Is there anyone else besides me who now feels uncomfortable in the company of Democrats?

Katie Hobbs, running for governor of Arizona against Kari Lake, Caused Arizona to have to pay the largest settlement in the history of the state when she paid an employee 'OF COLOR' 3o,000 less than a male counterpart in her office and when the lady complained, Hobbs fired her. The woman sued and won. That payout could have paid every state trooper in AZ 5000 extra in pay but instead it had to pay for HObb's racism. THIS is why Hobbs refuses to debate Lake. Because Lake is not afraid to hit her in the chops with it.

Democratic candidate for governor Katie Hobbs has issued an apology and acknowledged discrimination took place in the firing of a Senate staffer years ago as her campaign faces continued criticism for its scattershot response.

“I recognize that my initial response fell short of taking accountability, and I know that it was for the most part unnecessarily defensive,” Hobbs saidN
Now, when has Trump, or any Republican ever apologised for, or acknowledges a mistake or poor judgement? You dirt digging is a pathetic sign of desparation
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I'm not uncomfortable around anyone. They're who they are and I am who I am. We all have negative quirks as well as positive ones. We should strive to find the good in others and work towards common ideals. Push everything else aside. If YOU can't do that the problem is yours not mine.
King Maker? Really? Then how come most of those congressional candidates who wone primaries with his backing are trailing their Democrat rivals? The answer is that they are crackpots!
We'll see bud. You lefties have driven conservatives underground so we protect our families our homes, our jobs, our lives. Let's wait for november. shall we?
You poh persecuted white privilege middle class citizens. so sweet. I live in conservative area. I'm fine. But i do know from a pollster that the left's violence and the president and democrats violent talk HAVE made conservatives more aware of what is going on around them. BUT they are very excited about November. so sweet. I live in conservative area. I'm fine. But i do know from a pollster that the left's violence and the president and democrats violent talk HAVE made conservatives more aware of what is going on around them. BUT they are very excited about November.
Yeah, there is nothing better than false hope
Katie Hobbs, running for governor of Arizona against Kari Lake, Caused Arizona to have to pay the largest settlement in the history of the state when she paid an employee 'OF COLOR' 3o,000 less than a male counterpart in her office and when the lady complained, Hobbs fired her. The woman sued and won. That payout could have paid every state trooper in AZ 5000 extra in pay but instead it had to pay for HObb's racism. THIS is why Hobbs refuses to debate Lake. Because Lake is not afraid to hit her in the chops with it.

Hobbs wasn't convicted of anything. No criminal charges were filed.
Adams - acting as her own lawyer in federal court - would file and win two civil lawsuits alleging sex and racial discrimination.
The lawsuits were filed against the Arizona State Senate. Hobbs was not named as a defendant.
Especially those brown and blacks that are Democrat voters and office holders.

It wouldn't matter if the DNC or the GOP allowed blacks to hold public office, and it never has, they would still be representing the interests of the establishment, not the black community. Not at least since reconstruction was ended, and Jim Crow was started and ended.

Black politicians care what oligarchs and corporations want, they don't give a shit about the black community. It is why nothing ever changes for the folks they supposedly "represent."

Brainwashed functional moron.... so sweet. I live in conservative area. I'm fine. But i do know from a pollster that the left's violence and the president and democrats violent talk HAVE made conservatives more aware of what is going on around them. BUT they are very excited about November.
What democratic violence? Lol. The only spike in violence in FBI statistics since trump started is GOP haters attacks on blacks Jews Muslims gays et cetera etcetera. And that little matter about January 6th OMG. Change the channel watch anything but Murdoch and find out the truth, super duper.
you people?? excuse me? The only thing the vaxx is effective at is killing the ones that take it.
Great job, super dupe~ What's next, bringing back polio and smallpox with your total bs about the vax? And election fraud, corrupt FBI DOJ courts journalists pedos lol...absolute idiocy... Only Tucker and Sean and Internet nutjobs and the orange con man know the truth right? Poor America
My problem is that I’m both a nice person and sometimes (often) too sensitive for my own good. Because of the first, leftists who have been convinced Trump voters are awful people assume I did not vote for him, and because of the second, I am insulted and angry when they start their demeaning remarks about Trump voters In front of me, or even directed at me (not knowing).

And as Biden has ramped up his attack on Republicans, leading poorly informed people to believe that all Trump voters are threats to democracy, traitors to the nation, white supremacists, and so forth, the freely expressed contempt has ramped up as well. It was particularly bad at a dinner I attended last night.

How do my fellow Trump supporters handle this? If you are in a group meeting, and they start with the nasty remarks, are you continuing to hit back, attempt to educate them, or what? This has been going on for five years, and I hate that any get-together with Democrats becomes a battle as they never fail to bring up Trump voters, and not in a nice way.

I am curious as to how you all handle this, especially since it’s gotten much worse since Biden made it clear he considers Trump voters the enemies of the country.
Trump voters ? They’re not awful, just awfully delusional.
Why do I have to explain to YOU - who already in this threas called me a racist - why I preferred Trump to Biden? The PURPOSE of the thread is to discuss how to deal with Democrats who demean Trump voters, especially in group settings.
Well, if you didn’t beg for it, they wouldn’t do it.
Brainwashed functional moron....

What democratic violence? Lol. He only spike in violence in FBI statistics since trump started is GOP haters attacks on blacks Jews Muslims gays it cetera etcetera. And that little matter about January 6th OMG. Change the channel watch anything but Murdoch and find out the truth, super duper.

Great job, super dupe~ What's next, bringing back polio and smallpox with your total bs about the vax? And election fraud, corrupt FBI DOJ courts journalists pedos lol...absolute idiocy... Only Tucker and Sean and Internet nutjobs and the orange con man know the truth right? Poor America
^^^ Doofus ^^^

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