Is the pressure getting to our President?

What would have happened if a journalist had stood up and called Trump a “bad President” and “nasty”??
Have you been in a coma since that fateful day in 2015, when he came down the escalator?

The answer is.....Journalists have too much integrity to engage in personal attacks.

View attachment 313869
Show me an example of any reporter who has acted that way.

Questioning an action is fair play. Personal attacks are not
It wasn't a question, it was a veiled insult. He wouldn't have asked that of Obama. No one asked that while Obama was President during the H1N1 virus.
Obama would have no problem answering a question about what he would say to people who are scared.

Neither would any other president.
Any president would have easily handled that question and used it as an exercise in looking “Presidential”

Trump threw a tantrum and launched a personal attack.

The reporter was fear mongering, Trump's response was perfect. That reporter doesn't even know what a douchebag he is, neither do you.

Fear mongering?

You don’t think people don’t already have fears about their health, their jobs and their savings?
The fake news said Trump exploded. I watched the entire thing. Trump was cool and calm.
He was cool, he was calm and he was exactly correct in telling Alexander what a useless troll he was. Of course other reporters are wetting their panties over this because the President has made clear to them that he will no longer allow them to shape the news to suit their own biases

More bullying by the president of reporters who do not praise him and give him softball questions.
What would have happened if a journalist had stood up and called Trump a “bad President” and “nasty”??
Have you been in a coma since that fateful day in 2015, when he came down the escalator?

The answer is.....Journalists have too much integrity to engage in personal attacks.

View attachment 313869
Show me an example of any reporter who has acted that way.

Questioning an action is fair play. Personal attacks are not
It wasn't a question, it was a veiled insult. He wouldn't have asked that of Obama. No one asked that while Obama was President during the H1N1 virus.
Obama would have no problem answering a question about what he would say to people who are scared.

Neither would any other president.
That wasn't the question. Try again, and this time use the truth.
'Vicious attacks"....lmao

After three years, you'd think that these media pussies could take a verbal punch.

After 3 years, you would think that Trump the charlatan could answer a harmless verbal question.
Democrat dick sucking talking point acknowledged. ^^^^^^^^ And no, the question was not 'harmless' the reporter was fear mongering. No one I know is scared. Do you and your Democrat dick sucking friends hide in your basements or something? We are Americans, not baby diaper shitting, whining, crybabies. Put on your 'big boy' pants, wipe your butt and STFU.

Your mouth is getting in the way of your brains.
The fake news said Trump exploded. I watched the entire thing. Trump was cool and calm.
He was cool, he was calm and he was exactly correct in telling Alexander what a useless troll he was. Of course other reporters are wetting their panties over this because the President has made clear to them that he will no longer allow them to shape the news to suit their own biases

More bullying by the president of reporters who do not praise him and give him softball questions.
You sure are adept at reframing the truth.
What would have happened if a journalist had stood up and called Trump a “bad President” and “nasty”??
Have you been in a coma since that fateful day in 2015, when he came down the escalator?

The answer is.....Journalists have too much integrity to engage in personal attacks.

View attachment 313869
Show me an example of any reporter who has acted that way.

Questioning an action is fair play. Personal attacks are not
It wasn't a question, it was a veiled insult. He wouldn't have asked that of Obama. No one asked that while Obama was President during the H1N1 virus.
Obama would have no problem answering a question about what he would say to people who are scared.

Neither would any other president.
President Trump had already answered the question appropriately by holding the news conference, so the only point in asking it was to troll the President.
What would have happened if a journalist had stood up and called Trump a “bad President” and “nasty”??
Have you been in a coma since that fateful day in 2015, when he came down the escalator?

The answer is.....Journalists have too much integrity to engage in personal attacks.

View attachment 313869
Show me an example of any reporter who has acted that way.

Questioning an action is fair play. Personal attacks are not
Any president would have easily handled that question and used it as an exercise in looking “Presidential”

Trump threw a tantrum and launched a personal attack.

The reporter was fear mongering, Trump's response was perfect. That reporter doesn't even know what a douchebag he is, neither do you.

Didn't sound like fearmongering to me. The douchebag is the grifter in chief. He should have fielded the softball question and handled it with aplomb like a leader should and not like the asshole he is.
The fake news said Trump exploded. I watched the entire thing. Trump was cool and calm.
He was cool, he was calm and he was exactly correct in telling Alexander what a useless troll he was. Of course other reporters are wetting their panties over this because the President has made clear to them that he will no longer allow them to shape the news to suit their own biases

More bullying by the president of reporters who do not praise him and give him softball questions.
Bullying? No, he was protecting the American people from unscrupulous reporters who want to create fear and panic.
Didn't sound like fearmongering to me. The douchebag is the grifter in chief. He should have fielded the softball question and handled it with aplomb like a leader should and not like the asshole he is.

He basically said Americans were in fear. That was bullshit and Trump called him on it. Besides, however Trump would have answered the question they's still find a way to denigrate him because they all have TDS just like you.
Any president would have easily handled that question and used it as an exercise in looking “Presidential”

Trump threw a tantrum and launched a personal attack.

The reporter was fear mongering, Trump's response was perfect. That reporter doesn't even know what a douchebag he is, neither do you.

Fear mongering?

