
Timing......................and a useless question.......They were talking about HOPE. The new Cure that has possibilities...................and how it may be why Germany has a lower death rate.

BTW........My hats off to Germany who has been using this.........WE HOPE..........even though LIBERAL get offended by saying that Word......that this is a Cure that will SAVE LIVES.

Oh.........that is what they were saying when the moron ASKED what to say to Scared people.

Um...........He just answered that before the Moron used the set up question.

What was the set up question?

Why would the president take “people are scared” as a personal attack? A nasty question?

That is the set up question............

Either answer you give they will hit you with a stick...........There IS NO CORRECT ANSWER.......

BS..........He just talked about a HOPEFUL DRUG......and then they take the Ice BUCKET CHALLENGE with that question.
Pence answered the same question with 'be vigilant '. Why couldn'tTrump summon that level of responsibility?
The topic at hand in the presser was about a possible new drug to save lives......and this reporter purposely went 180 degrees away from it....In Trumps answer he talked ABOUT HOPE........NOT FEAR.

The FUCKING QUESTION WAS ALREADY ANSERED..........That guy needs to go play in Traffic............and I've already stated..............if they did that to me there would be no press in the briefings AT ALL.
Why should Trump be immune to answering a responsible question? Namely; what could you say to Americans who are scared. And a self promoting, hyperbole prone, lying buffoon be regarded as a responsible leader in the midst of a global pandemic? We went shopping for leadership on the corner of Incompetence Avenue and Corruption Boulevard. And here we are.
Hint: "What do you say to people who...." isn't a reasonable question....It involves both begging the question and strawman fallacies.....It was a total setup, because there was no way he could have answered the question satisfactorily, especially to the media and DNC team players like you.

1) Give a positive reassuring answer: "HE'S A POLLYANNA WHO'S ENGAGING IN HAPPY TALK!"

2) Give an answer that advises a more cautionary approach: "HE"S FANNING THE FLAMES OF FEAR!"

And don't try to insult my intelligence by saying that such answers wouldn't have been spun in those ways, by both them and you.
Trump is asked a legitimate question about what he has to say to Americans who are scared

Trump viciously attacks NBC News reporter in extended rant after being asked for message to Americans worried about coronavirus - CNN

Alexander asked, "What do you say to Americans who are scared?"

Trump, shaking his head, ripped into Alexander in response.
"I say that you are a terrible reporter," Trump replied. "That's what I say."
The President proceeded to launch into an extended rant against Alexander, saying he asked a "nasty question" and assailing NBC and its parent company, Comcast.
"You're doing sensationalism," Trump charged. "And the same with NBC and Comcast. I don't call it Comcast. I call it 'Con-Cast.'"
"Let me just tell you something," Trump added. "That's really bad reporting. And you ought to get back to reporting instead of sensationalism."
Donald has been insane since he got this job. And he’s getting worse as he fails more and more. He is ill-equipped to deal with this crisis and his efforts to downplay and lie were failures
When did President Trump shut down travel from China to the USA?
Here is what Rightwinger wanted to happen....

President Trump: "We are looking into this Malaria medicine, in some cases it seems to help fight off the virus, we are studying this and hopefully there is promise here".
Reporter: Are you giving people false hopes about this medicine? Are you just putting a positive spin on it?
President Trump: "Well your right, I apologize to the American people. There is no hope for this medicine, it probably won't work, and it is all probably a waste of time and people will die, and more will die after them"
Reporter: What do you say to the millions of Americans in fear? People are afraid...what do you say to them?"
President Trump: "They should be, people are dying and getting sick. I shouldn't be giving people hope, I should be like you guys and keep only talking about the worse case scenarios, like maybe 100,000's of dead all over the country"
Why is it that Dr Fauci is able to put things in the proper perspective while our President can’t seem to get it straight
My Fellow Americans..............we found a new drug...........and doubt it will work..........but we have NOTHING ELSE TO SAY.........So go to your home and DIE LIKE AMERICANS..........YOU HAVE NO HOPE.............HOPE DIED when Mr. HOPE AND CHANGE left office.

Hell when he was in office 7 days after he declared an emergency........the H1N1 VIRUS .......WAS SOOOOOO SCARED............That the virus ran away and he had a Halloween party at the White House with 2000 children.

My GOD PEOPLE........That man was pure magic..

anyways...........kiss your butts goodbye......Capt Trips is going to kill you all........I'm going fishing.
We did not develop those “cures”
Information is coming from other countries

Other countries consider it promising. They are not running a victory lap
Trump is asked a legitimate question about what he has to say to Americans who are scared

Trump viciously attacks NBC News reporter in extended rant after being asked for message to Americans worried about coronavirus - CNN

Alexander asked, "What do you say to Americans who are scared?"

