Is there anyone else besides me who now feels uncomfortable in the company of Democrats?

Doom rats donā€™t concede elections. Many didnā€™t concede and disputed 2016 as legit. Was that wrong?

Democrats filed law suits constantly, every election since 2004. Not unique.

Jan 6, we should just ignore all the riots and stupid marches from 2016 on.

Is the CIA, DOJ or federal government beyond question these days? I donā€™t see any evidence of that. Quite the opposite actually.

Our norms and civility? You destroyed that. Youā€™ve been doing it for years. Changing voting rules a month before the election against the states constitution. What happened to the resist crowd? You used to love that.

Thereā€™s no part of our nation your type hasnā€™t been trying to destroy for 250 years. Itā€™s been a goal for that long. Now you are worried about losing it? A bit late.
Hillary conceded. That is the one that matters...
I'm telling you this as a word to the wise: Treat other people with respect or you might get your shit split. You come off to me in public with that leftarded bullshit caling me a Nazi and all that?! Click! Night night, termite. Sorry about your jaw having to get wired shut, dumbass.
More tin foil! That's why politics are for anonymous message boards lol...VIOLENT RWers well before that point lol........
Doom rats donā€™t concede elections. Many didnā€™t concede and disputed 2016 as legit. Was that wrong?

Democrats filed law suits constantly, every election since 2004. Not unique.

Jan 6, we should just ignore all the riots and stupid marches from 2016 on.

Is the CIA, DOJ or federal government beyond question these days? I donā€™t see any evidence of that. Quite the opposite actually.

Our norms and civility? You destroyed that. Youā€™ve been doing it for years. Changing voting rules a month before the election against the states constitution. What happened to the resist crowd? You used to love that.

Thereā€™s no part of our nation your type hasnā€™t been trying to destroy for 250 years. Itā€™s been a goal for that long. Now you are worried about losing it? A bit late.
No Dem questioned the vote tally itself. Just the garbage lies and foreign interference on the Trump side....Hillary had ZERO classified stuff! All GOP crap!. Still....and all of it. All they have, along with the hate of course....
Doom rats donā€™t concede elections. Many didnā€™t concede and disputed 2016 as legit. Was that wrong?

Democrats filed law suits constantly, every election since 2004. Not unique.

Jan 6, we should just ignore all the riots and stupid marches from 2016 on.

Is the CIA, DOJ or federal government beyond question these days? I donā€™t see any evidence of that. Quite the opposite actually.

Our norms and civility? You destroyed that. Youā€™ve been doing it for years. Changing voting rules a month before the election against the states constitution. What happened to the resist crowd? You used to love that.

Thereā€™s no part of our nation your type hasnā€™t been trying to destroy for 250 years. Itā€™s been a goal for that long. Now you are worried about losing it? A bit late.
Hmm. I don't remember anyone (of importance) making a stink until months AFTER Trump was inaugurated. Even then, it was moot.
More tin foil! That's why politics are for anonymous message boards lol...VIOLENT RWers well before that point lol........
How liberal is it to just call other Americans "Nazis" and Balkanize them, dipshit?

Now I'm no Nazi, but when you start that kinda shit in America, you got to go>

You go trying that shit? You could end up killed by a gun taken from real dead Nazis. Fucktard.

Americans did that. We killed the Nazis, and when you go acting just like them, but calling us them; We have a serious problem. PS: We have their guns we took from them, too.

(and ears)
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Thanks, and itā€™s a definite consideration once I am in a position to relocate. A friend of mine who lived here, and was so fed up with the Democratsā€™ hatred, moved to the west coast of Florida - around Tampa - and loves it there.
I lived in Tampa for 37 years. It was not as conservative as the panhandle but it was still a nice place to live when I left 16 years ago.
Think of sunlight burning a vampire.

That's the effect that liberal good morality and common sense has on the Trump cultists.

On the bright side, if the Trump cultists are feeling pain, it's because they're feeling guilt over their immoral, depraved and treasonous actions. And if they're feeling guilt, there's a possibility they can be saved and returned to normal society.

It's the Trump cultists who aren't feeling guilt that you to watch out for. Those are the sociopaths and psychopaths, the ones that you need to keep pets and children far away from.
Oh? What's that morality and "common sense" based on?

Faggotry and "Climate Change" religion? G'luck with that! :cuckoo:
How liberal is it to just call other Americans "Nazis" and Balkanize them, dipshit?