You don’t think people don’t already have fears about their health, their jobs and their savings?
I don't and no one I know is paralyzed with fear like you seem to be. Stop projecting and go clean your panties.
"Great job" at dividing and polarizing people, no question. Get it? No question? Haw, I kill me.

Matter of fact that's exactly why Rump's disapproval rating has held steady for his entire term. Because the first thing he did, way before the election, was start dividing people into tribes, complete with "beat the crap out of 'im" and "nothing you can do, although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is". And of course demonizing the free press in the ignoble tradition of Stalin, Chávez, Wilson, Nixon and of course that Austrian corporal. Whelp --- those tribes continue to hold, don't they. Tell us about yours. Do y'all dance naked in the forest around a bigly banner of a fake Time Magazine cover or what? Fly radio-controlled model Revolutionary War planes? Dance on rooftops?

Actually, the ones doing the dividing are the MSM and you TDSers. You Democrat dick suckers wasted 3 years on a fake Russia conspiracy then wasted even more time trying to get Trump removed from office because of a perfectly good phone call. Shame on all of you.

Oh I did huh.

If you could, you know, go ahead and like, LINK me to any of those posts I made, that'd be great.

It would also be an alternate universe.

Now get your suppository and put that ass-umption back up the canal it sailed from. Or, go ahead and prove it. That'd be great.
Oh I did huh.

If you could, you know, go ahead and like, LINK me to any of those posts I made, that'd be great.

It would also be an alternate universe.

Now get your suppository and put that ass-umption back up the canal it sailed from. Or, go ahead and prove it. That'd be great.

EVERY post you make about Trump is a TDS screed. Everyone here with any intelligence knows that. Who are you trying to kid?
Trump is asked a legitimate question about what he has to say to Americans who are scared

Trump viciously attacks NBC News reporter in extended rant after being asked for message to Americans worried about coronavirus - CNN

Alexander asked, "What do you say to Americans who are scared?"

Trump, shaking his head, ripped into Alexander in response.
"I say that you are a terrible reporter," Trump replied. "That's what I say."
The President proceeded to launch into an extended rant against Alexander, saying he asked a "nasty question" and assailing NBC and its parent company, Comcast.
"You're doing sensationalism," Trump charged. "And the same with NBC and Comcast. I don't call it Comcast. I call it 'Con-Cast.'"
"Let me just tell you something," Trump added. "That's really bad reporting. And you ought to get back to reporting instead of sensationalism."

Heck no, he's handled the PROG-virus quite well over his term.
Oh I did huh.

If you could, you know, go ahead and like, LINK me to any of those posts I made, that'd be great.

It would also be an alternate universe.

Now get your suppository and put that ass-umption back up the canal it sailed from. Or, go ahead and prove it. That'd be great.

EVERY post you make about Trump is a TDS screed. Everyone here with any intelligence knows that. Who are you trying to kid?

OK, I'm looking... and I'm looking.... and I'm looking some more .......... not seeing a goddam thing there about "Russia".
Not even seeing my name quoted.

Are you admitting you lied? Because I need that stated directly.

Oh but nice invocation of the old faithful "Everybody Knows" fallacy. Haven't seen that one in a good twenty minutes. Takes me back.
Oh I did huh.

If you could, you know, go ahead and like, LINK me to any of those posts I made, that'd be great.

It would also be an alternate universe.

Now get your suppository and put that ass-umption back up the canal it sailed from. Or, go ahead and prove it. That'd be great.

EVERY post you make about Trump is a TDS screed. Everyone here with any intelligence knows that. Who are you trying to kid?

OK, I'm looking... and I'm looking.... and I'm looking some more .......... not seeing a goddam thing there about "Russia".
Not even seeing my name quoted.

Are you admitting you lied? Because I need that stated directly.
Ok so, you agree that Trump is 100% innocent?
The fake news said Trump exploded. I watched the entire thing. Trump was cool and calm.
He was cool, he was calm and he was exactly correct in telling Alexander what a useless troll he was. Of course other reporters are wetting their panties over this because the President has made clear to them that he will no longer allow them to shape the news to suit their own biases

More bullying by the president of reporters who do not praise him and give him softball questions.
Bullying? No, he was protecting the American people from unscrupulous reporters who want to create fear and panic.

Wait --- aren't you the same wag who was trying to sell "our mortality rate is 1.3%" just last night?
Oh I did huh.

If you could, you know, go ahead and like, LINK me to any of those posts I made, that'd be great.

It would also be an alternate universe.

Now get your suppository and put that ass-umption back up the canal it sailed from. Or, go ahead and prove it. That'd be great.

EVERY post you make about Trump is a TDS screed. Everyone here with any intelligence knows that. Who are you trying to kid?

OK, I'm looking... and I'm looking.... and I'm looking some more .......... not seeing a goddam thing there about "Russia".
Not even seeing my name quoted.

Are you admitting you lied? Because I need that stated directly.
Ok so, you agree that Trump is 100% innocent?

STILL not seeing any mention of "Russia".

STILL not seeing a quote.

Wassamatta? Can't do it?
Is the pressure getting to our President?
Why? Is that the goal?

No. But it's a key external indicator of the lack of moral character and empathy and psychological health needed in a leader in such a time.

and crazy old evil Hillary would have been better?? WTF, dude?
When you've only got two really $hitty choices, the one that did not attain power has nothing to do with the $hittiness of the second, eh?

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