Trump, shaking his head, ripped into Alexander in response.
"I say that you are a terrible reporter," Trump replied. "That's what I say."
The President proceeded to launch into an extended rant against Alexander, saying he asked a "nasty question" and assailing NBC and its parent company, Comcast.
"You're doing sensationalism," Trump charged. "And the same with NBC and Comcast. I don't call it Comcast. I call it 'Con-Cast.'"
"Let me just tell you something," Trump added. "That's really bad reporting. And you ought to get back to reporting instead of sensationalism."
So, a fearmongering CNN reporter is using this pandemic to rack up 'points' against our President. You are no better.
Can you be serious here?

Do you really think giving a President an opportunity to address the American people who are scared is “nasty”?

The reporter asked a softball question designed to make the president look good. trump could have taken and run with it but no, he totally blew it.

He could have taken that opportunity to be presidential, to calm people, to reassure people but no, trump doesn't have that capability.

He only thinks of himself.

So he attacked the reporter.

He could have said, it's ok. We're all in this together. We're Americans and we can do anything. Keep your family and friends around you We will get through this together.

A real leader inspires people, they help people. They lead. They don't attack and only think of themselves.
Trump is somewhere right now asking, "Why is all this happening to ME???"
He is proclaiming he has no responsibility
Trump is asked a legitimate question about what he has to say to Americans who are scared

Trump viciously attacks NBC News reporter in extended rant after being asked for message to Americans worried about coronavirus - CNN

Alexander asked, "What do you say to Americans who are scared?"

Trump, shaking his head, ripped into Alexander in response.
"I say that you are a terrible reporter," Trump replied. "That's what I say."
The President proceeded to launch into an extended rant against Alexander, saying he asked a "nasty question" and assailing NBC and its parent company, Comcast.
"You're doing sensationalism," Trump charged. "And the same with NBC and Comcast. I don't call it Comcast. I call it 'Con-Cast.'"
"Let me just tell you something," Trump added. "That's really bad reporting. And you ought to get back to reporting instead of sensationalism."
So, a fearmongering CNN reporter is using this pandemic to rack up 'points' against our President. You are no better.
Can you be serious here?

Do you really think giving a President an opportunity to address the American people who are scared is “nasty”?

The reporter asked a softball question designed to make the president look good. trump could have taken and run with it but no, he totally blew it.

He could have taken that opportunity to be presidential, to calm people, to reassure people but no, trump doesn't have that capability.

He only thinks of himself.

So he attacked the reporter.

He could have said, it's ok. We're all in this together. We're Americans and we can do anything. Keep your family and friends around you We will get through this together.

A real leader inspires people, they help people. They lead. They don't attack and only think of themselves.
Any president would have easily handled that question and used it as an exercise in looking “Presidential”

Trump threw a tantrum and launched a personal attack.
What would have happened if a journalist had stood up and called Trump a “bad President” and “nasty”??
Have you been in a coma since that fateful day in 2015, when he came down the escalator?

The answer is.....Journalists have too much integrity to engage in personal attacks.

View attachment 313869
Show me an example of any reporter who has acted that way.

Questioning an action is fair play. Personal attacks are not
Trump is asked a legitimate question about what he has to say to Americans who are scared

Trump viciously attacks NBC News reporter in extended rant after being asked for message to Americans worried about coronavirus - CNN

Alexander asked, "What do you say to Americans who are scared?"

Trump, shaking his head, ripped into Alexander in response.
"I say that you are a terrible reporter," Trump replied. "That's what I say."
The President proceeded to launch into an extended rant against Alexander, saying he asked a "nasty question" and assailing NBC and its parent company, Comcast.
"You're doing sensationalism," Trump charged. "And the same with NBC and Comcast. I don't call it Comcast. I call it 'Con-Cast.'"
"Let me just tell you something," Trump added. "That's really bad reporting. And you ought to get back to reporting instead of sensationalism."
So, a fearmongering CNN reporter is using this pandemic to rack up 'points' against our President. You are no better.
Can you be serious here?

Do you really think giving a President an opportunity to address the American people who are scared is “nasty”?

The reporter asked a softball question designed to make the president look good. trump could have taken and run with it but no, he totally blew it.

He could have taken that opportunity to be presidential, to calm people, to reassure people but no, trump doesn't have that capability.

He only thinks of himself.

So he attacked the reporter.

He could have said, it's ok. We're all in this together. We're Americans and we can do anything. Keep your family and friends around you We will get through this together.

A real leader inspires people, they help people. They lead. They don't attack and only think of themselves.
Any president would have easily handled that question and used it as an exercise in looking “Presidential”

Trump threw a tantrum and launched a personal attack.
When did President Trump stop entrance to the USA from China?
What would have happened if a journalist had stood up and called Trump a “bad President” and “nasty”??
Have you been in a coma since that fateful day in 2015, when he came down the escalator?

