Is the term TeaBagger turning into hate speech?

☭proletarian☭;2152699 said:
Someone explain to me why we should bother respecting a group named after an act of theft, piracy, and vandalism which uses violent rhetoric and screams about settling political disputes with a Browning.

These people should be on every terrorist watchlist we have.

you can just feel the love for your fellow man and woman.
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Hey....Tea Baggers picked their own name

The lamest name for a political party since the Know Nothings.

If you want to run around dangling tea bags from your deserve to be called a Tea Bagger
Damn IT.....Respect ME!!!

Hey....Tea Baggers picked their own name

The lamest name for a political party since the Know Nothings.

If you want to run around dangling tea bags from your deserve to be called a Tea Bagger

nobody really care what you all call them.
but you all should be proud of our very own elected Democrats calling the Amercian citizens, teabaggers.
that should make all Democrats so proud.
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Hey....Tea Baggers picked their own name

The lamest name for a political party since the Know Nothings.

If you want to run around dangling tea bags from your deserve to be called a Tea Bagger

That's not true

The Tea Partiers call themselves Tea Partiers or Tea Party Patriots.

It's the Lefties with their odd Oral Fixations who keep repeating your label ad nauseum.
The term "Tea-bagger" is an intentional insult that Obama himself has used.

This lowers him to the same level as any fagwad that complains about them being terrorists.
Bear with me here on this one.

Most of the people who use "Teabagger" in a negative way to describe tea party protesters typically also claim its a white conservative movement in the country.

So based on the fact that it is hurtful speech directed at a people who are looked at as white, conservative, and angry at the govt is calling them "Teabaggers" hatespeach akin to other derogatory words used for various groups of people.

The tea party is also considered a specific social group so it could come under that classification also.

hate speech - Legal Definition
Speech not protected by the First Amendment, because it is intended to foster hatred against individuals or groups based on race, religion, gender, sexual preference, place of national origin, or other improper classification.

hate speech: Definition from
Bigoted speech attacking or disparaging a social or ethnic group or a member of such a group.

Hate speech - Definition
is a controversial term for speech intended to degrade, intimidate, or incite violence or prejudicial action against someone based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or disability. The term covers written as well as oral communication.

It sure sounds like it qualifies as hate speech so I may have to watch myself with that term in the future.

let's see


seems to me tea baggers is rather tame

stop whining

people who give NO RESPECT to others do NOT DESERVE respect in return
I personally don't buy into the notion of hate speech (or hate crimes).

1st Amendment Rights apply to everyone, even if what they say is hateful to the ears of some. There is the argument that such inflamatory speech is the equivalent of yelling "fire" in a crowded theater. The underlying racist assumption to that line of thinking, however, means that the minority who is being insulted lacks the self-control and maturity to ignore "the speech".

The morons who are calling Tea Partiers "teabaggers" just reveal their own stunted maturity and lack of class. They have no real impact on the Tea Party movement other than to make those who are curious wonder what the big deal is (and perhaps they will then join once they find out).

I'm not a big fan of the whole "laws on speech" idea myself. I find it to be a stick in the eye of the first ammendment.

Considering that we do have laws about it I was just curious if people felt this type of derogatory terminology fit under the description of the hate speech laws.

Semantics are fun for me.

I am antisemantic.
Bear with me here on this one.

Most of the people who use "Teabagger" in a negative way to describe tea party protesters typically also claim its a white conservative movement in the country.

So based on the fact that it is hurtful speech directed at a people who are looked at as white, conservative, and angry at the govt is calling them "Teabaggers" hatespeach akin to other derogatory words used for various groups of people.

The tea party is also considered a specific social group so it could come under that classification also.

hate speech - Legal Definition
Speech not protected by the First Amendment, because it is intended to foster hatred against individuals or groups based on race, religion, gender, sexual preference, place of national origin, or other improper classification.

hate speech: Definition from
Bigoted speech attacking or disparaging a social or ethnic group or a member of such a group.

Hate speech - Definition
is a controversial term for speech intended to degrade, intimidate, or incite violence or prejudicial action against someone based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or disability. The term covers written as well as oral communication.

It sure sounds like it qualifies as hate speech so I may have to watch myself with that term in the future.

let's see


seems to me tea baggers is rather tame

stop whining

people who give NO RESPECT to others do NOT DESERVE respect in return

Keep the hatred flowing brother.
Bear with me here on this one.

Most of the people who use "Teabagger" in a negative way to describe tea party protesters typically also claim its a white conservative movement in the country.

So based on the fact that it is hurtful speech directed at a people who are looked at as white, conservative, and angry at the govt is calling them "Teabaggers" hatespeach akin to other derogatory words used for various groups of people.

The tea party is also considered a specific social group so it could come under that classification also.

hate speech - Legal Definition
Speech not protected by the First Amendment, because it is intended to foster hatred against individuals or groups based on race, religion, gender, sexual preference, place of national origin, or other improper classification.

hate speech: Definition from
Bigoted speech attacking or disparaging a social or ethnic group or a member of such a group.

Hate speech - Definition
is a controversial term for speech intended to degrade, intimidate, or incite violence or prejudicial action against someone based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or disability. The term covers written as well as oral communication.

It sure sounds like it qualifies as hate speech so I may have to watch myself with that term in the future.

let's see


seems to me tea baggers is rather tame

stop whining

people who give NO RESPECT to others do NOT DESERVE respect in return

well hell yah, and all those above refer to someone sticking their sweaty balls in someones face.
Tea Bagger isn't near as bad as the Tea Baggers themselves calling the United States of America's President "Socialist," "Communist," "Witch Doctor," Calling for his days to be "Short," among other hateful things..and racist comments.
That is hate speech.

You should tell this guy that it's "hate speech" to use the term "Tea Baggers:"

^ That dude is a Tea Partier.

Obama believes that labor unions should be allowed to organize without a secret ballot. The Socialist Party USA calls for unions to be recognized without a secret ballot.




How about proving any one of those statements is false.
For the record, the whole tea partiers being called teabaggers by some was their own doing. When you have signs like "Tea bag the Liberals, before they tea bag you" expect to get mocked for your ignorance of such words in 2010.

I don't use the word, but it's not hate speech. If that's the case, might as well call Libtard and every other childish name that Frank can come up with for Liberals on this board labeled as hate speech.
The term "Tea-bagger" is an intentional insult that Obama himself has used.

This lowers him to the same level as any fagwad that complains about them being terrorists.

Hey Pot, have you met kettle as of late?
For decades now the republicans refuse to say the name of the democratic party correctly as an insult.

These people then choose to call their party the tea bag party and then get mad when we DO say it correctly.

One would think that the term "HATE SPEECH" is quickly morphing into a phrase that means:

ANYTHING that SOMEONE else perceives as, offensive,insulting,objectionable in anyway. A blanket term to be used to stifle ALL speech that offends anyone in any manner differing from the opinions or values of another.

Sounds like a dangerous SPIN of the phrase, in my opinion. The time when what ever we say can be interpreted by some literary genius and put into law, using the........."if it sounds like" mentality to others is the end of free speech forever.

This whole thing is becoming a bucket load of manure.

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