Now I'm no Nazi, but when you start that kinda shit in America, you got to go>

You go trying that shit? You could end up killed by a gun taken from real dead Nazis. Fucktard.

Americans did that. We killed the Nazis, and when you go acting just like them, but calling us them; We have a serious problem. PS: We have their guns we took from them, too.

(and ears)
There are quite a few who call themselves NZIS, BUT NOT ME. i JUST SHOW THEM THEY ARE BRAINWASHED oops ignoramuses and dupes lol...Election fraud, vax fraud all conspiracies are garbage...
I lived in Tampa for 37 years. It was not as conservative as the panhandle but it was still a nice place to live when I left 16 years ago.
There's many rich Democrats and Democrats on the dole in Tampa.
There are quite a few who call themselves NZIS, BUT NOT ME. i JUST SHOW THEM THEY ARE BRAINWASHED oops ignoramuses and dupes lol...Election fraud, vax fraud all conspiracies are garbage...
Yes, the "vaccines" were a fraud. That's why triple-vaxxed and boosted Biden got the Covid while on vacation. Amirite?
My problem is that Iā€™m both a nice person and sometimes (often) too sensitive for my own good. Because of the first, leftists who have been convinced Trump voters are awful people assume I did not vote for him, and because of the second, I am insulted and angry when they start their demeaning remarks about Trump voters In front of me, or even directed at me (not knowing).

And as Biden has ramped up his attack on Republicans, leading poorly informed people to believe that all Trump voters are threats to democracy, traitors to the nation, white supremacists, and so forth, the freely expressed contempt has ramped up as well. It was particularly bad at a dinner I attended last night.

How do my fellow Trump supporters handle this? If you are in a group meeting, and they start with the nasty remarks, are you continuing to hit back, attempt to educate them, or what? This has been going on for five years, and I hate that any get-together with Democrats becomes a battle as they never fail to bring up Trump voters, and not in a nice way.

I am curious as to how you all handle this, especially since itā€™s gotten much worse since Biden made it clear he considers Trump voters the enemies of the country.
This dog barks back.

Scruffy doesn't take any shit from leftards, in public or any other way.
According to Pew, it definitely leans Republican.

I don't even think it went red in 2016.

I know in 2012, I saw 2 busloads of migrant farm workers load up to go vote. I didn't vote that year, just happened to be buying a used washing machine that day. They had a 6 foot Obama sign in the middle of the migrant farm worker shacks, too. That's not in Tampa actual, but in the Tampa Bay area. The girl who sold the washing machine said they pay them $20 to go vote.

I did not vote that year because I wanted Herman Cain and do not like Romney.

Herman Cain would have been a good president.
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I lived in Tampa for 37 years. It was not as conservative as the panhandle but it was still a nice place to live when I left 16 years ago.
The problem is the brainwashed GOP base is so obsessed by their bs they think of everything as politics and are intolerant of oh gays muslims blacks jews etc. Not too many on the red neck riviera, eh?
This dog barks back.

Scruffy doesn't take any shit from leftards, in public or any other way.
The silent majority is now the loudmouth majority and they never stop talking politics for long lol... How do they know you're RW? lol. I dunno. I only talk politics here... So you start political brawls is that what you're saying? Like about what? Lol man.
Not really. Spent four years working the Russia conspiracy she started and doing interviews about how she was robbed. Get a better example. She even wrote books.
Well no one with a brain denies the Russians were all over social media and hacking Democrats . And it is pretty hard to disprove collusion with Donald Trump. He did talk to Putin for two hours with no witnesses which is unheard of. At any rate the Russians would not need any help from doofus trumpers... Not disproven, just like the dossier...sounds just like him tho....
No Dem questioned the vote tally itself. Just the garbage lies and foreign interference on the Trump side....Hillary had ZERO classified stuff! All GOP crap!. Still....and all of it. All they have, along with the hate of course....
Umm, yes you blamed Russia for those votes. And in your second sentence you claim foreign interference again.

Hillary had a private server with 33,000 emails. The FBI even acknowledged many were classified. When in the same press release they decided not to press charges.

Itā€™s not that I think you donā€™t understand history or facts. Itā€™s simply a problem your ideology canā€™t survive.
Hmm. I don't remember anyone (of importance) making a stink until months AFTER Trump was inaugurated. Even then, it was moot.
The womens, pink pussy hat marches started during the inauguration. Remember that? They were all going to be gang raped and sent to kitchens barefoot. Instead they got the highest levels of employment in history.

How do you not remember this stuff?

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