Is there a way for foreigners to work for the USA government or state?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
Like a spy, or even entering the US army for whatever task? Or you need to be a american citizen?
Like a spy, or even entering the US army for whatever task? Or you need to be a american citizen?
You're too old and too fat and would not pass a background check as a foreigner with no experience and no credentials to offer anyone.
. . . so? Get a job in Russia, and maybe they might.

I registered here and made my profile and resumee searchable, so if one day someone has a job offer for me they might find me, but i think i wont really get a job, because im not citizen, not resident, dont have any qualifications, nor credentials, nor work experience. But who knows, it cant harm to be registered

I registered here and made my profile and resumee searchable, so if one day someone has a job offer for me they might find me, but i think i wont really get a job, because im not citizen, not resident, dont have any qualifications, nor credentials, nor work experience. But who knows, it cant harm to be registered

You would be more likely tapped as a foreign asset since you live in Europe. . . but you need to have something to offer.

IOW, you need to infiltrate some group of interest that the US wants information on.

The fact that you speak other languages, other than English, and you reside in an area of the world, and are friendly to American interests, that is your biggest asset right now.

. . but I am just guessing, I don't really know.

I don't think all of the assets we had in Afghanistan, and Vietnam were citizens, etc.

Likewise, I have no doubt, we have plenty of assets now in Ukraine and Russia.

. . . and none of those are probably citizens, but no doubt, some day hope to be.
I'm guessing, during the ancient days of Rome, that is how a lot of folks in the provinces did it. For the promise of citizenship, many would do things for the capital.
But does the US need another asset in Europe? Don´t they have most of the governments in their pocket? You need to be in a country whose government the US wants to change. But the job is ungrateful, only few assets manage to enter the US, like Guaido. The others will end up like Navalny or get disposed after they finished their job like Hussein.
But does the US need another asset in Europe? Don´t they have most of the governments in their pocket? You need to be in a country whose government the US wants to change. But the job is ungrateful, only few assets manage to enter the US, like Guaido. The others will end up like Navalny or get disposed after they finished their job like Hussein.
I honestly could not tell you.

Frankly? I was surprised when Mort posted this question, I thought he was already an asset.

Hell, I thought everyone on this site, but me, is an asset. :tinfoil:

Did you read about that Church Committee debacle? They were infiltrating every citizen group on the planet. Book clubs, yoga groups, you name it.

Now that they have the internet and have everyone's smart phones? Everyone is an asset.

The government and these agencies think the budget is a bottomless pit, so if someone is willing, and they think there is something useful?

meh. From what I can remember, they will pay and use anyone willing.

I honestly could not tell you.

Frankly? I was surprised when Mort posted this question, I thought he was already an asset.

Hell, I thought everyone on this site, but me, is an asset. :tinfoil:

Did you read about that Church Committee debacle? They were infiltrating every citizen group on the planet. Book clubs, yoga groups, you name it.

Now that they have the internet and have everyone's smart phones? Everyone is an asset.

The government and these agencies think the budget is a bottomless pit, so if someone is willing, and they think there is something useful?

meh. From what I can remember, they will pay and use anyone willing.

No, I am not into conspiracy stuff and don´t know Church Committee. But I would say, if they infiltrated every group, that would require millions of agents.
Mort is afraid a right wing party could deport him and apparently now wants to move to the US. But neither KKK nor BLM are interested.
No, I am not into conspiracy stuff and don´t know Church Committee. But I would say, if they infiltrated every group, that would require millions of agents.
Mort is afraid a right wing party could deport him and apparently now wants to move to the US. But neither KKK nor BLM are interested.
I dont want to move the USA, and probably they wont really deport me, but their plan is remmigration, i guess as roma on benefits and with my online history, and traces on internet im "suspect" and "vulnerable" they could try to verify my citizenship, i said many even some nazi stuff like my nazi videos and nazi uniform it could be a reason to deport me, or if not deport me, eliminate all my benefits. Im not sure, but i think i could be a target. Im generally not against right wingers, and i have a few aquaintances even some i like and would call friends who vote the freedom party, and who like me. But Im just saying. I dont want to move the US, but i want to do a secret job for the US, not because i want to move the US or their citizenship but because i believe in freedom and american values.
I dont want to move the USA, and probably they wont really deport me, but their plan is remmigration, i guess as roma on benefits and with my online history, and traces on internet im "suspect" and "vulnerable" they could try to verify my citizenship, i said many even some nazi stuff like my nazi videos and nazi uniform it could be a reason to deport me, or if not deport me, eliminate all my benefits. Im not sure, but i think i could be a target. Im generally not against right wingers, and i have a few aquaintances even some i like and would call friends who vote the freedom party, and who like me. But Im just saying. I dont want to move the US, but i want to do a secret job for the US, not because i want to move the US or their citizenship but because i believe in freedom and american values.

Instead of focusing on being a useless waste of space and resources do what a lot of Americans on disability or welfare or SS do, and find some volunteer activities and social services to spend your days on instead of just eating a lot and whining about your white people fantasies.
Instead of focusing on being a useless waste of space and resources do what a lot of Americans on disability or welfare or SS do, and find some volunteer activities and social services to spend your days on instead of eating a lot and whining about your white people fantasies.
I really do, I wrote the priest seminary, for example that i want to become priest.
Also i called the old peoples nursing home, to help voluntarily, they never called back but today i wrote a email why they didnt called back. they noted my name and phone number, i would do that without being paid.
I dont want to move the USA, and probably they wont really deport me, but their plan is remmigration, i guess as roma on benefits and with my online history, and traces on internet im "suspect" and "vulnerable" they could try to verify my citizenship, i said many even some nazi stuff like my nazi videos and nazi uniform it could be a reason to deport me, or if not deport me, eliminate all my benefits. Im not sure, but i think i could be a target. Im generally not against right wingers, and i have a few aquaintances even some i like and would call friends who vote the freedom party, and who like me. But Im just saying. I dont want to move the US, but i want to do a secret job for the US, not because i want to move the US or their citizenship but because i believe in freedom and american values.
I wonder why you think a right wing party would abolish the state of law and cancel your benefits for some uniform or statements. That is not going to happen. What we have to fear is that such a party cancels the benefits for no other reason than to make low wage jobs more attractive. That is what right-wing stuff has always been about.
So we can expect some cuts of the welfare programs but in exchange we get rid of government babysitting and telling what to do. So yo can keep your uniform and videos, nobody cares.

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