The answer is.....Journalists have too much integrity to engage in personal attacks.

View attachment 313869
Show me an example of any reporter who has acted that way.

Questioning an action is fair play. Personal attacks are not
It wasn't a question, it was a veiled insult. He wouldn't have asked that of Obama. No one asked that while Obama was President during the H1N1 virus.
Any president would have easily handled that question and used it as an exercise in looking “Presidential”

Trump threw a tantrum and launched a personal attack.

The reporter was fear mongering, Trump's response was perfect. That reporter doesn't even know what a douchebag he is, neither do you.
"Great job" at dividing and polarizing people, no question. Get it? No question? Haw, I kill me.

Matter of fact that's exactly why Rump's disapproval rating has held steady for his entire term. Because the first thing he did, way before the election, was start dividing people into tribes, complete with "beat the crap out of 'im" and "nothing you can do, although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is". And of course demonizing the free press in the ignoble tradition of Stalin, Chávez, Wilson, Nixon and of course that Austrian corporal. Whelp --- those tribes continue to hold, don't they. Tell us about yours. Do y'all dance naked in the forest around a bigly banner of a fake Time Magazine cover or what? Fly radio-controlled model Revolutionary War planes? Dance on rooftops?

Actually, the ones doing the dividing are the MSM and you TDSers. You Democrat dick suckers wasted 3 years on a fake Russia conspiracy then wasted even more time trying to get Trump removed from office because of a perfectly good phone call. Shame on all of you.
The reporter asked a softball question designed to make the president look good. trump could have taken and run with it but no, he totally blew it.

He could have taken that opportunity to be presidential, to calm people, to reassure people but no, trump doesn't have that capability.

He only thinks of himself.

So he attacked the reporter.

He could have said, it's ok. We're all in this together. We're Americans and we can do anything. Keep your family and friends around you We will get through this together.

A real leader inspires people, they help people. They lead. They don't attack and only think of themselves.

"Softball question" Democrat dick sucking talking point acknowledged. ^^^^^^^
Trump is asked a legitimate question about what he has to say to Americans who are scared

Trump viciously attacks NBC News reporter in extended rant after being asked for message to Americans worried about coronavirus - CNN

Alexander asked, "What do you say to Americans who are scared?"

Trump, shaking his head, ripped into Alexander in response.
"I say that you are a terrible reporter," Trump replied. "That's what I say."
The President proceeded to launch into an extended rant against Alexander, saying he asked a "nasty question" and assailing NBC and its parent company, Comcast.
"You're doing sensationalism," Trump charged. "And the same with NBC and Comcast. I don't call it Comcast. I call it 'Con-Cast.'"
"Let me just tell you something," Trump added. "That's really bad reporting. And you ought to get back to reporting instead of sensationalism."
So, a fearmongering CNN reporter is using this pandemic to rack up 'points' against our President. You are no better.
Can you be serious here?

Do you really think giving a President an opportunity to address the American people who are scared is “nasty”?

The reporter asked a softball question designed to make the president look good. trump could have taken and run with it but no, he totally blew it.

He could have taken that opportunity to be presidential, to calm people, to reassure people but no, trump doesn't have that capability.

He only thinks of himself.

So he attacked the reporter.

He could have said, it's ok. We're all in this together. We're Americans and we can do anything. Keep your family and friends around you We will get through this together.

A real leader inspires people, they help people. They lead. They don't attack and only think of themselves.
Trump is somewhere right now asking, "Why is all this happening to ME???"
He is proclaiming he has no responsibility
You avoid the truth like the plague. Sad.
'Vicious attacks"....lmao

After three years, you'd think that these media pussies could take a verbal punch.

After 3 years, you would think that Trump the charlatan could answer a harmless verbal question.
Democrat dick sucking talking point acknowledged. ^^^^^^^^ And no, the question was not 'harmless' the reporter was fear mongering. No one I know is scared. Do you and your Democrat dick sucking friends hide in your basements or something? We are Americans, not baby diaper shitting, whining, crybabies. Put on your 'big boy' pants, wipe your butt and STFU.
The fake news said Trump exploded. I watched the entire thing. Trump was cool and calm.
The fake news said Trump exploded. I watched the entire thing. Trump was cool and calm.
When presented an opportunity to say things he should have said without being prompted, the child president melted down and made it all about himself.
The fake news said Trump exploded. I watched the entire thing. Trump was cool and calm.
He was cool, he was calm and he was exactly correct in telling Alexander what a useless troll he was. Of course other reporters are wetting their panties over this because the President has made clear to them that he will no longer allow them to shape the news to suit their own biases

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